Wednesday, May 15, 2024


AM Workout (0520)


Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:

'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)




300m Row

20 KB Swings (53/35#)

10 Single KB Box Step Ups (53/35# to 20" Box) 

-6 Rds + 300m Row ... kept this at a consistent 80-85% aerobic pace, unbroken on all movements. Nice sweat, not taxing, but a great way to start the day. 

PM Workout (1600)

5 Mile Run 

-43 minutes ... about an 8:38 mile pace ... kept this at a consistent easy/moderate pace ... felt good today and enjoyed getting out on the national mall and runnning around. 

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