This morning was a solid chest/shoulders session. I'm excited for this upcoming cycle. Really fun to train this way and my body is feeling a lot better generally.
Bench Press
5 Sets of 1 Rep @ 90% (215#) of 1 RM (going off of Saturday's 240#)
Rest 3 minutes
3 Sets of 2-3 Reps @ 80% (175#) of heaviest above single
3 Sets of 5-7 Reps @ 70% (155#) of heaviest above single
-Complete, light %s, got all the reps easily today.
-Complete, light %s, got all the reps easily today.
Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Split Jerk, 3-5 Reps, building
Bent Over-Row, 10 Reps (135#)
-Jerks were 205# x 5, 225# x 4, 245# x 3, 255# x 3 ... all these reps were touch-and-go out of a rack. I could have gone a little heavier with some jerk blocks, but this was good training nonetheless.
-Jerks were 205# x 5, 225# x 4, 245# x 3, 255# x 3 ... all these reps were touch-and-go out of a rack. I could have gone a little heavier with some jerk blocks, but this was good training nonetheless.
3 RFT:
15 Burpees
30 Push-ups
60 Double-Unders
straight into...
45 Shoulder-to-Overhead (95#)
-14:45 ... this was tough, the push-ups were retarded after parts A and B. Overall got my HR up a little and wasn't too taxing.
Every 3 for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Triceps Extensions, 7 Reps (2x 15# DB)
Barbell Curls, 7 Reps (95#)
0520 (pre-workout) - BCAAs, 1 Scoop Pre-workout
0720 (post-workout) - 26g Whey Protein, 50g Carbs from Gatorade
0830 - 5 oz Turkey, 2 Tortillas, 1/2 Cup Cheese, 1 Lara Bar, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, Salsa
1230 - 2 Chicken Sausage, 1 Cup Veggies, 1 oz Cheese, Fish Oil, Pomegranate Seeds
1630 - 4 oz 90% Lean Ground Beef, 1 oz Cheese, Fish Oil, 1 Zucchini
2000 - 1/2 Serving Casein Protein, 2 TBSP Greek Yogurt, 1 TBSP Peanut Butter
Barbell Curls, 7 Reps (95#)
0520 (pre-workout) - BCAAs, 1 Scoop Pre-workout
0720 (post-workout) - 26g Whey Protein, 50g Carbs from Gatorade
0830 - 5 oz Turkey, 2 Tortillas, 1/2 Cup Cheese, 1 Lara Bar, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, Salsa
1230 - 2 Chicken Sausage, 1 Cup Veggies, 1 oz Cheese, Fish Oil, Pomegranate Seeds
1630 - 4 oz 90% Lean Ground Beef, 1 oz Cheese, Fish Oil, 1 Zucchini
2000 - 1/2 Serving Casein Protein, 2 TBSP Greek Yogurt, 1 TBSP Peanut Butter