AM Workout (0815)
6 Mile Run
-60:00 ... hit 60 minutes on the dot ... easy out and back, felt very good on this, definitely could have ran faster, but just got in good easy miles.
PM Workout (1330)
Got in a shoulder workout / upper body pump this afternoon ... bit of life/work stress going on today, but at least I got this in... not the best or most intense workout I've had, but got in a nice pump. Kept the weights light and the rest intervals on the short side.
2 Sets of:
Death by Strict HSPU for 5 minutes (i.e. once you get to 5 minutes, restart at 1 SHSPU)
Shoulder Press
7 sets of 2 reps @ – RPE 8.5/10 (attempt to go a little heavier than last week)
*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets
-Complete, across at 155#
Seated Arnold Press
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
-Complete, 2x35# DB
Complete Iron Scap Protocol:
Archer: 10 reps (each side) - Heavy Band
Pulldown: 10 reps - Heavy Band
Tiger Walk: 20 reps (each side) - Heavy Band
WY Negative: 10 reps - Light Band
Snow Angel: 10 reps - LIght Band
Bear Hug: 10 reps - Heavy Band
ATYT: 10 reps - Light Band
Lateral Raise
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
-Complete, 2x5# plates
Ring Push-ups
Body Rows (on BB)
5 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
Hammer Curls
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
-Complete, 2x35# DB for the curls
Standing Tricep Extension w/ Band
Single DB Waiter Hold Curl
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
-Complete, 1 purple band for the extensions, 50# DB for the curls