Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Row 500m
-1:37 ... wanted to just get these in at a consistent aerobic pace... was shooting for 1:45-1:49 ... after the first few I felt warmed up and started push the pace though.
-1:37 ... wanted to just get these in at a consistent aerobic pace... was shooting for 1:45-1:49 ... after the first few I felt warmed up and started push the pace though.
Glute Bridges - 3 sets of 10 @ 45# Bar
Box Squat – 3 sets of 10 @ 135# / 24"
Single Leg Dead-lift - 3 sets of 12 (6 each leg) @ 135#
6 Rounds, with a partner (each partner does 3 rounds):
20 Burpees-to-Plate
20 Overhead Walking Lunge (55/35#)
20 Russian Twists (55/35#)
20-Calorie Row
Rest is Partner's Set
-4:04 ... burpees and row slowed down a lot ... good/different conditioning piece though.
20 Minute ROMWOD
-4:04 ... burpees and row slowed down a lot ... good/different conditioning piece though.
20 Minute ROMWOD