Thursday, March 31, 2016


This morning was a great workout. I got in the bench pressing and then programmed the rest of the session myself. It ended up being a really 'crossfitty' workout, but I felt pretty fit and solid on everything. I haven't done a snatch in about 3 months, so adding these back in pain-free was a nice change. Really solid workout, looking forward to some much needed rest though. 

Bench press
7 sets of 3-5 reps @ 80% + 5# over last week = 225#
Rest as needed 

-This ended up being 4 triples and 3 doubles... went to failure here. Getting towards the end of the cycle and my body is pretty fatigued and the numbers are heavy. I didn't take as much rest as I usually do with these heavy sets, so that might have also contributed to missing a few of these reps. 

On a running clock: 

For time:
Row Calories 
Hang Power Snatch (75#)

When the clock reaches 25:00 then... 

For time:
C2B Pull-up


-First metcon had to break up the snatches on 18 and 15 ... otherwise unbroken.
-Second metcon had to break up the HSPU on 12 and 10 ... otherwise unbroken... this was tough after part A and B, but overall I was surprised by how good I felt. Solid workout. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


My back/glute/hip is feeling much better overall. I've been really trying to get it functioning properly. I haven't been strictly recording the different modalities I've used to recover, but I wanted to record it today because today is the first day I've added in some weighted stuff. It all felt solid, lots of stretching along with the weighted stuff. This was a good day in the gym. It wasn't taxing at all, but it was good to move and use my legs for once. Anyway, today looked like this:

Couch Stretch
4 Sets (8 minutes):
2:00 Right Leg
2:00 Left Leg

Frog Stretch
5 Minutes continuously
-10 Pelvic Tilts at the start first two minutes
-10 Alternating Leg Stretches at the start of second two minutes

Banded Goodmorning w/ Slingshot
3 x 10
Rest as needed

Skaters w/ Slingshot
3 x 12
Rest as needed

Goblet Squats
3 sets of 5 reps @ 35# KB
Rest as needed

3 Sets:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 (each leg) (2 x 35# DB)
Rest as needed
Single-Leg BB Deadlift x 8 (each leg) (115#)
Rest as needed

10 x Alternating Front Rack Step-ups (115/75#) (20/14")
Rest as needed

20 Minute ROMWOD

20 Minutes Lacrosse Ball

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


This morning ended up being a pretty gnarly session. Part A was surprisingly brutal. Did this workout with my girlfriend, which was a really good change. Doing this alone would have sucked a lot. 

3 Rounds, each for time:
120 Double-Unders
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead (145/105#) 
8/6 Muscle-ups
Rest 3:00

-2:17 unbroken
-2:40 missed 4 double-unders, otherwise UB 
-2:50 missed 5 double-udders, otherwise UB ... hitting that last 8 MU unbroken was way outside my comfort zone ... really had to push to get that set UB, brutal on my core/chest/shoulders/triceps. 

Bench Press
4 sets of 5-7 Reps @ 65% + 5# over last week = 185#
Rest as needed 

-Got 7,7,7,6... definitely went to failure on that last set. This sucked a lot after part A. 

3 Super-sets:
Incline DB Press x 5 Reps (2 x 50# DB) 
Side Lateral Raise x 12 Reps (2 x 10# DB) 
DB Row x 14 reps (7 each side @ 100# DB)
Rest as needed

-This was rough ... went lighter and on the lower side of the rep range. I was pretty smoked by the time we got here. 

3 Super-sets:
DB Extensions x 10 reps (2 x 20# DB)
Alternating DB Curls x 14 reps (7 each side @ 50# DB) 
1 Min Plank in Push-up Position (45/25#) 
Rest as needed 

-Complete... solid finisher. 


Complete Rest.

Did a stretching routine today... going to try to hit something like this consistently on my rest days over the coming weeks. Looked like this:

25 Minute Lacrosse Ball on Low Back/Glute 

Couch Stretch
4 Sets (8 minutes):
2:00 Right Leg
2:00 Left Leg

Bottom of a Squat Stretch, holding onto a squat rack (maintaining proper pelvic position)
4 Sets (8 minutes):
1:00 on
1:00 off

Frog Stretch
5 Minutes continuously 
-10 Pelvic Tilts at the start first two minutes
-10 Alternating Leg Stretches at the start of second two minutes 

Sunday, March 27, 2016


AM Workout (0800) 

Despite training alone today, I had a very good workout. My bench felt a little bit weaker than usual, but the singles are getting pretty heavy for me at this point in the cycle. For the first time over the course of the cycle, I needed a little bit of a spot for a few of the singles. Might cut back the accessory volume this week a bit in order to recovery more / peak over the next two weeks. Anyway, overall had a great session and I'm happy I was able to "cheat" a little on my diet over Easter, but still feel and look fit despite deviating from the diet a little.


