Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 AM Workout (0700)

Today was one of the best workouts I've had in a very long time. Worked out in a super nice crossfit gym while back home visiting my family. Had plenty of space, great equipment and we had a lot of time not to rush through this workout. Felt great and had a lot of fun workout out, really cool to incorporate things I've missed while working out in our basement gym (rowing, muscle-ups, double-unders, handstand walk) ... but all of these movements felt pretty fluid and good despite not incorporating them much over the last yearish of time. Great day in the gym, looking forward to getting another workout in tomorrow. 


Optional 5min Easy Bike or Reverse Sled Drag

Ankles and Hip Flexors

2-3 Sets

15 Tibialis Raises

15 Double Leg Seated Calf Raise

15 Tuck Up in Dip Support + 15sec Tuck L Sit



Snatch Grip Pattern

1 Set

2 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press

2 Overhead Squats (21X1)

rest as needed between sets

2-3 Sets

1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press

1 Overhead Squat (21X1)

rest as needed between sets

-1st set at 155#, sets 2-4 went 175#, 195#, 205# ... tempo felt good, definitely more there


Back Squat 11X1; 3,3,2,2,1,1; Every 2mins 

*Continue to build upon previous weeks and make these sets tough without losing your commitment to you full range of motion and a strong pause at the bottom.

**If your squats are feeling good today and you want to try for a PR or some heavy singles outside of the tempo, go for it. If today's not the day and the bar is moving like mud, stick to the numbers above and have a good time.

-315# x 3, 335# x 3, 345# x 2, 355# x 2, 365# x 1, 375# x 1 ... rested about 3-4 minutes then hit a single with no tempo at 405# ... this single didn't feel great, but its the heaviest I've ever done without a belt ... called it there. 


Every 90sec x 6-8 Sets 

1st - 60sec AMRAP - 3-5 Muscle Ups + AMRAP Double Unders in time left over

2nd - 60sec AMRAP - 8 Burpees + Max Distance HS Walk in time left over

-Complete ... hit 5 muscle-ups + ~60 double-unders each round and then 10-15m handstand walk each set ... really fun conditioning/skill piece 


3-4 Sets @ Sustainable Pace

8 Hang Power Clean

6 Push Press

4 Thrusters

Row 10-12 Cals

rest 30sec

Row 10-12 Cals

4 Thrusters

6 Push Press

8 Hang Power Clean

rest 90-120sec between sets

Dumbbell vs Barbell Optional - you can choose how you want to load yourself today. If you choose to use Dumbbells then an Rx load would be 50/35lbs and if you choose a barbell then an Rx load would be 115/75lbs.

-Complete, barbell ... 3 sets ... this was fun, each set was between 3:10-3:30. 


1min Per Station x 2 Rounds

1st. Thread the Needle R

2nd. Thread the Needle L

3rd. Anterior Chain Stretch R

4th. Anterior Chain Stretch L

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Bench Shoulder Flex with Thoracic Mobilization

-D/N complete

PM Workout (1030) 

Track workout explanation: 25min at an easy aerobic run. Plus, 5x80m flat ground sprints with 90sec rest between reps. You can substitute hill sprints for the flat ground sprints. Hill must be steeper than 10% grade.


Easy Run for 25:00 

Rest 5 minutes then… 


5x80m sprint (hill or flat) 

Rest 1:30 

-Result = Ran 42:30 easy in the Boise foothills ... ran longer than I was supposed with lots of big elevation changes, rolling hills ... didn't feel the need to incorporate the sprints afterward ... great run, one of my favorite routes with perfect early fall conditions. 


 Complete Rest 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Today was an okay workout... I was really tired when I woke up and generally felt fatigued in the gym ... got everything in, but didn't really push anything. Super excited to rest tomorrow. 


