Today was a low volume cardio day. Felt pretty solid on here, always enjoy a little time on the erg.
5 x 1000m Row
Rest 2:30
-All intervals between 3:29 and 3:33 ... was trying to keep this right around a 1:45/500m pace, achieved for all sets.
Monday, December 31, 2018
"12 Days of Christmas - Invictus Style"
1 - Run 300m
2 - Snatches (155/105#)
3 - Thrusters (155/105#)
4 - Muscle-ups
5 - Burpees
6 - Toes-to-Bar
7 - C2B Pull-ups
8 - KBS (32/24 KG)
9 - Box Jumps (30/24")
10 - Strict HSPU
11 - Ground to Overhead (155/105#)
12 - Man-Makers (55/35#)
-64:25 ... this was a bitch and a half. Started my first set of Strict HSPU at about 35 minutes... so the rounds of 10/11/12 took me an additional 30 minutes... I thought I would finish this under an hour, but couldn't do it ... but overall really happy to PR this, I haven't done this since 2013 where it took me 89 minutes. I think I improved on the fact that all the reps were unbroken except the snatches and ground to overhead which were all consistent singles ... man-makers sucked just as much as I remember them sucking. Great start to 2019, really fun time in the gym... felt fit.
Friday, December 28, 2018
This morning was a pretty decent workout... tons of reps and aerobic work.
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
15 min Amrap
15 Pull Ups
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 Burpee to Bar (6" jump to pull-up bar)
-6 Rounds + 3 Pull-ups
15 Pull Ups
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 Burpee to Bar (6" jump to pull-up bar)
-6 Rounds + 3 Pull-ups
Power Snatch (Heavy 3)
Touch and Go!!!
-95#, 145#, 165#, 185#, 195#... kept these light, went through this very quickly... overall these felt good though, probably more there, but shut it down due to time constraints.
-95#, 145#, 165#, 185#, 195#... kept these light, went through this very quickly... overall these felt good though, probably more there, but shut it down due to time constraints.
Shoulder Press (8x4 @80% (155#))
-Complete ... no misses, this was rough on the shoulders... happy to be able to get 32 reps of this weight, 155# is not a light number. I remember in like ~2010 this was my 1 RM.
-Complete ... no misses, this was rough on the shoulders... happy to be able to get 32 reps of this weight, 155# is not a light number. I remember in like ~2010 this was my 1 RM.
Metcon (Time)
10 Rds
50 Double Unders
50 Double Unders
20 Push Ups
-17:13 ... was shooting for under 15 minutes, but my push-ups gassed out quite a bit during the last 5 sets. Tried to do 4 sets of 5 on each set of push-ups... I stuck to that rep scheme, but my rest between sets of 5 took a while during the end. Overall fun/different from what I'm used to doing.
-17:13 ... was shooting for under 15 minutes, but my push-ups gassed out quite a bit during the last 5 sets. Tried to do 4 sets of 5 on each set of push-ups... I stuck to that rep scheme, but my rest between sets of 5 took a while during the end. Overall fun/different from what I'm used to doing.
Three sets of:
Half-Kneeling Pallof Press x 10 reps each side
Side Plank x :90 (:45 seconds each side)
GHD Hip Extension (unweighted) x 10 reps
AM Workout (0700)
This morning was a bit of a rough workout... I felt like shit on the lifting... but my lungs are feeling better on the conditioning pieces... I was surprised by how consistent I felt on the bike. Overall a good training session, it was just tough to feel so weak on the big lifts, but after traveling/not sleeping much/eating weird shit, I shouldn't expect much else. Happy to get this in and go hard and I am looking forward to some more workouts over the next few days I have off from work.
This morning was a bit of a rough workout... I felt like shit on the lifting... but my lungs are feeling better on the conditioning pieces... I was surprised by how consistent I felt on the bike. Overall a good training session, it was just tough to feel so weak on the big lifts, but after traveling/not sleeping much/eating weird shit, I shouldn't expect much else. Happy to get this in and go hard and I am looking forward to some more workouts over the next few days I have off from work.
