Today was an awesome session with an AWESOME athlete to train with!
-Front Squat Singles + Muscle-ups
Warm up:
135 x 10 x 2 Sets
225 x 6 x 2 Sets
Working Sets:
70% x 1 (245#) + 5 Unbroken Muscle-ups
80% x 1 (275#) + 5 Unbroken Muscle-ups
85% x 1 (285#) + 5 Unbroken Muscle-ups
90% x 1 (315#) + 5 Unbroken Muscle-ups
90% x 1 (315#) + 5 Unbroken Muscle-ups
-Didn't go above 90%, 315# felt decently heavy, muscle-ups felt really solid.
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
10 Dead-lifts (315#)
20 C2B Pull-ups
40 Wall-balls
8 Dead-lifts (315#)
16 C2B Pull-ups
32 Wall-balls
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
12 C2B Pull-ups
24 Wall-balls
2 Dead-lifts (315#)
4 C2B Pull-ups
'8 Wall-balls
14.08. This is about 1:40 faster than the last time I did this a month ago. I'm happy about that, but wish I would have gone a little faster. The C2B pull-ups still killed me, but I did a decent job of pacing them. Still have the goal of getting sub-10 minutes on this.
Rest 20 minutes then...
Partner Workout
-Partner 1 completes all reps of the movement before partner 2 starts the movement; partner 1 rests while partner 2 completes all the reps of the movement before partner 1 starts the next movement.
For time (each partner completes all reps):
250m Row
25 Wall-ball
25 Burpee
25 KB Swings (53#)
25 Push-Press (95#)
25 Pull-up
25 Box Jumps (24")
25 HR Push-ups
25 Sit-ups
25 Hang Power Clean (95#)
5 Wall-walks
17.07. Everything unbroken but the pull-ups, went 10/5/5/5 with very little rest (less than 5 seconds) between each set. I didn't want to tear/I was toasted from the prior workout. The wall-walks were also surprisingly challenging. Solid burner.
Rest 10 minutes then...
3 Rounds, Rest is partner's set:
20 GHD sit-ups
10 Strict Ring-dips
10 Ring Push-ups
-Complete. Great day in the gym. I was smoked after this session. I'm excited to rest tomorrow and hit it hard this coming week.
Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 9 Almonds, 1/2 Banana
Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1 Banana
Meal 3 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Slices Bacon, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter
Meal 4 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, Fish Oil, Vitamin
Meal 5 - 3 oz Chicken, Protein Shake, 20 Walnuts, 20 Cashews, 10 Macadamias, 1/4 Cup Cranberries, Small Amount of Raspberry Dressing, 3 Cups Lettuce
Meal 6 - 4 Eggs, 25 Macadamias, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil
That AWESOME athlete must be a stud.