Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Easier/lower volume session today... feeling a bit beat up from travel/ME Open workouts etc... looking forward to getting some rest and getting the last Open WOD over with. 

2 sets, EMOM: 
Minute 1: 12/10 Calorie Row
Minute 2: 8 Dumbbell Front Squats (2x50/35)
Minute 3: 12/10 Calorie Row
Minute 4: 6 Dumbbell Push Press (2x50/35)
Minute 5: 12/10 Calorie Row
Minute 6: 4 Dumbbell Thrusters (2x50/35)
Minute 7: 12/10 Calorie Row
Minute 8: 2 Dumbbell Squat Clean Thrusters (2x50/35)
-rest until minute 10 before starting the next set-

-Complete ... this was more of an extended easy aerobic warm-up... but it was nice after yesterday... feeling a bit beat up. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 80% of 90% (350#) 

-Complete... really didn't feel great 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of: 
Bench Press x 3 reps @ 80% (225#) 

-Complete ... happy to do these pain-free... but also didn't feel great. Heaviest benching I've done since hurting my shoulder in October. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023


AM Workout (0600)

Gave the workout a redo... really happy I took the time to redo this, as I improved both my reps and thruster weight ... really tough emotionally going into this for me as my first attempt was the lowest ranking I've ever gotten on an Open workout... I really needed the extra reps that I got and this redo, while not amazing, will help me a lot on the leaderboard. 

23.2 A:
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 burpee pull-ups
10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back)
*Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round.

23.2 B:

Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:

1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

-Result from last Friday: 
133 Reps (5 Rounds + 8 Burpee Pull-ups) 
187#, 237#, 257# (missed 272#) Thruster 

-Result today = 
143 Reps (5 Rounds + 18 Burpee Pull-ups)
187#, 237#, 257#, 267# 

...splits went:

Rd 1 - 1:31
Rd 2 - 3:46
Rd 3 - 6:15
Rd 4 - 9:38 
Rd 5 - 13:43 
18 reps - 15:00 ... I am also really happy about the extra 10# on the thruster, that will be huge on the leaderboard. 

PM Workout (1630)

Jumped in the class workout today... felt surprisingly good despite the shuttle run / burpee BS this morning. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
3 Deadlifts @ 80% (430#) 

-Complete ... felt easy. 

10 Sets, with a partner (5 sets each partner): 
50 Double-Unders
10 Clean and Jerks (95/65#)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest is partner's set 

-Complete... didn't get the times here, but just went as hard as possible on unbroken sets. Solid/short conditioning. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023


Got back late last night (around 0200) but it was amazing to wake up in my own bed this morning... got in some very light cardio/stretching today... looking to redo 23.2 tomorrow.

EMOM 30:
Min 1 - 15/12 Cal Bike Erg
Min 2 - 15/12 Cal Row
Min 3 - 12/10 Cal Ski


10 Minutes Stretching



 Complete Rest / travel back to Annapolis 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


Currently traveling for a bachelor party... not really ideal conditions to get in a peak 'Open' performance... but I got into a gym today and was overall happy with my performance. I was a little bummed about the thruster, but I took an aggressive jump and failed a rep... but overall happy with how things went, mostly because I don't think I would have done much better had I been in my home gym. Not sure where I'm going to fall out on the leaderboard on part A... I don't think my score is going to be great, hopefully will make up some room on the leaderboard with the thruster weight. Added in some accessory on the spot afterward. 

23.2 A:

Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 burpee pull-ups
10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back)
*Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round.

23.2 B:

Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:

1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

-Result = 
133 Reps (5 Rounds + 8 Burpee Pull-ups) ... just tried to remain consistent here throughout the workout... not sure how/if I could improve, burpee pull-ups definitely got my HR up more than the shuttle runs... not the most fun workout I've ever done. 
257# Thruster (missed 272#) ... went 187#, 237#, and then 257#... 257# felt very easy, took an aggressive jump to 272# and almost had it, probably should have done 267#, but overall happy with this weight regardless... powerlifting in my basement for most of 2020/2021 didn't result in my overhead strength getting much better... haven't been doing much jerking/push-pressing etc. to build my overhead strength, so 257# is pretty realistic for me right now. 

3 Sets:
DB Overhead Tricep Extensions
3x15 w/ 50# 


Diamond Push-ups


DB Rows
3x10/arm with 75# DB


DB Side Lateral Raises 
2x10 with 2x15# DB


Bent-over DB Side Lateral Raises
2x10 with 2x15# DB


Seated DB Hammer Curls
3x10 with 2x40# DB


3 Super-Sets:
10 Bent-over BB Rows (135#)
10 Bodyweight Rows
10 BB Curls (45#)
Rest :60


Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)



 Further Complete Rest 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Complete Rest / travel.