Olympic Lifting Total
Snatch (1 Rep Max)
Clean and Jerk (1 Rep Max)
-Snatch = 195#, 205#, 215#, 225#, missed 235# ... this was stupid, 225# felt very easy and so did 235#, I just caught it with a bent arm and lost it out front... sometimes when I do a lot of high volume crossfit I have difficulty locking out my right arm on both jerks and snatches and that was the case today... I think my body is still smashed from the 500 yards of DB lunging earlier in the week.
-Clean and Jerk = 230#, 255#, 280#, 290# .... called it there, felt a hell of a lot better on this than I did snatching.
On a running clock:
For time:
100 Cal Assault Bike
Rest until the clock reaches 15:00 then...
3 RFT:
30 Wall Balls (25/20)
30 T2B
Rest until the clock reaches 35:00 then...
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10 min Amrap
12 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Stationary Reverse Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
-5:35 ... tried to maintain a 65-70 RPM up until ~80 calories and then increased the pace. This blew up my legs, but I recovered well in 10 minutes.
-9:54 ... rough... wish I had a 30# ball, but heaviest in the gym was a 25#. Felt solid on both movements, but this was just a tough workout regardless.
-4 Rounds ... this was horrible, just tried to get through it .
3 Sets:
Bent Over BB Row (135#) x 10 reps
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 10# DB) x 10 reps
PM Workout (1200)
Snuck in a bit more volume in the afternoon, was overall a solid session, in and out in about 45 minutes.
3 x 1200m Row
Rest 3:00
-4:16.6 ... tried to stay consistent at 1:45 on these, was a slight bit of deviation, but I was very happy overall with how these went and how good my lungs are starting to feel.
Rest exactly 10 minutes from the finish of the last 1200 and then...
10 Minutes EMOM 5 Power Clean and Power Jerk (155/105)
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes- complete 5 power clean and power jerk (155/105). Pick a weight you can do unbroken for the entire 10 minutes. This is working on barbell cycling efficiency and conditioning.
-Complete ... was tough after the rowing, but I felt strong on these.
Olympic Lifting Total
Snatch (1 Rep Max)
Clean and Jerk (1 Rep Max)
-Snatch = 195#, 205#, 215#, 225#, missed 235# ... this was stupid, 225# felt very easy and so did 235#, I just caught it with a bent arm and lost it out front... sometimes when I do a lot of high volume crossfit I have difficulty locking out my right arm on both jerks and snatches and that was the case today... I think my body is still smashed from the 500 yards of DB lunging earlier in the week.
-Clean and Jerk = 230#, 255#, 280#, 290# .... called it there, felt a hell of a lot better on this than I did snatching.
On a running clock:
For time:
100 Cal Assault Bike
Rest until the clock reaches 15:00 then...
3 RFT:
30 Wall Balls (25/20)
30 T2B
Rest until the clock reaches 35:00 then...
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10 min Amrap
12 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Stationary Reverse Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
-5:35 ... tried to maintain a 65-70 RPM up until ~80 calories and then increased the pace. This blew up my legs, but I recovered well in 10 minutes.
-9:54 ... rough... wish I had a 30# ball, but heaviest in the gym was a 25#. Felt solid on both movements, but this was just a tough workout regardless.
-4 Rounds ... this was horrible, just tried to get through it .
3 Sets:
Bent Over BB Row (135#) x 10 reps
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 10# DB) x 10 reps
PM Workout (1200)
Snuck in a bit more volume in the afternoon, was overall a solid session, in and out in about 45 minutes.
3 x 1200m Row
Rest 3:00
-4:16.6 ... tried to stay consistent at 1:45 on these, was a slight bit of deviation, but I was very happy overall with how these went and how good my lungs are starting to feel.
Rest exactly 10 minutes from the finish of the last 1200 and then...
10 Minutes EMOM 5 Power Clean and Power Jerk (155/105)
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes- complete 5 power clean and power jerk (155/105). Pick a weight you can do unbroken for the entire 10 minutes. This is working on barbell cycling efficiency and conditioning.
-Complete ... was tough after the rowing, but I felt strong on these.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Today was a solid workout. Felt pretty solid on everything today, lungs are feeling good and the strength stuff went well afterward.
4 x 500m
Rest 2:00
-Complete, all sets were between 1:38-1:41. Felt consistent and solid here.
Rest 2:00
-Complete, all sets were between 1:38-1:41. Felt consistent and solid here.
