Sunday, February 28, 2016


This morning was a solid chest/shoulders session. I'm excited for this upcoming cycle. Really fun to train this way and my body is feeling a lot better generally.

Bench Press
5 Sets of 1 Rep @ 90% (215#) of 1 RM (going off of Saturday's 240#) 
Rest 3 minutes

3 Sets of 2-3 Reps @ 80% (175#)  of heaviest above single 

3 Sets of 5-7 Reps @ 70% (155#) of heaviest above single

-Complete, light %s, got all the reps easily today. 

Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Split Jerk, 3-5 Reps, building
Bent Over-Row, 10 Reps (135#) 

-Jerks were 205# x 5, 225# x 4, 245# x 3, 255# x 3 ... all these reps were touch-and-go out of a rack. I could have gone a little heavier with some jerk blocks, but this was good training nonetheless. 

3 RFT:
15 Burpees
30 Push-ups
60 Double-Unders

straight into...

45 Shoulder-to-Overhead (95#)

-14:45 ... this was tough, the push-ups were retarded after parts A and B. Overall got my HR up a little and wasn't too taxing.

Every 3 for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Triceps Extensions, 7 Reps (2x 15# DB)
Barbell Curls, 7 Reps (95#)





0520 (pre-workout) - BCAAs, 1 Scoop Pre-workout

0720 (post-workout) - 26g Whey Protein, 50g Carbs from Gatorade

0830 - 5 oz Turkey, 2 Tortillas, 1/2 Cup Cheese, 1 Lara Bar, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, Salsa

1230 - 2 Chicken Sausage, 1 Cup Veggies, 1 oz Cheese, Fish Oil, Pomegranate Seeds

1630 - 4 oz 90% Lean Ground Beef, 1 oz Cheese, Fish Oil, 1 Zucchini

2000 - 1/2 Serving Casein Protein, 2 TBSP Greek Yogurt, 1 TBSP Peanut Butter


Complete Rest


0700 - Whey, Fish Oil

1000 - 6 oz Turkey, 2 oz Cheese, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1 TBSP Mayo, Pomegranate Seeds

1230 - 2 oz Turkey, 1 Greek Yogurt, 3/4 Cup Shredded Cheese, 2 Spinach Wraps

1600 - 5 oz Chicken, 1/2 Large Zucchini, 20g Carbs from Oatmeal, 1 oz Cheese, 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

1900 - 6 oz Steak, 20g Carb from Pita, Sun Dried Tomatoes, Basil Leaves, 2 oz Cheese, 1/2 Cup Tomato Sauce

Friday, February 26, 2016


Today was a solid workout. I trained alone, but had a good time getting everything in. I felt much better in the gym today than I had been feeling the last week. The rest I took this week really helped. Today is a high carb day for me, really enjoyed eating up! Cheat meal this week was very reasonable and within macros. 

Bench Press 
Work up to a heavy single 

-135# x 10 x 2 sets 
-185# x 5
-205# x 3 
-225# x 1 
-240# x 1 ... called it there, this is 20# off my previous PR, but I've lost a lot of weight since then, so for this upcoming cycle I feel good about going off of 240# for the cycle. 

EMOM 10: 
Push-Press + Push-Jerk + Split-Jerk 

-185# x 3 sets 
-205# x 3 sets 
-225# x 3 sets 
-235# x 1 set ... this was fun, haven't split jerked in about 4 weeks, so it was good to hit this again. 

Every 12 minutes for 36 minutes (3 sets) of: 
1000m Run
15 Strict HSPU
15 Strict Pull-ups
15 Strict Stationary Dips 

-10:20 ... this ended up being a tough workout. Great weather for February in Chicago, was about 45 degrees and sunny. Had to get out the door and run today, was a solid conditioning piece. Haven't run much due to the winter here in Chicago, but felt pretty solid on the running. 


0800 - 3 Eggs, 1 Spinach Wrap, 1 WW English Muffin, 1 Cup Spinach, 1 Cup Kefir 

1200 (pre-workout) 12g Whey Protein, 50g Carbs 

1400 (post-workout) - 24g Whey Protein, 100g Carbs 

1545 - 4 oz 90% Lean Beef, 2 Slices WW Bread, 2 TBSP Almond Butter, 2 TBSP Honey, 1 Cup Veggies, 1 Greek Yogurt, 5 Strawberries 

1730 - 1 WW English Muffin, 1/2 Cup Corn, 1/2 Cup Black Beans 

1930 (weekly "cheat") - 5 oz Salmon, 1 Cup White Rice, 1 Cup Veggies, 1 Serving Candy (about 29g sugar) 


Complete Rest. De-load week is going well, glad to embrace time off.