AM Workout (0545)

Got the class workout in this morning... fun/short session. 


Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:

Bench Press x 5 @ 75% (215#) 

-Complete ... this felt solid ... this is the most I've benched since hurting my shoulder in October... no pain, which was great and happy to move loads over 200# without pain and comfortably from an RPE standpoint. 



Double DB Cleans (2x50/35#)


Burpee Over DB 

-Round of 15 + 12 Burpees ... I really wanted to finish that round of 18, but just didn't get to it ... tried to stay consistent and flow through this without any big breaks. Good stuff, fun / short conditioning. 

PM Workout (1400)

Added this in during the afternoon ... felt good throughout, was nice to get a longer session before tapering down for 23.2 on Friday. 


Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:

Deadlift x 5 @ 75% (405#) 



3 Rounds
12 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
4 Burpee Strict Pull Ups
-rest 1 minute-
2 Rounds
24 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
8 Burpee Strict Pull Ups




Not For Time [for quality]:

4 rounds:

10 second Handstand Hold into 3-5 Strict Handstand Push Ups into 4-6 Kipping Handstand Pushups

-- rest about 1 minute between rounds --

-Complete ... went :10 / 3 Strict / 4 Kipping ... didn't feel great. 


EMOM 25:

200m Row



Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:

'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)


Sunday, February 19, 2023


Got the class workout in (A and B) and then added in part C. Felt good on everything, less taxing day overall. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of: 
Back Squat x 5 

-Complete, across at 315# ... this was supposed to be at 75% (350#) ... but I didn't have time to warm-up to that number in the class... still got in this in at 315# with no belt on for any of the reps. 

For time:
1000m Row
50 Push-ups
200 Double-Unders
50 Push-ups
1000m Row 

-13:00 ... this felt pretty good, fun aerobic work. 

4 rounds, for quality:
4 Wall Walks with a 3 second hold at top of handstand [hands on the "standard line"]
12 C2B PU
Rest as needed

-Complete, did about a 1:1 rest


 Complete Rest 

Saturday, February 18, 2023


Currently traveling for work... woke up a bit sore in my chest and core... definitely decided over the course of the day not to repeat 23.1... it is just not worth it right now with where I'm at. It is a great test and I put forth what I thought was a good effort for my capabilities right now. Anyway... got into the hotel gym around 0545 and put together a workout on the spot. Some aerobic movement and a nice pump, good stuff. 

Every 3 for 24 (8 sets) of:
15 Burpees
12 DB Deadlifts (2x50# DB)
9 Incline DB Bench Press (2x50# DB) 

-Result = each set took around 1:30 ... slowed down a bit on sets 6,7,8 on the burpees... everything else went smoothly. Decent conditioning piece for being on the road and putting it together on the spot.

3 Sets:
Lat Pull-Downs x 10
Pec Deck x 10 
Rest :60 

-Complete ... don't remember the exact weights, but got a nice pump out of this. 

3 Sets:
Overhead Rope Tricep Extensions (50#) x 15 reps
Single-arm DB Curls, opposite arm in static hold with DB x 10 reps/arm (2x25# DB)
Rest :60


3 Sets:
Tricep Push-Downs (70#) x 15 
Cable Curls (70#) x 10 reps
Rest :60


Wednesday, February 15, 2023


 23.1 (14.4 Repeat)

Complete as many reps as possible in
14 minutes of:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots
30 cleans
20 muscle-ups

♀ 14-lb ball to 9-ft target, 95-lb cleans
♂ 20-lb ball to 10-ft target, 135-lb cleans

-Score = 211 rep (1 rd+ 11 cals) ... splits went: 

Row 2:23
TTB 4:56 
Wall Balls 6:46
Cleans 9:33
MU 13:30 ... rough ... not too sure where I can make up time, I think this is just a 'one and done' situation for me ... got 208 a few weeks ago in training ... lifetime PR is 229 cals (2015) ... I think with where my fitness is at after a few years away from crossfit, I have to be realistic about this score. I didn't feel particularly great throughout this, but it is just a hard workout. I could definitely be better at the toes-to-bar... they took a lot out of me, but I am happy with my effort and can walk away from this knowing I pushed myself. 


 Complete Rest 

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Today was an 'active recovery bodybuilding' day ... I always find this easier/lower volume accessory day to leave me feeling good and get my blood flowing. In and out of the gym within 45 minutes, nice way to start the day... looking forward to testing where my fitness is at over the next few weeks.


