Monday, May 30, 2016


Short / low volume day today, was a nice change.

1 Set of Max Strict Pull-ups
Rest: 60
1 Set of Max Strict Pull-ups
Rest :60
1 Set of Max Strict Pull-ups


Incline DB Press
4 Sets of 10, building

-55#,65#,75#, 80# ... all reps complete, no misses

Box Squats (20") 
5 x 135# 
5 x 135#
5 x 225#
5 x 225#
5 x 315#
5 x 315#
5 x 225#
5 x 135# 

-Complete ... just went off feel, 315# is the most I've had on my back in a very long time. 

Box Jump (24/20”) x 12
Thruster (95#) x 6
Bar-Facing Burpee x 6

-6 or 7 rounds? Can't remember... just went through this at a casual 80% pace, enjoyed being able to actually do thrusters. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016


Solid interval session this morning... that 90 second rest interval goes by very quickly. Low volume training week this week, all I had to do today was run. Got out to the track at 0600 on a beautiful morning, it was about 75 degrees and no wind. Absolutely perfect running conditions. My girlfriend and I got after it and had a solid morning track session.

6 x 400m
Rest 1:30

-81 (cramped up... didn't really properly warm up)

Saturday, May 28, 2016


Active Recovery.

Easy 30 minute run.

-Complete, conversational pace.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


This morning was a solid session... body is pretty beat up from the last couple weeks of training. It has been really good training, looking forward to lowering the volume down this next week and coming in fresh the following week. Today was a solid end to a very tough week of training. 

AMRAP 15 (at an 80% effort warm-up pace) 
10-Calorie Row
5m Handstand Walk
5 Toes-to-Bar 

-Complete, 6 rounds ... solid warm-up / handstand walk practice. 

30 Minutes of Glute/Groin/Hamstring Stretching


5 RFT:
Bench Press x 5 (185#/115#)
Dead-lift x 5 (225/155#)

Rest 5:00

4 RFT:
4 Power Clean (205/145#)
4 Shoulder-to-Overhead (205/145#)
8 Bar-Facing Burpees

Rest 5:00

For time:
100 Double-Unders
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135/95#)
100 Double-Unders
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135/95#)
100 Double-Unders

Rest 5:00 

For time: 
Ring Dips

-5:10 ... this was some good training. Bench press sucked after all the push-ups yesterday, otherwise felt solid throughout. I could feel my QL being a little tight on the dead-lifts... I haven't done that movement in months, just put them in their to test them out, won't be training the lift much, but at least I was able to actually do it. 


Didn't really have this planned in here, but it ended up fitting into this week's training well. I felt very recovered and fresh today. I was tired and beat up yesterday, but those 3 x 800s helped me recover a lot. This is one of the fastest 'Murph' times I have ever had... AND I was wearing boots/utes/20# vest.

Wearing 20# vest, boots/utes, for time: 
1 Mile Run 
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run 

-39:20 ... first mile was 7:40 ... last mile was 10:20 ... 20 rounds of 'Cindy' in under 20 minutes. This was a solid time for me. I was happy with my effort and happy that I could air squat without pain. Doing 300 squats as a 'test' of being able to squat again was not in any way a good or smart decision.. but I'm glad I got this in, was a solid day in the gym. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Today was a rough morning... due to work obligations couldn't get this workout in last night and had to get up at 0455 to get this workout in. Needless to say I was really tired and woke up sore from Monday/Yesterday in my hamstrings. Got this in anyway... in retrospect the weather was really nice and I should have enjoyed this more despite feeling tired and sore. Glad I got this in, despite my poor performance.

3 sets:
800m TT
Rest 5:00

-3:02 ... tried to push that first one... just didn't have much in my legs for the second two... not my best performance, but got the work done.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


AM Workout

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps @ 75% (225#) 


Every 3 for 15 (5 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ 80%+

-255#, 275#, 295#, 315# (PR), 325# (fail) ... felt really solid here. I've missed 315# probably about 5 times in my life, to finally get it is a big deal for me. 325# felt heavy out of the rack... after watching the video I got it easily high enough, I just let it get out in front of me a little bit. I will PR my jerk again soon. Really happy to make some progress here. 