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
Bench Press (135/95)
Strict Pull Ups
-26:09 ... fun workout, huge pump. Proud of my wife for pushing through this, she didn't want to do all these strict pull-ups, but she ended up being very good at this.
Bench Press (135/95)
Strict Pull Ups
-26:09 ... fun workout, huge pump. Proud of my wife for pushing through this, she didn't want to do all these strict pull-ups, but she ended up being very good at this.
Front Squat (3,2,1,1,1)
-235# x 3, 285# x 2, 315# x 1, 335# x 1, 350# x 1
-235# x 3, 285# x 2, 315# x 1, 335# x 1, 350# x 1
Deadlift (7x5 @75% (375#))
-Complete, got all these reps easily, felt very strong here.
-Complete, got all these reps easily, felt very strong here.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Abbate (Time)
Abbate (Time)
For Time:
Run 1 mile (sub 2000m Row)
21 Clean and Jerks, 155#
Run 800 meters (sub 1000m Row)
21 Clean and Jerks, 155#
Run 1 Mile (sub 2000m Row)
Run 1 mile (sub 2000m Row)
21 Clean and Jerks, 155#
Run 800 meters (sub 1000m Row)
21 Clean and Jerks, 155#
Run 1 Mile
In honor of U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Matthew T. Abbate, 26, of Honolulu, HI, was killed on December 2, 2010
-26:47... splits for the rows were 7:19 / 4:02 / 7:55 ... rough workout, but overall a fun longer aerobic workout. CJs were consistent singles on both sets.
-26:47... splits for the rows were 7:19 / 4:02 / 7:55 ... rough workout, but overall a fun longer aerobic workout. CJs were consistent singles on both sets.
Snatch (Heavy 2 )
No touch and Go
-This was the worst snatching has felt in ages. I didn't realize how much the first part had taken out of me... pretty embarrassing, but some days are just going to feel shitty.
-Doubles went: 95#, 135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 220# (failed second rep), 220# (failed first attempt) ... this was horrible, can't believe I missed such a light number... hit 220# for a triple a few weeks ago.
-This was the worst snatching has felt in ages. I didn't realize how much the first part had taken out of me... pretty embarrassing, but some days are just going to feel shitty.
-Doubles went: 95#, 135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 220# (failed second rep), 220# (failed first attempt) ... this was horrible, can't believe I missed such a light number... hit 220# for a triple a few weeks ago.
Snatch Grip Deadlift (3x3 @105% (275#))
Metcon (Time)
5 rds
50 ft Right Single Arm OVH Lunge Walk (80/50)
50 ft Left Single Arm OVH Lunge Walk
12 HSPU50 ft Right Single Arm OVH Lunge Walk (80/50)
50 ft Left Single Arm OVH Lunge Walk
-16:01 ... HSPU unbroken except set 4 which was 8/4... lunges were unbroken except the last two sets of right arm lunges... right shoulder felt really unstable on the 4th and 5th set... this was a very tough workout for me... all shoulders and an 80# DB is outside my comfort zone. Overall good training, left me totally smoked.
Had an awesome Christmas with my family... there is a new middle school that opened up near my parent's house back home... had to break in the track and get in some intervals today. Got out the door mid-day around 3 PM between gift-giving and a giant dinner... Didn't push anything too hard today... was a tad cold and windy, but it was great to get in some movement and blow off some steam today. Great stuff.
Every 3 for 24 (8 sets) of:
400m Run
-Didn't catch all the exact times, most of these were between 85-89 ... wasn't pushing things particularly fast and the track was made of gravel, definitely more difficult than running on a regular track. Regardless of the intensity I was able to get out of this, I really enjoyed getting this in.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Had an okay workout today... dropped into a gym... they had 'open gym' listed as going on, but it was extremely crowded and difficult to get stuff in... did what we could, in retrospect it was a good workout, other than the break we were forced to take during our first piece.
For Time:
Deadlift (405/275)
Bench Press (225/155)
-Complete ... didn't catch the time here... had to take an awkward 5-10 minute break in the middle of this due to gym announcements where everyone had to stop working out... but overall I was just happy to get this in... the bench was heavy for me... haven't done this many reps at 225# in a conditioning workout in a very long time. Tough workout for me, physically and mentally, but got through it as best I could.