3-4 Rounds @ Warm Up Pace

2min Row (pick up the pace on the last 15sec of each Round)

12 Pike Squats

10 Underswitch to Crab Reach

8 Foot Elevated + Hand Supported Knee Over Toe Split Squat (Or foot flat on floor)



Barbell Cycling Option

4-5 Sets

3 Power Snatch

2 Hang Snatch

1 Snatch

10-14sec Bike Sprint @ high Power

rest walk full recovery

-135#, 155#, 165#, 175# ... didn't have much power in me today, didn't push the loading 


Cossack Squat Progression

EMOM x 10mins (Every Minute On the Minute)

1st - 6 Right Leg Cossack Squat

2nd - 6 Left Leg Cossack Squat

Level 1 - Foot Elevated + Hand Supported

Level 2 - Foot on Floor Goblet

Level 3 - Foot on Floor KB Rack

Level 4 - Foot on Floor Back Rack


Torso Tall

Full Knee Bend with Hamstring Covering the Calf Muscle

Trailing Leg is Straight with Heel Down and toe can be up or down

Recommended Loading

BW is a great starting place

Goblet or KB Rack no more than 25% of bodyweight each.

Back Rack no higher than 50% of bodyweight

-Complete, 35# goblet ... this is the heaviest on this movement I've gone this cycle ... mobility in this movement feeling better.  


Every 7mins x 4 Sets

A. 12 Box Jump Step Down 30/24"

B. 12 Deadlifts

C. Bike 750/600m 

D. 12 Bar Facing Burpees

E. 12 Hang Power Cleans

Rx Loading - You can choose to load with Dumbbells or a Barbell today.

Dumbbells - 50/35lbs

Barbell - 115/75lbs

Set 1 - ABCDE

Set 2 - EDCBA

Set 3 - CDEAB

Set 4 - BAEDC

-Chose dumbbells today ... overall had fun on this, fastest/slowest were 3:10 / 3:40. 


Persist Groin Glutes and Abdominals 2.0

1min Per Position x 2 Rounds

1st. Butterfly or Wtd Butterfly

2nd. T Spine Can Opener

3rd. Standing Straddle Stretch

4th. 90/90 Glute Stretch L

5th. 90/90 Glute Stretch R

-D/N complete, no time 

Monday, September 27, 2021


 AM Workout (0700)

Track workout explanation: 4x (3x400m) at 5k w/ 30sec rest, 5min b/t sets


4 Sets of: 


Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39

Rest for 00:00:30 between reps 

Rest 5:00 between sets 

-Complete ... all intervals between 1:30 - 1:39 ... went fast on about half of these, but overall had a great time ... really good weather (70 and clear with no breeze) and I felt aerobically fit from start to finish on this workout. 

PM Workout (1000)

I was pretty tired/generally not amped to workout yet again... but got this in and tried to push it as much as I could. Workouts have been shifted around due to work/upcoming travel... will be hitting 6 workouts in 4 days straight before a rest day... one more session to get in tomorrow before rest. 


2-3 Rounds

Optional - 10 Calorie Bike

15 Parallette Scapular Push Ups

15 Prone Y Raise

10/arm Elbow on Knee Dumbbell External Rotation



Ski 10min Continuous Moderate Effort

@ minute 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 Get off the Ski Erg and perform

5 Scap Push Up on Elbows

15sec Tuck L Sit



4 Sets:

1. Bench Press 21X1; 3,3,2,2

rest 15sec

2. Heel Sit Arnold Press 20X0 x 6-8reps

rest 2-3mins and repeat from 1

-185# x 3, 205# x 3, 215# x 2x2 ... tempo was rough, particularly the pause, but always to bench even if it is light ... 2x35# for 4x8 on the Arnold press 


6mins AMRAP

5 Strict Bar Dip 

10 Tuck Up in Dip Support

10 Burpees 

rest 2mins

6mins AMRAP

4 KB Complex (Dual Sumo Deadlift + Dual Clean from Floor)

8 Glute Bridge KB Floor Press

8 Alternating KB Plank Rows

*loading Rx -  53/35lbs

rest 2mins

6mins AMRAP

6 KB Deficit Push-Ups

9 Russian KBS

12 Alternating KB Tall Plank Knee to Elbows

*loading Rx -  70/53lbs

-Complete ... don't remember the rounds/reps ... but this was good intensity and left me sweaty 


3 Sets Not for Time

1. Crab Walk with High Hip x 50ft

2. Single Arm Passive Hang x 20-30sec/arm

3. Side Plank Rotations x 10reps/side

-Complete, 2 rds ... had to wrap it up short due to time ... single arm passive hangs rocked me 


1min Per Position x 2 Rounds

1st. Flat Thread the Needle R

2nd. Flat Thread the Needle L 

3rd. Mixed Grip Passive Hang R

4th. Mixed Grip Passive Hang L

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Passive Ring Hang

-/DN complete 

Sunday, September 26, 2021


Today was a solid workout ... squatting was the toughest part ... coupled with the fact I am generally a bit sore/tight/tired from yesterday. 


