Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Complete Rest ... wanted to train today, but couldn't fit it in my schedule ... body was feeling beat up as it is, probably needed the rest.

Monday, October 30, 2017


Got in and hit the class workout this morning, ended up being a fun/different workout than I typically do. Very intense on the grip, was a nice change.

Front Squat
3 x 10 (max effort)
Rest as needed

-Working sets = 225#, 255#, 275# ... probably more there, but 275# for 10 is still decent for me right now.

5 Rope Climbs (15')
10 Toes-to-Bar
15 C2B Pull-ups
20 Calorie Row
25 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35#)

-2 Rounds + 4 RC ... was about halfway up the rope on that last set, arms were completely blown up at this point. I got to the rope with 2 minutes left and only got 4 reps... a bit disappointing at the end, but high volume RC are definitely something I need work on. Overall a solid workout on the forearms/biceps.

'Death by Strict HSPU'

-8 Rounds + 6 reps ... went to complete failure here on the set of 9. Strict HSPU overall felt pretty good though.



Saturday, October 28, 2017


Complete Rest ... was going to do some gymnastics stuff today... but cut it out due to feeling too beat up from yesterday.

Friday, October 27, 2017


AM Workout (0700)

Had a great track session this morning. I felt much more fit running today than I did last week. It was a little tough getting moving this early on a Saturday, but once we got over there and warmed up it was a really good time. When we got to the track it was still dark and the sun was rising throughout this workout, it was a great way to start the day.

3 x 600m
Rest :60 between sets
4 x 400m
Rest :60 between sets
5 x 200m
Rest :60 between sets

-Result =
-600s = 2:09 / 2:13 / 2:20
-400s = 82 / 85 / 92 / 91
-200s = 34 / 36 / 35 / 36 / 32 ... kind of fell apart on the 400s ... but the rest interval was very short. Went really hard on that last 200 ... felt strong there.

PM Workout (1230)

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
Snatch x 2 reps - start at 65% (165#) and build over the course of 10 sets

-165#, 165#, 185#, 185#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 215#, 220#, 225# (fail - 1 rep) ... missed that second rep at 225# out front ... should have had it, it felt really solid, just got it my head a little bit about the weight and lost it. Overall happy with how this felt today, 220# felt very smooth.

On a running clock:

Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes (6 sets):
Run 400m
12 Push-Press (115/75#)
6/4 Muscle-ups

Rest until the clock reaches 40:00 then...

Teams of 2:
30/20 Cal. Assault Bike (each)
100 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
30 Power Cleans (225/155#)
100 Pull-ups
30/20 Calorie Assault Bike (each)

*Partner 1 starts on the bike, once he or she completes the assault bike they start chipping away at the wall-balls. When partner 2 finish the assault bike they may advance to the wall-balls and assist partner 1. Once the wall-balls are complete then both athletes work on the 30 power-cleans. After completion of the PC, both athletes start chipping through 100 pull-ups and then each partner must finish with 30/20 assault bike calories.

-Result =
-Intervals were 2:17 / 2:25 / 2:31 / 2:40 / 2:47 / 2:59 ... all sets unbroken, progressively got much slower ... my run suffered a lot on the last two sets, but overall a big effort, was proud of myself for getting those last two sets of muscle-ups unbroken.
-Team workout = 21:08 ... rough after the intervals, but good aerobic work.

2 Sets of:
Unsupported DB Rows (70#) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed
GHD Plank Hold x :60
Rest as needed



Complete Rest ... upper body is sore from yesterday.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


AM Workout (0530)

Got a short upper-body bodybuilding session in this morning. Felt pretty solid on everything, got a decent pump.

Bench Press
4 sets of 5, building
Rest as needed

-185#, 205#, 210#, 215# (f - failed the last rep and needed a spot)

after the 4th set, one set for max reps at 135#:

Max Reps = 24 reps

Alternating Standing KB Press
3 Sets of 20 (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-53# KBs x 8 each arm ... 53# KBs x 7 each arm ... 35# x 10 each arm ... dropped it down on that last set... was going to failure on the first two sets ... have never done this movement, was very challenging.

