Sunday, March 4, 2012


I must say, the 6 more reps I completed today make me feel like a whole new man.

After the workout yesterday, I was discouraged, down and out. I felt like I didn't perform at the level I should have. I was missing reps, dumping the weight all over the place. I felt weak and like a bad athlete. 24 hours and some deep reflection changed everything.

I have never done a workout two days a in a row (I wouldn't recommend it!). But I watched that video of Dan Bailey 'winning the 2011 open' in the Crossfit Journal. He did the final workout 3 times in 24 hours in order to improve his score. I figured if he did that, I should give it another shot. Before the workout today, my hamstrings were super tight and my traps were painfully sore. I wanted to give up and just take my score. But I'm so happy I didn't.

Yesterday, I wanted 80-90 reps. In order to do that I ripped through the 75#/135# and attempted to rip through 165#. I can get away with questionable form and rip and grip 75#/135# with very short rest periods. I can't do that with 165#. So my plan was to go through 75# and 135# fast again, but then not try to blow through to those 80+ reps, just get to 69 (1 more rep than yesterday). I was going to get to 69 slowly, with long rest intervals and not miss any reps. I got to 165# in the right time frame, 4:00 minutes left on the clock (:30 slower than yesterday). At this point I took a huge break. I just chilled and remained calm. I walked slowly up to the bar with confidence, set in position and told myself the word 'quality' over and over in my head. I wanted to get quality reps, no fuck-ups, no misses, just strict good looking and efficient squat snatches.

This is the complete opposite of yesterday, where I was panicked, not resting long enough and missed a ton of reps. Yesterday I was try power snatch 165# as if it were 135# and it just wasn't working. Today I was slow and calm, confident and strong; I felt like an entire different athlete. My friend that watched said I probably could have gotten a few more reps because I was taking such long rest periods. And maybe I could have, but my goal was to not miss reps and it worked. My plan worked and I'm happy with my score. I love that I was able to rethink the workout and get a solid score. 74 reps, no missed attempts, no wasted energy. My goal was to just get 69, so I am definitely happy with 74. Today was a great day.

Someday I will get 91+ reps on that workout. But for now I've got my eyes on the next 2012 Open workout.

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