For Time:
Deadlift (405/275)
Bench Press (225/155)
-Complete ... didn't catch the time here... had to take an awkward 5-10 minute break in the middle of this due to gym announcements where everyone had to stop working out... but overall I was just happy to get this in... the bench was heavy for me... haven't done this many reps at 225# in a conditioning workout in a very long time. Tough workout for me, physically and mentally, but got through it as best I could.
10 RFT:
20/15 Cal Assault Bike
20/15 Cal Assault Bike
200m Run
-Approximately 25:00? Didn't get the exact time, this was good cardio though... tried to keep the bike at 70 RPM ... didn't know the exact distance on the run, kind of just eye-balled it. Didn't matter, overall I was just stoked how good my aerobic system was feeling on this one.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Complete Rest ... was going to train today, but ended up feeling really sick/sore throat/congestion last night ... continued into today, ended up taking complete rest and sleeping 12 hours on Friday night.
Today was a solid workout ... every piece of this was difficult for me... great variation and different than the training I have been doing over the last few years. Fun session, enjoyed it and tried to push myself.
3 RFT:
30 T2B
10 Muscle Ups
-12:30 ... MU went 6/4 ... 4/3/3 ... 4/3/2/1... these were brutal, my grip and core were completely fried from the TTB. Great workout.
Power Snatch (Every min (10 mins) 6 PS @60% (145#) of 1 RM Power Snatch)
Touch and Go!!!
-Complete ... fell off of EMOM a bit on this... 60 reps TnG at 145# was tough... finished at about 10:30... this was a mental grind and extremely painful.
3 RFT:
30 T2B
10 Muscle Ups
-12:30 ... MU went 6/4 ... 4/3/3 ... 4/3/2/1... these were brutal, my grip and core were completely fried from the TTB. Great workout.
Power Snatch (Every min (10 mins) 6 PS @60% (145#) of 1 RM Power Snatch)
Touch and Go!!!
-Complete ... fell off of EMOM a bit on this... 60 reps TnG at 145# was tough... finished at about 10:30... this was a mental grind and extremely painful.
Shoulder Press (7x5 @77.5% (150#))
-Complete ... happy to have no misses here, 35 reps at 150# was not easy after parts A and B.
Shoulder Press (7x5 @77.5% (150#))
-Complete ... happy to have no misses here, 35 reps at 150# was not easy after parts A and B.
I was pretty tired when I got up this morning... but got moving and today was a much needed lower volume session. I altered the programming a bit to exclude any squatting... needed to give my knees/IT bands a break. Overall a good session, in and out of the gym in an hour, which was nice.
For Time:
DB Snatch (70/50)
30/25 Cal. Assault Bike after each set
-Around 9 ish minutes? Don't remember the exact time, blew up my legs.
For Time:
DB Snatch (70/50)
30/25 Cal. Assault Bike after each set
-Around 9 ish minutes? Don't remember the exact time, blew up my legs.
10 Minutes EMOM 5 Power Clean and Power Jerk (165/110)
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes- complete 5 power clean and power jerk (165/110).
10 Minutes EMOM 5 Power Clean and Power Jerk (165/110)
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes- complete 5 power clean and power jerk (165/110).
Pick a weight you can do unbroken for the entire 10 minutes. This is working on barbell cycling efficiency and conditioning.
-Complete ... this was recommended to be at 155/105# ... but I scaled up the loading and got all the sets done at 165# ... it was difficult but manageable, overall good training, interested to see if I could keep this up at 175 or 185.
-Complete ... this was recommended to be at 155/105# ... but I scaled up the loading and got all the sets done at 165# ... it was difficult but manageable, overall good training, interested to see if I could keep this up at 175 or 185.
Every 2 for 8 minutes, complete a set:
C2B Pull-ups (unbroken sets)
-Complete ... got all these sets unbroken, was good skill practice for C2B.
C2B Pull-ups (unbroken sets)
-Complete ... got all these sets unbroken, was good skill practice for C2B.
AM (0630)
Bit of a stressful morning due to time constraints... got in what I could.
12 min Amrap
21 Cal. Ski
9 KB Front Rack Squat - right (35/24#)
9 KB Front Rack Squat - left (35/24#)
-2 Rounds + 11 SHSPU
Front Squat (5,3,2,1,1)
-225# x 5, 275# x 3, 325# x 2, 345# x 1, 350# x 1... didn't really feel great here, but got through it.