On a running clock:

Open 13.1
40 Burpees
30 Snatch (75/45#)
30 Burpees
30 Snatch (135/75#)
20 Burpees
30 Snatch (165/100#)
10 Burpees
Max Reps Snatch (210/120#)

Rest 3:00 until 20:00, then…  

2014 Masters Qualifier Event 3 (sub run for row) 
3 RFT:
330m Run 
50 Double-Unders

-174 reps (24 snatches at 165#) ... this is a 1 rep PR from 2013. After the jerk today and the really hard workout on Monday, I didn't feel fresh at all and it really affected me. My hamstrings were really tight and every snatch just felt much harder than it should have. I was happy with my effort though, I really tried to push it.

-11:01 ... HSPU were 15 ... 10/5 ... 10/3/2 ... I wanted to try to get this workout unbroken, but after the jerks and snatches this was just not happening. Overall a big effort on this, it was great to run in nice weather. 

3 Sets:
Barbell Row (135#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Plank (top of Push-up) x :90
Rest as needed


20 Minute ROMWOD


Monday, May 23, 2016


Today was a much needed light day. My body is ripped up. My hamstrings in particular are just thrashed. Had some other stuff planned out, but just cut it out given how I felt. I was really happy to be able to adjust the volume and focus on recovering today. Hoping I feel more recovered tomorrow.

8 minutes couch stretch
8 minutes frog stretch


3 Sets:
20 Monster-walk steps (10 each side)
Rest as needed
7 Goblet Squats (25# DB)
Rest as needed
24 Wall-Glides (12 each side)
Rest as needed


EMOM 10:
-Even: 10 Pull-ups
-Odd: 40 Double-Unders

-Complete ... very easy pace here, went through this very casually. 

Planks on GHD – 3 x :70
Rest as needed
Super Light Reverse Hypers (50#) x 12 Reps
Rest as needed


Sunday, May 22, 2016


AM Workout

This morning was a really great training session. I felt amazing on pretty much everything again today. Training is going the best it has in over a year... feeling strong and fast and it is making the gym a lot more enjoyable.

Every 2 for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep

-155#, 155#, 175#, 175#, 185# ... solid warm-up 

Every 2 for 10 minutes (5 sets):
3-Position Power Snatch (high-hang, hang, below-knee)

-165#, 185#, 200#, 210#, 215# ... felt really strong here, actually broke parallel on a few of those reps at 210/215# ... fun training. 210/215# are PRs for this complex. 

Every 2 for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3-Position Snatch @ 85% of above (185#) 


Every 2 for 8 minutes (4 sets):
3-Position Snatch @ 75% of above (165#) 


On a running clock:
Power Cleans (135/95#)
Ring Dips

At 10:00…

Hang Power Cleans (155/105#)
Strict Ring Dips

At 20:00

Power Clean (205/145#)

-4:01 ... PR by 48 seconds, unbroken cleans, dips were 11/6/5 ... 6/5/4 ... 5/4.

-2:49 ... cleans unbroken, had to do some singles on those strict dips, this part was tough for me.

-5:02 ... singles on cleans, MU were 6/3 ... 4/2 and 3 ... really big effort here. 

3 Sets: 
Single Arm DB Row (100#) x 10 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Bent Over Reverse Flyes (2 x 10# DB) x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Plank x :90 seconds
Rest as needed


PM Workout

6 x 400m
Rest 2:00


Today was the best track workout I've had this whole running cycle... starting to feel lighter on my feet and not completely exhausted from these track sessions. I felt great on the first half of this, then sort of fell apart. But overall a great workout today, really enjoyed the entire thing. It was 75 with a slight breeze, absolutely perfect weather for a running workout. Great day overall, body is feeling great. Looking forward to an easier day tomorrow and a tough workout on Wednesday. 


Active Aerobic Recovery / Easy 6 Mile Run

-50 Minutes ... kept the pace very comfortable and enjoyed the great weather in Chicago today. It was about 75 and sunny. Great way to spend some active recovery. Looking forward to training tomorrow.

