Wednesday, May 29, 2024


AM Workout (0530)

Had an okay workout this morning... 4th day on with some two-a-days mixed in... so I was feeling a bit tired... wanted to get some more stuff in, but my son woke up at about 0630... had to cut the workout short to parent. Overall still got a great back/bicep pump, fun way to start the day. 



3 sets: 1 reps – starting at 90+ % building to a heavy single 9.5/10 RPE
*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets

-Singles went 455# and 475# ... 475# felt plenty heavy for the day, just called it after two singles. 


Strict Pull-ups

4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets  

-20# across 


3 sets
Max Strict Chin Up
-Rest :30-
Max BB Rows (115#) 
-Rest :30-
Max Cross Over Symmetry Face Pulls (lightest bands)
-Rest 2:00 b/t sets-

-Complete ... didn't record the reps, just got a big pump 


Fat Barbell Curls

4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets  


PM Workout (1215)

Jumped into the CF class again... really grippy cardio workout, which was nice and fun to get in. 


On a running clock: 

Every 7:00 for 28 (4 sets) of:

21/16 Cal Echo Bike

21 Toes-to-Bar

21 KB Swings (72/53#) 

Rest 2:00 until the clock reaches 30:00 and then...

3 RFT:

200m KB Farmer's Carry (2x53/35#)

20 V-ups 

-Result = 

-2:34 (unbroken)

-2:49 (unbroken TTB, 14/7 swings)

-2:57 (unbroken TTB, 13/8 swings)

-3:34 (10/6/5 TTB, 13/8 swings) 

-2nd part took about 8 minutes? Didn't get the exact time ... overall this a fun workout, nice to get in some CF conditioning... toes-to-bar felt surprisingly good. 

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