Shoulder Press – 6 x 6 @ 75% (145#)
-Complete ... rough ... missed the last rep of the last set... so got 35/36 reps.
PM (1200)
Had a better afternoon workout than I did this morning... which is always strange, but having a bit of slow down at work given the holidays coming up, had a stress-free time and was able to get in what I wanted over my lunch break. Great stuff, happy to get in some more volume and hit some of the stuff I missed last week.
Snatch (Heavy 3 )
No touch and Go
-Complete, no misses, triples went 95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 215# ... felt solid on these, hit 220# last week, but called it at 215# to move on.
Snatch Grip Deadlift
3x3 @105% (275#)
For Time:
Double Unders
Strict Pull-ups
-Complete ... didn't time this, but got a lot of good intensity out of this, sets of 100 and 80 DU unbroken, had a few stupid trip ups on the later sets.
12 x 250m Row
Rest 1:30
-Complete ... a little slower than the last couple weeks on these, :30 less rest each interval was a notable change... overall just glad to have the time to get these in. Tried to keep a 1:29 pace, but most of these were between a 1:30 and 1:35
Bit of a stressful morning due to time constraints... got in what I could.
12 min Amrap
21 Cal. Ski
9 KB Front Rack Squat - right (35/24#)
9 KB Front Rack Squat - left (35/24#)
-2 Rounds + 11 SHSPU
Front Squat (5,3,2,1,1)
-225# x 5, 275# x 3, 325# x 2, 345# x 1, 350# x 1... didn't really feel great here, but got through it.
Shoulder Press – 6 x 6 @ 75% (145#)
-Complete ... rough ... missed the last rep of the last set... so got 35/36 reps.
PM (1200)
Had a better afternoon workout than I did this morning... which is always strange, but having a bit of slow down at work given the holidays coming up, had a stress-free time and was able to get in what I wanted over my lunch break. Great stuff, happy to get in some more volume and hit some of the stuff I missed last week.
Snatch (Heavy 3 )
No touch and Go
-Complete, no misses, triples went 95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 215# ... felt solid on these, hit 220# last week, but called it at 215# to move on.
Snatch Grip Deadlift
3x3 @105% (275#)
For Time:
Double Unders
Strict Pull-ups
-Complete ... didn't time this, but got a lot of good intensity out of this, sets of 100 and 80 DU unbroken, had a few stupid trip ups on the later sets.
12 x 250m Row
Rest 1:30
-Complete ... a little slower than the last couple weeks on these, :30 less rest each interval was a notable change... overall just glad to have the time to get these in. Tried to keep a 1:29 pace, but most of these were between a 1:30 and 1:35
I was a bit tired coming off of travel, but got in the gym and hit the programming. Was a bit crunched for time, so only got in the conditioning piece... but it was a tough one. This left me wrecked.
Adam Brown (Time)
Two RFT:
295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24" box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
195 pound Bench press, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24" box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
145 pound Clean, 24 reps
-36:37 ... rough. Lost most of my time on the bench press, those 48 reps took a while... biggest set on those was a set of 5... mostly triples/doubles/singles... everything else was fairly fluid.
Two RFT:
295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24" box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
195 pound Bench press, 24 reps
24 Box jumps, 24" box
24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
145 pound Clean, 24 reps
-36:37 ... rough. Lost most of my time on the bench press, those 48 reps took a while... biggest set on those was a set of 5... mostly triples/doubles/singles... everything else was fairly fluid.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
12/14 - 12/16/18
12/14 & 12/15
Complete Rest
On the road... dropped into a gym and got in and out within an hour. Hit the most important parts of what we were supposed to do today, overall was a solid session to get in while traveling.
Complete Rest
On the road... dropped into a gym and got in and out within an hour. Hit the most important parts of what we were supposed to do today, overall was a solid session to get in while traveling.
Every :30 for 5 minutes:
10 Air Squats
-Complete ... solid warm-up
-Complete ... solid warm-up
For time:
Rest 10:00 then...
Rest 10:00 then...
For time:
Row Cals
Rest 5:00 then....