0800 - Whey, Fish Oil, 1/2 Orange

1000 - 6 oz Ham, 2 Spinach Wraps, 1/2 Banana, 3 oz Goat Cheese

1230 - 3 Chicken Sausages, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Avocado, 1/2 Banana

1630 - 2 oz Turkey, 2 oz Ham, 1/2 Serving Whey Protein, 1 Spinach Wrap, 4 TBSP Greek Yogurt, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter, 1/2 Cup Low Calorie Halo Top Ice Cream

1830 - 2 oz Turkey

2100 - 6 oz 90% Lean Ground Beef, 2 Cups Veggies

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Today was some good cardio... the best I've done in a while. Jumped into a class workout and altered it given my injury.

3 Sets:
5 x Strict Tempo Pull-ups (3 second hold above bar, 5 second descent)
Rest as needed


10 Rounds for time:
250m Row
10 Burpees
Rest 1 minute

-22:50 ... good scorcher for my lungs, haven't done a forced rest workout like this in a while. Was a good/fun change.


0630 (pre-workout) - 1/2 Serving Whey Protein, 1/2 Banana

0830 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 50g Carbs from Gatorade

1030 - 6 oz Turkey, 2 Slices WW Bread, 2 oz Cheese, 2 TBSP Mayo, 1 Banana

1300 - 6 oz 90% Lean Beef, 1 Orange, 1/2 Cup Spaghetti Squash, 1 Cup Veggies, 2 oz Cheese, Fish Oil

1600 - 6 oz Turkey, 1 Spinach Wrap, 2 oz Cheese, 1/4 Cup Cashews

1845 - 3 Chicken Sausages, 1 Cup Spaghetti Squash, 1 Cup Spinach/Mixed Veggies, 1 Cup Tomato Sauce, 1/2 Cup Halo-Top Low Calorie Ice Cream

2045 - 1/2 Serving Casein Protein, 1 TBSP Peanut Butter, 2 TBSP Greek Yogurt

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Complete rest. Taking my de-load week seriously for once.


0700 - Whey, Fish Oil, 1 Orange

0945 - 4 oz Turkey, 1/2 Cup Almond Cheese, 1 TBSP Butter, 2 Spinach Tortillas, 1/4 Cup Cashews, 5 Strawberries

1230 - 6 oz 90% Lean Ground Beef, 1 Cup Spaghetti Squash, 1 Cup Spinach, 1/2 Cup Tomato Sauce

1530 - 2 Chicken Sausages, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Avocado

1845 - 5 oz Chicken, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Paleo Mayo

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Today was a pretty crappy workout generally. This is my de-load week, so the volume is much lower overall. Regardless, I felt really depressed and not motivated to much of anything in the gym. Physical therapy was going well, but its kind of stalled and I still have a lot of tightness in my back/hip and it is killing me mentally that I'm not improving and that after a year I'm still in the same pain. Anyway, the shorter workout I did today, looked like this....

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes (6 sets) of: 
Strict Press x 1 Rep @ the highest triple hit over the cycle (175#) 

-Hit 175# across, first few reps were rough, but overall I felt solid and got all these reps easily. 

For time: 
60 Calorie Row
20 Ring Dips
45 Calorie Row 
15 Ring Dips 
30 Calorie Row
10 Ring Dips

-Didn't even get the time on this, just went through at a consistent pace of around 80% effort.

2 Sets:
20 x Band Pull-Aparts (1 red band)
10 x Side Lateral Raise (2 x 10# DB)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... this was a good cool-down, not taxing at all.


