I was going to do 12.4 again today, but I decided not to. I don't really know how much more I could do in that WOD. Waking up with sore legs was a huge relief; I just thought "well I'm too sore to perform at 100% on those wall-balls, my original score will have to do." This was a weight off my shoulders. Up to this point I knew I was stressed out, especially after my score on 12.3, but it didn't really hit me how stressed until today. After I decided to just go train I was a completely happy person. I love training; the grind; the hard work that makes you better. Competing and peaking for an awesome performance is great, but damn I love the grind and journey that is training for Crossfit.
The Open has made me stressed, emotional and has deteriorated my training program a bit. I'm getting to the point where I'm on the border of being a 'good' crossfit athlete. I've put in a ton of work, but only so much can be achieved in one year of training. I'm at ease with the fact I might not qualify for the 2012 regionals. I know I put in a ton of work and there is nothing different I could have done. I've improved drastically and next year I will improve more. I love hard work, training and breaking limits.
Having said all this, today was the best training session I've had since 12.3. It was great to just go hard and do work with no expectations other than pushing myself as hard as I can. Also some people have been asking how long I spend in the gym a day. Just for a reference point, this entire session took me 90 minutes, including warm-up, stretching, both WODs, skill work and cool-down/mobility.
For time:
Hand-Stand Push-up
Snatch (135#)
Dead-lift (315#)
14.30. I had to break up a lot more of the sets than I thought I would. The sets of 6 were killer. I thought my time would be between 10-12 minutes, but I had to do the snatches as singles which made my time suffer. Brutal on the shoulders. HSPUs felt great. Overall a solid workout.
Rest 15 minutes then...
13 Minute AMRAP @ 155#:
5 Dead-lifts
4 Hang Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
200m Run
8 Rounds + 5 dead-lifts
Solid metcon. I felt really good, 155 felt really light. I kept moving at basically 100% with all sets unbroken. I loved this workout. It was the first time I've done a WOD that I've loved since doing terrible at 12.3. 12.3 really screwed me mentally. It was great to just go do a WOD and not think about anything but going hard.
Rest 10 minutes then...
Tabata Sit-ups - "Rest" in hollow-position
-This burned, try it.
Then 10 minutes of free standing hand stands and hand stand walking; this is slowly but surely improving. I got further than I ever had. A great day of training. I love crossfit (and not doing Open WODs twice in one week). Excited to workout tomorrow!
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