Had a 24 hour duty last night ... slept from 0245 to 0620 and then after duty ended at 0800 I was able to sleep again from 0930 to 1100 ... then was in the gym by 1200... far from ideal, but I pushed through it and got all the work done. I didn't feel particularly great, but once the clock started going I felt great on everything. Really solid morning of training despite the little / inconsistent sleep last night.
Front Squat
3 @ 82% (300#)
1 @ 87% (315#)
3 @ 82% (300#)
1 @ 90% (325#)
3 @ 82% (300#)
1 @ 93% (335#)
-Complete ... this definitely didn't feel great ... strength was there well enough, but I was getting extremely light headed during these reps.
3 Sets, for quality, of:
Ring Muscle-ups x 5-12 reps, unbroken consistent sets
Double-Unders x 50
Pistols, alternating x 12 reps
Rest as needed between sets
-Complete ... got consistent sets of 12 reps unbroken, was resting about 2-3 minutes between each set ... overall felt very solid on the rings. Can't wait to break the 20 unbroken mark.
For times, on a running clock..
500m Row
10 Power Snatch (155/105#)
20 TTB
at 8:00
500m Row
15/10 Bar Muscle-ups
30 Thrusters (135/95#)
at 18:00
500m Row
20 TTB
at 27:00
500m Row
25 Burpees
50 Ring Dips
-Result =
3 Sets of, each arm, of:
8 KB Rows + 8 KB Hang Snatch + 8 KB Strict Press (35#)
Rest as needed
-Complete ... I was totally fried by the end of this session, so didn't push the loading at all, but it was good to get in some unilateral stuff.
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