Despite drinking/not sleeping much on Saturday, I had a super solid session this morning. I felt great on everything, fast and strong. I back squatted really light with zero pain, back/hip is drastically improved. I'm glad today went well and I'm excited to get back into the gym tomorrow.
Five sets of:
Snatch Grip Push-Press x 2
Rest 2 minutes
Build over the course of the five sets.
-220#, 231#, 231#, 231#, 231#, 235# (PR). Felt solid on this movement. PRing is always fun.
Five sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Snatch @ 80-90% (185#-205#) of 1-RM Snatch
Rest as needed
-185#, 185#, 185#, 197#, 197#. This is the first squat snatching I've done in a while. It felt REALLY easy/good. I love feeling fast on snatching.
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 5 reps @ (135#) + 10 Band Pull-Aparts
-Just feeling out the back squatting, wanted to get in some band movement so got it in there.
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
20 Walking Lunges with KBs (24/16 kg KBs in each hand)
15 GHD Sit-Ups
-Complete, this was the 'easiest' metcon I've done in a long time. I felt solid on everything, each set took about :90 to finish.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Complete rest... went out last night with some buddies from back home. Today was the first time I've had a hangover since February. It was a really fun time, it was good to blow off some steam with my friends. Excited to be back in Chicago with my training partners and to throw down tomorrow.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Today was a solid session, but working out alone sucked a lot. Tried to go as hard as possible while alone. Haven't done a kipping HSPU in a long time, but they felt great today. Last metcon was really fun, CJ and C2B pull-ups both felt great. It was fun to just go HAM. I did the 275# deadlift in the metcon, have been cutting these out over the last month or so, was able to deadlift today with no pain which is good. Overall a solid session.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
4 Hang Cleans (185/135 lbs)
8/6 Handstand Push-Ups
Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
5 Deadlifts (275/185 lbs)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
50 Double-Unders
Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then. . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
2 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
2 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
4 Clean and Jerk
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Clean and Jerk
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 Clean and Jerk
. . . and so on up the ladder
-3 Rds + 4 HSPU
-3 Rds
-10 CJ + 4 C2B PU
Bench Press - 5 x 5 @ (195#)
-Was supposed to do this before the WOD, but there wasn't space for that. All sets felt easy, complete with no missed reps.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
4 Hang Cleans (185/135 lbs)
8/6 Handstand Push-Ups
Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
5 Deadlifts (275/185 lbs)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
50 Double-Unders
Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then. . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
2 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
2 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
4 Clean and Jerk
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Clean and Jerk
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 Clean and Jerk
. . . and so on up the ladder
-3 Rds + 4 HSPU
-3 Rds
-10 CJ + 4 C2B PU
Bench Press - 5 x 5 @ (195#)
-Was supposed to do this before the WOD, but there wasn't space for that. All sets felt easy, complete with no missed reps.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Today was a pretty fun session. Working out alone sucks, but I got the work in. It is always good to come home to my hometown gym and catch up with everybody. Anyway, bastardized some more of this week into a solid session. Fun day, pumped to train tomorrow!
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Strict Toes to Bar x 6
(these should be slow and controlled)
Minute 2 – Strict HSPU x 6
Minute 3 – Unbroken Double-Unders x 40 reps
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
3 x Snatch Grip Push-Press (205#)
-This was really solid, getting a lot better at this movement.
Six sets of:
Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch
Rest as needed
Build to today’s heaviest set.
-135#, 135#, 175#, 185#, 195#, 200# (failed hang snatch behind me - was gassed out from part B and the previous sets).
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Overhead Walking Lunges (135#) x 10 steps
-Complete, solid effort... these still suck.
Every 15 minutes, for 30 minutes (2 sets) of:
Row 1000 Meters
15 Muscle-Ups
Row 1000 Meters
-10:03, 11:57. Definitely had to break up the muscle-ups a lot more on the second set. Rowing/lungs feel solid, kept a very consistent pace, all 1000ms between 3:30 and 3:40.
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Strict Toes to Bar x 6
(these should be slow and controlled)
Minute 2 – Strict HSPU x 6
Minute 3 – Unbroken Double-Unders x 40 reps
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
3 x Snatch Grip Push-Press (205#)
-This was really solid, getting a lot better at this movement.
Six sets of:
Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch
Rest as needed
Build to today’s heaviest set.
-135#, 135#, 175#, 185#, 195#, 200# (failed hang snatch behind me - was gassed out from part B and the previous sets).
Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Overhead Walking Lunges (135#) x 10 steps
-Complete, solid effort... these still suck.
Every 15 minutes, for 30 minutes (2 sets) of:
Row 1000 Meters
15 Muscle-Ups
Row 1000 Meters
-10:03, 11:57. Definitely had to break up the muscle-ups a lot more on the second set. Rowing/lungs feel solid, kept a very consistent pace, all 1000ms between 3:30 and 3:40.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
So the bastardization of this week's programming continues. I traveled from northern California to Idaho today. Got into Boise in the evening, snuck in a short workout. I didn't do as much as I wanted to, but I made due with the time I had.
Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets):
High-Hang Power Clean + Mid-Thigh Hang Power Clean + Power Clean
-2 minutes @ 225#
-2 minutes @ 235#
-3 minutes @ 245#
-1 minute @ 255#
-Felt really solid on this, definitely more there.
EMOM 12:
3 x Speed Dead-lift (225#) - this was supposed to be at 315#, but I'm rehabbing my back/hip so I cut it back. Last week I did 135#... got through both last week and this week with zero pain.
