Saturday, May 31, 2014


Today was a little frusturating... I feel great... my back is just messed up in a bad way. Had to limit the snatching / jerking and cut out the squat / stiff legged dead-lift all together. Really pissed me off a lot. On a positive note, I felt awesome on the running / burpees. I'm going to have to modify a lot of workouts over this summer... just need to focusing on getting back to full health at this point.

3 Rounds, not for time:
50 Double-unders
6 Muscle-ups
15m handstand walk


Snatch - build up to a heavy single

-Singles: 195#, 205#, 215#, 225# (fail) wasn't feeling great on this, back started tightening up once I got over 200#.

Rack Jerk - build up to a heavy single

-Singles: 185#, 225#, 245# (fail), 245#. I can't believed I missed 245#... my max push-press is 260#... back was feeling so tight it was impossible get into a good position. Really frustrating. Got it for a single and then called it there.

4 Rounds, each for time:
660m Run
8 Push-Press (135#)
16 Bar-facing-burpees
Rest 5 minutes.

-This was great conditioning, it was supposed to be a lot heavier, but I had to modify. Still got a really solid workout out of this. Each round was about 4:00-4:45... running got a lot slower on the last two rounds.

3 Sets:
8 Lying DB Extension (2 x 40#)
+ Immediately after last set: max reps DB floor press (2 x 40#) = 16 reps

-Tricep Pump!

Friday, May 30, 2014


Today was a really solid session. Some light lifting and a solid met con. Some really heavy stuff tomorrow, looking forward to it. Back/hip was a little tight today, but everything felt good today. Looking forward to tomorrow.


-3 Max Sets Weighted Strict Ring Dip (25#) @ 2:00 rest

-6,6,5... tough... my training partner was getting ~15 reps each time. Big weakness here. 

Bench Press – 5 Sets x 10 reps  @ 50% (135#) + 10 (5R/5L) x DB Rows (100#) 

-Solid super set, felt really strong in here. 

Hang Snatch (below knee) - 65% (145#) x 2 x 3, 70% (155#) x 2 x 2

-Really low %s, working on speed/technique. Trying to land as deep as possible in the snatch and move the bar fast. Shoulders still feel a little beat up from Tuesday though. 

EMOM 21 Minutes, alternating stations (each station 7 times): 

Minute 1: 5 C2B Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 20 Double-unders
Minute 2: 250m Row
Minute 3: 10 Bar-facing Burpees 

-This was really great conditioning, I felt solid everywhere. But I only got the full 250m for about the first half of the workout. I was getting 200m for a while, then 150m, last minute on the rower only got 100m. I got all the reps each minute on the other movements though. Really big effort, great stuff. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Active recovery. 31:25 - 4 mile super easy run in downtown Chicago. There were a lot of stoplights in the last 10 minutes of this run... but got on the lakefront for the majority of the time. Didn't push it at all, just went easy from the first step. It was good to get out and move and enjoy a beautiful morning in Chicago. It's a really great place... I just hate it so damn much in the winter. I'm going to be running a few times a week over the summer, it is one of my favorite ways to enjoy my fitness.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Today was the best day I've had in a while. My shoulders are sore, but overall my body felt good. Metcon felt great, this is the first time I've felt really good on a metcon since coming back to training. It might have been because we cut the lifting volume back, but idk. My left hip/back is tight/painful again... it was acting up during the regionals prep training and then went away and now it is happening again. I'm going to cut out anything below parallel / heavy dead-lifting that hurts its. It is super lame, but I'm trying to stay positive about it and still train hard around it. Getting stronger at heavy squats / pulls is not something I really need to get better at anyway.


Power Clean - 65% (220#) x 3 x 1, 75% (242#) x 3 x 1, 75% (242#) x 2 x 3
-Was supposed to be clean pulls + front squats, but I cut them out. 

For time:
Row 500 Meters

20 Pull-Ups

40 Walking Lunges with Two Kettlebell Farmer Carry (32/24 kg)

20 Pull-Ups

Row 500 Meters

-9:45. Unbroken pull-ups, had to break up the lunges a lot. Went 8/7 then sets of 5 steps. 

3 Sets:
15 GHD Sit-ups 
Rest as needed 


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Didn't feel great today... felt really beat up. Nothing felt good and the "metcon" felt terrible... barely got my heart rate up, just couldn't move very fast because my shoulders were so fatigued. This lifting volume might just be too much for my body to handle, might be overtraining because I feel like total shit.


Jerk - heavy single; 80% of HS x 1 x 3
Power Snatch - 70% (155#) x 2 x 5
Push Press - 75% (195#) x 5 x 3

-Jerk: 255#, 80% singles @ 225#
-Power Snatch was easy
-Push-Press was supposed to be 5,5,5, ended up getting 3,4,4. Shoulders were too thrashed to get all the reps. 

5 Strict HSPU
5 Burpee Muscle-ups  

-3 Rds. Had to switch to kipping after the first set. Failed one muscle up. Felt horrible after the jerk/snatch/PP above. 

