Friday, April 29, 2016


This morning was an easier/lighter lower body session. Everything felt pretty good. Looking forward to resting up and hitting the workouts hard this week.

Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Row 500m

-1:37 ... wanted to just get these in at a consistent aerobic pace... was shooting for 1:45-1:49 ... after the first few I felt warmed up and started push the pace though. 

Glute Bridges - 3 sets of 10 @ 45# Bar


Box Squat – 3 sets of 10 @ 135# / 24" 


Single Leg Dead-lift - 3 sets of 12 (6 each leg) @ 135#


6 Rounds, with a partner (each partner does 3 rounds): 
20 Burpees-to-Plate
20 Overhead Walking Lunge (55/35#)
20 Russian Twists (55/35#)
20-Calorie Row
Rest is Partner's Set 

-4:04 ... burpees and row slowed down a lot ... good/different conditioning piece though.

20 Minute ROMWOD


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


AM Workout (0530) 

This morning was a very solid session. I didn't feel particularly great when I woke up, but once I got warmed up and started moving I felt pretty good. The conditioning today was rather brutal. No part of it was extremely difficult, but put all together it was really taxing.

Pause Floor Press
Build to a heavy single
Then 80% of that 3x3
Then 70% of that 4x4
Rest as needed

-Single = 225#, failed 235# ... felt really weak with the pause at the bottom... haven't floor pressed much ever before and it is much more difficult for me than regular bench press. Great for saving my shoulder health though, zero pain! 

Sling-Shot Bench Press
3 sets of 10
Rest as needed

-185# across ... just wanted to get in some reps here, went through this quickly. 

“Jumping Helen”
3 RFT:
50 Double-Unders 
21 KBS (53/35#)
12 Pull-ups

Rest 5:00

3 RFT:
7 Clean and Jerk (135#)
7 Ring Muscle-ups

Rest 5:00

7 RFT:
250m Row
5 Strict HSPU


-First workout was unbroken aside from one missed DU ... really blew up my grip
-Second workout was all singles on C+J and 4/3 for each set of MU ... this was much harder for me than I thought it would be. I can usually bang out 7 MU easily, but that was not happening after the 36 pull-ups and 63 KBS in the first part.
-Third workout I just wanted to get unbroken, so I tried to pace it out with a 2:00 500m pace for all the rows. Got the first 6 sets unbroken on HSPU and then went to complete failure and had to do the last set of HSPU as 4/1 ... really gassed my triceps and shoulders. These workouts were all body-weight centric and light, not really the things I'm best at. My girlfriend really pushed me on all these workouts, which was a great training environment.

3 Sets:
Side Planks - :60 Right
Rest as needed
Side Planks - :60 Left
Rest as needed
Tempo DB Curls (1 up, 4 sec down) x 10 reps (2x 25# DB)
Rest as needed
DB Extensions x 10 reps (2 x 25#)
Rest as needed


PM Workout (1545) 

3 Mile TT

-21:45 ... mile splits were:


This is really slow for me... it was very windy, very cold and I was running by myself ... not ideal. I have to say, I've never done a 3 mile on a track and it sucked. I always run out and backs and just going around the track 12 times sucked more than anything I've done in a while. It took a lot of discipline for me to get out out there and just do this alone. I was tired, didn't feel great and the weather was terrible... maybe this morning was a bit taxing on me. Idk, glad I at least did this, even if it wasn't my best performance. I have a lot of work to do to get back to around 18 minutes. 


Complete Rest ... did some light mobility / stretching today.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

This morning was a great workout... it was really taxing by the end of the session. Haven't lifted this much in a while... but everything felt okay. Been keeping the weights a little lighter and focusing in on form. Worked out okay. Also did kettle-bell swings today pain free, which is a step in the right direction.

Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Behind the Neck Split Jerk x 1 rep (building)

-225#, 225#, 245#, 245#, 245#, 255#, 255#, 255# ... kept this light and took some videos... really working on keeping my elbows down in the back rack... this is a technical flaw I really need to hone in on. 

Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets):
TnG = 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean + 1 Push-Jerk  (building)

-205#, 205#, 225#, 225#, 235#, 235#, 245#, 245# ... haven't done heavy TnG stuff like this in a while (like 12+ weeks) ... it felt okay though. Heavier than I am used to it feeling, especially the jerk, but I was really happy with my effort on this. 