Tricep Extensions

3 sets x 12-15 reps

Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

-55# for 3x15


Parallete Push Ups

3 sets x 8-12 Reps 



Pull Ups

3 sets x 8-12 reps




Lat Pulldowns 

3 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-3x12 for 115#


One Arm Dumbbell Row 

2 sets x 10-15 reps

Feel free to throw in a couple drop sets.

-2x10/arm with 100# DB


Dumbbell Side Raises 

2 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x12 with 2x10# DB 


Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises

2 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x12 with 2x10# DB 


EZ Bar Curls

2 sets x 6-12 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x12 with 75#


Dumbbell Shrugs

2 sets x 8-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x15 with 2x100# DB 

Monday, February 13, 2023


AM Workout (0545)

EMOM 10:
5 Power Snatch*
*Use a light weight, TnG all reps 

-135# across ... felt solid on all reps, not too taxing, but good movement. 

10 Sets, with a partner (5 each partner): 
8 x 25’ Shuttle Run
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
Rest 1:1 with a partner 

-Complete ... my sets took about :45-:50 each round ... total time under 10 minutes, short, but very high intensity cardio. 

PM Workout (1430)

Got in the rest of the strength stuff for the week today and added in some cardio... looking forward to tapering down and doing the first 2023 Open workout come Friday. 

EMOM 10:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 67.5% (315#)


EMOM 10:
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 67.5% (360#)


Perform 45-60 minutes of Zone 2.
Choose between a Row, Bike, Ski, Or Run (This should be EASY work as in RPE of 3-4).

-Hit 20k on the Bike Erg in 46:58 ... this was a nice change... put on a book on tape and just spun right around a 2:20/1000m pace... going to be incorporating more of these easier cardio sessions going into summer/marathon training. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023


Today was a de-load/lower volume session ... felt pretty good throughout, nothing maximal, just some easier movements. 

Close Grip Bench Press
EMOM 10:
3 Reps @ 67.5% (195#) 

-Complete, got all these reps easily. 

5 RFT:
12 KBS (53/35#)
12 KB Goblet Squats (53/35#)
60 Double-Unders 


3 rounds, for quality:
3 Wall Walks with a 3 second hold at top of handstand [hands on the "standard line"]
12 C2B PU 
Rest as needed 



Complete Rest 

Friday, February 10, 2023


Today was a really solid cardio/weakness/core session... lots of aerobic movement and handstands. Happy to get this in at home and I'm looking forward to resting tomorrow and starting the Open next week. 

6 Rounds (24 minutes)
Minute 1 - 400m Bike Erg 
Minute 2 - 12 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35#)
Minute 3 - 200m Row
Minute 4 - 12 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35#) 

-Complete ... this was good cardio, not too taxing, but it was nice to move and sweat. 

Rest about 10 minutes then... 

3 Sets, each for time: 
250m Row
5 Strict HSPU (3.5" deficit - 1 green + 1 blue bumper)
250m Row 
5 Strict HSPU (3.5" deficit)
-rest 0:90 between sets

-rest 3 minutes- 

For time: 
500m Row
20 Strict HSPU
500m Row
-rest 0:90- 

For time: 
10 Strict HSPU
1000m Row
10 Strict HSPU 

-Result =
4:29 / 4:59 / 5:23 ... deficit SHSPU were rough, all sets went 3/2 for each set of 5 ... tough for me, but really good training ...  I was nervous at the start of this, happy to get in 30 reps and not have to go to singles. 
6:16 (10/5/5)
5:16 (unbroken) 

Rest about 5 minutes then...   

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
‘Durante Core’ (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)


Thursday, February 9, 2023


AM Workout (0545)

Did the class workout today, had a great time. This was fun and enjoyable conditioning, it was super fun to feel strong on the cleans, worked up to a lifetime PR tie power clean of 315#. 

Workout 18.2 and 18.2a

On a 12:00 Clock: 
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Squats (50/35s)
Bar-Facing Burpees

straight into... 

1-Rep-Max Clean 

-Result = 

6:07 (Previous scores went 5:47 and 5:10 ... both from March of 2018 during that Open)
305# (Previous score was 317#) ... I waited until the clock hit 15:00 and I got a clean in at 315# ... all cleans todays went power clean ... I felt very strong cleaning, no misses today going 255#, 285#, 305#, 315# ... definitely a little slower on the burpees/squats... but I think under competition conditions I could definitely get under 6:00 and closer to my previous time of 5:10. 

