I gave 13.2 a run through today. I have a little bit of a weird feeling about my run through. This is the first time EVER in my life that after the workout ended I felt like I hadn't gone hard enough. It's the worst feeling ever! I was just trying to pace the workout too much and didn't open up enough toward the end. I also missed between 20-30 box jumps. THIS IS HUGE. I would have had 11 rounds and extra reps had I not missed these reps. My legs are fatigued and I just wasn't emphasizing my hips opening on top of the box. This was stupid and I got a little caught up in the moment and my failures kind of built on each other. I was proud of myself for having fast transitions and never dropping the bar. In retrospect I also paced the dead-lifts a little too much. I should have gone faster on them. My back was 'pumped' and extremely tight was simply warming up, definitely from that triple at 425# two days ago. I just went too slow. I've got my splits written out and a new game plan. I'll get 11+ rounds on my second run through, I know the fitness is there, just got to stick to my plan.
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
10 Dead-lifts (115#)
15 Box Jumps (24")
9 rounds + 22 box reps = 292.
Rest 10 minutes then...
8 Sets @ 60 seconds rest:
7 Dead-hang Pull-ups (alternating under/over grip each set)
Rest 5 minutes then...
6 Sets @ 3:00 minutes rest:
330m Run
-Didn't time the intervals, just the rest in between. Went for quality movement and intensity. I felt pretty good on my feet. I'm excited to hit 13.2 again on Sunday. New game plan and I know how this workout feels, I'm know I can crush it and place well on this WOD.
Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1/2 Apple, 9 Almonds
Meal 2 - 8 oz Chicken, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 10 Almonds, 20 Cashews
Snack - 30 Cashews
Meal 4 - 4 Eggs, 4 Cups Lettuce, 1/4 Cup Cranberries, 1/4 Cup Walnuts, 1/4 Cup Arugula, 1/4 Cup Salad Dressing, 20 Cashews
Meal 5 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Apple
Meal 6 - 5 Eggs, 4 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Almond Milk
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