Monday, January 14, 2013


Inspired by the OC Throwdown this last weekend, I wanted to give the WODs a try. I couldn't run 7k; I don't have a course and it's similar to arctic tundra outside right now. I subbed a row, I was nervous about this, I knew it was going to hurt. The second WOD murdered me, really humbling.

Workout 1 (0930) 

For time:
7k Row

26.21. I came over 5k at 18.51. I kept a 1:55 the entire time, then opened up 100% on the last 750m. Solid effort, I was really proud of this time.

Workout 2 (1030) 

For time:
10 Muscle-ups
4 Rds:
12 C2B Pull-ups
8 Box Jumps (30")
10 Muscle-ups

11.16. The athletes this weekend probably got a lot longer rest than 30 minutes. I didn't eat or anything, just rolled out my hamstrings and started warming up my muscle-ups. This probably adversely affected my time AND my chest is still toasted from the workout I did Friday. I didn't taper or rest or anything for these WODs. So this definitely wasn't a game-day performance. But still, almost everyone at the OC Throwdown beat my time on this WOD. I was on a solid pace until I got to the last set of muscle-ups; got to the rings at exactly 7 minutes and I wanted around 9 minutes total. I actually failed my first muscle-up attempt and this really messed with me mentally. I can't remember the last time I failed a muscle-up, this is a really smart workout for crushing me so badly. I did the last set all as singles and it took me a little over 4 minutes to do only 10 muscle-ups. This is pretty eye opening. I'm the only person in control of my fitness and I need to take crossfit as seriously as I used to in the past. I want to crush this workout in under 7 minutes in the near future!

Workout 3 (1730) 

This workout was also very humbling. I had a large transition which cost me probably about a minute overall, but whatever this is just training. On a very positive note, I had zero elbow pain. Looks like I'm finally able to handle real loads with zero pain! I was on a very good pace until the rope climbs. I don't climb ropes enough. I got to the last couplet at 15.00, didn't finish until 22.21. I was taking huge breaks and had a huge scare on the 4th ascent, almost lost my grip toward the top.Overall a great workout, loved the programming. I got the front squats unbroken, push-jerks were one unbroken set, then 4/4 with very little rest. CJ were all singles, but felt really strong on the bar. GREAT STUFF!!!

For time:

3 Rounds:
8 Shoulder-to-Overhead (190#)
14 Pistols

3 Rounds:
8 Front Squats (190#)
16 GHD Sit-ups

3 Rounds:
4 Clean and Jerk (190#)
2 Rope Climbs (20")

22.21. Great day, humbling and motivating.

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