Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I was a little tired when I worked out this morning, but once I got warm I felt really good.

3 Rounds @ 3:00 minute rest:
-Max Reps HSPU
-16 KB Snatch (53#) - 8/8

-18,16,14 - This is awesome, my previous PR in max HSPU was 13. I got more reps than my former PR EVERY SET!! Stoked about this. My goal is 21 unbroken, ALMOST THERE!

Rest 10 minutes then...

500m Row
10 Burpee Over Box Jumps (24")
20 T2B
30 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
40 KB Swings (53#)
50 Double-unders

Rest 3:00

500m Row
10 Burpee Over Box Jumps (24")
20 T2B
30 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
40 KB Swings (53#)
50 Double-unders

Rest 3:00

For time:
500m Row
10 Burpee Over Box Jumps (24")
20 T2B
30 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
40 KB Swings (53#)
50 Double-unders

-15 Shoulder-to-Overhead (PR Tie - from Dec.)
-7 KB Swings (PR by 6 reps)
-9.40 (PR by 25 seconds)

Rest 8:00

Every 2:00 for 20:00:
-20 Burpees onto (25#) bumper plate

-This was really hard training. Great conditioning. The first few intervals were 40 to 45 seconds. Towards the end they were 70-75 seconds. Great stuff, really challenging. Awesome session in the gym, excited for some much needed rest tomorrow!

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 12 Almonds, 1/2 Peach

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 8 Strawberries

Meal 3 - 6 oz Chicken, 12 Almonds, 1 Cup Oatmeal, 1 Peach, Vitamin

Meal 4 - 8 oz Chicken, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Cup Curry Sauce, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 5 - 6 oz Chicken, Protein Bar (including 30g Carbohydrate), 1 Cup Oatmeal, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter, Fish Oil

Meal 6 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Snack - 9 Almonds

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