Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today was a great session. I was training alone which kind of sucked, but I was able to program for myself and had a solid workout.

Every :30 on the :30 for 10 minutes: Dead-lift (385#) x 1

-felt strong, a little slow off the floor on the last few minutes, good training.

Bench Press - 3,3,3,3,3 - 185,195 x 3 sets, 185#

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:

1000m Row
50 KB Swings (55#)
30 T2B
750m Row
40 KB Swings (55#)
20 T2B
500m Row
30 KB Swings (55#)
10 T2B

22.45. Brutal metcon. Burned my lungs and forearms. I had to break up the KB swings a lot more than I thought I would. Overall a solid effort.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today was a solid session.

Hang Power Clean - 2-2-2-2-2-1 (f) - 185, 205, 220, 230, 240, 250

-I missed the second rep of 250, but my previous 2 RM was 225, so I'll take a PR. Rack position still hurting, not as much as yesterday though.

Rest 20 minutes then...

For time:

20 Back Squats (300#)

straight into...

5 Rounds:
250m Run
16 Wall-ball

13.45. The squats were taxing, but I felt good on the running and wall-balls. Solid work. Excited to train again tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Today was a great workout. My rack position (left tricep) hurts a bit. I probably could have gone harder on the thrusters, but decided to back off because of this inflammation. Overall a great session though.

Thruster 2-2-2-1 - 185, 205, 215, 225

-had a little more, but backed off. I don't want to play around with this injury.

Rest 5 minutes then...

For time:

1,2....7,6...2,1 - Strict Pull-ups
-2 HSPU after each set of pull-ups

8.20. Solid bodyweight movement. I felt really strong on both movements.

30 Minutes active rest (double-unders, wall-balls, wall squats and other modalities done at a slow but active pace - was a warm-up for a regular class)


AMRAP 12 Minutes:

20 Push-Press (75#)
20 Burpees

5 rds + 15 Push-Press. This was a brutal WOD. A complete burner. This is the metcon I need to get back. I actually felt decently fit today, but the burpees felt a little slow. Stoked to be getting back into things. I want to a PR a major lift soon! Stoked to train tomorrow.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Had a great session this morning. It was taxing and a lot of hard work. Great day.

4 Sets: 

2 Back Squats 85% (340#)  + 2 Squat Cleans 85% (260#)

-This was taxing, this is the first time since moving to Chicago working off of my true PR percentages. This was a challenge. It was great to throw some heavier weights around, stoked to be getting back into the swing of things. 

Wide Grip Bench Press - 3 Sets of 5 @ 185#

Rest 10 minutes then... 

Partner Wod, 2 minutes work, 1 minute rest (6 minutes total at each station) 
Partner 1 does A while Partner 2 does B. 

A) 10 Meter Shuttle Sprints  B) Plank Hold

A) Hang Power Clean (95#) B) Bottom of Squat Hold

A) Calorie Row B) Hollow Hold

A) Wall-Ball B) Hand Stand Lockout 

-Solid workout, went hard. 

Rest 20 minutes then... 

On an 8 minute clock:

20 Front Squats (195#)
-Remaining time max distance 'Seal Walk' (feet on a frisbee sliding, walking with feet) 

Solid movement, I was extremely taxed after all this. Great day, stoked to rest tomorrow and to get after it next week. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Complete rest.


Today was a solid session. I felt a little tired when I woke up, but once I got in the gym I felt great. No lifting today, just some solid metcon.

AMRAP 10 minutes:
1 Rope climb (strict/no legs, starting sitting on the floor)
-Max Reps Ring Dips (muscle-up to rings)


Rest 5 minutes...

AMRAP 10 minutes:
250m Run
-Max Reps K2E

16,14,10,10,10 + 250m run

Solid session. The rope climbs killed me. I've never done this sitting from the floor/strict.The second AMRAP was awesome, a real burner. Solid stuff. Stoked to rest and for some hard training Saturday morning.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today was a decent session.

EMOM for 20 minutes:

4 Shoulder-to-Overhead (175#) - Odd Minutes
10 Toes-to-bar - Even Minutes

-This was solid training, I was able to keep a decent pace for most of the 20 minutes. Last few were a struggle, but not near failure. I could have a gone a little heavier, but over all good training.

Rest 20 minutes then...

5 Rounds on a 90 second clock @ 5 minutes rest between rounds:

250m Run
-Max Reps 24" Box Jumps


With the complete 5 minute rest I was able to keep a very consistent pace. Solid work, not too taxing. Stoked to throw some heavier weights around tomorrow.

Rest 5 minutes then...

60 Sec. Plank Hold
20 Sec. Rest
60 Sec. Plank Hold
30 Sec. Rest
60 Sec. Plank Hold
40 Sec. Rest
60 Sec. Plank Hold
50 Sec. Rest
60 Sec. Plank Hold

-Solid finisher.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Had a great session with a great athlete this afternoon. Looked like this:

Overhead Squat - Work up to 200# and then do 1 set of max reps

Score: 9 Reps  - this was technically a PR, I've never done 200 for more than 5 reps. Although the athlete I trained with got 17 reps. Great to have a push.

Rest 5 minutes then...

Overhead Squat - 1 set of max reps at 145#

Score: 20 reps. I've never gone for a 20 RM before, this is also technically a PR.

Rest 20 minutes then...

