Friday, April 30, 2021


 Today was a good, albeit a bit longer workout. Glad to get it in, felt good overall. BW is down to 209#... on track for weighing in on Thursday. 


Seated Band Hip Abductions x 20reps

Box Step Down x 8/leg

Quadruped HIP CARs x 4/leg (10sec/rep)

x 2-3sets



A1) Romanian Deadlift: 4010; 8-10 reps; rest as needed x 3 - prefatigue reps

• Still keep the loads light, but you can increase a little from last week

A2) Banded Hip Thrust: 10X0 (fast reps); 20 reps; rest as needed x 3

-45# on the RDL ... hip thrusts with 1 red band 


B) Back Squat: 3331; 6,5,4; rest 2:30

-185# x 6, 205# x 5, 225# x 4 ... massive quad pump ... thrashed by light weights 


C1) Split Stance Good Morning: 3010; 8-10/leg; rest 60sec x 3

C2) Dumbbell Suitcase RNT Split Squat: 30X0; 8-10/leg; rest 15sec between legs; rest 60sec x 3

-GM went 75#, 95#, 105# for 3x8/leg

-Split Squats went 2x50# for 3x8/leg with 1 red band 


D1) Side Plank Band Pull: 20X0; 20/arm; rest 60sec x 3

D2) Goblet Squat: 25X1; 6-8reps rest 60sec x 3

• Moderate loading - ensure you hit the tempo perfectly and hold a very active position at the

bottom of the squat for the full 5 seconds. Do not sit passively at the bottom of the squat.

-1 red band on the planks ... went 50# DB, which ended up being too heavy... only got 3x5 on these ... rough tempo 



5 Sets of:

AB 2:30 @ 80% Aerobic pace

rest :60

Ski 2:30 @ 80% Aerobic Pace

Rest :60

-Complete ... kept a consistent ~30 calories on the bike and 600m on the ski each set... was a good sweat

Thursday, April 29, 2021


AM Workout (0600)

Had a solid workout today... tempo exercises are starting to feel more solid and the conditioning was fun ... box step overs made this a bit more difficult than previous conditioning workouts ... enjoyed this and felt fit. 


Single Arm Bottoms Up KB Carry x 10m/arm

Scapular Push Ups x 10

Passive Ring Hang x 30sec

x 2-3 Sets



A1) Barbell Z Press: 30X2; 6-8/reps; rest 60sec x 3

A2) Incline Dual Dumbbell Prone Row: 11X3; 6-8/reps; rest 60sec x 3

-95# for 3x8 on the BPZP

-2x50# DB for the rows 


B1) Alternating Dumbbell Incline Bench Press (Bottom Up): 31X0; 6-8/arm; rest 60sec x 3

B2) Seated Hammer Curl: 2020; 10-12 reps; rest 60sec x 3

-2x50# for 3x8/arm on the bench press 

-2x25# DB for 3x10 on the curls


C1) Turkish Get Up Complex:

4 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up R + 2 Turkish Get Up R

4 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up L + 2 Turkish Get Up L

rest 30sec x 3

C2) Kettlebell Side Plank: 30sec/side; rest 30sec x 3

C3) Strict Knees to Elbows from Rings: 2020; 8-10 reps; rest 90sec x 3

-35# KB for the get-ups, :30/side on the planks, 8 reps on the K2E



6-8 Sets of: 

Ski 250m @ 75-80% Aerobic Effort

10 Dumbbell Box Step Over 24/20" (35/20lbs)

15sec Star Plank R

15m Single Arm KB OH Carry R 70/53

15sec Star Plank L

15m Single Arm KB OH Carry L 70/53

rest 60sec

-Complete, 6 sets, took about 25 minutes ... good conditioning, fun stuff. 