2 Sets:
100 Double-unders
10 Hang Power Clean (185#)
20 C2B Pull-ups
4:00 Rest
After second set...
Do 20 C2B Pull-ups (broke up 14/6).
-3:03, 3:12, completed the third set of C2B Pull-ups. This was supposed to be four sets in total. The gym was closing down as I was doing my second set, so I broke down my bar and stuff and then got in 20 more C2B pull-ups before they locked up... was trying to get as much work in as time allowed! Kind of frustrating, but I got some quality intensity out of today and tomorrow is another day.
Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets):
High-Hang Power Clean + Mid-Thigh Hang Power Clean + Power Clean
-2 minutes @ 225#
-2 minutes @ 235#
-3 minutes @ 245#
-1 minute @ 255#
-Felt really solid on this, definitely more there.
EMOM 12:
3 x Speed Dead-lift (225#) - this was supposed to be at 315#, but I'm rehabbing my back/hip so I cut it back. Last week I did 135#... got through both last week and this week with zero pain.
2 Sets:
100 Double-unders
10 Hang Power Clean (185#)
20 C2B Pull-ups
4:00 Rest
After second set...
Do 20 C2B Pull-ups (broke up 14/6).
-3:03, 3:12, completed the third set of C2B Pull-ups. This was supposed to be four sets in total. The gym was closing down as I was doing my second set, so I broke down my bar and stuff and then got in 20 more C2B pull-ups before they locked up... was trying to get as much work in as time allowed! Kind of frustrating, but I got some quality intensity out of today and tomorrow is another day.
40 minute trail run, lots of hills and rolling terrain. I ran through Burney Falls state park in Northern California with my cousin. We had a great time, not a very hard pace, but opened up hard in the last 5 minutes.
After we ran we did:
5 Sets:
60 Second Plank Hold
60 Second Rest
Awesome day, great people, food and relaxation.
After we ran we did:
5 Sets:
60 Second Plank Hold
60 Second Rest
Awesome day, great people, food and relaxation.
Went to Crossfit Burlingame this morning. It was a great gym. It is the closest to where I was staying, jumped in the 6 am class and then did a little extra stuff.
Long warm-up that was pretty fun with some tabata bodyweight stuff.
EMOM 10:
1 High-Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch (5 minutes @ 175#, 5 minutes @ 185#)
-Complete, felt very strong here.
3 RFT:
400m Run
25 Russian Kettle-bell Swings (53#)
20 HR Push-ups
15 DB Thrusters (2 x 30# DB)
-14:20. Fun class workout. DB Thrusters... wtf... so painful. Turns out that if you never do an exercise it totally blows when you try to do it unbroken for reps with your heart rate maxed out.
Every 2 minutes for 20 Minutes (10 sets):
Push-Press + Push-Jerk + Split Jerk
-2 minute @ 185#
-2 minutes @ 205#
-2 minutes @ 215#
-2 minutes @ 225#
-2 minutes @ 235#
-I felt really strong on these lifts. This is definitely getting better sticking to this progression.
Strict Press - 10 Reps @ 65-70% (135#)
-Complete, no missed reps. This is a new 10 RM PR!! Setting a PR on vacation is a freaking awesome feeling.
Long warm-up that was pretty fun with some tabata bodyweight stuff.
EMOM 10:
1 High-Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch (5 minutes @ 175#, 5 minutes @ 185#)
-Complete, felt very strong here.
3 RFT:
400m Run
25 Russian Kettle-bell Swings (53#)
20 HR Push-ups
15 DB Thrusters (2 x 30# DB)
-14:20. Fun class workout. DB Thrusters... wtf... so painful. Turns out that if you never do an exercise it totally blows when you try to do it unbroken for reps with your heart rate maxed out.
Every 2 minutes for 20 Minutes (10 sets):
Push-Press + Push-Jerk + Split Jerk
-2 minute @ 185#
-2 minutes @ 205#
-2 minutes @ 215#
-2 minutes @ 225#
-2 minutes @ 235#
-I felt really strong on these lifts. This is definitely getting better sticking to this progression.
Strict Press - 10 Reps @ 65-70% (135#)
-Complete, no missed reps. This is a new 10 RM PR!! Setting a PR on vacation is a freaking awesome feeling.
Complete rest. I drank a little bit with my family yesterday, kept it pretty under control, no hangover today. I drank two gallons of water between 6 pm when I stopped drinking and 10 pm when I went to sleep. Really fun to spend time with my loved ones and chill out.
Got in a workout at a traditional non-crossfit gym today. A relative of mine had some free passes, so I went and worked out with my brother and cousin. It ended up being a really fun session and a great workout.
7 Sets:
7 Bench Press @ 75% (185#)
7 Strict Pull-ups
Rest as needed
-Complete, no missed reps, felt really strong here.
EMOM 24 Minutes (8 sets):
-Minute 1: 250m Row
-Minute 2: 12 Burpees
-Minute 3: 8 Strict Stationary Dips
-Complete, pretty fun here, had to break up the dips toward the end. Lungs feel solid.
4 Sets:
10 Cable Tricep Pushdowns
10 Preacher Curls
Rest as needed
-Complete, don't remember the weights, just went for the pump. Fun stuff.
7 Sets:
7 Bench Press @ 75% (185#)
7 Strict Pull-ups
Rest as needed
-Complete, no missed reps, felt really strong here.