10 Super-Sets:
Strict Weighted Dips (10#) x 10 reps
DB Hammer Curls (2 x 50# DB) x 10 reps
Rest :90

-Complete ... failed the 10th dip on the 9th set and the 9th and 10th rep on the 10th set ... big effort/huge pump on this. Great training.

3 Super-Sets:
DB Skull Crushers (2 x 25# DB) x 10 reps
DB Tricep Extensions (2 x 15# DB) x 10 reps
Rest :90


PM Workout (1645) 

Due to time constraints this morning the short workout I got in left me wanting more. Went back to get in some extra stuff at the gym at work. Was in and out in 30 minutes and got a decent pump.

4 Sets of:
Incline DB Bench Press x 10 reps
Rest as neeed

-40#, 60#, 70#, 70#s

3 Sets of:
Side Lateral Raise x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-15#, 15#, 20#s

3 Super-Sets:
Tricep Push-Downs x 12 reps
Rope Cable Curls x 12 reps
Rest :60

-Complete ... don't remember loads

3 Sets:
Single-Arm Tricep Push-Down x 20 reps (10 each arm)

-25# across

3 Sets:
Wide-Grip Cable Bicep Curl x 12 reps
Rest :60


3 Sets:
Face Pulls x 20 reps

-Complete ... don't remember loads

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Today was a shorter, albeit solid, session. Got in and out and in an hour during open gym.

On a running clock:

Every 2 for 6 (3 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 1 rep

Every 2 for 6 (3 sets):
High-Hang Snatch @ 70% (175#)

Every 2 for 6 (3 sets):
Hang-Snatch @ 80% (195#)

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Snatch @ 80%+ (195#)+

-Muscle Snatch = 135#, 155#, 175# (fail x 2 attempts) ... this felt awful, haven't done one of these in ages, it was embarrassing to miss such a light load
-High-Hang = 175# across ... didn't feel great
-Hang-Snatch = 195# across ... felt much better, got all the reps easily
-Snatch = 195#, 205#, 210#, 215#, 220# ... these all felt solid, probably could have done more, but haven't been snatching over the last few months. Looking forward to getting back into it.

3 RFT:
300m Row
12 Strict HPSU
20/15 Calorie Bike (try to maintain 70 RPM)
12 C2B Pull-ups

-Unbroken in 11:11 ... felt very good on everything ... tried to keep the RPM around 70, something I usually don't think about, it was a good challenge. This was a great workout overall.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Hit the class workout this morning ... was decently taxing for a class workout. I had fun with this one, tried to go as fast as I could, but my conditioning is still not great.

5x5 - use same weight across
Rest as needed

-215# across ... missed the 5th rep of 5th set ... but overall a good effort, this was a challenging load for me. Fun lifting.

10 RFT:
3 Dead-lifts (315/205#)
4 Muscle-ups
5 Over-the-Bar Burpees

-13:37 ... kept an EMOM pace for 4 minutes, then began to slow a lot on the burpees over the second half of this. Good/simple conditioning, got a lot of intensity out of this.

3 Sets:
Single Leg KB Dead-lifts (72#) x 20 reps (10 each leg)
Rest as needed
Double Upside-down Front Rack KB Holds (2 x 26# KB) x :40
Rest as needed



Complete Rest ... body is pretty sore from the weekend workouts. Starting the week off with a rest day was great though ... this schedule over the next few months should be great.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Had a great day of training ... felt solid throughout, which was surprising given the volume yesterday and that I haven't been running hard lately. Overall a fun Sunday. Looking forward to resting tomorrow and hitting it hard this coming week.

Track Workout (1000)

On a running clock:

0:00 - 800m Run
4:00 - 400m Run
6:00 - 200m Run
10:00 - 800m Run
14:00 - 400m Run
16:00 - 200m Run
20:00 - 800m Run
22:00 - 400m Run
24:00 - 200m Run

-2:46 / 1:16 / :37
-3:00 / 1:19 / :36
-3:01 / 1:24 / :36 ... ROUGH ... very short rest intervals, but got a lot of intensity out of this. It was fun to be back on the track. Looking forward to more of these in the coming weeks.

