Thursday, May 23, 2024


AM Workout (0600)

Today was overall a solid workout ... good lower body workout and some pull-up work... going to do a PFT soon and I felt solid on the pull-ups. 


Back Squat


*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets



Barbell Step-Back Lunges 

3 sets: 8reps (each side) - RPE 7 (used 135# last week)
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets 



BB Calf Raises 

Ring See-Saws 

5 x 10 @ RPE 7 

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets

-2x75# DB For the CR


Death by Strict Pull-ups (20# vest) 

straight into...

Death by Strict Pull-ups (unweighted) 

-9 + 10 reps .... attempted the 11th set on the unweighted ... went 9/2 ... great strict pull-up work. 

PM Workout (1300)

5 Mile Run 

-Complete ... didn't get the time on this, just did the distance ... it was hot, about 80 and sunny in DC today... tons of people out, but our office closed at 1 today and it was nice to get out the door and get this in before the long weekend. 

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