EMOM 24 Minutes (8 sets):
-Minute 1: 250m Row
-Minute 2: 12 Burpees
-Minute 3: 8 Strict Stationary Dips
-Complete, pretty fun here, had to break up the dips toward the end. Lungs feel solid.
4 Sets:
10 Cable Tricep Pushdowns
10 Preacher Curls
Rest as needed
-Complete, don't remember the weights, just went for the pump. Fun stuff.
Traveling all this week, trying to get in what I can. I am primarily just trying to make sure I get in the lifts I suck at. It has been an awesome week of vacation so far. I went to a NorCal crossfit location in Redwood City. I was wanting to go to the one in San Jose, but didn't have enough time. Did their WOD off the board and then did some extra stuff on my own.
There was a long class warm-up with a bunch of different shit, felt unnecessary and overly long.
9 Burpees
20 KBS (2 pood)
20 Air Squats
-7 Rd + 5 KBS. This was the class workout, went hard, time went by very fast, met some cool people.
EMOM 20:
-Odd: 3 Power Snatch (10 minutes @ 175#, 10 minutes @ 190#)
-Even: 3 Muscle-ups
-Complete, no missed reps. I felt great on everything. Added this in on my own before the gym closed its doors for the day.
There was a long class warm-up with a bunch of different shit, felt unnecessary and overly long.
9 Burpees
20 KBS (2 pood)
20 Air Squats
-7 Rd + 5 KBS. This was the class workout, went hard, time went by very fast, met some cool people.
EMOM 20:
-Odd: 3 Power Snatch (10 minutes @ 175#, 10 minutes @ 190#)
-Even: 3 Muscle-ups
-Complete, no missed reps. I felt great on everything. Added this in on my own before the gym closed its doors for the day.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Had a great training session this morning. I felt really strong overhead. Also have a lot of positive stuff going on in my life outside the gym, generally just feeling great. Pumped to go on vacation this week, going to get some work in, but I'm not going to stress about it if I don't fit everything in while I'm traveling. Anyway, today was super solid and fun.
EMOM - Snatch Grip Push-Press
-5 Minutes - 2 reps @ 205#
-5 Minutes - 1 rep @ 231#
-This was really solid, felt really strong in here. Fun training.
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Jerk
Build to today’s heaviest set.
-2 minutes @ 205#
-2 minutes @ 225#
-1 minute @ 245#
-1 minute @ 255#
-Felt really good on this movement as well. Really fun stuff, exciting to do more heavy jerks in the future / PR my CJ. This is by far the best my jerk has felt since my hand injury. It was feeling like shit ever since I took that time off, felt great today though.
Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps each leg (2 x 80# DB)
Rest 90 seconds
Seated DB Strict Press x 8 reps (2 x 55# DB)
Rest 90 seconds
-Complete. Zero pain on the split squats, was really happy to push it here. Fun stuff.
For quality:
Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
-Do 7 push-ups after each set of pull-ups
-Didn't time this, just went through it with adequate rest to get most of the pull-ups unbroken, went 4/3 and 3/3 for the set of 7 and second set of 6 on the strict C2B. Strict C2B pull-ups are no joke, would like to be able to bang out 20 unbroken this year.
EMOM - Snatch Grip Push-Press
-5 Minutes - 2 reps @ 205#
-5 Minutes - 1 rep @ 231#
-This was really solid, felt really strong in here. Fun training.
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Jerk
Build to today’s heaviest set.
-2 minutes @ 205#
-2 minutes @ 225#
-1 minute @ 245#
-1 minute @ 255#
-Felt really good on this movement as well. Really fun stuff, exciting to do more heavy jerks in the future / PR my CJ. This is by far the best my jerk has felt since my hand injury. It was feeling like shit ever since I took that time off, felt great today though.
Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps each leg (2 x 80# DB)
Rest 90 seconds
Seated DB Strict Press x 8 reps (2 x 55# DB)
Rest 90 seconds
-Complete. Zero pain on the split squats, was really happy to push it here. Fun stuff.
For quality:
Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
-Do 7 push-ups after each set of pull-ups
-Didn't time this, just went through it with adequate rest to get most of the pull-ups unbroken, went 4/3 and 3/3 for the set of 7 and second set of 6 on the strict C2B. Strict C2B pull-ups are no joke, would like to be able to bang out 20 unbroken this year.
Complete rest. Slept 10 hours last night, it was awesome. I felt really good today, pumped to train tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Today was a rough session. I was really tired when I got up in the morning, I felt okay on the cleans and metcon, the metcon was just extremely brutal. It is starting to get very hot and humid and I definitely felt that today. I forgot how it feels, at least it is better than negative temperatures! Definitely looking forward to sleeping in and resting tomorrow.
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
High Hang Power Clean + Power Clean + Power Clean
Build over the course of the ten sets.
-3 sets @ 205#
-2 sets @ 220#
-2 sets @ 242#
-2 sets @ 253#
-1 set @ 265# (failed the high high and second power clean, so only 1 legit rep in there haha)
3 Sets:
20 Sling Shot Air Squats
15 Reverse Hypers (50#)
Rest as needed between sets
-Complete. This was supposed to be some very heavy back squatting... obviously had to cut it back a lot. Had zero pain in here, felt really good on my back/hip.
EMOM 12 Minutes:
3 Speed Deadlifts (135#)
-Complete. These were supposed to be at 65%... which would have been 315# (max is 490#), but I cut it down to 135# just to get the movement in. I had zero pain which is good, felt totally normal. Glad I could at least move through this without discomfort, will be back soon!