Friday, May 20, 2016


This morning was a decent training session... felt really solid on the rowing and the box squats are the heaviest I've squatted in a very long time.

Each set for time:
1 x 1000m (5 minutes rest)
2 x 500m (2 minute rest between)
2 x 250m (1 minute rest between)

-:44.2 ... that 3:17 might be a 1000m PR... I think it is? 

Glute Bridges (95#) – 3 Sets of 10
Rest as needed
Single Leg Barbell Dead-lifts (95#)- 3 sets of 12 (6 each leg)
Rest as needed


Box Squats – 3 Sets of 10

-275# Across at 20" 

AMRAP 17 Minutes of: 
10 L-Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
15 C2B Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups

-3 Rounds ... kept this on the easier side, just went at about 80% from the start and made sure I didn't tear my hands at all. Solid pump from this workout though. This is a variation of the hero workout 'Weaver.'

20 Minute ROMWOD


Thursday, May 19, 2016


Great training session this morning... felt solid on everything, great day in the gym.

DB Bench Press – 5 RM
Then 80% of that 5 x 5

-80#s, 90#s, 100#s ... 80% = 80#s for the 5x5 

Slingshot Bench Press
3 x 10

-205# across... ended up being 10,8,7 ... really fell apart on this, but it was good training. 

On a running clock:
Row 500m
10 Snatches (155/105#)
20 Toes-to-Bar

at 8:00

Row 500m
15/10 Muscle-ups
30 KB Shoulder-to-Overhead (53/35#)

at 16:00…

Row 500m
20 Toes-to-Bar
15/10 Bar Muscle-ups

at 24:00…

Row 500m
25 Burpees
25 Ring Dips   

-14:32 (6:32)
-22:02 (6:02)
-30:05 (6:05) ... this was some really tough training ... really good workout though. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Had to work late last night (9:30 pm) ... so I wasn't able to make it to the track to get my long intervals in for the week. Decided to get them in this morning. Tried to stay consistent and get as much intensity as possible out of this. Didn't tax me too much, basically ran right around/slightly slower than my 800 pace from last week.

3 x 1000m
Rest 3:00


Tuesday, May 17, 2016


This morning was an amazing workout. Similarly to Monday I felt great on everything. This is the best I've felt in a very long time. Had some good training partners today and really got after it. 

EMOM x 10:
Behind the Neck Split-Jerk x 1 
(stay on the light side; focus on technique and position)

-225# x 3, 245# x 3, 265# x 3, 275# x 1 ... felt better than it has, but still isn't where I want this to be from a technique/position standpoint 

Every 2 for 16 (8 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps (pause in receiving position for 2 seconds)

-225# x 2, 245# x 2, 265# x 2, 275# x 2 ... these felt really solid, hitting 275# twice was nice... hitting that number for anything more than a single is tough for me. Happy with how solid these felt. 

Every 2 for 16 (8 sets):
Push-Press x 3 reps

-205# x 1 set, 225# x 7 sets ... this was a huge battle... getting 225# across those 7 sets was a struggle, but I'm glad I went for it and stepped up to the rack every time not knowing if I was going to get the reps, but still managed to get them all. Great training, really fun time in the gym. 

For Time:
10-8-6-4-2 – Strict HSPU
2-4-6-8-10 – Power Clean (225/155#)
2-2-2-2-2 – Strict Muscle-up

-12:15 ... tough workout, HSPU are feeling good, almost got all the sets unbroken, but had to break up 8 and 6 ... everything else felt easy. 

3 Sets:
Seated Arnold Press Press (2 x 40# DB) x 12
Rest as needed
Barbell Row (135#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Side Lateral Raises (2 x 10# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Plank x :90


Monday, May 16, 2016


Lower volume session this morning... not too taxing, was good to move a little though.

Couch/Frog/Bottom of Squat Stretches


Goblet Squats – 3 sets of 10 (20# DB) 
Rest as needed


For time: 
Calorie Row
Farmer’s Carry Alternating Lunge Steps (2 x 53/35# KB)

-13:31 ... unbroken lunges, tried to stay consistent on the row. I coached two classes right before this and had barely eaten anything... didn't feel great, but got it done. 

