AM Workout (1030)
Today I felt more recovered than I have in a while, which was a great feeling. I did a lot of relaxing and ate a lot in hopes of recovering over the last two days. 12.3's overhead wasn't very welcome considering all the overhead I had on Monday, but I had no way to know there would be overhead in this week's Open workout. I think overall my current score isn't terrible, but I could do a little better. I missed about 10 reps on the push-press because my knees weren't locked out on some of the jerks before I began lowering the weight. This was just laziness on my part toward the end of the workout. My last round was direly slow, I gassed out so hard toward the end. I really tried to pace it; I had a solid pace for a while. But the last 5 minutes were me just gasping for air. The only set of push-press I got unbroken was the first one. The rest were 8/4 and the last was 6/6. I think when I redo this workout I will do more unbroken sets and be really careful about not missing any reps. My toes-to-bar were unbroken for the first 5 rounds, then 5/4. All the box jumps were unbroken. Anyway, I'm happy with my effort today, it was a good dry run and I'm excited to get some more training in this week and then hit it again Sunday.
IMO this is the most fair and balanced WOD put out yet in the 2012 Open. It is a legit workout, straight Crossfit.
Crossfit 2012 Open 12.3
18 Minute AMRAP:
15 Box Jumps (24" Games Standard)
12 Push-Press (115#)
9 Toes-to-bar
9 Rounds + 6 Box Jumps (330 reps). When I redo this workout I am shooting for 10 rounds+ (360+ reps). This is a realistic goal I think I can achieve with a little tweaking of my strategy. Excited to train again tonight!
PM Workout (1730)
Tonight was a great session. I felt pretty good considering I went 100% this morning. Had a decent WOD, but my time suffered a little bit because the gym was super crowded, had to wait around for people to move etc during the WOD. But I tried to keep the intensity as high as possible. Then I had an awesome rowing session. I love rowing. I programmed this workout, I thought it went well.
For time:
Power Clean (240#)
**if you receive the clean below or at any point go bellow parallel: NO REP
I got 9:30. I could have been quite a bit faster had I not been waiting around for people who were in my way. It was in the evening and the gym was just packed. But overall a solid heavy metcon. A year ago my 1 RM power clean was 200#. Really puts my progress in perspective. The muscle-ups were easy money, felt really good.
Rest 15 minutes then...
Mobility - 10 minutes - working on deep squats, wall squats and general hip mobility - great stuff guided through with a mobility coach.
Rest is partner's set:
250m Row x 2
500m Row x 2
1000m Row
500m Row
250m Row
1:38, 1:38
Awesome effort. The rest periods were short, never felt fully recovered. I love rowing. I was happy with my consistency. Overall an awesome day of training. I'm definitely looking forward to hitting 12.3 again, I can definitely improve my score.
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