Wednesday, October 16, 2024


AM Workout (0545) 

Today was a solid workout overall, felt decent and got a massive pump. This volume was a longer workout, took about 90 minutes ... Great way to start the day. 


Strict Press

2 sets x 5 reps

Heavy as possible.

-This went 95#, 145#, 175# x 4 ... I was hoping to get 2 sets at 175#... but that first set thrashed me and I only got 4 reps. 


Wide Grip Bench Press

3 sets x max reps @ 90% (255#)

90% of your one rep max bench press.



Wide Grip Long Pause Bench Press

3 sets x 2 reps @ 83% (235#) 

83% of your one rep max bench press.



Floor Press


Try to increase weight over last week (185#) 

-205#, 4 sets of 195# ... I was trying for 205 across, but dropped it down to 195 after how tough that 1st set was. 


Dumbbell Bench Press 

4 sets x 8 reps

Choose a weight you can handle for all 4 sets.

-2x75# DB 


Dumbbell Strict Press

5 sets x 10 reps

10 reps each side. Choose a challenging weight.

-2x35# DB 


Incline DB Skull Crushers 

4 sets of 10 

Band Pull-Aparts

4 sets x 10 reps

Rest :60-:90 

-2x35# DB, 1 red band 


Rope Tricep Push-Downs 

5 sets of 20 

Rest :60-:90 


PM Workout (1515) 

Got to workout with my wife this afternoon, which was nice. We put something toegther on the spot. Overall I got a nice workout out of this, wasn't too taxing, but it was nice to move and get my HR up a bit. 


Every 3 for 15 (5 sets) of:

12 Strict Pull-ups (unbroken)



Every 5 for 25 (5 sets) of:

21/15 Calorie Echo Bike

15 Toes-to-Bar

9 Strict HSPU 





-2:55 ... overall this was some fun conditioning... all sets unbroken, just got a little slower on the bike and took a bigger rest between the toes-to-bar and HSPU each set ... fun stuff. 

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