Monday, May 26, 2014


No 'murph' today... I've done that workout enough times in my life. Stuck with the program I've got written. Today wrecked me. Idk if it was the crappy day yesterday or what... but my body was toast today. I felt fine until about halfway through the pause back squats, the last few sets of those were killer. Cut the met con a little short / totally cut out the accessory moves. Felt nauseated and like a zombie on the walk home. 

Bench Press – 65% (165#) x 5 reps, 75% (185#) x 5 reps, 85% (205#) x Max Reps, 85% (205#) x Max Reps w/ SS 
+ each set superset with: 
Max Reps Strict Weighted Pull-ups @ 25# 

-165# x 5 + 7 pull-ups
-185# x 5 + 7 pull-ups
-205# x 4 + 6 pull-ups
-205# x 9 (sling shot) + 5 pull-ups 

-Solid stuff, felt strong on both of these movements. 

Snatch - 75% (165#) x 3 x 2, 75% (165#) x 2 x 3
Snatch Pull - 95% (of snatch) (225#) x 3 x 5
Pause Back Squat - 65% (275#) x 4 x 5

-Snatching was good... pause back squats were ridiculous. 

2 Unbroken Rounds x 2 sets: 
10 OHS (95#)
10 C2B Pull-ups
Rest 5 minutes

-Didn't feel good on this metcon at all... was just too cashed out. Tried to go as hard as possible though. 


Rest day... wasn't restorative at all. Was moving shit around all day, was stressed and dehydrated, didn't eat much or anything of quality... didn't sleep well. Overall probably the worst 'rest day' I've had in months.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


I felt beat up today. Nothing really felt good. Metcon ruined me... Overhead walking lunges kicked my ass. Slowly but surely getting things back. Lots of hard work today, much needed rest tomorrow.


Strict Pull-ups: 7 unbroken reps x 7 sets, rest as needed

-Complete, tried to keep rest intervals less than :60. 

Snatch - 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, heavy single
Clean & Jerk - 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, heavy single
Front squat - heavy single
Stiff Legged Deadlift - 3 x 5 

-Snatch: Worked up to 210# (pr is 225#) 
-CJ: Didn't do the %s or heavy single, just worked speed and mechanics on the jerk for 5 sets. Kept it really light. I was just too trashed from the all the shoulder stuff / CJ yesterday.
-Front Squat: Built up to 325# for a single (pr is 385#). This is the heaviest I've squatting since coming back, felt good, much more there. 
-Deadlifts @ 225# (2 second tempo down, 2 second tempo up). These murdered my hamstrings. 

For time:
Overhead Walking Lunge (115#)

-14:47. Horrible, OHS walking lunges are the worst. 

Rest as needed…

Complete, not for time: 
230m Farmer’s Carry (2 x 2 pood KB) 

-Had to put down the KBs once. Felt good though. 

Friday, May 23, 2014


Today was a very high volume day. I felt good though, but the metcon was really rough. Took way longer than I thought it would. Those defecit HSPU kicked my ass. Body is a little beat up, lots of resting up to do before tomorrow.


1 RM Weighted Strict Dip

-53#, 89#, 103# (PR), 120# (fail). 
-I've never done a weighted strict dip before, I want to get to 135# soon. 

Bench Press – 10 reps x 5 sets @ 50% (135#)  + Power clean - 65% (225) x 3 reps x 5 sets 

-These 5 'super sets' were fun, getting in the light volume on the bench is always a good time. 

Hang snatch (below knee) - 60% (135#)  x 2 x 5
Snatch push press + Overhead squat - 70% (155#)  x 3+2 x 3

-This was light/technical stuff, went for perfect mechanics and speed on every rep. 

3 RFT:
2 Legless Rope Climbs (15’)
4 Clean and Jerk (205#)
6 HSPU (6” deficit)

-This took ~16 minutes. Can't remember exactly. Horrible after the above volume. 

Accessory Work:
Seated Dumbbell Press – 4 sets of 10 

-35#, 35#, 45# (got 9 reps), 35# (all x 2 DB) 

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Today was a simple, but very tough session. The lifting was rough. Definitely glad I had someone to train with today, those front squats kicked my ass. I didn't want to do them from the first damn set. Also on a very sad note, there is still a bit of inflammation in my hand, so I had to change the metcon. It was supposed to be pull-ups and 2 pood KB swings, a solid grip workout. But this inflammation goes crazy when I have to use my grip, especially on pull-ups, so I changed the workout into something that didn't agitate my hand. Also had to cut out the accessory stuff... I'm pretty pissed I can't train at 100%, but I guess I should be thankful that I can train at all; it's still hard for me mentally though. I want to go 100% every day...

Clean - 70% (235#)  x 3 x 5
Clean Pull - 85% (of clean) (285#) x 4 x 5
Front squat - 75% (275#) x 3 x 5 

-This might look simple... but it was a lot of heavy reps, I was covered in sweat and generally tired as shit after this. 

3 RFT:
30 Cal Row 
20 Burpees-over-erg 

-10:30. Felt okay here, not the most fun workout ever.