Bench Press
5 Sets of 1 Rep @ 90% (215#) + 5# over last week’s 240# = 245#
Rest 3 minutes

3 x 2-3 @ 80% of heaviest single (200#)

3 x 5-7 reps @ 70% of heaviest single (175#)

-Got the first two singles at 245#, then need a very little spot during the lockout of the last 3 reps... this was a little disappointing, but I started the cycle off of a 240# 1 RM, so I need to be realistic about hitting these. 240# for 5 singles went up easily last week though, so I might just be under-recovered from training the last 3 days in a row.

-Got 3x3 @ 200# and 3x7 @ 175# easily 

For time: 
Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
C2B Pull-ups

-4:17 ... Unbroken aside from the set of 15 pull-ups... went 8/7 there. Definitely don't feel like I'm in 'crossfit' shape right now... a short burner like this kicked my ass, but I haven't been training like that much and my nervous system feels the best it has in years, which is a huge positive and I'm not really concerned about the fact I did this slightly slower than I would have in the past.

3 Sets:
Seated Arnold Press x 7 Reps (2 x 40# DB) 
BB Row x 7 Reps (150#) 
Rest 2 minutes


3 Sets:
Flat DB Bench Press (thumbs facing head) x 7 Reps (2 x 70# DB) 
Standing DB Curl x 7 Reps (2 x 40# DB) 
Rest 2 minutes


PM Workout (1930) 

4 sets:
750m Row
Rest 2:00


Rest exactly 5:00 then...

For time:
Calorie Row

-6:18 ... good/short burner, glad I got this in. Haven't been doing two-a-days much at all... but I'm feeling much better lately, couldn't fight off the urge to bring the rower out. 


Did a pretty solid aerobic workout at home this morning. Just put it together on the spot and got it done with basically zero warm-up. Didn't miss any of the reps and tried to get each set done as quickly as possible. Glad I got this in though, had to make room for Easter brunch.

EMOM 30 Minutes (6 sets):
Min 1 - :45 Airdyne @ 90%
Min 2 - 10 Burpees
Min 3 - 20 Alternating Jumping Lunges
Min 4 - 250m Row
Min 5 - 15 V-Ups


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


This morning was a solid session. It was much shorter than usual, but still got some good intensity out of this. 

Bench press
7 sets of 3-5 reps @ 80% + 5# over last week = 220#
Rest as needed

-Hit 7 sets of 3 reps @ 220# ... no misses, which was good. 

Every 6 minutes for 24 minutes (4 sets):
Row 250m
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24”)
15 Strict Ring Dips
15 Pull-ups



Complete Rest


This morning was a simple, but solid session. Got some good intensity out of the conditioning.

Bench Press
4 sets of 5-7 Reps @ 65% + 5# over last week = 180#

-4 x 7 @ 180# was easy, light day. 

4 Super-sets:
Incline DB Press x 7 Reps
Side Lateral Raise x 15 Reps
DB Row x  14 Reps (7 each side) 
Rest as needed

-Press = 60#, 65#, 75#, 75# ... This is the strongest I've felt on this lift, good stuff. 
-Raises = 15#s across 
-Rows = 100#s across 

3 Sets:

DB Skull Crushers + DB Curls x 10 reps + 10 reps (2 x 30# DB) 
Rest as needed 

-Went through this quickly, but it was a good finisher and a nice pump.

For time: 

100 DU
25 Push-ups
15 Burpees


2 Rounds
60 DU
15 Push-ups
10 Burpees


3 Rounds:
40 DU
10 Push-ups
5 Burpees

-9:44 ... missed 3 double-unders throughout this and took a few breaks on random sets of push-ups, but overall this was a solid little workout. It was fun to do, glad I got the set of 100 DU unbroken, that was my goal going into this. 


Really short session today, but it was good to get some movement in.

5 RFT:
5 Muscle-ups
200m Run

-15:20 ... unbroken MU, HSPU were 10 / 10 / 3 sets of 5/5 ... tough going right from the rings to the wall.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


I was a little tight from last week / yesterday in my chest, but overall got a really good workout out of this. Felt strong on the bench and really pushed the conditioning, really good training. Kept the accessory stuff on the lighter side with short rest intervals due to time constraints. 