For time:

KBS (53/35#)
HR Push-ups

straight into…

3 Rounds:
12 C2B Pull-ups
6 Snatch (135/95#)

straight into…

3 Rounds:
12 Pull-ups
12 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead (55/30#)

-14:34 ... this was a tough workout.. the 21-15-9 was easily done in about 3 minutes, the rest was a big grind. Good conditioning though, very 'crossfity.' 

Barbell Row (135#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Face Pulls x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Plank x :70


PM Workout (1630) 

3 x 800m Run
Rest 3 minutes


-Ran these on a treadmill... which was a huge mistake. Did the first one at a 8.5 mph setting... it was a bit too easy so I upped it to the 10 mph setting. Needless to say this was significantly slower than I would have ran on the track. The weather in Chicago was total shit (about 45, 20 mph winds and raining) ... so I chose not to hit the track. At least I got these intervals in, even if they were a bit slower than I wanted to hit them at. 

Monday, April 25, 2016


I was pretty tired when I woke up this morning... also had to coach two classes prior to doing this... didn't help with the general fatigue that I had going on. It was really good to mobilize and move though, I felt much better after I finished this session. Very light workout today.

Couch Stretch
5 Sets (10 minutes):
2:00 Right Leg
2:00 Left Leg


3 Sets:
Banded Slingshot Good Mornings x 12 reps
Rest as needed


Frog Stretch
8 Minutes


Belt Squats – 3 sets of 10 @ 35# 
Rest as needed


Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes (4 sets): 
25 Kettle Walking Lunges w/ Farmer’s Carry (53/35#)
20-Calorie Row

-Complete ... didn't even record the times, all the intervals were around 2:15 ... got all the lunges unbroken and just tried to stay consistent on the row. This was good lower-body movement for me though. 

Planks on GHD – 3 x :70
Rest as needed
Super Light Reverse Hypers x 10 reps (50#) 
Rest as needed


Sunday, April 24, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

This morning was a really great workout. I haven't trained like this in a long time... this really reminded me of the training sessions I used to have pre-injury. Overall I got a ton of intensity out of this morning and it really taxed me. It was really fun to snatch and push myself like I haven't in a while. 

Every 3 for 18 (6 sets): 
Build up to a Heavy 3 RM Touch-and-Go Power Snatch

-155#, 175#, 185#, 195#, 200# (failed second rep backwards), 205# (failed third rep) ... got a little sketchy toward the end of these reps. The weight didn't feel to heavy, I just need to get used to catching those loads again.

Every 2 for 6 (3 sets): 
Then 80% (165#) of that for 3 reps TnG 

straight into...

Every 2 for 8 (4 sets): 
Then 70% (145#) of that for 4 reps TnG 

-Complete, both 165# and 145# felt extremely easy.

Strict Press – 4 sets of 5, building

-95#, 115#, 125#, 135# ... no missed reps, just wanted to get this movement in. Felt tough after all the snatching. 

4 RFT:
330m Run
15 Hang Power Clean and Jerk (95#/65#)
9 Burpees-over-the-bar

-12:45 ... unbroken ... this smoked me, the HPCJ were much harder than I anticipated, getting each round after the first unbroken was a struggle. 

3 Sets:
Single Arm DB Row (55#) x 10 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Reverse Flyes (2 x 5#) x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Plank x :70 seconds
Rest as needed

-Complete ... went really light on this stuff, I was extremely taxed from the above work, but I wanted to get these movements in. 

PM (1600) 

Starting my 12 week Crossfit Endurance program today. Going to be hitting the track 3 days a week... making a big commitment out of this. I love to run and want to get back to my roots and really give this track stuff a go. Felt pretty gassed during the second half of this. But hell, it was like 70 degrees in Chicago, couldn't not love being out there today.

8 x 200m Run
Rest 2 minutes


1. 31
2. 31
3. 29
4. 33
5. 31
6. 33
7. 35
8. 34

-Felt okay here ... hamstrings are a little tight from Saturday / this morning... but overall felt solid. Was doing these on a kind of windy afternoon, but zero complaints from me, felt great to be out there doing this stuff again. Running can be brutal as hell... really tried to push it despite training alone.

15 Minutes Cool-down/stretching



Complete Rest ... 12 week running program starts tomorrow.

Saturday, April 23, 2016


This morning was a great conditioning workout. I felt pretty solid on everything... although it was depressing to barely get under a 6:00 mile on my TT. I shouldn't expect much more though, I haven't been running all winter. So to run a 5:58 with zero training and miles under my belt is a good starting place I guess. I hope to get this down to 5:29 in 12 weeks. C2B pull-ups felt solid today. Also I did the squat cleans with the DBs... this really shocked my body in a very rough way... haven't done high intensity squatting in months. It was good to get it in and feel it out though.

