Saturday, August 24, 2024


 Annapolis 10 Miler 

-1:22:48 ...  This is an ~8:16 pace ... in the Spring I ran a 1:17 / 7:48 mile pace 10 miler ... going into this race I was hoping to improve my time from the Spring, but realistically this is a much more difficult course and I didn't feel as prepared as I was in the Spring ... it was decently hot during today's run, about 68-70 and sunny, with a high humidity ... the course itself was very hilly. During the DC 10 miler in April the course was almost entirely flat and it was much cooler ... a huge difference overall. I am also coming off a few weeks of illness and a few weeks of travel that were not ideal for training. Additional life stress has also taken its toll on me lately, but overall I am happy with my effort and performance today. I went out hard and was on a PR pace for the first ~6 miles and then I just completely gassed out and died. Coming up the last big hill at mile 8.5 I wanted to walk SO BADLY, but of course I did not and I just tried to push through... I was completely fatigued out and had a bad stitch in my side ... got what effort I could out of those last few miles... but I was so slow. My wife and son came to see me at the finish which was an amazing feeling, I was beyond happy to see them and have my son see me race for the first time. Great day. It was also great to walk about 3 minutes from the start and finish of the race at Navy and Marine Corps Memorial Stadium! 

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