PM Workout (1700)


Bench Press


1 @130x 10
1 @185x 5
3 @215x 5    


1 @90x 10
1 @125x 5
3 @145x 5

-Complete ... lighter bench day, got all these reps easily 

Board Bench Press
3 x 8-10 reps (RPE 8) - used 215# last week
BB Row
3 x 8 -10 reps (RPE 8) - used 215# last week 
*Try to add 5-10# over last week 

-Used 225# for the bench with 3x10 ... went down in weight to 205# for 3x10 due to a math mix-up ... but still got a good pump from the lower weight rows 

Strict Weighted Pull-ups
3 x 5 reps 
Cable Side Raises 

-Complete, 3x5 with 53# ... 3x10/arm with 1 Red Cross over symmetry band 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Overall had a good workout today, feeling recovered after the day off yesterday and the lighter track session today. 

Track Workout

6 sets:  

Sprint 50m 

Run 300m 

Rest 3:00 

-Result = 






1:07 ... felt consistent here, tried to go all out on the 50m and then set into ~90 second 400m pace (6 minute mile pace)


 Complete Rest 

Monday, April 26, 2021


Today was a good, albeit long, session... overall felt good throughout this and enjoyed myself in the gym. Looking forward to some rest tomorrow and to get after the workouts the rest of the week. 


Lateral Band Walk 25'/side

Glute Bridge x 15reps (pause 1sec at top)

Wall Sit 30sec

x 2-3 sets



A) Wide Stance Banded Hip Thrust: 10X1; 15-20reps/reps; rest 60sec between sets x 3


B) Front Squat: 30X0; 3,2,1, 3,2,1; rest 2mins

• Wave Load: Add weight for first sets of 3, 2, and 1

Then make the second sets of 3, 2, and 1 heavier than the first

-235# x 3, 265# x 2, 300# x 1 ... 265# x 3, 290# x 2, 315# x 1 ... overall this went well... 3 second eccentric for 315# felt decent


C1) Single Leg Landmine Romanian Deadlift : 20X0; 10-12 reps; rest 60sec x 3

C2) DB Hamstring Curl on Bench: 20X0; 12-15 reps; rest 60sec x 3

-95# for 3x10/leg on the RDL ... 25# for 3x15 on the curls 


D1) Kettlebell Rack RNT Reverse Lunge: 10X0; 10-12/leg; rest 30sec x 3

D2) Extended Plank: 45-60sec; rest 30sec x 3

D3) Single Arm Ring Row Hold: 30sec/arm; rest 90sec x 3

-2x35 #KB for 3x10/leg on the lunges ... :60 each plank and :30/arm for each row hold... although those row holds were nearly perpendicular to the ground, not parallel... but did what I could. 



Bike 1500m @ 85% Aerobic Pace: rest walk 2mins x 5 Sets

• The aim this week is to match the same split times as

last weekVolume decreases a touch as the distances

are longer. Utilize the breakto keep quality high.

-Complete ... these took about 2:20-2:25 each interval, which was right at my pace from the last two weeks of 1000s (65 RPM). 

Sunday, April 25, 2021


AM Workout (0600)

Yoga Push Up x 10
Prone Snow Angels x 10
Scapular Pull Ups x 10
x 2-3 Sets

A1) Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press: 2011; 8-10/arm; rest 30sec x 3
A2) Ring Plank: 45-60sec; rest 30sec x 3
A3) Parallette Plank Support Dumbbell Row: 10X2; 6-9/arm; rest 90sec x 3

-26# KB for 3x8/arm ... ring planks were :45 each set and 50# for 3x9/arm on the rows 
B1) Semi Supinated Strict Ring Pull Up: (6 total reps); rest 5sec/rest 30sec x 4
B2) Parallette HSPU Negatives: 6-8sec lowering; 3,3,3,3; rest 90sec

-53# across for the pull-ups, HSPU negatives were a shit-show, tried to get 8 seconds each time, but didn't

C1) Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press : 20X1; 8-10/arm; rest 30sec x 3
C2) Dual Kettlebell Rack Carry: 40m; rest 60sec x 3

-75# for 3x8/arm on the bench, 2x53# KB for the carries
8 Rounds Continuous: 
Ski 15 cals
40sec sec ring FLR
Bike 15 cals
20 sec L sit on Parallettes
10 Burpees 

-Complete ... took 39:40 ... consistently held right around a 5:00/rd pace ... this was the longest cardio I've done in a while, I was happy with the consistency I held, but I had to scale the L-sits to L-tucks the entire time and by the 6/7/8 rounds I was scaling to assisted L-tucks... overall still good aerobic conditioning. 