0520 - BCAAs

0800 (pre-workout) - Whey, 25g Carbs from Gatorade

0930 (post-workout) - 4 oz Turkey, 1 Cup Kefir, 2 Slices WW Bread, 2 TBSP Mayo, 1 Cup Pomegranate Seeds

1200 - 5 oz Chicken, 1 Cup Veggies, 1/2 Cup Almond Cheese, 1 Cup Blue Berries

1800 - 4 oz 90% Lean Beef, 1 Cup Veggies, 1/4 Cup Cashews

2045 - 1/2 Scoop Casein Protein, 2 TBSP Greek Yogurt, 1 TBSP Peanut Butter

Monday, February 22, 2016


Further Complete Rest.

This week is my de-load week, considered some cardio today, but I feel pretty trashed so I just decided to embrace the rest and let my body recover.

Meals for the Day: 

0900 - Whey Protein, 5g Fish Oil, 16 oz Coffee w/ 2 TBSP Cream

1130 - 5 oz 90% Lean Ground Beef, 1 Cup Veggies, 1 oz Cheese, 5g Fish Oil

1600 - 4 oz Chicken, 1 Greek Yogurt, 1 Cup Veggies, 2 oz Cheese, 3g Fish Oil

1930 - 4 oz Chicken, 1 Cup Veggies, 1/2 Cup Almond Cheese, 1/4 Cup Cashews


Complete Rest


Today was a much better workout than yesterday. Didn't drink or anything and felt solid when moving. Didn't plan on training, but my buddy asked me to take him to the gym while he was in town. We did the class workout, wasn't too taxing.

2 Rounds for time, with a partner*:
40 Calorie Row
40 Pull-ups
40 Burpees
40 Toes-to-Bar
40 Double-Unders
*Partners alternate running 200 meters while the other partner works on reps.

-I think our time was around 25 minutes ... didn't really watch the clock much, just went through this as well as we could.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


Today was a rough workout... went out drinking last night for my friend's birthday. Basically was forced into going into the gym with him then next day. Typically, these days, I avoid the gym while hungover at all costs. Everything went okay, until the conditioning piece at the end, I had a lot of nausea and stomach cramps from it. 

30:00 Clock: 

10 Min - Strict Press to 3 RM

10 Min - Klokov (Snatch-Grip BTN) Press to 6RM

10 Min - 5-3-1 Bench Press – 2 waves

-Strict Press = 135#, 155#, 165# 
-Klokov Press = 95#, 115#, 125# 
-Bench = 185#, 195#, 215#, 195#, 205#, 225# 

-Felt like ass on basically all of this, was really hard to try to push myself while feeling so hungover. 

3 Rounds of:
Max unbroken Bench Press @ 80% Bodyweight (165#)
Max unbroken Strict Pull-ups
Rest 3:00 Minutes

-Don't remember my reps exactly, usually between 15-10 reps for each of these. This was the most fun part of today, felt okay on this stuff.

For time:
*330m Run after each round

-Didn't get the time on this, everything unbroken, but my run times were slow... I was really dragging ass. I hate doing crossfit hungover and this reminded me why. 


Complete Rest

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Today was a decent training session... I felt a little beat up from the last two days, but tried to push myself on the lifting.

3 Rounds, not for time:
5-10 Unbroken Muscle-ups
50 Double-Unders
10 Strict Toes-to-Bar

-Muscle-ups: 10, 8, 8
-This was a good warm-up, might have been a little too taxing given my lifts were worse than last week.

Fat Bar Strict Press - 3 RM

-125#, 145#, 165#, 175# ... called it there, felt very challenging.

Close Grip Bench Press - 2 RM

-185#, 205#, 215# ... hit 215# for my 3 RM last week, but it was a struggle today, so called it there.

Close Grip Sling-Shot Bench Press
4 Sets of 8 Reps @ 80% of part C = 175#
Rest as needed

-Complete ... got all these reps easily, haven't put on the sling-shot in a very long time, was very fun/different.

Strict Weighted Dips
4 Sets of 6 Reps @ 40#
Rest as needed

3 x 8 Lying Fat Bar Skull Crushers (75#) + 3 x 10 Reverse Fat Bar Curls (75#)
 Rest as needed

3 x 10 Tate Press (2 x 25#) + 3 x 10 Seated DB Curl (2 x 35#)
Rest as needed

3 x 10 Triceps Kickback (3 x 15#) + 3 x 10 Cheat Hammer Curl (2 x 60#)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... good pump stuff, fun training.