Four sets for times of:
10 Clean and Jerks (135/95 lbs)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
40 Double-Unders
Rest 4 minutes
-3:20, 3:50, 4:50, 5:10
-Holy shit this was horrible. Had to break up those C2B Pull-ups a lot... definitely had to do some singles on the last two sets. Everything else was at a solid consistent pace. In retrospect I felt pretty fit on this, big effort, fun workout. Excited to rest and hit it on Friday.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Today was the best training session I've had in a LONG time. I just felt awesome. Not sure if it was that I cut out the metcon yesterday or if it was the extra food I ate yesterday, but I felt great. I really miss that feeling. It was great to go hard and I felt really strong overhead on the lifting. Metcon was brutal, both my training partners beat me on the second and third sets of that workout... tough, but my S2O was just not feeling great after all the lifting. Really great day, pumped for tomorrow.
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 5 reps
Minute 2 – L-Seated Dead Hang x 30
Minute 3 – Unbroken Double-Unders x 40 reps
-Complete, those sets of HSPU are the worst part of my week...
Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Push Press + Split Jerk
(Pause for 3-4 seconds in the split jerk receiving position before recovering.)
Build over the course of the 8 sets.
-2 minutes @ 185#
-2 minutes @ 205#
-3 minutes @ 225#
-1 minute @ 235#
-Felt really strong here, best overhead pressing has felt in a very long time, finally getting this strength back. Also been doing some scapular lacrosse ball work at home in the evenings, maybe this is helping?
Strict Overhead Press
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50% (95#)
* Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60% (115#)
* Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70% (135#)
* Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85-90% (155#)
* Set 5 – 3 reps @ 85-90% (160#) (fail - 2 reps)
* Set 6 – 3 reps @ 85-90% (160#) (fail - 2 reps)
* Set 7 – 3 reps @ 85-90% (160#) (fail - 2 reps)
* Set 8 – Max reps @ 55-65% (115#)
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Choose the same load for all four sets of 3 reps. The load used should be challenging to successfully press for three, but if you have more than one failed rep it is too heavy.
-I was a little aggressive with the sets of 160#, but got solid doubles of out the effort. Got 14 reps at 115# for my max set, solid effort on that.
Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) of:
Row 1000 Meters
20 Burpees Over the Erg
20 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
-6:12, 6:55, ?
-Didn't get the time on the final set, was too focused on just finishing the S2O and then proceeded to roll around on the ground for a minute. Solid effort, really tough metcon.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Felt pretty decent today, but back was not feeling good. Didn't hurt at all until the set of 195# OHS... Had to scale back things from there. Frustrating, but still overall got a solid workout in.
Overhead Squat - 10,8,4,4,4 - 95#, 145#, 165#, 185#, 195# - cut it out there, much more there but back wasn't having it.
Every two minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets):
High-Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch without moving feet @ 65%-75% (145#-165#)
-2 minutes @ 145#
-2 minutes @ 155#
-2 minutes @ 165#
-2 minutes @ 175#
-A single set at 195# after the clock ran out. 195# for a high hang power snatch is a PR. Not moving the feet on the second rep was a little tricky, but it's kind of a habit I already have on most power snatches that are not above 85%, felt solid.
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
3 x Snatch Grip Push-Press (185#)
-Complete, felt really strong here, lockout is getting much better.
DB Bench Press (2 x 90# DB)
Strict Pull-up
-I was attempting to continue my 10 to 1 series of DB Bench and weighted strict pull-ups, but failed hard. Modified the workout on the spot, this is my most DB benching I've ever done with 90# DBs though. Been doing a lot of weighted strict pull-ups and this is the first unweighted I've done it a while and they felt REALLY easy. Good stuff, 30 reps total on both movements, rested as needed between sets.
Overhead Squat - 10,8,4,4,4 - 95#, 145#, 165#, 185#, 195# - cut it out there, much more there but back wasn't having it.
Every two minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets):
High-Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch without moving feet @ 65%-75% (145#-165#)
-2 minutes @ 145#
-2 minutes @ 155#
-2 minutes @ 165#
-2 minutes @ 175#
-A single set at 195# after the clock ran out. 195# for a high hang power snatch is a PR. Not moving the feet on the second rep was a little tricky, but it's kind of a habit I already have on most power snatches that are not above 85%, felt solid.
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
3 x Snatch Grip Push-Press (185#)
-Complete, felt really strong here, lockout is getting much better.
DB Bench Press (2 x 90# DB)
Strict Pull-up
-I was attempting to continue my 10 to 1 series of DB Bench and weighted strict pull-ups, but failed hard. Modified the workout on the spot, this is my most DB benching I've ever done with 90# DBs though. Been doing a lot of weighted strict pull-ups and this is the first unweighted I've done it a while and they felt REALLY easy. Good stuff, 30 reps total on both movements, rested as needed between sets.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Saturday, June 14, 2014
I took two naps yesterday. When I woke up this morning I still felt tired / generally didn't want to train. I didn't feel any better once I got moving, today was the worst training session I've had in a long time. I just felt like shit and wasn't able to really push myself. Especially on 'Jackie' ... the time I'm putting up today is the slowest I've gone in a very long time and the first time in years that I've broken up the thrusters. Really tough day mentally, hoping I can get in some more rest and recover for getting back into the gym on Monday. I'm REALLY looking forward to my vacation starting on 6/20... need it more mentally than anything.
Up and down the ladder, conga line style with 4 people:
Weighted Strict Dips (25#)
Weighted Strict Pull-ups (25#)
-Complete, felt solid in here.
