Sunday, October 6, 2024


Got a decent pump overall today... didn't feel great on the bneching today... but probably given I got in a lot of tricep accessory yesterday, I should have seen this coming. 


Bench Press

5 sets x 8 reps @ 75-78% (225-235#)

75-78% of your one rep max bench press.

-235# for 7, then 4 sets of 8 with 225# ... rough... thought I could get 235# across. 


Board Bench Press

1 set x 3 reps

Work up to a 3 rep max.

-205#, 235#, 255# 


Board Bench Press

3 sets x 3 reps @ 90%

90% of the 3 rep max you just hit.

-230# across 


Paused Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

4 sets x 10 reps

Choose a challenging weight.

-2x50# DB 


Pause Dips (1 second pause at bottom) 

4 sets x max reps

Body weight.

-5-6 reps each set ... tough, haven't really trained these at all 


Paused Pullups (1 second pause at top) 

4 sets x max reps

Bench Dips

4 sets x max reps 

-Complete ... don't remember the exact reps, but was getting 6-8 on the pull-ups and about 15 dips each set 


Tricep Rope Push-Downs 

4 sets x 15 reps



3 sets:
1:00 Side Plank (left)
20 V Ups
1:00 Side Plank (right)
-rest 2 minutes between sets- 


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