For time:
Row Cals
-7:00 ... overall good training here... 90 HSPU is a lot for me, but got through them ... muscle-up/GHD was one of the hardest core workouts I've done in a long time... toughest sets of GHDs I've ever done. Good gymnastics/weakness training.
Rest 5:00 then....
For time:
Row Cals
-7:00 ... overall good training here... 90 HSPU is a lot for me, but got through them ... muscle-up/GHD was one of the hardest core workouts I've done in a long time... toughest sets of GHDs I've ever done. Good gymnastics/weakness training.
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
This morning was a much better day in the gym. A night's rest was much needed... I was able to head into workout late today, so got some much needed time to train in an empty gym and do whatever the hell I wanted. It was quite cathartic after last night. I really enjoyed pushing myself through this, overall great training. Starting to feel more conditioned. Tons of volume in one session, wish I could have pushed the rowing to a second session, but just powered through and hit it all due to time constraints.
Every :30 for 5 minutes
10 D-Ball Squats (30#)
-Complete ... was supposed to be a 50#, but the heaviest we have at our gym is a 30# ... solid warm-up nonetheless.
-Complete ... was supposed to be a 50#, but the heaviest we have at our gym is a 30# ... solid warm-up nonetheless.
EMOM 10:
5 TnG Power Clean and Jerk (155/105#)
-All reps TnG, got through this with much more ease than any of the other barbell cycling stuff we have done.
-All reps TnG, got through this with much more ease than any of the other barbell cycling stuff we have done.
Every 3 for 30 (10 sets):
3 Deadlifts @ 80% (405#)
30 Foot Handstand Walk (two unbroken segments of 15 feet)
-Complete ... missed the 7th set and 9th set... had to add in extra minutes there... so ended up finishing right around 32:00. Overall great training for handstand walking... this was really fun and really mentally challenging for me. This is what I love the most, was the most fun I've had in a while.
3 Deadlifts @ 80% (405#)
30 Foot Handstand Walk (two unbroken segments of 15 feet)
-Complete ... missed the 7th set and 9th set... had to add in extra minutes there... so ended up finishing right around 32:00. Overall great training for handstand walking... this was really fun and really mentally challenging for me. This is what I love the most, was the most fun I've had in a while.
4 x 1000m Row
Rest 3 minutes
-Shit the bed on the second one, otherwise was consistent and tried to push it.
-Shit the bed on the second one, otherwise was consistent and tried to push it.
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Today was the worst workout I've had in months... had a shit day at work, life stress is 10/10 and then had to head to the gym in the evening around 7pm ... just wasn't up to it but forced it and felt like complete ass on everything. I'm sore from yesterday and just not in the right mind-set to train... especially going into a gym where a bunch of people are doing a '12 days of christmas' workout... the novelty of that shit wore off on me years ago and it was difficult to actually train while that cluster-fuck was going on. Got through what I could today... some days are just going to be complete shit, tomorrow is another day.
7 Power Clean (135/95#)
7 Strict HSPU
-4 Rounds + 4 SHSPU ... felt horrible, had to break up the HSPU from the second set. Complete shit.
-4 Rounds + 4 SHSPU ... felt horrible, had to break up the HSPU from the second set. Complete shit.
Front Squat 3,2,1,1,1
-235# x 3, 265# x 2, 285# x 1, 305# x 1, 325# x 1 ... Didn't push the loading at all. Felt very weak, quickly went through this in metcons/no sleeves/belt.
-235# x 3, 265# x 2, 285# x 1, 305# x 1, 325# x 1 ... Didn't push the loading at all. Felt very weak, quickly went through this in metcons/no sleeves/belt.
EMOM 10:
10 Burpees
1 Rope Climb
-Complete ... spilled over on the last two rounds, but got through this.
-Complete ... spilled over on the last two rounds, but got through this.
Monday, December 10, 2018
AM Workout (1300-1600)
Max scores for 29 year old male are:
2:39 800m (with boots/pants)
116 Ammo Can Presses
2:05 'Maneuver Under Fire'
-Result =
2:47 800m (splits were 1:17 and 1:30)
116 Presses
2:13 'Maneuver Under Fire' ... score of 287/300 ... overall this was a decent score for me. At least better than my score last year and I'm much stronger than I was a year ago ... I could have pushed this more, especially the second lap of 800m run... I was in front of the other 23 people I was running with and didn't really finish hard. Overall happy with this, even if I took this with about 300 other people and had tons of time just standing in the cold between events... no ability to properly warm-up. Overall was a good day though, glad to get this BS over with finally and back to training hard.