2-3 Sets

10 Hamstring March - BW or Light Load

10 Low Switch Cossack Squats or 10 Ring Assisted Cossack Squats

20 Alternating Single Leg V Ups or Tuck Ups



3 Rounds Not For Time

9 Right Leg Suitcase Poliquin Step Up

9 Left Leg Suitcase Poliquin Step Up

12 Right Leg Single Leg Bodyweight Hip Thrust

12 Left Leg Single Leg Bodyweight Hip Thrust

-Complete, 2x15# DB for the poliquin set ups 


Back Squat (speed squat)

Every 15sec for 3mins perform 1 rep

rest 3mins x 2-3 sets

*Load barbell with 61-66% of 1RM - this is up about 10-15lbs from last week

*Your SPEED up from the bottom is most critical so don't overload this

-Used 65# + 10# (315#) ... was tough ... only went 2 sets 


3-4 Sets

1st - Nordic Hamstring Curl; 50X1; 4-6reps (longest tempo of this strength build and the reps have lowered even further - MAKE THEM STRONG!)

rest 30sec

2nd - Reverse Nordic x 6-10reps (*See Scaling Options Below - In our final week, challenge yourself with this movement within reason)

rest 30sec

3rd - Pronated Strict Pull Up - Max Reps Unbroken (minus 1-2 reps short of failure). All reps must be at a strict 30X0 tempo each set.

rest 2mins

Reverse Nordic Progression - Simple to Complex

1. Heel Sits

2. Goblet Heel Sits

3. Partial Range of Motion Reverse Nordic

4. Full Range Reverse Nordic Assisted

5. Reverse Nordic - Full Range

-Complete, 3 sets ... pull-ups went 8,6,6 


For Time, with a partner, 1 partner working at a time @ Sustainable Pace

80 Burpees

160 Cal Ski 

40 KB Rack Walking Lunge 53/35lbs

40 Box Jump Over 24/20"

30 Burpee Strict Pull Ups

-21:35 ... overall good aerobic conditioning 


1min Per Position x 2 Rounds

1st. Piriformis Wall Stretch R

2nd. Piriformis Wall Stretch L

3rd. Saddle Stretch

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Couch Stretch R

2mins Couch Stretch L

-D/N complete, no time 

Friday, September 24, 2021


AM Workout (0900)

Workout Summary: 6x3min w/ 45sec rest b/t all reps. Referenced pacing is a target. Workout focus is pacing consistency. Did you hold your selected pace from start to finish?

6 Sets of:

Run 0.42 Mile for 00:03:00 (07:12 min/mi)

Rest :45

-Complete ... this was a fun aerobic workout ... hit right around 700m each set. I felt very consistent on these ... this pace took focus on the back half, but was not a very difficult RPE. Fun stuff. 

PM Workout (1315)


2-3 Rounds

Optional - 10 Calorie Row

20 Supinated Band Pull Aparts

15 Dumbbell Bench Pull Overs

10 Kettlebell Jefferson Curl



2-3 Sets

1. 10-12 reps Seated Good Morning (Barbell or Dumbbell) - increase your load from 2 weeks ago slightly

rest 30sec

2. 10/side Adduction Bias Side Plank Hip Tap (scale back to adduction bias side plank static hold 20sec)

rest 30sec

3. 12 Scapular Push Up to Downdog

rest 90sec

-Complete, 2 sets ... 95# on the seated GM. 


Clean Grip Deadlift - USE HOOK GRIP THIS WEEK

Every 3:00 perform a new set - 8,8,6,6


Strict Bar Dip @ 21X1; 6-8 (Since we are back to doing fewer sets this week the reps are UP on the dip)

*With the reintroduction of the hook grip your grip will be substantially stronger and you should notice a big carryover from the grip work we did recently.

*Complete your set of dips immediately after your deadlifts within the 3:00 time frame between sets

-8 x 335#, 8 x 335#, 6 x 355#, 6 x 375# ... 4x6 BW on dips, rough on the thumbs, but posterior chain felt strong. 