Bench Press
65% (165#) x 5, 75% (185#) x 5, 85% (205#) x 3, 95% (225#) x 2
3 Sets of 5 @ 75% (185#)
For max reps:
30 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
30 Seconds of Toes to Bar
Rest 30 seconds
30 Seconds of Kipping HSPU
Rest 30 seconds
45 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 15 seconds
45 Seconds of Toes to Bar
Rest 15 seconds
45 Seconds of Kipping HSPU
Rest 15 seconds
60 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
60 Seconds of Toes to Bar
60 Seconds of Kipping HSPU
30s = 7/15/5
45s = 6/15/5
60s = 6/13/4
-Last set was really rough... HSPUs felt like ass.
“Jackie”For time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (45/33 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
-7:10 Jackie... terrible after parts A through C. Don't even want to talk about this, it just sucked.
-7 Rds... tried to push it, was just not committed mentally though.
Up and down the ladder, conga line style with 4 people:
Weighted Strict Dips (25#)
Weighted Strict Pull-ups (25#)
-Complete, felt solid in here.
Bench Press
65% (165#) x 5, 75% (185#) x 5, 85% (205#) x 3, 95% (225#) x 2
3 Sets of 5 @ 75% (185#)
For max reps:
30 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
30 Seconds of Toes to Bar
Rest 30 seconds
30 Seconds of Kipping HSPU
Rest 30 seconds
45 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 15 seconds
45 Seconds of Toes to Bar
Rest 15 seconds
45 Seconds of Kipping HSPU
Rest 15 seconds
60 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
60 Seconds of Toes to Bar
60 Seconds of Kipping HSPU
30s = 7/15/5
45s = 6/15/5
60s = 6/13/4
-Last set was really rough... HSPUs felt like ass.
“Jackie”For time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (45/33 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
-7:10 Jackie... terrible after parts A through C. Don't even want to talk about this, it just sucked.
-7 Rds... tried to push it, was just not committed mentally though.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Had a really solid session today, got in some light front squatting and it felt okay. No hip pain, very little back pain. Trying to be positive about it, otherwise had a solid training session. Snatching felt amazing for the first time since my hand infection. Pumped to hit it tomorrow!
Four sets of:
Front Squat x 8 Reps (135#)
Reverse Hypers x 8 Reps (50#)
-Rehab/movement... felt good.
Six sets of:
High Hang Snatch + Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Rest as needed
Build to today’s heaviest set.
-135#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 190#, 198#
-I think 198# is a high hang snatch PR for me, it felt good. All these moves felt good and I felt really fast. Fun training.
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps (2 x 70# DB)
Rest 90 seconds
Seated Strict Overhead Press x 8 reps (95#, 115#, 115#)
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Glute-Ham Raises x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Weighted Plank (55#) x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
3 minutes of Running @ 65-70% effort
2 minutes of Running @ 80-85% effort
-Complete, calves were cramping up because I was wearing a new pair of shoes... haven't broken them in yet. Definitely going to be sore in my calves tomorrow. Tried to go as hard as possible, but limited by the pain in my calves.
Four sets of:
Front Squat x 8 Reps (135#)
Reverse Hypers x 8 Reps (50#)
-Rehab/movement... felt good.
Six sets of:
High Hang Snatch + Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Rest as needed
Build to today’s heaviest set.
-135#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 190#, 198#
-I think 198# is a high hang snatch PR for me, it felt good. All these moves felt good and I felt really fast. Fun training.
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps (2 x 70# DB)
Rest 90 seconds
Seated Strict Overhead Press x 8 reps (95#, 115#, 115#)
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Glute-Ham Raises x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Weighted Plank (55#) x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
3 minutes of Running @ 65-70% effort
2 minutes of Running @ 80-85% effort
-Complete, calves were cramping up because I was wearing a new pair of shoes... haven't broken them in yet. Definitely going to be sore in my calves tomorrow. Tried to go as hard as possible, but limited by the pain in my calves.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Much needed complete rest. Body is feeling the last few days. Pumped to lift heavy tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
I got a really good workout out of today's session. It was really fun, I was bummed out that I had to modify, but like I said, still got an awesome effort out of the workout. This whole not squatting thing made wall-ball feels like complete shit, but on the upside I didn't have any pain from the reps. Excited to rest up and go HAM on Friday/Saturday.
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
High Hang Power Clean + Power Clean @ 65-80% (205# - 260#) of 1-RM Clean
-Three minutes @ 205#
-Three minutes @ 225#
-Three minutes @ 235#
-Three minutes @ 245#
-Three minutes @ 255#
-Hit a single power clean at 275# afterward, went up easy. Then went for 295# and barely missed it... PR is 285#. I was feeling good, just wasn't there today.
Worked on hip mobility / hip circle slingshot exercises while my training partners back squatted.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes:
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
15 KBS (53#)
20 Pull-Ups
25 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
30 Double-Unders
Rest 4 minutes, and then repeat.
Note rounds and reps for both sets separately.
-1 round + 1 Pull-up
-1 round + 6 KBS
-Fun little workout, everything unbroken except the sets of wall-balls. Damn that 30# ball!