PM Workout (1900)
This evening was a bit rough... the CFT took a bit out of me. Didn't PR my 'Angie' time from July of 2017 ... I was about :45 seconds behind it. Overall happy with my effort here.
Max scores for 29 year old male are:
2:39 800m (with boots/pants)
116 Ammo Can Presses
2:05 'Maneuver Under Fire'
-Result =
2:47 800m (splits were 1:17 and 1:30)
116 Presses
2:13 'Maneuver Under Fire' ... score of 287/300 ... overall this was a decent score for me. At least better than my score last year and I'm much stronger than I was a year ago ... I could have pushed this more, especially the second lap of 800m run... I was in front of the other 23 people I was running with and didn't really finish hard. Overall happy with this, even if I took this with about 300 other people and had tons of time just standing in the cold between events... no ability to properly warm-up. Overall was a good day though, glad to get this BS over with finally and back to training hard.
PM Workout (1900)
This evening was a bit rough... the CFT took a bit out of me. Didn't PR my 'Angie' time from July of 2017 ... I was about :45 seconds behind it. Overall happy with my effort here.
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Air Squats
-15:15 ... rough time ... splits were about 3:30 for the pull-ups, finished push-ups by 8:45 and then the sit-ups took much longer than the last time I did this... didn't finish them until about 13:00 and then I knocked out the air squats very quickly. Tough time on this... haven't been training like this lately... looking to get better at this style of workout over the next few months.
-15:15 ... rough time ... splits were about 3:30 for the pull-ups, finished push-ups by 8:45 and then the sit-ups took much longer than the last time I did this... didn't finish them until about 13:00 and then I knocked out the air squats very quickly. Tough time on this... haven't been training like this lately... looking to get better at this style of workout over the next few months.
6 Snatch @ 60% (155#)
-Complete ... all reps TnG ... this was hugely outside of my comfort zone... rough on the grip and the posterior chain ... tough after 'Angie'. Great training.
-Complete ... all reps TnG ... this was hugely outside of my comfort zone... rough on the grip and the posterior chain ... tough after 'Angie'. Great training.
Snatch Grip Deadlift – 3x3 @ 105% (275#)
12 GHD’s
36 Double-Unders
-Complete ... don't remember my rounds, just went through this at about 80% and accumulated reps.
-Complete ... don't remember my rounds, just went through this at about 80% and accumulated reps.
Got quickly in and out of the gym at work today... tapering down for a Marine Corps CFT tomorrow.
10 x 250m Row
10 x 250m Row
Rest 2 minutes
-Complete ... didn't get the exact times on these, was keeping it below a 1:30 500m pace on each interval.
-Complete ... didn't get the exact times on these, was keeping it below a 1:30 500m pace on each interval.
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Friday, December 7, 2018
Today was a pretty solid workout... was a little tough as we are traveling for a wedding, but got in what we could. Drank a bit between 3 pm and 9pm, shut it down early and didn't rage into the evening which was good. Wasn't too hungover when I woke up, but definitely felt a bit off. Overall I felt good once I got rolling, had a fun time in the gym.
Every :30 for 5 mins
10 Air Squats
Every 3 for 15 (5 rounds):
10 Muscle-ups
16 DB OVHS (50/35#)*
*8 left, 8 right
-First three rounds unbroken, then fourth round went 6/3/1 ... last round went 5/2/2/1. Muscle-ups definitely gassed out, but 50 in 15 minutes is a lot. Good training. The OVHS were supposed to be heavier, but we used the heaviest DBs we had at this gym.
-First three rounds unbroken, then fourth round went 6/3/1 ... last round went 5/2/2/1. Muscle-ups definitely gassed out, but 50 in 15 minutes is a lot. Good training. The OVHS were supposed to be heavier, but we used the heaviest DBs we had at this gym.
Every 2 minutes for 16, not TnG:
Power Snatch
8 x 4 @ 80% (185#)
Shoulder Press
5 x 8 @ 70% (135#)
-Complete ... very tough, missed the last rep of the last set... went to complete failure here... lots of reps.
