This morning was a bit of a rough workout... I felt like shit on the lifting... but my lungs are feeling better on the conditioning pieces... I was surprised by how consistent I felt on the bike. Overall a good training session, it was just tough to feel so weak on the big lifts, but after traveling/not sleeping much/eating weird shit, I shouldn't expect much else. Happy to get this in and go hard and I am looking forward to some more workouts over the next few days I have off from work.
Olympic Lifting Total
Snatch (1 Rep Max)
Clean and Jerk (1 Rep Max)
-Snatch = 195#, 205#, 215#, 225#, missed 235# ... this was stupid, 225# felt very easy and so did 235#, I just caught it with a bent arm and lost it out front... sometimes when I do a lot of high volume crossfit I have difficulty locking out my right arm on both jerks and snatches and that was the case today... I think my body is still smashed from the 500 yards of DB lunging earlier in the week.
-Clean and Jerk = 230#, 255#, 280#, 290# .... called it there, felt a hell of a lot better on this than I did snatching.
On a running clock:
For time:
100 Cal Assault Bike
Rest until the clock reaches 15:00 then...
3 RFT:
30 Wall Balls (25/20)
30 T2B
Rest until the clock reaches 35:00 then...
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10 min Amrap
12 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Stationary Reverse Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
-5:35 ... tried to maintain a 65-70 RPM up until ~80 calories and then increased the pace. This blew up my legs, but I recovered well in 10 minutes.
-9:54 ... rough... wish I had a 30# ball, but heaviest in the gym was a 25#. Felt solid on both movements, but this was just a tough workout regardless.
-4 Rounds ... this was horrible, just tried to get through it .
3 Sets:
Bent Over BB Row (135#) x 10 reps
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 10# DB) x 10 reps
PM Workout (1200)
Snuck in a bit more volume in the afternoon, was overall a solid session, in and out in about 45 minutes.
3 x 1200m Row
Rest 3:00
-4:16.6 ... tried to stay consistent at 1:45 on these, was a slight bit of deviation, but I was very happy overall with how these went and how good my lungs are starting to feel.
Rest exactly 10 minutes from the finish of the last 1200 and then...
10 Minutes EMOM 5 Power Clean and Power Jerk (155/105)
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes- complete 5 power clean and power jerk (155/105). Pick a weight you can do unbroken for the entire 10 minutes. This is working on barbell cycling efficiency and conditioning.
-Complete ... was tough after the rowing, but I felt strong on these.
Olympic Lifting Total
Snatch (1 Rep Max)
Clean and Jerk (1 Rep Max)
-Snatch = 195#, 205#, 215#, 225#, missed 235# ... this was stupid, 225# felt very easy and so did 235#, I just caught it with a bent arm and lost it out front... sometimes when I do a lot of high volume crossfit I have difficulty locking out my right arm on both jerks and snatches and that was the case today... I think my body is still smashed from the 500 yards of DB lunging earlier in the week.
-Clean and Jerk = 230#, 255#, 280#, 290# .... called it there, felt a hell of a lot better on this than I did snatching.
On a running clock:
For time:
100 Cal Assault Bike
Rest until the clock reaches 15:00 then...
3 RFT:
30 Wall Balls (25/20)
30 T2B
Rest until the clock reaches 35:00 then...
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
10 min Amrap
12 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
20 Stationary Reverse Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
-5:35 ... tried to maintain a 65-70 RPM up until ~80 calories and then increased the pace. This blew up my legs, but I recovered well in 10 minutes.
-9:54 ... rough... wish I had a 30# ball, but heaviest in the gym was a 25#. Felt solid on both movements, but this was just a tough workout regardless.
-4 Rounds ... this was horrible, just tried to get through it .
3 Sets:
Bent Over BB Row (135#) x 10 reps
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 10# DB) x 10 reps
PM Workout (1200)
Snuck in a bit more volume in the afternoon, was overall a solid session, in and out in about 45 minutes.
3 x 1200m Row
Rest 3:00
-4:16.6 ... tried to stay consistent at 1:45 on these, was a slight bit of deviation, but I was very happy overall with how these went and how good my lungs are starting to feel.
Rest exactly 10 minutes from the finish of the last 1200 and then...
10 Minutes EMOM 5 Power Clean and Power Jerk (155/105)
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes- complete 5 power clean and power jerk (155/105). Pick a weight you can do unbroken for the entire 10 minutes. This is working on barbell cycling efficiency and conditioning.
-Complete ... was tough after the rowing, but I felt strong on these.
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