Saturday, August 31, 2024


Today was a solid upper body/arm workout ... got a great pump out of this ... I have been traveling SO much I am tired and exhausted by living/parenting out of my normal routine... it was nice to take a break from my typical responsibilities parenting and sneak this in today. 


Tricep Extensions

3 sets x 12-15 reps

Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

-3x15 with 75# EZ bar


Diamond Push Ups

3 sets x max reps



Pull Ups

3 sets x 8-12 reps

If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight. Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.



Lat Pulldowns

3 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-3x12 with 150#


Cable Rows

3 sets x 10-15 reps

-3x15 with 130#


Dumbbell Side Raises or Cable Side Raises

3 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.



Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises

3 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.



Barbell Curls

3 sets x 6-12 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-3x12 with 75#


Dumbbell Shrugs

3 sets x 8-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-3x15 with 2x100#


3 Sets:

Cable Curls x 15-20 reps

Tricep Push-Downs x 15-20 reps

-Complete ... don't remember the exact reps/weights, but got a huge pump out of this.

Friday, August 30, 2024


Today was an overall decent workout... lots of lower body/posterior chain work... haven't been focusing on workouts like this during this year... definitely felt tougher than I am used to, but overall happy to get this in and I appreciate the variation in training. 



3 sets x 10 reps @ 65% (325#)

65% of your one rep max deadlift, in the style you choose.

-Complete ... no chalk, no belt, in my running shoes ... felt heavier than usual!


Pause Back Squat

1 set x 5 reps

Work up to a 5 rep max

-135#, 225#, 295#, 315# no belt, in my running shoes ... rough.



3 sets x 15 reps

Choose a challenging weight.



Narrow Grip Neutral Pull-ups

3 sets x max reps

Body weight.

-3x10 ... not true ME, but got in good reps


Dumbbell Row

3 sets x 12 reps

12 reps each side

-60# DB


Good Mornings

3 sets x 12 reps



3 Sets:

Smith Machine Calf Raises x 20 reps (180#)

'Durante Core' x 12 reps each movement


Thursday, August 29, 2024


Today was an okay workout... definintely didn't feel great... between traveling a ton, 10 mile race Sunday, 8 mile run/cutting weight for weighing in on Wednesday and traveling again up to Maine... I am just tired and beat up. Got in what I could, kept the weights light today and just tried to enjoy myself and the little time I get not parenting. 


Bench Press

5 sets x 5 reps

Choose a weight you can handle for all 5 sets.

-205# across ... very light, low RPE


Wide Grip Bench Press

2 sets x max reps @ 65% (185#)

2 max effort sets at 65% of your one rep max bench press.

-185# for 2 sets of 10... not true ME, but no spotter.


Strict Press

4 sets x 8 reps

Choose a challenging weight.

-95#, 95#, 115#, 115#


Dumbbell Arnold Press

3 sets x 15 reps

Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.



Dumbbell Side Raises

3 sets x 20 reps

Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.



Band Pull-Aparts

Decline Sit-ups w/ 20# Med-Ball

3 sets x 25 reps

-Complete, 1 red band


Tricep Rope Extensions

3 sets x 25 reps

Ab-Wheel Rollouts

3 sets x 10 reps

-Complete, 75# extensions

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


8 Mile Run 

-1:16 total time ... 9:32 average pace ... easy 8 miles ... Didn't really want to get this in, but I wanted to weigh in this AM and needed to shed some water. Overall I had a great run despite being slightly sore from lifting yesterday. It was hot this AM and this shed a little over 4 lbs of water. 

Monday, August 26, 2024


Today was a really solid workout. I was suprised given it was a lower body day and I am coming off the 10 miler... I was a bit sore yesterday, but definitely felt better today. Overall had a good workout, enjoyed getting this in. Definitely not pushing the weights on the loading or getting near PRs, but it was good to move and sweat. Enjoyed squatting and deadlifting. 

Back Squat
3 sets x 10 reps
Choose a challenging weight. Rest 90 seconds between sets.

-225# across 

Back Squat
1 set x max reps @ 65% (275#)
Drop set, rest for 5 minutes between first and second exercise. 65% of your one rep max back squat for max reps.

-15 reps ... not a true 65%... but I am not in shape to get near my true 1 RM... went off ~405 and this was a decent effort. 

Deficit Conventional Deadlift
1 set x 5 reps
Work up to a 5 rep max. 2" deficit.

-135#, 225#, 315#, 365#, 405# 

Bulgarian Split Squats
Single Leg BB Calf Raises 
3 sets x 10 reps
10 reps per leg.

-2x35# on the BSS and 75# for the calf raises ... BSS were rough... haven't done this exercise in years and it is still really hard, even with light weights. 

Every 3 for 9 (3 sets) of: 
Plank x :60 
KB Side Bends x 15 reps/arm 

-Complete, 70# KB

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Started to transition to a powerlifting cycle for the next 8-10 weeks... overall a fun / different workout and enjoyed getting this in. 


Close Grip Bench Press

3 sets x 10 reps @ 65% (185#)

65% of your one rep max bench press.

