Friday, September 11, 2015


80 Minute hill run.

I considered going into the gym today... but I'm really glad I got out and ran instead. It was about 90 degrees here in the middle of the day while I was running in the foothills. I haven't had an experience with heat like this in a very long time. It was great to grind out this run and have the sun on me for so long. I haven't done this run in over 2 years (last time was right before I left for Marine Corps OCS in June 2013). This has always been a very hard run... but today was the longest it ever felt.

This was a 65 minute run the last time I did it (80 minute run today).

Last time I did this run I finished the uphill portion in 30 minutes (33 minutes today).

Last time the downhill portion took 35 minutes (47 today).

Basically in the last two years I've gotten much worse at very long (40+ minute) cardio/running sessions, but distances up to about 40 minutes I'm still okay/about the same with. This is pretty much what I expected  given that living in Chicago has really taken a toll on my ability to run fast/long. But I haven't put any effort or work into actually running faster outside of what I rarely do in crossfit (typically rowing/airdyne indoors most of the year in Chicago, instead of running).

But anyway, I got a lot of today and most importantly, I really enjoyed myself while exercising today. It was great to just run and grind it out. I can't really tell how much of a toll the heat took on me today... when I did this run last time in May 2013, it was 75 degrees out. 90 is a big difference and probably contributed to me running so much slower on the second half. Temperature aside, it was still a big effort and a really fun run. Great stuff, looking forward to a little crossfit tomorrow.

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