3 Sets: 
Planks on GHD – 3 x :70
Rest as needed
Super Light Reverse Hypers x 10 Reps (used 50#)
Rest as needed


Saturday, May 14, 2016


AM Workout (0600)

This morning was a really great workout... one of the best I've had all year / in a very long time. Everything felt great and I had zero pain in my hip/back. Everything just felt fun and I felt very fit... it was how crossfit is supposed to feel. I think the de-load I took like this last week really helped me.

Every 2 for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep

-155#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 185# ... haven't done this in a while, but it felt okay. 

Every 2 for 10 minutes (5 sets):
3-Position Power Snatch (high-hang, hang, below-knee)

-165#, 175#, 185#, 195#, 205# ... this felt very solid. I think this is technically a PR?? I haven't done something like this in a while, but overall it felt good. 

Every 2 for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3-Position Power Snatch @ 80% of above = (165#) 


Every 2 for 8 minutes (4 sets):
3-Position Power Snatch @ 70% of above = (145#)


For time:
1 Round of:
Hang Power Clean (115#) x 30
Ring Dips x 15
Rope Climb (15’) x 3


2 Rounds of:
Hang Power Clean (115#) x 20
Ring Dips x 10
Rope Climb (15’) x 2


3 Rounds of:
Hang Power Clean (115#) x 10
Ring Dips x 5
Rope Climb (15’) x 1

-9:54 ... I was a little nervous about this before we started the workout ... it seemed like it would be pretty tough. I went out hard and never let up the pace though. Hang cleans were 30 UB then the sets of 20 were both 11/9 ... 10s UB ... Ring dips were 10/5 and then all UB. Rope Climbs went really quickly as well. I really surprised myself with how quickly I got through this...  great stuff. 

Single Arm DB Row (80# DB) x 10 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Reverse Flyes (2 x 10# DB) x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Plank x :90 seconds
Rest as needed


PM Workout (1500) 

4 x 400m
Rest 2:00

-74 ... great afternoon on the track ... 70 degrees and breezy. After the higher volume 200s and 800s last week, some lower volume work was a nice change. Looking forward to more running workouts soon. 


Complete rest ... was supposed to do an active recovery run today, but my body felt overall toasted... Coupled with the fact that the weather sucked I decided to just cut the run out and take a nap instead.

Friday, May 13, 2016


This morning was some fun training. I don't think I've ever done a 3 person team workout... it ended up taking a bit longer than I thought it would, but it was fun and different training. Fun end to this transition / de-load week... looking forward to some higher volume this coming week.

Couch Stretch - 10 Min 
Frog Stretch - 6 Min 

Banded Sling Shot Good Mornings - 3 x 10 
Rest as needed
Cat Camel - 3 x 10 
Rest as needed 
Glute Bridges (45# bar) - 3 x 10 
Rest as needed 
Single Leg DL (35# KB) 3 x 12 (6 each leg) 
Rest as needed

-Complete ... great warm-up for my glutes 

Box Squats - 3 x 10

-225# Across ... felt very easy / pain-free. 

For Time, 3 Person Team, one person working at a time:
75 Clean and Jerk (155/105#)
75 Ring Muscle-ups
75 Knees-to-Elbow 
110 Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
150 Burpees
110 Kettle-bell Swings (72/53#)
75 Strict HSPU
75 Snatch (135/95#)
75 Bar Muscle-ups

-47:47 ... fun/different workout. Too many burpees... otherwise great. 


Finally got to do my 800s on the track this week... it was a very nice change. Also didn't run alone today... which was also a very nice change. The weather was decent, sunny and about 55 degrees with a slight breeze. Got these in pretty early at around 7 am... felt a lot more intensity out of these than doing the BS 3:00 / 10 MPH intervals on the treadmill... Anyway, looked like this:

5 x 800m Run 
Rest 3:00 

-3:02 (shit the bed) 

-Was really trying to stay in the 2:50-55 range, hit the wall really hard on that 4th interval. Overall glad I got this in though, I don't feel much faster at running yet, but overall the running program is going great. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

Got a lot of intensity out of this morning ... was a fun/different workout with lots of bodybuilding stuff. It was a nice change ... body is overall feeling great and ready for the next couple weeks of tough training.