For Time, with a partner, one partner working at a time: 

70 Cal Bike

42 KB thrusters (53/35lbs)

70 Cal Ski

18 Wall Walks

70 Cal Ski

42 KB thrusters (53/35lbs)

70 Cal Bike

-27:57 ... longest workout we've done this cycle, but felt fit and consistent on this piece ... was thrashed afterward though. 


3 Sets: For Quality

1. Dumbbell Curl to Press x 12 reps

2. Weighted Bench Dip x 12-15 reps

3. Weighted Plank x 45sec

rest as needed between movements and sets

-2x25# on the curls + press ... 35# for 3x12 on the dips ... 45# across on the planks ... tough finisher after D. 


1min Per Station x 1-2 Rounds

1st. Low Dragon Stretch R

2nd. Low Dragon Stretch L

3rd. 30 Reps Elephant Walk Steps

4th. Heel Sit

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 1-2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Saddle Pose

-D/N Complete 


Complete Rest ... had to work all day today for an event ... shifted today's training to tomorrow. 

Thursday, September 23, 2021


 Today was a good workout, felt better overall than yesterday and had a fun time working out. 


Ankles and Hip Flexors

2-3 Sets

15 Tibialis Raises

15 Slant Board BW Single Leg Calf Raise 

15 Hanging Knee Tucks + 15sec Tuck L Hang at Top of last rep



Every Minute on the Minute for 6-10 Sets Complete this Positional Complex:

1 Power Snatch 

1 Hang Snatch

1 Snatch

-135# x 2, 155# x 2, 175# x2, 185# x 2 ... overall felt good here, full snatching is not something I've been training at all ... kept the loads lighter and felt good. 


Back Squat; 22X1; 4,4,2,2,2; Every 2mins perform a set

*With only two more weeks in this build, we are aiming to make these squat sets all very intense. Dial-in your loading and push yourself.

-275# x 4, 275# x 4, 305# x 2, 325# x 2, 350# x 2 


Every Minute on the Minute x 12mins

1st - 1 Set of Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups with Quality (Keep sets under 20sec long to allow for adequate rest)

2nd - 4-6 Strict HSPU

3rd - 2-3 Wall-Walks 

-Complete ... this ended up being 3 muscle-ups (L-sit) every minute, 6 SHSPU, 2 WW 


3-4 Sets

8 Toes to Bar or K2E

10 Jumping KB Goblet Squats (53/35#) 

Bike 500/400m 

10 Jumping KB Goblet Squats (53/35#)

8 Toes to Bar or K2E

rest 90-120sec between sets

-Complete ... 3 sets ... went 2:06 / 2:14 / 2:13 ... fun interval training 


1min Per Station x 2 Rounds

1st. Kneeling Triceps Stretch R

2nd. Kneeling Triceps Stretch L

3rd. Bench Shoulder Flexion with Thoracic Mobilization

4th. Supine Bench Weighted Chest Opener

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Seated Barbell Shoulder Extension Stretch


Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Overall had an okay workout today... I have an extreme level of work/life stress right now and I am generally unhappy, but still got this in. It was difficult to focus or get much intensity out of this workout. Tried to stay focused and make this worth my time. Tomorrow is another day. 


3-4 Rounds @ Warm Up Pace

2min Bike/Row/Run (choose a modality, pick up the pace on the last 15sec of each Round)

20 Elephant Walk Steps

20 Plank to Alteranting To Touch

10 Assisted KOT Squats



4-5 Sets

1 Hang Power Clean

2 Power Clean

3 Hang Clean

12sec Bike Sprint @ high Power

rest walk full recovery

-185#, 195#, 205#, 215# ... first time doing full cleans in a very long time... felt different, but not too bad. 


This week we build the EMOM by 2mins and reduce the reps on each set by 2. You can either increase your loading slightly from two weeks ago or aim to have more BW control this week.

EMOM x 10mins (Every Minute On the Minute)

1st - 6 Right Leg Knee Over Toe Split Squat

2nd - 6 Left Leg Knee Over Toe Split Squat

Level 1 - Foot Elevated + Hand Supported

Level 2 - Foot on Floor Bodyweight

Level 3 - Foot on Floor Suitcase Loaded

Level 4 - Foot on Floor Back Rack Loaded 


1. Back leg is as straight as you can make it with the gluteal muscles of the rear leg flexed

2. Torso is very tall making you feel a deep hip flexor stretch

3. Knee is coming out over the toe even if this means the heel is coming off the floor. The goal is to get the hamstring of the bent forward leg to touch the calf. 