-Complete ... very tough, missed the last rep of the last set... went to complete failure here... lots of reps.
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Today was a decent session; wasn't the entirety of the volume I wanted to get in, but overall had a great time and enjoyed myself in the gym.
EMOM 5 Minutes:
10 D-Ball Squats (50/30#)
Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy complex of:
Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy complex of:
2 Position Clean (1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean)
-185#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 275#, 285#, 295# ... did this in metcons with no belt/sleeves/wraps. Doing this without any 'gear' felt very solid. Fun lifting.
6 RFT:
60 Foot Handstand Walk
12 Toes-to-Bar
7 Deadlifts (315/225#)
-28:10 ... first round was under 3 minutes; by 4 rounds I was on pace to finish within 20 minutes... then the last two rounds of handstand walking were very difficult for me... my core was totally gassed and I took over 10 minutes for those last two rounds. Other than the handstand walks, everything was unbroken. I felt very strong deadlifting... just need to keep getting better on my hands. Great training.
-185#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 275#, 285#, 295# ... did this in metcons with no belt/sleeves/wraps. Doing this without any 'gear' felt very solid. Fun lifting.
6 RFT:
60 Foot Handstand Walk
12 Toes-to-Bar
7 Deadlifts (315/225#)
-28:10 ... first round was under 3 minutes; by 4 rounds I was on pace to finish within 20 minutes... then the last two rounds of handstand walking were very difficult for me... my core was totally gassed and I took over 10 minutes for those last two rounds. Other than the handstand walks, everything was unbroken. I felt very strong deadlifting... just need to keep getting better on my hands. Great training.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Complete Rest / was planning on training but life got in the way... had a ton of work going on straight into a trip. Upper body is feeling pretty smoked from yesterday anyway, a bit of extra rest probably isn't the worst thing for me right now.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
This morning was a great workout, I really enjoyed the programming. I was really surprised by how good I felt on the bodyweight stuff... I was nervous about the number of reps in a weight vest... but once I got rolling I felt great.
Snatch – Heavy Triple (not TnG)
-Triples: 95#, 135#, 155#, 176#, 198#, 209#, 220# ... felt solid throughout this, 220# for an easy triple is a good day for me
-Triples: 95#, 135#, 155#, 176#, 198#, 209#, 220# ... felt solid throughout this, 220# for an easy triple is a good day for me
Snatch Grip Dead
3x3 @ 105% (275#)
-25:50 unbroken ... came off the rower in 7:27...I was surprised to get this unbroken with a vest on. Overall an enjoyable workout, air squats were the worst part.
For time, with a 20# vest:
2000m Row
12 rounds:
4 Strict HSPU
4 Strict HSPU
8 C2B PU
12 Air Squats
-25:50 unbroken ... came off the rower in 7:27...I was surprised to get this unbroken with a vest on. Overall an enjoyable workout, air squats were the worst part.
PM Workout (1300)
Had the day off work, so caught a windfall of time. Decided to get into the gym and hit another workout. I felt solid on the first part, legs were fried for the front squatting though. Overall had a great second session, wish I could train like this everyday!
PM Workout (1300)
Had the day off work, so caught a windfall of time. Decided to get into the gym and hit another workout. I felt solid on the first part, legs were fried for the front squatting though. Overall had a great second session, wish I could train like this everyday!
For time:
100 FT Dumbbell overhead walking lunge (70/50#)
100 FT Dumbbell overhead walking lunge (70/50#)
100 Double-Unders
50 Wall-Balls (30/20#)
10 Rope Climbs (15’)
50 Wall-Balls
100 Double-Unders
100 Ft DB OHWL
-19:01 ... rough on the lungs, second set of wall-balls was brutal. Went 15/15/10/10 on the first set and 5 sets of 10 on the second set. On a positive note, 70# DB overhead felt very light.
-19:01 ... rough on the lungs, second set of wall-balls was brutal. Went 15/15/10/10 on the first set and 5 sets of 10 on the second set. On a positive note, 70# DB overhead felt very light.
Front Squat – 3,2,1,1,1
-275# x 3, 305# x 2, 325# x 1, 335# x 1, 335# x 1
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