AMRAP 2 Minutes:
Sling Shot Push-ups

-67 ... this was brutal... a very tough finisher ... need to incorporate this more often.


0730 - Whey, Gatorade (12g P, 38g C)

0830 - 1030 (intra-workout) - Whey, Gatorade (24g P, 70g C)

1200 - 4 oz Tuna, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Banana, 1 Cup Kefir, 4 TBSP Beans and Peppers

1430 - 5 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Chopped Peppers, 5 Strawberries, 1/2 Cup Shredded Cheese

1830 - Whey, 1 Greek Yogurt, 1/3 Cup Cashews

2000 - Salmon, Veggies, Caprese Salad (tomatoes, mozzarella, olive oil)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Today was a tough cardio session... it was good to get something in today before tomorrow's lifting session.

EMOM 30:
Min 1 - 250m Row
Min 2 - 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24") **no step-ups allowed, must jump on/over box
Min 3 - 7 Unbroken HSPU

-Got all these reps in the time-frame until the very last set. This was a better performance than last week, where I spilled over around the 7th or 8th round. Overall a good conditioning workout, all 70 HSPU felt solid.


0420 - BCAAS, 1 Scoop Pre-workout

0615 (post-workout) - Whey, 20 oz Gatorade

0830 - 3 Paleo Protein Waffles, 2 TBSP Butter, Dash of Maple Syrup, 1 Cup Kefir

1115 - 4 oz 90% Lean Ground Beef, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Veggies, 1/4 Cup Cashews

1330 - Whey, 2 Slices Ezekial Bread, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

1800 - 4 oz Turkey, 1 Cup Spinach

Monday, February 15, 2016


This morning was a really good training session... despite all the very unhealthy food this weekend. I felt good on everything and very strong on the lifting stuff. The last lifts were a struggle to get in, I had literally nothing left in my shoulders ... had to go lighter than I would have thought, but got in all the reps. 

DB Strict Press to 3 RM

-45#, 65#, 75#, 80# ... only got to 70# last week, so was happy to his the 80# DBs. 

Push Press to 2 RM

-185#, 205#, 225#, 240# ... not really sure what my 2 RM push-press PR is ... but this felt pretty solid, might be a little more there. 

Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets) of:
Row 500 Meters
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135/95 lbs)


-Each set unbroken ... my row started suffering a bit, but I got a lot of intensity out of this and the last few sets were definitely a struggle to get through. Great conditioning workout. 

3×10 Seated Shoulder Press (bodybuilding style)

-Complete ... 35#s across 

3×10 Seated Arnold Press + 3×10 Seated Front Lateral Raise

-Complete ... 35#s + 10#s across


0520 - BCAAs, 1 Scoop Pre-workout

0745 (post-workout) - Whey, 20 oz Gatorade

0920 - 4 Egg Whites, 2 oz Turkey, 2 Slices Bread, 1 TBSP Peanut Butter, 1 Cup Spinach

1230 - 4 oz 90% Lean Ground Beef, 1 Cup Mixed Veggies, 1/2 Avocado, 3/4 Cup Cooked Brown Rice

1600 - 4 oz Tuna, 1 Cup Mixed Veggies, 2 TBSP Mayo, 2 Servings Pomegranate Seeds

1930 - 1 Greek Yogurt, 1 Cup Tomatoes, 1/2 Avocado

2/13 & 14

Complete Rest .... lots of calories and some alcohol.

Friday, February 12, 2016


Today was a solid session, good upper body workout. I was still a little beat-up from Wednesday, but tried to go as hard as possible. Worked out with my buddy today who I haven't trained with in months. It made the day in the gym a lot more fun, I was really excited to get in the gym and train today.

Death by unbroken Muscle-ups

-7 Rounds ... didn't attempt 8, barely got 7

Strict Press - 3 RM + 1 Weighted Strict Pull-up after each set (72# KB)

-135#, 155#, 170# ... called it there, was challenging enough

Snatch Grip Strict Press - 8 RM + 1 Weighted Strict Pull-up after each set (72# KB)

-95#, 105# ... haven't done this movement in ages, was very challenging for me.

Two Waves of:
Bench Press

-185#, 205#, 225#
-205#, 220#, 235# ... tough after A-C, got some good reps in on the bench though.

