Monday, November 12, 2012


I was supposed to have a 1 RM snatch today. I warmed it up and just was not feeling it. I could have just gone for it, but I knew I wouldn't PR. I was training at the end of the day and I just wasn't in the right place mentally for a 1RM snatch. I felt tired and generally tight throughout my body; especially my lower back. It's just feeling a little tight and I'm not recovering. I feel like I've been in a bit of a rut since my PFT, I don't know why. I'm really going to take this week to get in the right place mentally, I want to do/feel well this weekend when I compete.

Despite feeling terrible on the snatch warm-up, once I started the metcon today I felt really good. My pull-ups and HSPU felt great.

10 RFT:
6  Dead-lifts (225#)
12 Pull-ups
24 Double-unders

16.14. This is a HUGE PR.

I did this workout 367 days ago (I vividly remember doing this, seems like yesterday! Time is flying by!). My time then was about 28 minutes. I remember doing this last year and my HSPUS just going out. Today I got all the HSPUS unbroken. The dead-lifts were unbroken and I had to break up sets 7-10 on the pull-ups. I also missed some double-unders like a dumbass, but my heart-rate was so elevated coming off the pull-up bar on the last few rounds I had trouble getting into a solid pace on the last sets of double-unders. But cutting my time by 12 minutes on this is huge. Jason Khalipa's ~11 minute time on this still boggles my mind. We'll see how much more I can improve my time on this in another 367 days.

I left this training session in a generally upset mood. I wish my elbow was 100% (I have push-presses coming up in a WOD this weekend - not excited to further exacerbate this injury) and I wish my lower back wasn't as tight as it is. It isn't pain, it's just tight as hell. It's a strange feeling. I might have a Dr. appointment in the near future if it doesn't go away.

I am so excited for this semester to be over. I just want to go home and sleep/workout/eat a lot and just recover mentally. Law school and training crossfit at a high level is a taxing combination.

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