*Please consider raising the front foot on a 6" step or higher, along with holding onto something for balance, in order to help you achieve these positions.

**Recommended Loading 

BW is a great starting place

Dumbbells no higher than 25% of bodyweight per hand

Back Rack no higher than 50% of bodyweight

-Complete, 2x25# DB, suitcase loaded 


For Time

10/8 Cal Ski

20 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

15/12 Cal Ski

40 Sit Ups

20/16 Cal Ski

40 Sit Ups

15/12 Cal Ski

20 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

10/8 Cal Ski

*12 minute time cap

@ 15min Mark

7min AMRAP

150/120m Ski

10 Step Ups 24/20"

5 Deadlifts 115/75lbs

@ 25min Mark

For Time

20 Power Cleans 115/75lbs

20 Bar Facing Burpees

20/16 Calorie Ski

-Cap 2 + reps (finished the last 10 cals at 12:03)

-4 or 5 rds + some box step-ups... can't remember exactly 

-3:19 ... unbroken finisher 


1min Per Position x 2 Rounds

1st. Seal Stretch 

2nd. Butterfly or Weighted Butterfly

3rd. Pigeon Stretch R

4th. Pigeon Stretch L

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Static Back 



Complete Rest 

Monday, September 20, 2021


AM Workout (0700)

This morning was a great workout. Highest volume workout we have put in on the track and today was the most fit running I have felt. Really fun morning, great weather in Annapolis, about 70 degrees and little to no wind. 

Workout Summary: 3x600m, 3x200m, 3x500m, 3x200m w/ 90sec b/t reps and 3min rest b/t sets

Run 600 Meter for 00:02:28

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 600 Meter for 00:02:28

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 600 Meter for 00:02:28

Rest for 00:03:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:03:00

Run 500 Meter for 00:01:59

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 500 Meter for 00:01:59

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 500 Meter for 00:01:59

Rest for 00:03:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:38

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:38

Rest for 00:01:30

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:38

-Result =












-:32 ... went fast on every interval from start to finish... but I just felt good and went for it. Had a great time on the track today. 

PM Workout (1100)

Had a decent second session... overall felt good on everything, lots of pumpy upper body stuff... overall enjoyed myself and I am looking forward to a rest day/sleeping in tomorrow. 


2-3 Rounds

Optional - 10 Calorie Row

20 Tall Kneeling Band Pull Aparts

10 Dual Dumbbell Upright Row to Press

15 Dumbbell Bench Pull Overs




5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up R

5 Single Arm KB Z Press R

30sec Ring Dip Hold (10sec at top, 10sec half way down, 10sec bottom position)

5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up L

5 Singel Arm KB Z Press L

30sec Ring Row Hold

-Complete, 35# KB across ... dip support hold was a difficult way to start this workout 


3-4 Sets:

1. Close Grip Bench 30X1; 1.1.1 (rest 10sec between 1's for a total of 3 reps)

rest 30sec

2. Alternating DB Bench Press (Top Down) 20X0 x 6-8/arm

rest 2-3mins

*Make your barbell bench sets TOUGH. If you want some extra volume today you can hit an additional set for 4.

-Complete, 4 sets, went 165#, 185#, 195#, 195# for the CGBP and 2x50# for 4x6/arm on the altering DB press 


4mins AMRAP

Bike 200/175m

8 Alternating Dumbbell Push Press 50/35lbs

8 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows 50/35lbs

rest 2mins

4mins AMRAP

Bike 200/175m

6-8 Body Rows 

4-6 Strict HSPU 

rest 2mins 

Go back to the start and repeat each amrap for a second time through then you are done

-Complete ... got between 3 and 4 rounds on each interval ... big sweat/pump ... fun conditioning 


2-3 Sets Not for Time

Powell Raise x 10/arm @3010

KB Half Kneeling Windmill x 10/side 

SA Bottoms Up KB Overhead Carry x 20ft/side

-2 sets, 10# for the Powell raises, 35# KB for the side raises, 25# DB for the overhead carry 


1min Per Position x 2 Rounds

1st. Twisted Cross R

2nd. Twisted Cross L. 

3rd. Child's Pose with Lat Stretch R

4th. Child's Pose with Lat Stretch L

Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.

2mins Passive Ring Hang

-D/N complete, no time