1 Mile TT on a Track

-5:58 ... splits were 85, 3:00, 4:20, 5:58 ... really tried to push that last lap.

Rest about 30 minutes then on a 30:00 clock...

Masters Qualifier 2016 Event 3
55 Double-Unders
15 C2B Pull-ups
5 Hang Power Cleans (155/105#)

Rest 5:00

15 Calorie Row
12 DB Dead-lift
9 DB Hang Squat Clean
6 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead
*Men = 55#
*Women = 35#

-6 Rounds + 11 C2B Pull-ups (516 reps)
-2 Rounds + 15 Calorie Row ... stopped here at 8:30 when I got off that rower... hamstrings seized up as soon as I went down for my first dead-lift on the third round. Just called it there, wasn't worth it to push it. Glad I got these in though, haven't done much dead-lifting or squatting under load.

20 Minute ROMWOD


Friday, April 22, 2016


Today was a really good workout. Just put something together on the spot... coming off of vacation and my body felt great given the extra rest. Starting a more coherent program come Monday.

3 Sets:
Band Pull Aparts x 10
W's x 10 
Shoulder Dislocates x 10 
Bottom of Dip Hold x 0:05 
Top of Dip Hold x 0:05


Rotator Pressure Wrap and Floss 

-Complete, great warm-up 

Split Jerk
Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy single

-Singles: 255#, 265#, 275#, 285#, 295# ... last rep was really sketchy, didn't really recover it all the way, overall felt good on these split jerks... hopefully will PR this soon.

Strict Muscle-up 
6 sets of 1 rep


For time: 
21 Clean and Jerk (135#/95#) 
15 Clean and Jerk (185#/135#)
9 Clean and Jerk (225/155#) 

Rest 5:00 

3 Rounds: 
8 C2B Pull-ups 
16 Burpees 

Rest 5:00 

For time: 
50 Bench Press (135/95#)
50 Calorie Row


-Overall a tough conditioning session, that first C&J workout was a bitch. I missed the 5th jerk at 225#... which really surprised me and sucked and wasted a lot of time. 135# and 185# felt really easy though. Had to break up the HSPU on the second workout and had to break up the bench press WAY more than I thought I would have to. Overall a great session though, really great time in the gym. 


Further Complete Rest / travel home.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


This morning was a very easy workout, but it was good to get some movement in. Still on vacation, so just got a short workout in at the hotel gym. Also went on a longer hike in the afternoon.

AMRAP 20 Minutes (4 sets):
Min 1 - Strict Pull-ups
Min 2 - Russian Twists (12# med-ball)
Min 3 - Alternating DB Snatch (50# DB)
Min 4 - Plank Hold
Min 5 - Rest

-Don't remember my rep count on anything, just went for intensity.

3 Sets:
DB Side Lateral Raise x 15 reps @ (2 x 10# DB)
Rest as needed
Lat Pull-Downs x 15 reps (very light weight, didn't even look what it was, used this more as a cool-down)
Rest as needed


10 Minute Handstand Walking Practice

1.5 Mile Incline Walk

-Complete, untimed

Monday, April 18, 2016


In VA on vacation. Had a pretty chill workout this morning, just put something together on the spot.

2.7 mile hike/run in the mountains. 2,400 to 3,100 elevation climb... Mostly walking up about a mile and then 1.7 down. It was pretty light, not very taxing.

AMRAP, on a running clock:

0:00 - 3:00

2 Rds:
10 Push-ups
10 Jumping Lunges

3:00 - 6:00

2 Rds:
12 Push-ups
12 Jumping Lunges

9:00 - 12:00 etc. etc..

-Made it through round of 22. Got through the second set of 24 push-ups, then couldn't finish the last set of 24 lunges within the time cap.

With a partner, AMRAP 10:
~200m Run
*While one partner runs, second partner holds a hollow-body position

-This was the hardest part of the whole day... Holding the hollow body on the ground became very challenging on the core.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

4/16/16 and 4/17/16


In VA right now... Dropped in a local box and did the workout off the board. It was a pretty easy workout... It was some good movement though, everything was smooth aside from the farmer's carry at the end, that really kicked my ass.