For time:

8-6-4-2 - Muscle-ups
40-30-20-10 Wall Ball
-170m Suicides (broke up 10-20-30m turnarounds) after each set

12.19. Solid metcon. Great session. Everything felt pretty good.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Had orientation all day, got into the gym in the evening and worked out by myself. Looked like this:

Back Squat - Work up to 6 sets of 3 @ 80% (315#) @ 2 minutes rest

Front Squat - 2 Sets - 70% and 75% (225# and 245#)

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 Rds for time:
10 Pull-ups
10 Box Jumps (24")
10 Lunges

-This obviously went extremely fast, it was the class warm-up, but I just banged it out for time.

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 Rounds for time:
20 Plyo Scissor Jumps (look it up? it's kind of like a one legged box jump from side to side)
45 Double-unders

5.22. Took the board at a new gym. I've never done those weird plyo jumos, but this was solid double-under practice. Squats were good, metcon was not nearly enough. Stoked to train again soon with a training partner.

8/18 & 8/19

The last weekend of fun is here. Complete rest. School starts Monday.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Had an awesome session today. Great training.

4 Sets:

2 Back Squat (315#) + 5 Front Squat (225#)

Rest 20 minutes then...

10 Rounds, each for time @ 30 seconds rest:

5 Dead-lifts @ 70% (325#)
5 Box Jumps (30")

-Solid training. Squatting felt great, dead-lifts got heavy on the last few sets. This was the heaviest dead-lifting I've done in awhile. I felt strong, stoked to train again soon.


Complete rest

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Had a solid session with a great athlete this morning. Looked like this:

3 Sets:
2 Back Squat (315#) + 2 Box Squat (225#) @ 12 inches

Rest 20 minutes then...

5 Rounds for time, with a partner, alternating:
3 Rope Climbs (15 feet)
Max Distance Prowler Push (4 x 45# plates)

This took right around 10 minutes. I haven't climbed a rope in a while. Solid practice. Good and simple day, great stuff.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Took further time off than I intended. But I'm back to it and had a great workout today. Toughest metcon I've done in a while.

Overhead Squat 5,5,5,5

175, 195, 210, 220# (PR)

Rest 20 minutes then...

4 Sets, 40 work:20 rest sec each movement

Power Snatch (115#)
T2B (rd 1 and 3), GHDS (rd 2 and 4)

-Basic, high intensity stuff. I had a great guy to train with and we went hard. I didn't record the reps, but really pushed it. Stoked about the OHS PR as well. I've been really low volume on the training, nice to randomly get a PR when not really putting much mental thought to training. Stoked to train tomorrow.

8/10 - 8/13

Complete rest.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


I had a decent workout today. Nothing crazy, easing back into training. My body is pretty toasted.

On a 15 minute clock:

-work up to some medium-heavy singles on squat snatch. I hit 175# 3 times, working speed and technique. I got some feed back from a new coach, always helpful to have a new eye on my form.

Rest 5 minutes then...

For time:
Weighted Strict Pull-ups (45#)
Clapping Push-ups
Snatch (135#)

My time was just over 13 minutes. I lost a lot of time on the weighted pull-ups. Push-ups felt strong, I haven't done clapping push-ups in a long time. Snatches went quick, I was trying to work my form on them (I mute my second pull and bounce a bit off my thighs). Overall a solid session, nothing crazy.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Checked out a different gym today. Had an interesting session, different than what I'm used to. It was cool to throw some slightly heavy weights around after the WOD, easing back into hardcore training.
There was a long warm-up, about 20 minutes, with a lot of different modalities. Won't go into it, but it was pretty legit. Anyway, the WOD looked like this:

For time:
1000m Row
500 Double-unders (anytime you break on double-unders do 5 burpees - hips and legs may not touch the floor on burpees, only chest)

20.44. I went out at a casual row of 3:30. The double-unders were sets of 30-60, with longer breaks in between sets. Interesting WOD, way different from the strength bias stuff I've been up to. Had to pace it a ton because I didn't want to accidentally miss a double-under and have to perform extra burpees.

Rest 20 minutes then...

3 Sets @ 2 minutes rest:

2 x Back Squat (315#)
2 x Power Clean (225#)

-weights felt easy, low volume. I haven't been training hard, want to see how this makes my body feel tomorrow. Can't wait to get back into the thick of training.


Easy 35 minute run. Exploring the city.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I'm finally getting fully settled. I made an appointment to go check out a box. I found a great gym 2 miles from my place. It's a little smaller (~130 members) but has a big space with some solid athletes. I had a great time training and meeting people. It's almost insane how much I missed cross fitting these last two weeks. I actually have a little DOMS from working out, I usually don't. I'm pumped to get back into the thick of training and set some PRs.

Overhead Squat 5,5,5,5 - 165, 185, 195, 205. If I had a little bit more time I would have gone up, but I was on the classes schedule. Easing back into training and not pushing it insanely was probably for the best though.

Rest 5 minutes then...

AMRAP 10 Minutes:

7 Jump Squats
7 Dead-lifts (135#)
7 Power Cleans (135#)

9 Rds + 1 Jump Squat. I went out really hard and gassed out toward the end. The weight was so light this was all wind. Not working out for a bit has taken it's toll slightly on my lungs, but overall I felt fine.  DOMS in the glutes and hammier for sure. Excited to back to 100% soon.

8/4 & 8/5

Further rest, still moving in/getting settled.


Over the sickness and moved to Chicago. I went for a run through the city today. This is a beautiful and inspiring place.

7/28 - 8/2

Traveling/moving across the country. I also picked up some kind of horrid bacterial infection over this time. I wasn't planning on not exercising during this time, but this is the most sick I've been in years.