6 Sets (6 minute clock):
25 Seconds – Max Muscle-ups
35 Seconds Rest

-7,7,6,5,5,5 ... clock got a little fucked up because we were only sharing one pair of rings ... so we took a little bit of extra rest on a few of the rounds... but still got a lot out of this, felt solid on the rings. 

For time: 
Bodyweight Bench Press (195#)
Strict Pull-ups

-22:54 ... this workout was tough for me, was shooting for under 20 minutes, but bench pressing felt tough after part A. Got through this workout, had to do a few singles on each set of those BW bench presses. Strict PU were easy throughout. 

Two Sets (16 minute clock):
1 Min – Slingshot Push-ups
1 Min – Barbell Row (115/75#)
1 Min – On Ground Seated Barbell Shoulder Press (45/35#)
1 Min – Barbell Curls (45/35#)
4 Minute Rest

-Don't remember my reps on any of this, but got a ton of intensity out of this and just went for a pump. Great stuff.

3 Sets:
Cheat Hammer Curls (2 x 60# DB) x 10 Reps
Rest as needed
Tricep Extensions (2 x 40# DB) x 10 Reps
Rest as needed

-Solid finisher for the arms, always fun.

PM Workout (1830) 

18 Calorie Row
9 Push-ups
18 Hello-Dollies (Four-count)
9 Dive Bomber Push-ups

-6 Rounds ... wasn't planning on doing this, but basically just got this in out of boredom. Put it together on the spot and got a sweat on by myself at home. Wasn't too taxing, but was fun to get it in. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Complete Rest ... 40 Minute ROMWOD first thing in the morning.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

This morning was a good session. Very low volume this week, this was a good de-load session to just move around a little bit in the gym.

Death by Strict Pull-ups w/ 20# Vest

-Round of 8 + 6 reps ... got further than I thought I would. Haven't done this in a while. 

Incline DB Press
4 Sets of 10, building

-45#, 65#, 75#, 85# (fail - only got 85#s for 6 reps) 

AMRAP 12: 
DB Push-Jerk (2 x 50/35#) x 5 reps
Box Jumps, step-down (30/24”) x 7 reps

-12 Rounds ... kept a consistent pace at about 85% effort ... everything felt good here. 

PM Workout (1500) 

Every 2 for 24 minutes (12 sets) of:
200m Run

-This was supposed to be:

12 x 200m Run
Rest 1:30

...but I just used a running clock to get through this workout quicker, so I lost a little bit of rest. It was raining so I didn't bring my phone to record my times, but my fastest slowest were 28/35 ... the last few of these were really rough. The weather totally sucked and it had been raining all day... but I forced myself out there and got the work done. I was also feeling bad about being uselessly hungover yesterday... I still have guilt about binge drinking to this day... I was supposed to do this workout yesterday, but obviously I put it off for a day. All my workouts for the week are written, it is lower volume, so I'll be sure to get them all in despite having to shift a few of them around on the fly. Overall I got a lot of intensity out of this and I'm glad I got it in. 

Monday, May 9, 2016


Further complete rest / slight hangover ... ended up letting a little loose yesterday and having some drinks and two cheat meals. It was worth it to relax and enjoy myself.

This week is a lower volume / de-load week ... I will still be getting in my 3 running workouts and a little bit of easier crossfit workouts.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Despite training alone, this morning was a really good workout. 

Couch/Frog Stretch for about 20 minutes

Every 3 minutes for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Row 500m

-1:43 ... kind of shit the bed on the last one, but otherwise was being very consistent. 

Box Squat – 3 sets of 10

-185# Across to a 20" box ... felt very easy, but just feeling out the positions. 

3 Sets, not for time: 
Glute Bridges (45#) x 10 reps 
Rest as needed 
Single Leg KB Dead-lift (35#) x 10 reps 
Rest as needed


‘McCluskey’ (sub DU for 800m run)
3 RFT:
9 Muscle-ups
15 Burpee Pull-ups
21 Pull-ups
150 Double-Unders

-20:50 ... this was a tough workout, especially those big sets of DU. I felt pretty solid though, really enjoyed this workout.