Gymnastics Workout (1200) 

For time:
4 Rope Climbs (15')
3 Rope Climbs (15')
2 Rope Climbs (15')

-6:49 ... HSPU were 18 unbroken ... 9/6 ... 6/3/3

Rest 10-15 minutes then...

500m Row
21/15 Calorie Bike
40 Foot Hand-Stand Walk
3 Rounds of C2B Cindy (5 C2B Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats)

-2 Rounds + 5 Calories

Friday, October 20, 2017


Got to program my own session today and a few people from the gym came out to workout with us. Overall a great session ... I felt solid on everything despite not hitting this much crossfit volume. Looking forward to getting after training over the coming months with a lot of workouts like this.

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

Build over the course of 10 sets to today's heavy complex (start around 60-65%)

-185#, 205#, 225#, 245#, 255#, 265#, 275# x 4 sets ... I felt very strong on all these reps ... jerk was a little questionable at 275#, but I tried to stay outside my comfort zone and get all those reps. Big effort, really fun training.

On a running clock:

For time:
Thrusters (165/115#)

At 10:00 begin...

For time:

3 Rounds:
7 Dead-lifts (345/225#)
7 Bar Muscle-ups

straight into...

3 Rounds:
21 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
21 Toes-to-Bar

at 40:00 begin...

Teams of 2, one partner working at a time:
Calorie Row
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")

-Result =
-4:20 ... unbroken thrusters ... Muscle-ups were 6/3 4/2 and 3
-12:45 ... I was surprised by how good everything on this felt, especially the bar MU ... haven't done any of them in 11+ weeks, but they felt very good. Each set was 5/2 ... I was a little bummed I had to break up the dead-lifts, but I haven't been doing any dead-lifts in conditioning workouts, will get this back soon.
-14:00 ... this was purely a grinder of a workout, great aerobic training/finisher.

3 Sets of:
One-Arm DB Bench Press x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed
GHD Plank Hold x :60
Rest as needed

-Complete ... presses were with a set with 50# and then two with 70# DB


Active Recovery.

-40 Minute Easy Run ... ran 20 minutes out and back, ran from my office out to OCS and back... it was about 70 degrees with a slight breeze ... overall really nice weather for a chill run. I felt so good I almost wanted to get in another hard training session... but I figure that I need to ease back into hard training and keep the volume low over the next few weeks ... but I am looking forward to hitting a solid session tomorrow.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Hit up the class workout again... it was some okay aerobic conditioning ... nothing crazy.

EMOM 15 (5 sets):
Min 1 - Double KB Hang Cleans (2 x 53#) 
Min 2 - Plank x :60 
Min 3 - Renegade Row x 6 reps (2 x 50# DB)

-Complete ... more of warm-up than anything, but the gym had it on the board as a workout... I felt very warm and ready for anything after this. 

Rest 10 minutes then... 

For Max Reps (16 min clock):
Min 1 - Box Jump Overs (24/20")
Min 2 - Suitcase Carry Box Step-Ups (24/20") @ 53# KB
Min 3 - Thrusters (45/35#)
Min 4 - Rest 

-Complete ... don't remember the exact numbers, but definitely got some quality intensity out of this. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Got in an early workout this morning at 0530... it is nice to get back to a routine... legs still a bit sore from the front squat EMOM the other day, but overall felt solid on everything we did today. It was nice to get in some reps on the rings again... haven't touched them in about 10 weeks, but everything felt fine.

With a partner, one partner working at a time:
20 Pull-ups
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead (155/105#)
20 Toes-to-Bar
20 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
20 Calorie Row

-5 Rounds + 49 reps (9 T2B) ... hit this with my WIFE ... first partner workout since getting married. Felt solid on everything, we never really slowed down at all and took the class.

EMOM 10:
3/2 Ring Muscle-ups

-Complete ... got all the reps ... tore my hand a bit, which sucked, but I am looking forward to training more gymnastics movements after taking a few months to just lift.