For Max Reps (16:00 clock):
1 Min - Bench Press (115#)
1 Min - Bent Over Row (115#)
1 Min - Seated (on floor) Strict Press (65#)
1 Min - Standing Barbell Curls (65#)
Rest 4 minutes
1 Min - Bench Press (95#)
1 Min - Bent Over Row (95#)
1 Min - Seated (on floor) Strict Press (45#)
1 Min - Standing Barbell Curls (45#)
Rest 4 minutes

-Don't remember my reps exactly, but went very hard and got a lot of intensity / pump out of this.

4 Sets:
Reverse Flies (2 x 10# DB) x 10 reps
DB Rows x 20 reps (2 x 75# DB) (10 each arm)
Rest is partner's set


Meals for the Day:

0520 - BCAAs, 1 Scoop Pre-workout

0730 (post-workout) - Whey, 2 Cups Whole Milk, 1 Serving Honey Nut Cheerios

1030 - Steak, Veggies, Brown Rice, 1 Cup Kefir, 12 oz Black Coffee

1300 - 1 Quest Bar, 1 Greek Yogurt, 1 Cup Whole Milk, 1 Serving Honey Nut Cheerios

1800 - Steak, Veggies, Brown Rice

Thursday, February 11, 2016


Complete Rest ... upper body a bit sore, especially my triceps.

Meals for the Day: 

0700 - 3 Eggs, Pancetta, 1 Orange, 1 Cup Kefir, 16 oz Black Coffee

1000 - Chicken, Buffalo Jerky, Spaghetti Squash, Veggies, 15 Cashews

1300 - Beef, Vegetables, 1 Banana

1600 - 2 Slices Ezekiel Bread, Almond Butter, Honey, 1/2 Banana, 1 Greek Yogurt

1930 - Beef, Vegetables, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


This morning was a really good training session. It wasn't too taxing, but I got a lot of good intensity out of the lifting ... set some random PRs of lifts I barely ever test, which I guess is good, a PR is a PR.

Fat Bar Strict Press - 3 RM

-125#, 145#, 165#, 175#, 182# (fail - got 2 reps) ... I think these are technically 2 and 3 RM PRs

Close Grip Bench Press - 3 RM

-135#, 185#, 205#, 215# ... I think this is also a close grip 3 RM PR ... only because I've never tested this.

For time:
Bench Press (135#)
Strict Stationary Dips

-13:10 ... this was really tough ... basically went to failure on everything, big pump.

4 Sets:
DB Skull Crushers (2 x 30# DB) x 10 reps
Fat Bar Reverse Curl (45#) x 12 reps
Rest as needed

4 Sets:
DB Bench Press (2 x 55# DB) x 10 reps
Seated Hammer Curl (2 x 30# DB) x 12 reps
Rest as needed

3 Sets:
Tate Press (2 x 30# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... solid finishers

Meals for the Day: 

0520 - BCAAs, 1 Scoop Pre-workout

0730 (post-workout) - 2 Rx Bars, 16 oz Kale/Pineapple Juice

0930 - Bacon, Egg, Cheese, 1 Croissant Roll, 1 Slice Paleo Banana Bread, 16 oz Black Coffee

1300 - 1 Quest Bar

1530 - 1 Chicken Sausage, 1 Buffalo Jerky, 1 Greek Yogurt, 1 Banana

1830 - 2 Eggs, 2 Slices Pancetta, 2 Slices Ezekiel Bread, Cheese, 1 Slice Paleo Banana Bread, 1 Greek Yogurt

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Today was a decent cardio session... wasn't really planning on training but I was in the gym coaching so I made this up on the spot and got it in. I'm glad I did... it was very challenging and fun to do by myself.

3 Sets:
Strict Pull-ups x 10 reps
Rest as needed


EMOM 30 (10 sets) of:
Min 1 - 250m Row
Min 2 - 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24")
Min 3 - 5 HSPU + 1 Legless RC (15')

-This was really tough toward the end. I was in the time frames until the 9th and 10th set. I was spilling over 5-20 seconds on each thing during those sets ... finished at about 30:30 ... great training, felt pretty decent on everything.