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extension x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Reverse Hypers (50#) x 10 Reps
Rest 30 seconds
-Reverse hypers felt amazing on my back/hip... will be doing more of these in the near future.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Had a really great training session today. I was definitely a lot happier today because I didn't have to modify/cut out anything... makes a huge difference for me mentally to be able to go 100%. Had a super solid training session, great stuff. I went to sleep at freaking 6 pm last... most ridiculous thing I've done in a while. I wake up at 0420 every morning, but still I usually don't go to sleep until 8 or 9. I guess I needed the extra sleep, I felt great in the gym today. Pumped to train tomorrow!
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 4
Minute 2 – L-Seated Dead Hang x 30
Minute 3 – Double-Unders x 40 reps
-Complete, strict HSPU felt like shit today, but got them done.
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps
(Pause for 2 full seconds in the receiving position before recovering – make notes and adjustments to your footwork and weight distribution)
Loads per set (by %): 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85, 85
-135#, 155#, 175#, 185#, 205#, 225#, 245#, 245#, 245# (on last three sets, only did 1 rep each, not 2). I'm having some difficulty completely locking out my right shoulder. I think some tissue work is in order soon. Glad I got the reps in though.
Strict Overhead Press
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50% (95#)
* Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60% (115#)
* Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70% (135#)
* Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85-90% (155#)
* Set 5 – 3 reps @ 85-90% (160#)
* Set 6 – 3 reps @ 85-90% (165#)
* Set 7 – Max reps @ 50% (95#)
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Choose the same load for all three sets of 3 reps. The load used should be challenging to successfully press for three, but if you have more than one failed rep it is too heavy.
-Got all the reps, except for the 6th set. I was feeling good on everything, but only got 1 rep on the set at 165#... shoulders just gassed after 160# x 3. Really solid effort, and I felt good on the max set at the end, got 15 reps.
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes (4 sets) of:
Run 400 Meters
10 Alternating One-Arm DB Snatch (70 lbs)
20 Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters
-4:30, 4:40 for the first two rounds, did not get the times for the second two rounds. My ring dips were what slowed me down here... was doing 7/4/3/2/2/2 almost every set. One of my training partners was blowing through these unbroken every set. I'm definitely not there yet. Really solid effort, lungs felt great.
Monday, June 9, 2014
So my training partners and I are back on Invictus today. I'm excited for my training partners, they are making solid progress. My hip is pretty much back to normal (zero pain) but I still have hesitancy to go 100%. I gave the front squatting a try today, it felt solid, but by the last set I had some lower back pain, but no hip pain. I ended up having to cut out the snatch for snatch grip push press and cut out the back squats / metcon altogether. I put in some fun heavy stuff that I like instead though. Anyway, it is really frustrating being injured, but I'm working through it. Made a solid session out of the day. Pumped to hit it tomorrow!
Six sets of:
Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + Front Squat
Rest 2 minutes
Perform a controlled two-second descent, then hold at the bottom for four seconds before quickly driving up to the top, then breathe, brace and perform a front squat with no tempo restrictions. Build over the course of the six sets to your heaviest set possible within the tempo guidelines.
-185#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 275#, 285#. Weights felt really light/easy, back started blowing up on the last
two sets though.
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets)
Snatch Grip Push-Press x 2 (195#)
-These felt really good, building strength in here and in the lockout.
For time:
DB Bench Press (2 x 80#)
Strict Weighted Pull-up (35#)
-Didn't actually get the time, but went hard. Took adequate rest to get each set of pressing unbroken. Had to break up most of the sets of pull-ups. Heavier than last week, felt really solid.
3 Sets:
1500m Row
Rest 5 minutes
-5:31, 5:40, 5:50. Felt gassed after above work... tough.
Six sets of:
Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + Front Squat
Rest 2 minutes
Perform a controlled two-second descent, then hold at the bottom for four seconds before quickly driving up to the top, then breathe, brace and perform a front squat with no tempo restrictions. Build over the course of the six sets to your heaviest set possible within the tempo guidelines.
-185#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 275#, 285#. Weights felt really light/easy, back started blowing up on the last
two sets though.
Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets)
Snatch Grip Push-Press x 2 (195#)
-These felt really good, building strength in here and in the lockout.
For time:
DB Bench Press (2 x 80#)
Strict Weighted Pull-up (35#)
-Didn't actually get the time, but went hard. Took adequate rest to get each set of pressing unbroken. Had to break up most of the sets of pull-ups. Heavier than last week, felt really solid.
3 Sets:
1500m Row
Rest 5 minutes
-5:31, 5:40, 5:50. Felt gassed after above work... tough.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Much needed complete rest. Had some extra calories yesterday. Feeling good, pumped to hit it hard tomorrow!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Today was a REALLY fun / tough morning... Extremely mentally tough. I was a little tired when I got up this morning, but it was probably mostly mental given that I knew the mile repeats were coming... Once I got warm and started moving I felt amazing.
Not for time, conga line style with 2 training partners:
Up and down the ladder:
Strict Stationary Dips
Strict Pull-ups
-Great pump, all sets unbroken, felt really strong.
Bench Press - 5 sets of 10 @ 60% (155#), 6th set - max reps with sling shot
-Solid work.
-14 reps
3 Sets, each for time:
1 Mile Run
10 Hang Power Clean (135#)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24")
Rest 6:00
-8:20, 8:45, didn't get the last time, clock got jacked. Felt solid on everything. Running in the sun with my shirt off was really fun, it feels so great. Wish I got to do that year round! Doesn't happen enough in Chicago. It is rarely (maybe a few times a year?) that I don't want to finish a workout. I straight up didn't want to do the last interval, that shit hurt. Really great day... excited to rest the remainder of the day / tomorrow and enjoy this relaxing weekend.