20 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete ... felt amazing ... really need to get back in to doing these every day... wasn't fitting them in my schedule while at school.


Complete Rest

Monday, October 16, 2017


Hit the class workout this evening at 5:30 pm ... didn't feel particularly great on the conditioning piece, but felt very strong on the front squats. Looking forward to another day in the gym tomorrow.

4 RFT:
400m Run
3 Rope Climbs (15')
10 Power Cleans (135/95#)

-14:45 ... unbroken PC ... very slow runs ... consistent rope climbs... slowed down a bit on the final set. Overall a good aerobic/forearm workout ... looking forward to cutting a few lbs and hitting the conditioning hard over the next few months.

Rest 10 minutes then...

EMOM 10:
Front Squat x 2 reps

-280# for 5 sets
-300# for 5 sets ... for an average of 290# load across ... more there, probably could have gone 300# for 5 sets and 315# for 5 sets ... but overall a fun finisher ... burned my quads quite a bit.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Typically don't train on Sundays... but has been weird with graduating from school / traveling back to VA. Got in the gym and hit the class workout and then got in an arm pump afterward ... didn't feel particularly great during the crossfit workout, but 120 toes-to-bar would probably slow down anyone.

3 Sets:
KB Bulgarian Split Squats, farmer's carry grip (2 x 53#) x 20 reps (10 each leg)
Rest as needed
Ring Support Hold x :40
Rest as needed


4 RFT:
20 KBS (72/53#)
30 Toes-to-Bar
400m Run

-20:01 ... KBS unbroken, runs were consistent and slow... had to break up the TTB quite a bit, especially during the second half. Definitely a burner on the core and grip.

10 Sets:
Strict Dips x 10 reps
Rest :90
DB Hammer Curls (2 x 45#) x 10 reps
Rest :90

-Complete ... got a huge pump from this, was a fun finisher.

10/13 & 10/14

Complete Rest / partying / traveling

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Had a pretty decent lower body / conditioning workout this afternoon. Has been pretty stressful / time consuming while checking out of this school... but tomorrow is the last day and I'll be headed home on Saturday. Can't wait to get back into a solid training/diet/sleeping/work routine ... I've had fun switching up my training over the last 10 weeks, but I'm over not being back home and dictating how I spend the majority of my time.

EMOM 12 (3 sets):
Min 1 - Snatch x 2 reps @ 70% (175 #)
Min 2 - Snatch x 2 reps @ 73% (185#)
Min 3 - Snatch x 2 rep @ 75% (190#)
Min 4 - Rest

-Complete ... felt very solid, got all of the reps easily.

Back Squat
7 reps @ 60% (245#)
5 reps @ 70% (285#)
3 reps @ 80% (325#)
7 reps @ 60% (245#)
5 reps @ 70% (285#)
3 reps @ 80% (325#)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

-Complete ... felt better than last week, but didn't feel particularly great.

'Fight Gone Bad-ish'
3 Rounds, for max reps (18 minute clock):
1:00 - Cal Row
1:00 - Sumo-Deadlift High Pull (75/55#)
1:00 - Box Jump Overs (24/20")
1:00 - Push-Press (75/55#)
1:00 - Air Squats
1:00 - Rest

-137, 125, 118 ... this was a similar stimulus to traditional FGB... but had to change the movements a bit... didn't want to do high repetition box jumps and didn't have access to a wall-ball... had to change the stuff around on the spot, but still got some great conditioning out of this.

3 Sets:
Weighted Hip Extensions (35/25#) x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Front Rack KB Reverse Lunge (2 x 35#) x 20 reps (alternating)
Rest as needed

-Went light here, was pretty tossed from the previous work, but got through everything.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Today was a great workout... I have had a ton stress from work schedule / bull shit / getting all my shit together to move back to Virginia. I can't wait to no longer live in a fucking hotel and not have my time fucked with by instructors at a military school. Anyway, had a great workout today, caught a huge pump in my chest and arms.