6 Sets (up and down the pyramid):
90# Sled Push x entire alley
180# Sled Push x half of alley
270# Sled Push x half of alley
Rest is partner's set + 60 seconds

-Complete ... unknown distance, this was some good training, haven't pushed a sled in well over a year, but this was great to throw in there. As the weather is getting better I'd really like to do utilize the sled more.

30 Minutes stretching/cool-down.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

Got a lot out of this morning, it was a tough session. Great lifting and conditioning workouts. 

Pause Floor Press
Build to a heavy single
Then 85% of that 3x3
Then 75% of that 4x4
Rest as needed

Singles = 205#, 225#, 235#
85% = 200# 3x3
75% = 175# 4x4

Sling-Shot Bench Press
3 sets of 10 (try to go 5-10# heavier than last week for each set)
Rest as needed

-195# Across (used 185# last week) ... felt strong here, probably more there, but these were good sets. 

5-Calorie Row
5m Hand-Stand Walk
5 Knees-to-Elbow  

Rest 5:00

For time: 
Snatch (135/95#)
Bar-Facing Burpees

Rest 5:00 

5 RFT:
50 Double-Unders
25 Push-Press (75/55#)

-10 Rounds

-The handstand walk workout was fun, it was a good workout. This was the first handstand walking I've done in a while, it ended up being better than I thought it would be.
-Snatches were 6 ... 5/4 ... 4/3/1/1/1/1/1 ... rough sprint of a workout, really tough.
-The last workout sucked the most... really tough to do that many push-presses ... my shoulders were completely done by this point.

3 Sets:
Side Plank Right x :70 Seconds
Rest as needed
Side Plank Left x :70 Seconds
Rest as needed
DB Curls (2 x 30#) x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Tricep Extensions (2 x 30#) x 15  reps
Rest as needed 


PM Workout (1730) 

3 Mile @ 85% of last week’s 3 Mile TT

(8:34 mile pace = 7 mph)

-So this was supposed to be an easy 3 mile run... but I ended up going for about 4.5 miles for a total run time of 37:00 ... the weather was amazing (82 with a slight breeze) and I just wanted to enjoy the sun. 


Complete Rest

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

This morning was a really good workout... other than feeling crappy on the behind the neck jerks and tweaking my back a little on the DB snatches, everything else was a very solid workout. 

3 Strict HSPU (add deficit as needed)

-Used a 1" Deficit here ... not ground breaking, but got all the reps. 

Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Behind the Neck Split Jerk x 1 rep (building)

-205# x 1 set
-225# x 3 sets
-245# x 3 sets
-260# x 2 sets
-270# x 1 set (failed this rep ... this is really light, just caught it wrong... stupid miss) ... my position from behind the neck still isn't great... can easily hit 275# every time from the front, so I really want to work on this position and get better from behind the neck. 

Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes (10 sets):
1 Power Clean + 1 Power Clean + 1 Push-Jerk  (building)

-205# x 1 set
-225# x 2 sets
-235# x 3 sets
-245# x 2 sets
-250# x 2 sets 

5 RFT:
12 DB Snatch (70/50#)
9 Bench Press (185/125#)
6 Bar Muscle-ups

-25:40 ... was shooting for under 20 on this workout, but the bench press for the last couple sets took me a very long time. I also tweaked by back on one of the DB snatches on round 3 ... so I went through the 4th and 5th round slower than I would have otherwise because of this... it really frustrated me... I haven't had any pain in over a month. 

Barbell Row (135/95#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Face-Pulls x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Cat-Camel x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Side-Bends x 10 reps
Rest as needed


PM Workout (1600) 

4 x 800m Run
Rest 3 minutes

-3:00 for all of the intervals ... ran these on the treadmill again due to shit weather conditions in Chicago... really didn't want to do these... took a lot of effort to get on with this and step on that damn treadmill... but once I got going everything felt solid.