Meals for the Day: 

0520 - Whey, Fish Oil

0900 (post-workout) - Whey, 1 Lara Bar, 2 Dates, a few slices of Mango

1100 - 2 Eggs, Bacon, Potatoes, Onions, Peppers, Cheese, 1 Quest Bar, 1 Banana

1600 - 1 Greek Yogurt, 1 Buffalo Jerky, 1 Banana

1930 - Chicken, Green Beans, 1 Slice Paleo Banana Bread

Monday, February 8, 2016


AM Workout (0530) 

This morning was a really good workout. I've generally been eating like a douchebag lately, so I was a little nervous to get the workout going... but once I got moving I felt great on everything despite eating irresponsibly.

2 Sets, not for time:
Kipping HSPU x 10 reps 
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Muscle-ups x 6 reps 
Rest as needed 


10 Minutes to establish DB Strict Press 3 RM 

-45#, 60#, 70# ... This is a movement I haven't really trained much at all and it very challenging for me. Have never done this for less than 8 reps before. 70#s were definitely a struggle for me. 

Every 6 minutes for 24 minutes (4 sets) of: 
500m Row 
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead (175#) 
15 Toes-to-Bar 

-3:03, 3:13, 3:30, 3:48 ... all sets unbroken ... this got very challenging toward the end, especially the shoulder-to-overhead. I programmed this myself and it ended up being a great workout. 

3 Sets: 
Seated Arnold Press x 10 reps (2 x 40# DB) 
Seated Front Lateral Raise x 10 reps (2 x 10# DB) 
Rest as needed 

-This was an excruciating finisher on the shoulders. Could barely feel them or lift them overhead after all the above work. Solid day in the gym.

PM Workout (1230) 

On a 20:00 Clock (10 sets):
:45 @ 90%
1:15 @ 50%

-Complete ... didn't calculate anything out, just wanted to get some extra cardio in ... glad I got the bike out and snuck this in. 

Meals for the Day: 

0520 - BCAAs, 1 scoop pre-workout

0730 (post-workout) - Whey, 1 Rx Bar, 1 Lara Bar, 1/2 Banana

1000 - 1 Buffalo Jerky, 10 Cashews, 16 oz Black Coffee

1300 (post-workout) - 3 Eggs, 3 Bacon, Pomegranate Seeds

1515 - Greek Yogurt, Chicken, Spaghetti Squash, Veggies

1930 - Chicken, Green Beans, 6 Goat-Cheese Stuffed Dates 

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Complete Rest ... slight hangover.

Meals for the Day: 

0900 - Eggs, Sausage, 1/2 Croissant Roll, Pomegranate Seeds

1200 - Bacon Jerky, 1 Banana, 16 oz Coffee w/ Cream

1500 - Chicken, Spaghetti Squash, Veggies

1900 - 1 Burger, Kale Salad w/ Tomatoes, Gluten-free Macaroni and Cheese, Avocado

Friday, February 5, 2016


Today was a little bit different of a workout ... didn't get to do everything I wanted to, but got a good workout out of this nonetheless. Pretty much made up everything on the spot.

Bench Press (135#) x 10 reps
DB Row (75# DB) x 20 reps (10 each side)

Rest 5:00

20 Calorie Row
10 KB Shoulder-to-Overhead (2 x 53# KB)

Rest 5:00

Strict Pull-ups w/ 7 Push-ups after each set

Rest 5:00

Strict Ring Dips
Strict L-Pull-ups

-6 Rounds + 8 Bench Press
-5 Rounds
-Round of 9 + 6 Pull-ups
-Round of 7 + 8 Ring Dips

Meals for the Day: 

0900 - (pre-workout) Whey Protein, 1 Banana, 20 oz Black Coffee

1230 (post-workout) - Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Ciabatta Roll, a few bites of a Muffin

1330 - 1 Buffalo Jerky, Greek Yogurt, 6 Dates

1800 to 2400 - Brisket, Mac and Cheese, Baked Beans, 2 Glasses of Wine, 1 Shot of Tequila, 4 Beers


Active Recovery.

45 minute spin class. Was the most feminine thing I've ever done... but I can understand why women enjoy this type of thing. Probably won't ever be doing that again... went with my girlfriend and had an okay time... couldn't do that shit every week though, it would become extremely boring.