For Time:
2000m Run


8 rounds of:
10 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
10 Burpees


400m Sand Bag Carry (45#)
400m Farmer's Carry (2 x 45# DB)


4/17/16 - Complete rest

Friday, April 15, 2016


Complete Rest / traveling to VA for a wedding ... my body is thrashed from yesterday.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


AM Workout (0700) 

~30 Minute Easy Run ... Didn't time the run or the distance, but the weather was great in Chicago this morning and I had to renew my driver's license because my old one expired today, so I ran down to the DMV to get that taken care of. Glad I got out the door, was a good run.

PM Workout (1400) 

In celebration of my 27th birthday did something much different today. Long partner AMRAP... it ripped me up pretty good. I was happy to power clean 225# for ~75 reps in a workout though. I haven't been cleaning much and these are the heaviest reps I've done in a long time. This was a really tough workout and I did it with my girlfriend. Saw this on Rich Froning's instagram a while back and I still kinda can't believe we actually did this... it was a gnar workout.

With a partner,
AMRAP 60 Minutes:
400 Double-Unders
200 Ring Dips
100 Cleans (225#/135#)
50 Rope Climbs (15')

-1 Round + 34 Cleans

3 sets:
Plank on GHD x 45 Seconds
Rest 75 seconds


20 Minute ROMWOD


Wednesday, April 13, 2016


This morning was some really good aerobic training. Haven't hit this workout for two years... today it wasn't as challenging as I remember it being.

EMOM 10:
3 Strict HSPU ... add deficit if too easy

-5 Minutes @ 2" deficit
-5 Minutes regular

Every 12 for 48 minutes (4 sets) of:
Row 2000/1750m
150 Double-Unders

-9:32 (7:35)
-9:45 (7:41)
-9:33 (7:53) ... got 113 unbroken DU here... not sure why I felt so great on that interval.
-10:09 (8:03) ... totally gassed out on this last interval.

Two years ago:

-9:22 (7:14)
-9:50 (7:21)
-9:54 (7:31)
-10:02 (7:29)  ... so it looks like two years ago I rowed faster, but was worse at getting through the double-unders .. interesting that overall my time today was faster when adding up all the interval's total times, despite rowing slower today. Also, my perceived effort on the workout was much lower today, even though getting through this faster overall.

Monday, April 11, 2016


This morning was a tough session. It was very 'crossfitty' ... but was it was great workout overall. I snatched without pain at all, which was great. My shoulder has been really bugging me, but I went through some helpful stretches that really alleviated a lot of my pain prior to the workout. Once I was warmed up I didn't have to scale anything and got all the work in. It was a fairly taxing session. 

For time:
100 Double-Unders
25 Front Rack Lunges (115#/85#)
25 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#/85#)

Rest 5:00 then... 

6 RFT:
3 Snatches (155#/105#)
2 Rounds of: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Lunge Steps
1 Legless RC

Rest 5:00 then... 

For time:
100 Calorie Row


20 Minute ROMWOD



AM Workout (0600) 

This morning was a really great workout. The EMOM was very challenging and took a lot of effort. Also, no pain with the belt squats and with power cleans from the floor, which are both great things.

8 Minutes Couch + 5 Minutes Frog Stretch + 3 x 12 Banded Slingshot Good Mornings


3 Sets:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 20 reps (10 each leg) @ (2 x 40# DB) 
Rest as needed
Belt Squats x 8 reps @ 35# KB 
Rest as needed


EMOM 30:
Min 1 – Calorie Row x 15/12
Min 2 – Burpees x 4 + Power Clean x 3 (205#/145#)
Min 3 – Burpees x 4 + C2B Pull-up x 6 

-This was a really solid workout, cleans were all TNG, which surprised me. I haven't cleaned in a few months, so it nice for the weight to feel so light.

3 sets of 1:30
Rest 2 :00

-Complete ... want to incorporate lots of spine stability stuff, this was challenging.

PM Workout (1530) 

With a partner:
30 Minutes:
1 Min @ 100%
1 Min Rest

-Complete ... didn't calculate anything out, just went for intensity. This was some decent cardio. 

4/9 & 4/10

Complete Rest ... body was really thrashed, felt like I needed a thorough rest, so I took two consecutive days off.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


This morning was a great workout... the best I've had in a while. Wished I could have gone a little heavier on the jerks, but overall a great session.

5 Sets:
1 Strict Muscle-up (3 second hold for pull, 3 second in transition, 3 second in support)
*Have partner count holds


EMOM 10 Minutes:
15 Second Parallete Hand-Stand Hold
*Have partner count hold


Take 20 minutes to build up to a heavy 1 RM Split Jerk

-205#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 275#, 285#, 295# (f) ... should have had that last one, but missed it out front. 285# is solid for me for not having jerked heavy in a long time.