PM Workout (1400) 

This afternoon was fun, snuck in a few extra exercises given I had the time ... had fun and got a big pump, great afternoon in the gym. 

Bench Press 

1 @130x 10
1 @185x 5
1 @215x 3
3 @240x 3

1 @90x 10
1 @125x 5
1 @145x 3
3 @165x 3

-Complete ... didn't have a spotter today, but got all these reps fairly easily 

Pause Bench Press
3 sets x 6-8 reps (used 175 last week)
Try to add 5-10 lbs over last week
Strict Pull-ups
3x 10-15 reps 

-Complete at 185# for 3x6 (10# over last week) and 3x15 on the pull-ups

3 Sets of:
Tricep Cable Push-Downs x 12-15 reps
Face Pulls x 20 reps 

-Complete, 55# for 3x15 on the push-downs, 1 red band for the face-pulls

Bicep Barbell Curls x 12-15 reps
DB Side Raises x 10-12 reps 

-3x12 with 75# for the curls, 2x25# for 3x10 on the side raises 

Saturday, April 24, 2021


Overall had a good workout this morning ... running is feeling much better and we are only two weeks into this aerobic development training block. Weather was terrible today, lots of rain and wind, but got this workout in around 0700. 

Track Workout 

Run 700 Meter 

Rest for 00:01:15

Run 300 Meter 


Rest for 00:03:00


Run 700 Meter 

Rest for 00:01:15

Run 300 Meter 


Rest for 00:03:00


Run 700 Meter 

Rest for 00:01:15

Run 300 Meter 


Rest for 00:03:00


Run 700 Meter 

Rest for 00:01:15

Run 300 Meter 

-Result = 

700s right around 2:45 (6:00 mile pace)

300s right around :60 (5:20 mile pace) ... maintained these paces consistently, felt good overall. 



 AM Workout (0830) 

Warmup: Prehab Lower 2

Seated Band Hip Abductions x 20reps

Box Step Down x 8/leg

Quadruped HIP CARs x 4/leg (10sec/rep)

x 2-3sets



A1) Kang Squat: 6-8reps; rest as needed x 3 - prefatigue reps

• Still keep the loads light, but you can increase a little from last week

A2) Banded Glute Bridges: 10X1; 20reps; rest as needed x 3

-Complete, went 45#, 55#, 75# on the king squats, 1 red band for the bridges


B) Back Squat: 4141; 4,4,4,4; rest 2:00

-165#, 205#, 220#, 230# 


C1) Split Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 21X0; 8-10/leg; rest 60sec x 3

C2) Dumbbell Suitcase RNT Split Squat: 20X0; 10-12/leg; rest 60sec x 3

-2x50# DB for 3x10/leg on each movement, 1 red band on the RNT SS


D1) Plank with Band Pull: 20X0; 15/arm; rest 60sec x 3

D2) Single Leg Wall Sit: 45sec/leg; rest 60sec x 3

-1 red band for the planks ... scaled to 30sec/leg on the single leg wall sit... these were brutal 



4 Sets of:

Bike 3 minutes @ 75% aerobic pace; 

Rest 1 minute

Ski 3 minutes @ 75% aerobic pace; 
Rest 1 minute

-Complete ... lots of aerobic movement, was a good sweat 

PM Workout (1230) 

We were supposed to get this in yesterday, but due to scheduling issues had to sneak it in today ... only had one meal and two hours between workouts 1 and 2 ... but overall it went well. Quick/short session but some heavy lifting. 

Bench Press 

1 @130x 10
1 @185x 5
1 @215x 3
1 @240x 2
4 @265x 1

1 @90x 10
1 @125x 5
1 @145x 3
1 @165x 2
4 @180x 1

-Complete ... needed a small spot on my 4th single at 265# ... otherwise went well 

Board Bench Press
3 x 8-10 reps (RPE 8) - used 205 last week
BB Row 
3 x 8-10 reps (RPE 8) - used 215 last week 

-Complete ... both lifts across at 215# for 3x10 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Got in the workout this morning, but have had some extreme life/work stress and didn't really enjoy my time in the gym. 