10,10,8 ... rough ... haven't been close grip benching other than for really light / high volume sets ... this was tough for me. I also might be feeling weak after the race yesterday... either way, not great.


Paused Comp Grip Bench Press

1 set x 5 reps

Work up to a 5 rep max.

-135#, 165#, 185#, 195# ... definitely a bit more there, but moved on due to to time constraints ... this is also not a movement I've been doing this year while bodybuilding. Rough.


Dumbbell Incline Bench Press

3 sets x 15 reps @ :60 rest

Aim to reach failure at the given rep range.




5 sets x max reps @ :60 - :90 rest

Do 5 max effort burnout sets.

-8,8,8,6,5 ... this was tough. I have struggled with dip mobility and haven't been working it as much as I should. Really hoping to improve this over this training cycle.


Barbell Skull Crushers

3 sets x 15 reps

aim to reach failure at the given rep range.



Chin Ups

3 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-10 reps each set, BW

Every 2 for 6 (3 sets) of:
'Durante Core' x 12 reps each movement 


Saturday, August 24, 2024


 Annapolis 10 Miler 

-1:22:48 ...  This is an ~8:16 pace ... in the Spring I ran a 1:17 / 7:48 mile pace 10 miler ... going into this race I was hoping to improve my time from the Spring, but realistically this is a much more difficult course and I didn't feel as prepared as I was in the Spring ... it was decently hot during today's run, about 68-70 and sunny, with a high humidity ... the course itself was very hilly. During the DC 10 miler in April the course was almost entirely flat and it was much cooler ... a huge difference overall. I am also coming off a few weeks of illness and a few weeks of travel that were not ideal for training. Additional life stress has also taken its toll on me lately, but overall I am happy with my effort and performance today. I went out hard and was on a PR pace for the first ~6 miles and then I just completely gassed out and died. Coming up the last big hill at mile 8.5 I wanted to walk SO BADLY, but of course I did not and I just tried to push through... I was completely fatigued out and had a bad stitch in my side ... got what effort I could out of those last few miles... but I was so slow. My wife and son came to see me at the finish which was an amazing feeling, I was beyond happy to see them and have my son see me race for the first time. Great day. It was also great to walk about 3 minutes from the start and finish of the race at Navy and Marine Corps Memorial Stadium! 


 Complete Rest 

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Today was an okay workout... not the best time in the gym, but kept the intensity moderate today coming off of my vacation / tapering down for the race on Sunday. 


Pendlay Row

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Strict Pull-ups

5 sets: 5 reps – RPE 7-8
*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets



Supinated Grip Lat Pull-Down

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Double DB Row w/ 1 second pause at top 

4 sets: 10 reps  – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Single DB Double Head Curl

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



3 sets:

6 Barbell Curls at RPE 9
12 Dumbbell Hammer Curls at RPE 8
10 Bodyweight Rows at RPE 7-8
-rest 1-2 minutes between sets-

-95# BB carls, 2x25# HC 


3 Sets:

Plank x :60 

KB Side Bends x 15 each side (53#)

BB Calf Raises x 15 reps (135#)

Rest 2:00 


Wednesday, August 21, 2024


AM Workout (0830)

Today was a bit of a rough workout... didn't feel particularly good and overall felt weak on the lifts... kept things light and short rest intervals, got a pump. I was really hankering to lift after traveling so much this week. 


Bench Press 

4x10 at RPE 7-8 

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets 

-205# for 10,10,7, 5 ... ROUGH. 


Barbell Incline Bench Press 

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



DB Bench Press 

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Incline DB Bench Press 

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets 



Seated DB French Press 

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Incline DB Skull Crushers 

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets 



Tricep Push-Downs

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Bench Dips

4 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Every 2 for 20 (10 sets) of:

‘Durante Core’ 


PM Workout (1430)

4 Mile Easy Run 

-38:30 pace ... kept this nice and easy ... didn't feel good at all, but it was good to move and sweat. 

8/18 - 8/21/24

Complete Rest / travel in Wyoming. No formal workouts here, but spent much of my days actively moving while in Wyoming. This has been the longest complete de-load I've done in a long time. A bit anxiety inducing, but overall probably really good for my body! Looking forward to getting back in the gym. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Jumped into a local crossfit gym, Albany Crossfit. They had a REALLY nice open gym area, separate from where the classes were taking place. Had literally everything you could want for a training space ... I'm not sure exactly why I chose to do this workout today, as I'm not in shape for it... but I gave this a go and had a really fun time... this was hard, but fun. Way different from the bodybuilding style training I usually do. 


Adam Brown (Time)

Two RFT:

295 pound Deadlift, 24 reps

24 Box jumps, 24" box

24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball

195 pound Bench press, 24 reps

24 Box jumps, 24" box

24 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball

145 pound Clean, 24 reps

37:58 ... WOOF ... I did this workout in 2018 and had a time of about 36 minutes... given I'm not in 'crossfit shape' right now, I'm okay I didn't improve my time here. In the past my bench press was the limiting factor, but today the bench wasn't very challenging ... I was really just slower generally on all the movements as I haven't been crossfitting much ... regardless, I got a really solid workout out of this... last set of cleans rocked me. 