Bench Press
10 Minutes to work a single


5 sets of 7 reps, start at 75% of today's single and increase the load
Rest as needed between sets

-Singles = 215#, 225#, 235#
-Working sets = 175#, 180#, 185#, 190#, 195# (f) x 6 ... failed the 7th rep on the 5th set. Big effort here, was fun to barbell bench, didn't hit it last week.

10 Super-Sets:
Decline DB Bench Press (2 x 70# DB) x 10 reps
Rest :90
Strict Pull-ups x 10 reps
Rest :90

-Got through 8 sets complete, then failed and got 8 reps and 9 reps of DB Bench on the 9th and 10th sets respectively. Huge effort... left me totally tossed.

3 Super-Sets:
Strict Weighted Dips x 10 reps
DB Hammer Curls (2 x 40#) x 10 reps
Leg Raises x 15 reps
Rest 2:00


3 Super-Sets:
Incline DB Fly (2 x 25#) x 10 reps
DB Row (75#) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Hollow Rocks x 15 reps
Rest 2:00


3 Super-Sets:
Incline DB Skull Crushers (2 x 20#) x 15 reps
DB Tricep-Kick Backs (2 x 15#) x 15 reps
V-ups x 15 reps
Rest 2:00


3 Super-Sets:
Standing EZ Bar Curl (70#) x 10 reps
Seated Alternating DB Curl (2 x 15# DB) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest 2:00

-Complete ... was totally dead by this point... insane session. Great stuff.


Active Recovery / very low volume day. 

'Marine Corps CFT'

-Ran a 2:27 800m run in boots/utes = 100 points
-Ammo Can Lifts = 127 = 100 points
-Movement Under Fire = 2:21 + 5 seconds = 84 points (missed the grenade toss again... which sucked, have only missed this twice in my life, the second time being toady.

284/300 score ... this was a group PT / not for score event, but it is good to know where I'm at. The run/ammo can lifts felt surprisingly great. Need to work on some lactic/speed stuff in order to improve on the MUF... 300 score is viable when I hit this for score in about a month.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Friday, October 6, 2017


Wow... today kicked my ass... and only because of part C... those sled pushes DESTROYED me. I was having trouble simply putting away my weights ... cut the accessory work afterward way down... was just too tossed to push it at all... haven't been this taxed from a workout in a long time... I guess I need to do more sled work.

Snatch-Grip Dead-lift
Rest as needed

-205#, 225#, 255#, 275#, 295# ... felt very solid on these, haven't done them in months (maybe years?) so didn't really know how to load them, just went off feel.

3 RFT:
20 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
20 KBS (53#/35#)
10 Power Cleans (185/125#)

Rest 5 minutes

3 RFT:
10 Dead-lifts (225/155#)
20 KBS (53/35#)
20 Wall-Balls (20/14#)

-8:44 ... both of these were solid conditioning pieces ... got a lot of good intensity out of this.

Rest 10 minutes then...

8 Rounds, with a partner (4 rounds each):
100m Sled Push (Weighted of sled + 90#)
Rest is partner's set

-This took about 10 minutes total... it was on shitty dry grass with an old shitty sled... I haven't felt so taxed from something in ages... I also have never pushed such a small load on a sled, but the friction and lack of a solid surface made this terrible. Great training... but damn I was smoked.

3 sets of 20 (10 each arm):
Single-Arm DB Preacher Curl
Rest as needed

-30# across ... couldn't push the loading... was totally destroyed by this point.

3 sets of 10:
EZ Bar Bicep Curls
Rest :90

-70# across

3 Sets of:
Close-Grip Cable Curl x 10 reps
Close-Grip Reverse Cable Curl x 10 reps
Rest :90

-25# across ... good pump/finisher.


This afternoon was a super solid workout. I felt great throughout and really enjoyed myself today. Pushed the loading where I could and got a lot of intensity out of this. I really enjoyed the GVT super-set variant we did today, it was challenging and fun. Looking forward to training tomorrow.

*Increase the load over 9 sets
Rest as needed

-Push-Press = 185#, 195#, 205#
-Push-Jerk = 205#, 225#, 235#
-Split-Jerk = 245#, 250#, 255# ... this was challenging... shoulders were smoked, but no missed reps and all reps were touch-and-go out of a rack ... good training, could have gone heavier with some jerk blocks ... I really miss using those.