Meals for the Day: 

0745 - Whey, Fish Oil, 1 Banana, 1 Espresso w/ Cream

1030 - Starbucks Spinach Feta Wrap, 16 oz Decaf Coffee

1400 (post-cardio) - 2 Chicken Sausages, Clam Chowder, 1 Buffalo Jerky, 6 Dates, 2 pieces of chocolate

1900 - Steak Fajitas, Corn Tortillas, Cheese, Rice, Beans, 1 Slice Cake, Milk 

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Today was a really great workout... the best I've had in a while. I felt really strong on the pressing movements, this program is making me feel great. It is lower volume overall... but a ton of pressing. Anyway, despite training alone I got a lot out of this, was a good session.

Every 3 minutes for 9 minutes (3 sets) of:
Strict Muscle-ups x max unbroken reps

-4,3,4 ... tough, haven't done these in a while.

20 Minutes to Establish 3 RM Fat-Bar Strict Press

-125#, 145#, 165#, 170#, 175# (fail- 2 reps) ... this felt surprisingly good, haven't ever done these before.

3 Sets of:
Max Reps Unbroken Bench Press @ 80% Bodyweight (165#)
Max Reps Unbroken Strict Pull-ups
Rest 3 minutes

straight into...

Max Reps Unbroken Strict Ring Dips
Max Reps Unbroken Bent-over Barbell Rows (135#)
Rest 3 minutes

-14 + 11, 12 + 9, 11 + 8

-12 + 12, 10 + 12, 9 + 12 ... got a huge pump from both of these, was good training.

3 Sets of:
DB Bench Press x 12 (2 x 65# DB)
Hammer Curls x 15 reps (2 x 40# DB)
Rest as needed

-Bench ended up being 12,9,6 ... totally went to failure there... ended up being a lot heavier than I thought it would be.

3 Sets of:
DB Skull Crushers x 15 (2 x 20# DB)
Fat-Bar Reverse Curls x 15 (45# Bar)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... very light, but very challenging. Great pump / finisher.

Meals for the Day: 

0520 (pre-workout) - BCAAs, 1 Scoop Pre-workout

0745 (post-workout) - Whey Protein

0815 - 2 Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Sweet Potatoes, Onions, Jalapeños, Cheddar Cheese

1030 - Greek Yogurt, 1 Lara Bar, dash of Honey

1330 - Brisket, Baked Beans, Macaroni and Cheese

1900 - Whey, Fish Oil, 1 Piece of Cake

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Complete Rest.

Meals for the Day: 

0830 - Whey, Fish Oil, 1 Lara Bar, 20 oz Coffee w/ Cream, Blueberries

1330 - Chicken, Turkey, Mixed Vegetables, Chickpea Pasta, two bites of a donut

1645 - 1/3 Cup Cashews, 1 Cup Kefir

1830 - 3 Eggs, 3 Slices Bacon

Monday, February 1, 2016


Today was a very tough shoulder workout... by the end of this I could barely move my shoulders above my head ... haven't had a pump like this in a while. 


3 RFT:
21 Shoulder-to-Overhead (95#)
15 C2B Pull-ups
9 Strict HPSU 

-13:28 ... this was way more difficult than I thought it would be ... had to go to singles on the HSPU on the last set. 


On a 10:00 Clock: 
Strict Press to 3RM

-145#, 155#, 165# ... might have been a little more there, but called it. 


On a 10:00 Clock: 
Push Press to 6RM

-165#, 185#, 200# ... should have gone a little heavier, this felt much better than the strict press. 


3 ×12 Arnold Press + 3 ×12 Front Lateral Raise

-35# DBs and 15# DBs ... huge pump. 


3 x 15 Reverse Fly (on flat bench) + 3 x 15 Seated DB Curls

-10# DB and 15# DBs ... really light, but excruciating after all the above work. Good stuff. 

Meals for the Day: 

0520 - BCAAs 

0745 (pre-workout) - Whey, 1 Lara Bar, 1 Scoop Pre-workout

0945 (post-workout) - 2 Rx Bars, 16 oz Coconut Water 

1200 - Turkey and Vegetable Soup, Oatmeal, 1/3 Cup Cashews

1445 - 10 Strawberries, 10 Slices Salami, 1 Cup Kefir  

1630 - 3 Eggs, 1 Banana 

1900 - Cashew Crusted Chicken, Paleo Kale Salad, small amount of blueberry/coconut paleo dessert