For time:
15 Shoulder-to-Overhead (200#) @ 70% of A
45 Pull-ups
12 Shoulder-to-Overhead (200#) @ 70% of A
36 Pull-ups
9 Shoulder-to-Overhead (200#) @ 70% of A
27 Pull-ups

-11:28 ... tough workout. Pull-ups were 15/15/15 ... 13/12/11 ... 19/8. S2O were all push-jerks, didn't really have a plan on those, just got through them.

3 Sets:
Reverse Fly x 10 (2 x 10# DB)
Rest as needed
Single Arm DB Row x 16 reps (8 each arm) @ (2 x 70# DB)
Rest as needed
DB Curls x 10 (2 x 30#  DB)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... went lighter on this accessory stuff... I was trashed by the time we got here, was good to get these movements in though.

15 Minute ROMWOD



Today was an okay workout, it was on the easier size, but it was nice to clean again.

8 Minutes Couch Stretch

5 Minutes Frog Stretch

3 Sets:
Banded Good Mornings x 12 reps

2 Sets:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 (each leg) @ 2 x 35# KB
Rest as needed
Single Leg BB Dead-lifts x 8 (each leg) @ 115#
Rest as needed
Goblet Squat x 5 reps (20# DB)
Rest as needed

EMOM 21 Minutes (7 Sets):
Min 1 - 40 Double-unders
Min 2 - 10 KB Lunges (2 x 53#)
Min 3 - 5 Hang Power Cleans (185#)

then when the clock hits 21:00...

3 RFT:
40 Double-unders
10 KB Lunges (2 x 53#)
5 Hang Power Cleans (185#)

-3:55 ... the 3 rounds for time was some quality intensity, I tried to go as hard as I could, but didn't want to go too crazy with the lunges and cleans with my back... but I got through this whole workout with zero pain which is a good thing.

20 Minutes Lacrosse Ball

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


This morning was a decent training session. I didn't feel particularly great on anything, but overall got some good intensity out of this morning. Today was a test day for all the benching I've been doing... then made up the conditioning workout for myself.

Bench Press
Work up to a Heavy Single / 1 RM

Singles: 205#, 225#, 245#, 255# (needed a small spot), 250# (needed a small spot) ... 245# went up easily, I got greedy and put on 255#, I should have gone to 250#... I went back down to 250# afterward in an attempt to get it without a spot, but had blown my energy on the single at 255#. This is the most I've benched in a while and I weigh less than I have in a very long time, so I should realistically be happy about these numbers. I did this last cycle off of a 240# bench where I needed a small spot. So again, realistically I should be happy about getting a 5# increase without a spot and 255# with a small spot through my sticking point in the middle. Overall, I still suck at benching....

Strict 'JT'
For time:
Strict HSPU
Strict Ring Dips

Rest 10-15 minutes then...

For time:
20 C2B Pull-ups
20 Box Jump Overs (24")
20 Toes-to-Bar
40 Burpees
20 Toes-to-Bar
20 Box Jump Overs (24")
20 C2B Pull-ups


-This was about a minute PR for Strict JT ... which was weird because I felt much slower and generally weaker than I remember feeling last time. HSPU were 7/7/4/2 ... 5 sets of 3 and 3/2/2/2/. The ring dips and push-ups went much quicker.
-This second workout was pretty brutal. I haven't been doing much T2B because they cause me pain sometimes, so I felt a little slow on those. Overall a solid effort though, I moved through this fairly consistently. It was a good workout.

Monday, April 4, 2016


Complete Rest / dry needling


Today was a lot of great mobility and aerobic training. I had a good time in the gym, despite training alone.

Couch Stretch, 10 minutes, alternating legs every 2 minutes

Frog Stretch, 6 minutes, various pelvic tilts continuously throughout

Calf/Ankle Stretch, 4 minutes, alternating every minute

Every 4 minutes for 28 minutes:
750m Row


-Tried to stay consistent here, around a 1:45/500m pace ... felt pretty good, but the rest interval was very short, so this got challenging. Good aerobic training. I've done a similar workout to this, 7 x 750m @ 3:00 rest ... this was like 4 years ago, but back then I hit them all at 2:30-2:35, but the rest interval was more than twice as much, so it is tough to compare.

Banded Hamstring Stretch, 10 minutes, alternating legs each minute

20 Minute ROMWOD

4/2 & 4/3/16

Complete Rest both days. Taking some much needed de-load on my upper body.