Every 3 for 12 (4 sets) of:

20 GHD Sit-ups


Wednesday, August 14, 2024


5 Mile Run

-Complete, ran right about 45 minutes ... did this all on a treadmill. I'm currently in Albany, NY and Albany is just not a nice place to run... I very rarely opt for a treadmill, but did today ... started off at a 10 minute mile and eased the pace over the course of the run, down to about 8:40 by the last mile ... felt decent and got a good sweat. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Today was a solid workout overall... dropped into a YMCA in Watertown, NY and got a super solid workout from this. Put together a workout on the spot as this week is my deload and I can get in whatever sounds fun... didn't push anything too hard, just got a solid pump and enjoyed myself. 


Bench Press 

3x10 @ RPE 6/10 

Rest 2:00 

-185# across 


Tricep Extensions

4 sets x 12-15 reps

Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

-4x15 with 50#, rope push-downs 



Incline DB Flyes 

Chin Ups

4 sets x 8-12 reps

-2x20# DBs, BW chin-ups 


Lat Pulldowns (Wide or Narrow Grip) or Single Arm Cable Pulldowns

4 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-4x12 with 100# 



T-Bar Rows 

4 sets x 8-10

Feel free to throw in a couple drop sets.

-4x8 with 90# ... used a strange old T-bar row machine... it was really challenging. 



Dumbbell Side Raises or Cable Side Raises

4 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-4x10 with 2x15#



Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises

4 sets x 10-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-4x10 with 2x15#



EZ Barbell Curls

EZ Barbell Incline Skull Crushers 

4 sets x 12-15 reps

You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-4x15 with 50# EZ bar



Bench Dips 

4 sets x 10


Monday, August 12, 2024


Today was overall a decent workout... currently on a work trip in Syracuse, NY ... put this workout together on the spot and got in this workout at my hotel's gym early in the AM. Didn't feel particularly great after a long day of travel/weird food yesterday and over the weekend... but got in what I could, it was nice to move and sweat. 

'Strict Cindy' 
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Rest 5 minutes then... 

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets) of:
'Durante Core' x 10 reps each movement 

-Result =
-A = 19 rds + 5 strict pull-ups ... broke up the pull-ups and push-ups a little bit on the second half of this, but overall moved very consistently. 
-B = Complete 

Sunday, August 11, 2024


7 Mile Run 

-65 minutes total time ... about a 9:25 mile pace ... ran around Annapolis early (left at about 0510) and got this in mostly before the sun rose. Had to get this in before a long day of travel/work. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Complete Rest / travel back to DC. 


5 Mile Easy Run 

-Ran about 48 minutes ... easy 9:30ish pace ... ran on a really beautiful road along Lake Michigan near Traverse City ... drank a few beers last night, but it felt good to get out the door and move and sweat today. Easy aerobic work. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024


Complete Rest / travel. 


 Today was a solid crossfit workout and back/bicep pump. First part was a bit rough ... did this with 315# a couple months ago and it felt quite a bit easier! Not sure the extra weight or just coming off of illness got me... but I still got a great workout out of it. The rest of the workout was tough after part A... but still got a great pump/workout overall. 


5 RFT:
500m Row
12 Deadlifts (335/235#)

-18:13 ... did this in June with 315# and it took 16:12 ... got it at 315# unbroken, had to break up 4 of the sets (8/4) and lost a lot of time. Still a great workout. 


Neutral Narrow Grip Lat Pull-Downs 


*Rest 1:00 b/t sets



Fat Barbell 21s 

3 sets: 21s reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Hammer Curls 

3 sets: 10 reps – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



3 sets:

KB Side Bends x 10 reps/side 

Ring See-Saw x 10 reps 

*Rest 1:00 b/t sets

-Complete, 70# KB

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 AM Workout (0545)

Didn't feel strong today... but as I went through this and got through the heavier sets I got a great pump and enjoyed myself in the gym... rough coming off of sickness, happy to get a pump though. 


Bench Press 

5x5 at RPE 7-8 

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets

-225# across ... failed the last rep of the last set 


Bench Press 

3x12 at RPE 7-8 

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets

-185# for 12, 8, 7 ... rough. 


Incline DB Bench Press 

3 sets: 15 reps  – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Close Grip Bench Press 

3 sets: 15 reps  – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Banded Chest Flys

3 sets: 15 reps  – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

-2x25# cables 


DB Skull Crushers 

3 sets: 15 reps  – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets



Bench Dips 

Tricep Rope Push-Downs

3 sets: 10 reps  – RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

-BW dips, 55# extensions 


Every 2 for 12 (6 sets) of:

‘Durante Core’ x 11 reps each movement 


PM Workout (1600)

4 Mile Run 

-Complete ... didn't get the exact time, ran about a 9:30 pace and kept things super easy. Didn't feel great and it was super hot, but still grateful to get a run in.