10 Super-Sets:
Decline DB Bench Press (2 x 65# DB) x 10 reps
Rest :90
Strict Pull-ups x 10 reps
Rest :90

-Complete ... first few sets felt easy, by the 6th set I had a huge pump and by the last 3 sets I was struggling badly... tough and really fun. This was one of the best pumps I've ever had.

3 Super-Sets:
Incline DB Fly (2 x 25#) x 10 reps
DB Row (75#) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest 1-2 minutes


3 Super-Sets:
Decline DB Skull Crushers (2 x 20#) x 15 reps
DB Tricep-Kick Backs (2 x 15#) x 15 reps
Rest 90 seconds

-Complete ... always a burner, really tough and good finisher on the triceps.

3 Super-Sets:
Rear-Delt Fly Machine x 12 reps
Close-Grip Tricep Push-downs x 15 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... don't even remember the loading ... just got through this, I was totally done by this time.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Active Recovery Day

Easy 5 Mile Run

-Complete ... out in 25ish and back in 23ish ... went very easy ... legs are extremely toasted from the last two days of working out. My hamstrings were painfully sore with every step I took.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Another typical 'crossfit' day today... the toughest part of this was surprisingly part A. It really left my lungs torched. Overall a great workout though. Did A and B outside in about 60 degree and sunny weather here in Newport RI... great conditions for working out. Had a lot of fun doing this stuff, after taking those 8ish weeks away from high volume crossfit, this was a nice change.

Each for time: 

5 Clusters (135/95)
3 Clusters (155/105)
1 Cluster (185/125)

Rest 2:00

5 Clusters (155/105)
3 Clusters (185/125)
1 Cluster (205/135)

Rest 2:00

5 Clusters (185/125)
3 Clusters (205/135)
1 Cluster (225/145)

-Result = 
-1:12 - unbroken
-1:55 - singles starting at 185# 
-3:37 - all singles 
-This was a bitch and a half ... way different from how I've been training lately; very fun and difficult.

For time: 

800m run


5 Rounds:
12 Toes-to-Bar
9 Overhead Squats (95/65#)
6 Strict HSPU 


800m run

-20:37 ... splits were 3:00 for first 800, then finished the 5 rounds at 17:07, then a 3:37 800 ... T2B and OHS unbroken, HSPU were 6 ... 3 sets of 4/2 ... 3/3 ... rough on the HSPU, overall a very fun workout and I didn't feel too out of shape on the other stuff. 

3 Sets:
Plank x :60 
Rest as needed 
Face-Pulls x 20 @ (32.5#)
Rest as needed


10 Minutes Stretching



Finally back in the gym after a whirlwind of a weekend... still felt a little tired when I woke up this morning... but got into the gym and got in a traditional 'crossfit' style workout.

5 C2B Pull-ups + 5 Air Squats

-Complete ... added this in... needed to wake up and get loose, was a solid warm-up.

3 RFT:
30 Hang Power Cleans (115/85#)
30 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
90 Double-Unders

-14:40 ... splits were 3:40 / 9:30 / 14:40 ... gassed out hard on the second round after coming out of the gate hot ... rough on the lungs after not doing much cardio over the last 8 weeks.

EMOM 12 (3 sets):
Min 1 - Snatch x 3 reps @ 72% (175#)
Min 2 - Snatch x 2 reps @ 77% (185#)
Min 3 - Snatch x 1 rep @ 82% (200#)
Min 4 - Rest

-Complete in my nike metcons ... didn't feel great... but got all the reps

Back Squat
7 reps @ 60% (245#)
5 reps @ 70% (285#)
3 reps @ 80% (325#)
7 reps @ 60% (245#)
5 reps @ 70% (285#)
3 reps @ 80% (325#)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

-Complete ... no belt/knee sleeves/lifting shoes ... which was a tough change, but got all the reps.

9/30 to 10/2

Wedding fun / recovering from fun