EMOM 10:
10 Toes-to-Bar (unbroken) 


PM Workout (1530)

2 sets:
5 rounds
4 Ring Muscle Ups
40’ Handstand walk
-Rest 5 minutes between sets-

-Complete ... both of these sets took about 10 minutes ... unbroken MU and each of the HSW was done in two sets of 20' ... I was a bit distracted watching my son during this workout ... we were primarily in the gym to get my wife's workout in, but I snuck this in while she was warming-up/working out. Nice to get in some extra volume... the combo of ring MU and HSW is always a tough one. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Today was a solid and fun workout at home ... lots of lifting and good reps in my basement gym. Fun to get a good pump like this and lift. Thankful to have the equipment at home and be able to workout. 


Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:

Back Squat x 5 reps @ 70% (330#)

-Complete ... didn't feel great... legs felt tired. 


Close Grip Bench Press

6 sets x 6 reps @ 70-75% of 90% (175-185#) 

80% of your one rep max bench press.

-Complete, across at 185# ... this is the best benching has felt on my shoulder in a long time ... happy to get all these reps in confidently. 


Close Grip Spoto Press

1 set x 3 reps

Work up to a 3 rep max.

-185#, 195#, 205# ... was hoping for more here, but not much left in my triceps after part B. 


Close Grip Spoto Press

3 sets x 3 reps @ 90%

90% of the 3 rep max you just hit.

-Complete, across at 185# (90% of 205#) 


Paused Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

4 sets x 8 reps

Choose a challenging weight.

Weighted Chin Ups

4 sets x 8 reps

If you cannot do weighted, do body weight. If you cannot do body weight, use bands to hit 8 reps.

-Complete, 2x50# DB and 26# chin-ups 


Landmine Press

4 sets x 8 reps

8 reps each side

Landmine Row

4 sets x 8 reps

-Complete, across at 80# for the both movements. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


Complete Rest ... considered training today, but I've been having a lot of life/work stress and I've trained three days in a row... listened to my body and called it a day. 

Monday, February 6, 2023


Got in the class workout this morning, parts A and B, and then added in part C ... felt fit throughout today, nice way to start the day, but not too taxing. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
Deadlift x 5 @ 70% (375#)

-Complete ... got all of these reps comfortably. 

AMRAP 18, with a partner*
500m Row
50 Double-unders
*Rower always occupied 

-9 Rds + 272m ... tried to keep below a 1:39/500m pace and then get each set of DU unbroken. 

EMOM 10: 
4 Bar Muscle-ups 


Sunday, February 5, 2023


Got the class workout in today, it ended up being some great crossfit conditioning, fun stuff, felt fit. 

EMOM 10:
5 Power Clean and Push-Jerks (TnG)*
*Heavier than last time (used 145# last week)

-Complete, across at 155# (10# over last week) ... felt great, looking forward to 165#+ soon 

75 Air Squats
25 Push Ups
50 Wall Balls (30/20) (10’/9’)
25 Push Ups
75 Air Squats

-rest 5 minutes-

45 Air Squats
15 Push Ups
45 Wall Balls (20/14) (10’/9’)
15 Push Ups
45 Air Squats

-Result = 

Saturday, February 4, 2023


Snuck in this conditioning session while my son was sleeping... challenging, but shorter session. Happy to get this in at home. 

4 sets:
500m Row
8 Wall Walks
10 Overhead Squats (135/95#)
500m Row
-rest 2 minutes b/t sets-

-Result = 
7:07 ... this was a challenge for me... Rx version of this was 10 WW and 155/105# for the OHS... scaled it back how bad I am at WW and that I was in my basement overhead squatting and didn't want to risk dropping the barbell... but overall still got a really good workout out of this... combo of WW/OHS is a really challenging shoulder/core workout. Great conditioning work. 

Rest 5 minutes then... 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of: 
'Durante Core' (10 hollow rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)


Friday, February 3, 2023


Complete Rest / wanted to train today, but life got in the way. Shifted today's workout to tomorrow. 


Got the class workout in this morning... it was some solid crossfit conditioning. 

14:00 AMRAP
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes-to-Bar
40 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
30 Power Cleans (135/95#)
20 Muscle-ups 

-Result = 208 Reps (8 Cal Row) ... this is not a PR... in Feb 2015 I hit 229 reps ...  this was tough... particularly the toes-to-bar and the muscle-ups after the toes-to-bar... the 20 muscle-ups took me around 4 minutes, which is pretty slow for me... but overall I am happy with my effort here ... muscle-ups went 5/3/3/3/2/2/2 ... last 4 reps were brutal. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
:45 Handstand Hold (against wall)