Bench Press
5 Sets of 1 Rep @ 90% (215#) + 5# over last week’s 235# = 240# 
Rest 3 minutes 

3 x 2-3 @ 80% of heaviest single (195#) 
Rest as needed

3 x 5-7 reps @ 70% of heaviest single (170#)
Rest as needed 

-Complete. Got all the singles at 240# without struggle, 3x3 @ 195# and 3x7 @ #170 

3 RFT:
30 Double-Unders
4 Strict Press (135#)

Rest 3:00

3 RFT:
30 Double-Unders
8 Push-Press (135#)

Rest 3:00

3 RFT:
30 Double-Unders
12 Push-Jerk (135#)

-2:40, 2:52, 3:40 ... all parts unbroken, but took some longer rest on that last one, shoulders were pretty smoked by then. 

3 Sets:
Seated Arnold Press x 6 Reps (2 x 45# DB) 
BB Row x 10 reps (135#) 
Rest as needed 


3 Sets:
Flat DB Bench Press (thumbs facing head) x 7 Reps (2 x 60# DB) 
Standing BB Curl x 7 Reps (95#) 
Rest as needed 



Today was a really fun workout that I did with my friend. The weather was great, about 40 degrees and sunny with no wind. I thought up this workout over this week, all movements I can do at intensity. It ended up being a really great workout. Had a little bit of a lighter vest, but I still got a great workout out of it. I also didn't wear my boots/pants today, so I felt much lighter running with my regular shoes and shorts. Overall a great day, looking forward to tomorrow.

For time, with a 15# vest:
1 Mile Run (5 laps)


Burpee Strict Pull-ups
KB Lunges (2 x 53#)


330m (1 lap) Farmer's Carry (2 x 53#)


Burpee Strict Pull-ups
Push-ups on KBs


1 Mile Run (5 laps)

-41:20 ... the farmer's walk in the middle was by far the worst part of this workout, everything else was at a solid consistent pace. Great workout, really fun time in the gym.


Complete Rest

Thursday, March 17, 2016


This morning was the worst workout I've had in a very long time. I felt extremely flat and weak. I was very unmotivated to train and really just didn't want to be in the gym. Not sure if it is the reduced calories I've been eating or what, but I just felt horrible today. Hopefully I will feel better soon. 

Bench Press
7 Sets of 3-5 reps @ 80% + 5-10# (over last week) = 215# 

-7 sets of 3 reps @ 215# ... this was a struggle, felt very weak today. 

4 Sets of:
DB Strict Press - 5-7 reps, building (try to build up to a heavier 5 RM than last week) 

-4 sets of 7 reps @ 50# DBs .. didn't push the loading here because of how poorly I felt. 

3 Sets of:
DB Side Lateral Raises (2 x 15#) 
Rest as needed 


Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Strict Dips x 7 reps
Strict Pull-ups x 7 reps 

-These were supposed to be weighted, but I didn't use any weight on these and cut out a bunch of other stuff, just felt horrible. 

20 Min ROMWOD 



Complete rest

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


This morning was a really solid session... I felt really taxed after we finished this up. Worked out with my friend today, which was a great change. 

EMOM 20: 
Odd: Split Jerk x 1 rep, building
Even: 1 Muscle up + 2 dips, 1 Muscle up + 2 Dips 

-Complete, this was a solid workout I made up yesterday. Jerks were 225#, 225#, 245#, 245#, 255#, 255#, 265# (f), 265#, 265# 275# ... just missed the first attempt at 265# by being lazy... missed it out front, but came back and easily got it and eventually 275#. Jerk felt pretty solid today. 

Bench Press
4 Sets of 5-7 Reps @ 65% + 5-10# (over last week) = 175#
Rest 2 minutes
*Focus on speed and explosiveness

-4 sets of 7 reps @ 175# ... this was a little tough after part A, but got all the reps. 

3 Sets:
Max Unbroken Incline Bench Press (135#)
Max Unbroken Strict Pull-ups
Rest 3:00

-Complete ... sets were 14/10 ... 12/9 ... 10/10 

3 Sets:
Max Unbroken Ring Push-Ups 
Max Unbroken Strict L-Pull-ups
Rest 3:00 

-Complete ... sets were 16/5 ... 14/5 ... 14/5 ... I was totally smoked after all the above work.