I felt really good on the metcon, but felt a little tired on the lifting. C2B pull-ups are feeling more solid. My T2B feel better than they ever have, I don't even know why, I haven't been training them that often. Overall a solid session. I was a little discouraged today, my elbow hurt a little bit while jerking. This is the first time it has hurt since January. I think my effort at 13.1 just put a little bit of exaggerated stress on it. I'm really hoping it goes away, icing it as I write this.
Death by Dead-hang Pull-ups:
9 rounds, faith 7th rep of 10th minute
3 Rounds @ 3 Minutes Rest:
5 Muscle-ups (unbroken)
10 KB Push-Press (2 x 44,53,62# - increase weight each set - unbroken)
12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups (unbroken)
Clean and Jerk - Heavy Single
-Worked up to 225#, felt really easy, but didn't keep going because of elbow pain. Frustrating. I'm not going to mess with it at all.
EMOM 10 Minutes:
2 Squat Cleans (245#) - this is 78% of my 1 RM, didn't go off percentage, just went off feel (considered going up if it felt too easy after 5 minutes) and this was tough.
Back Squat
Warm Up:
10 x 135, 185, 225#
Working Sets:
3,3,3 @ 275, 325, 325#
Rest 5 minutes then..
20 Wall-ball
10 Toe-to-bar
6 rds + 5 T2b. Felt solid. Had to break up the last two sets of wall ball 13/7 and 10/10.
Meal 1 - 5 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 15 Almonds
Meal 2 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, Fish Oil
Meal 3 - Protein Shake, 12 Almonds, 1 Peach
Meal 4 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Apple
Meal 5 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Bacon Strips, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Peach, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 30 Cashews
Meal 6 - 6 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 15 Cashews, 15 Almonds
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