Single Arm Bottoms Up KB Carry x 10m/arm
Scapular Push Ups x 10
Passive Ring Hang x 30sec
x 2-3 Sets

A1) Barbell Z Press: 21X1; 8-10/reps; rest 60sec x 3
A2) Incline Dual Dumbbell Prone Row: 30X1; 8-10/
reps; rest 60sec x 3

-75#, 80#, 90# for 3x10
-2x50# for 3x10 
B1) Single Arm Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 30X0;
7-9/arm; rest 60sec x 3
B2) Alternating Incline Bench Bicep Curl: 20X0; 8-10/
arm; rest 60sec x 3

-75# for 3x8/arm
-2x25# for 3x8/arm 
C1) Turkish Get Up: 6 reps Alternating arms each rep;
rest 30sec x 3
C2) Dumbbell Side Plank: 30-40sec/side; rest 30sec x 3
C3) Supine Toes to Bar 3110; 8-10reps; rest 90sec x 3

-53# for the get-ups
-25# for 3x:30 on the planks
3x8 on the supine toes to bar 
Ski 15 Cals @ 75-80% Aerobic Effort
20sec Side Plank R
12m Prisoner Walking Lunge
20sec Side Plank L
20m Dual KB Rack carry 70/53lbs
rest 60sec
x 6-8 Sets

-Complete, 6 sets, took about 20:30 total time. 


 Complete Rest 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Track Workout 

Jog 20 Minutes 
Rest for 5:00 before part B.


Sprint 60m
Rest for 1:00
Sprint 60m
Rest for 1:00
Sprint 60m
Rest for 1:00
Sprint 60m
Rest for 1:00
Sprint 60m
Rest for 1:00
Sprint 60m

-Complete ... each of these was at about 7-8 seconds ... short/high intensity, fun to attempt to reach full speed, but definitely not something I'm great at. 

Monday, April 19, 2021


Today was a good, albeit long, workout. Didn't feel particularly great on the weight lifting stuff... but got through everything. 


Lateral Band Walk – 25’/side

Glute Bridge x 15 reps (pause 1 second at top of the rep) 

Wall Sit :30 seconds 




B-Stance Hip Thrust; 10x0; 15-20 reps per leg; rest 45 seconds between legs x 2 




Front Squat 30x0; 2 reps @ 80% - 1 rep every 2:00 x 5 sets 

-Don't have a true 1 RM on front squat at the moment... but chose 295# (25# over last week's triples) and got through it ... took a big effort.



Split Stance Landmine RDL; 30x0; 8-10/leg rest 60 sec x 3 

Banded Hamstring Curls; 201; 15-20 reps; rest 60 sec x 3 

-135# for 3x8/leg ... tough tempo ... curls with 1 purple band for 3x15



DB Suitcase RNT Reverse Lunge; 20x0; 8-10/leg rest 30 sec x 3 

Ring Plank :60 seconds; rest 30 x 3

Supinated Grip Body Row Hold; 30-45 seconds; rest 90 x 3 

-2x50# DB + 1 red band for 8/leg  ... :60 on the planks, :30 on the row hold 



Bike 1000m x 8 sets @ 85% aerobic power, 2 minutes rest*


*Aim is to match the same split times as last week, only this week add two more sets 

-Complete ... got these all right around 1:35-:140 ... felt consistent 


Sunday, April 18, 2021


AM Workout (0630)

Today was a decent workout... the L-sit thrashed me... I've gotten significantly worse at these... but overall a longer session... got a big sweat from the conditioning. 