Not for time, conga line style with 2 training partners:
Up and down the ladder:
Strict Stationary Dips
Strict Pull-ups
-Great pump, all sets unbroken, felt really strong.
Bench Press - 5 sets of 10 @ 60% (155#), 6th set - max reps with sling shot
-Solid work.
-14 reps
3 Sets, each for time:
1 Mile Run
10 Hang Power Clean (135#)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24")
Rest 6:00
-8:20, 8:45, didn't get the last time, clock got jacked. Felt solid on everything. Running in the sun with my shirt off was really fun, it feels so great. Wish I got to do that year round! Doesn't happen enough in Chicago. It is rarely (maybe a few times a year?) that I don't want to finish a workout. I straight up didn't want to do the last interval, that shit hurt. Really great day... excited to rest the remainder of the day / tomorrow and enjoy this relaxing weekend.
Friday, June 6, 2014
AM Workout (0500)
Had a really great session in the morning. Everything felt decent.
Snatch Grip Push-Press - Heavy Single
-205#, 225#, 245# (PR), 250# (fail) - I was happy with the PR... couldn't lock out 250# with my right arm though. I don't think I've maxed this out in like two years haha. More there soon.
Push-Press - 3,3,3,3,3,3
-185#, 185#, 205#, 215#, 220#, 225# (f) - only got 2 reps at 225#, everything else felt solid.
-220# for 3 might be a 3 RM PR? I'm not sure, don't train this very much. I know 215# is my 5 RM and 225 is my 3 RM push-jerk.
For time:
Snatch (165#)
-7:45. Did power snatches, can't squat snatch right now as I'm laying off the hip. I felt really good though. MU were 9 unbroken, 5/2, 3/2. Power snatches were all consistent singles, great stuff.
3 sets of 8 - DB Press (2 x 60#)
-Felt really strong in here, usually do these seated on the floor or a box, but used an incline bench with a vertical back, felt much stronger with the incline bench. Fun pump in the shoulders.
PM Workout (1730)
Had an awesome session in the afternoon. I was really tired at work from like 2 to 4 pm... woke up a little on the walk to the gym and everything felt great once I started moving. Had a great conditioning session and felt decently fit.
On a 40:00 clock:
For time:
2000m Row
At 10:00...
For time:
75 Push-Press (75#)
At 20:00...
For time:
500m Row
15 C2B PU
15 Burpees
12 C2B PU
12 Burpees
9 C2B PU
9 Burpees
500m Row
At 30:00...
For time:
30 Cal Airdyne
21 T2B
20 Cal Airdyne
15 T2B
10 Cal Airdyne
9 T2B
-Big effort on everything... had to break up those T2B a lot. Fun PM session, pumped to hit it tomorrow!
Had a really great session in the morning. Everything felt decent.
Snatch Grip Push-Press - Heavy Single
-205#, 225#, 245# (PR), 250# (fail) - I was happy with the PR... couldn't lock out 250# with my right arm though. I don't think I've maxed this out in like two years haha. More there soon.
Push-Press - 3,3,3,3,3,3
-185#, 185#, 205#, 215#, 220#, 225# (f) - only got 2 reps at 225#, everything else felt solid.
-220# for 3 might be a 3 RM PR? I'm not sure, don't train this very much. I know 215# is my 5 RM and 225 is my 3 RM push-jerk.
For time:
Snatch (165#)
-7:45. Did power snatches, can't squat snatch right now as I'm laying off the hip. I felt really good though. MU were 9 unbroken, 5/2, 3/2. Power snatches were all consistent singles, great stuff.
3 sets of 8 - DB Press (2 x 60#)
-Felt really strong in here, usually do these seated on the floor or a box, but used an incline bench with a vertical back, felt much stronger with the incline bench. Fun pump in the shoulders.
PM Workout (1730)
Had an awesome session in the afternoon. I was really tired at work from like 2 to 4 pm... woke up a little on the walk to the gym and everything felt great once I started moving. Had a great conditioning session and felt decently fit.
On a 40:00 clock:
For time:
2000m Row
At 10:00...
For time:
75 Push-Press (75#)
At 20:00...
For time:
500m Row
15 C2B PU
15 Burpees
12 C2B PU
12 Burpees
9 C2B PU
9 Burpees
500m Row
At 30:00...
For time:
30 Cal Airdyne
21 T2B
20 Cal Airdyne
15 T2B
10 Cal Airdyne
9 T2B
-Big effort on everything... had to break up those T2B a lot. Fun PM session, pumped to hit it tomorrow!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Much needed complete rest. Slept about 11 hours last night. Felt pretty good today, hamstrings are toasted though. Pumped to hit it tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Had a great workout this morning. Everything felt really solid. I had to cut out the front squats because I'm not messing with my hip at all. I was really happy I got to do heavy power cleans though.
Power Clean - 2 x 2 @ 80% (262#), 1 x 3 @ 80% (262#)
Clean Pull - 3 x 4 @ 95% (302#)
On a 10:00 Clock:
For time:
'Grace' (all singles, no TnG reps allowed)
at 5:00...
For time:
20 Muscle-ups
-2.20 Grace
-3:48 Muscle-ups
-I haven't done grace in a long time. I think I could do this workout unbroken and go faster. But my training partner PRed his grace time by about 10 seconds doing fast singles (with a 90 second time). I wanted to try this method and I didn't PR, I was 9 seconds off from my best time. Grace is a fun workout, it was different to do all singles, I definitely didn't gas out as hard as I would doing TnG reps.
