Today was an okay workout... definitely got a massive shoulder/tricep pump, but I was bummed out about missing my last strict press single ... overall still thankful to get this in without pain and enjoy myself in the gym.
Strict Press
Heavy Single
-165#, 185#, 200# (fail) ... first two singles went up really easily, couldn't get 200# over my head though ... haven't been strict pressing much this training cycle and it showed here.
Bradford Press
4 Sets of 10
Rest :60
DB Strict Press
6 Sets of 12
Rest :90
Plate Snow Angel Raise
4 sets of 10
Rest :60
Complete Iron Scap Protocol:
Archer: 10 reps (each side) - Heavy Band
Pulldown: 10 reps - Heavy Band
Tiger Walk: 20 reps (each side) - Heavy Band
WY Negative: 10 reps - Light Band
Snow Angel: 10 reps - LIght Band
Bear Hug: 10 reps - Heavy Band
ATYT: 10 reps - Light Band
DB Overhead Tricep Extensions
6 sets of 12
Rest :60
4 Super-Sets:
DB Kick-Backs
4 sets of 10
Inverted Skull Crushers
4 sets of 10
Rest :60
-2x15#, BW SC ... massive pump finisher