Yoga Push-up x 10

Prone Snow Angels x 10 

Scapular Pull Ups x 10

2-3 sets 




Half Kneeling Landmine Press 31x1; 7-9 per arm; rest 30 seconds x 3 

Banded Plank x 45-60 seconds; rest 30 seconds x 3 

3 Point DB Row; 11x2; 6-9 per arm; rest 90 seconds x 3 

-105# for 3x8/arm on the presses

-1 red band for 3x:60 on the planks

-50# for 3x9/arm for the rows



Supinated Strict Pull Up rest 5 seconds; rest 30 seconds x 4 

Parallete HSPU Negative; 6 seconds lowering; 4,4,4,4; rest 90 seconds 

-53# across one the pull-ups



Ring Push-ups: 2121; 8-10 reps; rest 30 seconds x 3 

20m Single Arm KB Rack Carry/ per arm x 3 

-3x8 on the push-ups, 53# carry 



8 Rounds Continuous:

15 Cals Bike @ 75-80% effort

20 seconds L-Sit on Parallettes 

5 Burpees

20m Single Arm KB Rack Carry/per arm (53/35#)

-Complete, this took ~22:30 ... don't remember the exact time, but flowed through this fairly well aside from the L-sits... had to break up them up from the first set and started scaling them to L-sit tucks on the back half of this. Rough. 


PM Workout (1730) 

Got in our bench session in the afternoon, was a nice pump. 


Bench Press 


1 @85x 10
1 @125x 5
3 @145x 5


1 @125x 10
1 @180x 5
3 @215x 5

-Complete ... got all these reps easily 

Pause Bench Press, 3 second pause 
3x-6-8 reps 
Try to add 5-10 lbs over last week
Strict Pull-ups
3x10-15 reps 

-Complete ... went 175# for 7,6,6 on the pause bench and 3x12 for the pull-ups 

3 Super-Sets:
EZ Bar Skull Crushers x 12-15 reps 
Face Pulls x 20 reps 

-Complete, 75# for 3x15 and 1 red band for the face pulls 

Saturday, April 17, 2021


Today was a good workout... my calves were still a bit sore from Wednesday's track workout... but once I got warm and moving I felt good. 

Track Workout 

Run 500 Meter 
Rest for 00:01:15
Run 400 Meter 
Rest for 00:01:15
Run 300 Meter 
Rest for 00:04:00
Run 500 Meter 
Rest for 00:01:15
Run 400 Meter 
Rest for 00:01:15
Run 300 Meter 
Rest for 00:04:00
Run 500 Meter 
Rest for 00:01:15
Run 400 Meter 
Rest for 00:01:15
Run 300 Meter 

-Result =




-Tried to keep this consistently at a 6:00 mile pace for all intervals, stuck to it and had a good time 

Friday, April 16, 2021


Today was a good workout... lots of light/tough tempo reps and a good cardio sweat at the end. Looking forward to running tomorrow. 


Seated Band Hip Abductions x 20reps

Box Step Down x 8/leg

Quadruped HIP CARs x 4/leg (10sec/rep)

x 2-3sets



A1) Kang Squat: 8-10reps; rest as needed x 3 - light load

• This A1/A2 superset is known as pre fatigue work. It helps get a lot of blood to the tissues

and preps us for part B and beyond. Don't overload this and simply focus on fluid reps.

A2) Single Leg Glute Bridge: 20X0; 10/leg; rest as needed x 3

-Kang squats across with 45# bar 


B) Back Squat: 5050; 5,5,5; rest 2:00

-165#, 185#, 205# ... maybe could have done more, but this tempo was ROUGH. 


C1) Split Stance DB Romanian Deadlift: 30X0; 10-12/leg; rest 60sec x 3

C2) DB Suitcase RNT Split Squat: 20X0; 12-15reps/leg; rest 60sec x 3/side

-2x50# for the RDL for 3x10/leg, 2x35# + 1 red band for the split squat for 3x12/leg


D1) Plank March: 15reps/arm alternating; rest 60sec x 3

D2) Wall Sit: 60sec; rest 60sec x 3



3 Sets of:

Ski 4mins @ 75% Aerobic Pace

Rest 1 min

Assault Bike 4 mins @ 75% Aerobic Pace

Rest 1 min


With these longer intervals today it is our principal focus to maintain our pacing. 75%

Aerobic is something that feels like it can sustain well beyond the given interval duration.

-Complete ... kept about a 900 cal/hr pace on the ski and 60 RPM on the bike ... not too taxing, but got sweaty.