-Muscle-ups felt surprisingly good after Grace. Went 6/3/2/3/2/2/2 with consistent rest.
Power Clean - 2 x 2 @ 80% (262#), 1 x 3 @ 80% (262#)
Clean Pull - 3 x 4 @ 95% (302#)
On a 10:00 Clock:
For time:
'Grace' (all singles, no TnG reps allowed)
at 5:00...
For time:
20 Muscle-ups
-2.20 Grace
-3:48 Muscle-ups
-I haven't done grace in a long time. I think I could do this workout unbroken and go faster. But my training partner PRed his grace time by about 10 seconds doing fast singles (with a 90 second time). I wanted to try this method and I didn't PR, I was 9 seconds off from my best time. Grace is a fun workout, it was different to do all singles, I definitely didn't gas out as hard as I would doing TnG reps.
-Muscle-ups felt surprisingly good after Grace. Went 6/3/2/3/2/2/2 with consistent rest.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
AM Workout (0500)
I was really tired when I woke up this morning. I only got to sleep 6 1/2 hours last night, much less than I'm used to. It took me a bit to warm up today, but once I did I felt really good. Was some pressing in there today, just cut it out, was not feeling it after yesterday.
A. Warmup, for quality:
40 Hip Circle Lateral Steps
30 Push-ups
20 Strict Pull-ups
3 Strict L-sit Muscle-ups
Power Snatch - 2x2 @ 80% (185#), 1x3 @ 87% (195#)
-Felt really solid in here, no back/hip problems at all.
Three sets for max reps of:
I was really tired when I woke up this morning. I only got to sleep 6 1/2 hours last night, much less than I'm used to. It took me a bit to warm up today, but once I did I felt really good. Was some pressing in there today, just cut it out, was not feeling it after yesterday.
A. Warmup, for quality:
40 Hip Circle Lateral Steps
30 Push-ups
20 Strict Pull-ups
3 Strict L-sit Muscle-ups
Power Snatch - 2x2 @ 80% (185#), 1x3 @ 87% (195#)
-Felt really solid in here, no back/hip problems at all.
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Handstand
30 seconds of Rest
Followed immediately by…
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Ring Dips
30 seconds of Rest
Followed immediately by…
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Hand Release Push-Ups
30 seconds of Rest
-Felt good in here, fun workout.
3 RFT:
400m Run
21 KBS (53#)
12 Pull-ups
-9:10. This isn't my best time, but I did 24 KBS on the first set on accident. Also I had big transitions / I didn't have a pull-up bar, so on the first set I had to wait for everyone to finish their pull-ups before I started mine. Then on the second and third sets I kind of just jumped in wherever a spot was open. Definitely not ideal for PRing a workout, still got a great effort out of it and had a lot of fun.
5 Rounds:
:60 Plank Hold
:30 Rest
-Surprisingly brutal.
PM Workout (1700)
Had an awesome PM session. Great workout on the track. Shirts off hitting it 100% on every interval, great stuff.
3 Sets:
Rest 3:00
straight into...
3 Sets:
Rest 3:00
-Felt surprisingly good. Really happy about my effort and looking forward to another track session next week.
PM Workout (1700)
Had an awesome PM session. Great workout on the track. Shirts off hitting it 100% on every interval, great stuff.
3 Sets:
Rest 3:00
straight into...
3 Sets:
Rest 3:00
-Felt surprisingly good. Really happy about my effort and looking forward to another track session next week.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Felt great today. Had to strongly modify the workout, but I'm mentally okay with that. I had to cut out anything that would agitate my hip/back. Will be doing this for the immediate future until I'm healed up. Still had an amazing workout, wish I could snatch and squat though!
AM Workout (0500)
AM Workout (0500)
Bench Press – 70% (175#) x 3 reps, 80% (205#) x 3
reps, 90% (225#) x Max Reps, 90% (225#) x Max Reps w/ SS
-3 reps
-5 reps (with slingshot)
Snatch Grip Push-Press - 2,2,2,2,2 - all sets at 205#. Haven't done these in a long time. These were supposed to be full snatches, but can't do that, so modified.
For time:
DB Bench Press (2 x 70#)
Strict Weighted Pull-up (25#)
-Didn't actually get the time, but went hard. Took adequate rest to get each set of pressing unbroken. Had to break up most of the sets of pull-ups. Solid work though.
4 Rounds, with 75# fat bar:
7 Skull Crusher
7 Close Grip Bench Press
7 Curls
Rest :60
-Complete, huge pump!
PM Workout (1700)
Had a solid PM session, felt great. Got in a main site workout for fun. School is out for summer and I'm just clerking at a firm in town, working 0830-0430 isn't so bad. The large amount of stress I'm used to is gone, so I'll be putting in some more volume this summer before I peace out to Europe.
7 RFT:
250m Row
20 GHD Sit-ups
-16:10. Had a big transition up and down some stairs, definitely lost some time on that transition, but overall got a really solid workout out of this. Pumped to train tomorrow!
PM Workout (1700)
Had a solid PM session, felt great. Got in a main site workout for fun. School is out for summer and I'm just clerking at a firm in town, working 0830-0430 isn't so bad. The large amount of stress I'm used to is gone, so I'll be putting in some more volume this summer before I peace out to Europe.
7 RFT:
250m Row
20 GHD Sit-ups
-16:10. Had a big transition up and down some stairs, definitely lost some time on that transition, but overall got a really solid workout out of this. Pumped to train tomorrow!
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