Friday, July 27, 2012


The elevation really got to me on the metcon today. It was a solid session that I made up on the spot.

EMOM for 15 Minutes: 20 seconds hand stand lockout against wall

-Practiced getting on the wall quickly. Solid skill session. Tried free standing handstands the last 5 seconds of each handstand.

Rest 5 minutes then...

3 Rounds for time:

15 Burpees
9 HR Push-ups
15 Hello-Dollies (4 count)
15 Flutter-Kicks (4 count)
9 HR Push-ups
15 Burpees
50 12" Vertical Jumps (2 hands on target)

21.58. The vertical jumps at 6500 scorched my lungs. I gassed out on them fast. I've never done such a long vertical jump at high volume, it ended up being a great WOD. Everything else went pretty fast. Solid session for being on vacation and just throwing it together on the spot.


No workout today, but I went for a 2 hour horseback ride and hiked 5 miles. Fished a lot as well. Active day, was outside the entire day. Great stuff.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Usually when traveling I incorporate running into my workouts, but my knee limited that. I did a short warm-up run and it was slightly agitated, decided not to play with it. I worked around my knee today and put something together on the spot. Ended up being challenging conditioning. I'm at 6500 feet near Yellowstone, definitely felt the elevation about half way through this workout.

10 RFT:
10 Burpees
10 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups

17.36. The first 5 rounds went fast, started sucking wind toward the end. Solid stuff, I'm looking forward to being 100% again soon. I will be in Chicago in 7 days!

7/21/12 - 7/24/12

4 Days of complete rest. Further de-loading before my serious training starts in Chicago. I'm traveling and on vacation. My right knee is entirely swollen from a non-crossfit related injury. I got it checked out and was told I have no tissue or ligament damage. If I have any further problems with it I will get it looked at again once I'm moved to Chicago. I'm on vacation / traveling to Chicago over the next week, I'm going to try to get some workouts in, my knee allowing.

Friday, July 20, 2012


My body is fried today. I was going to do a lot more volume today, but I just got a quick metcon in. I couldn't really handle much else. I was on the lake most of yesterday after 'King Kong;' it really caught up with my recovery.

For time:
Back Squat (165#)
HR Push-up
KB Swing (53#)

6.41. This was a super quick burner. All lungs. I felt pretty good, haven't done many burners lately.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Today is a very special day for me. I did 'Kong Kong' for the first time. I've never attempted it and when I first saw it I literally thought I'd never be able to do it.

'King Kong'
3 RFT:
1 Dead-lift (455#)
2 Muscle-ups
3 Squat Cleans (250#)

7.14. Amazing workout. I didn't miss any reps. The dead-lifts were the hardest part, everything else was smooth. I'm so happy I did this. This WOD is such a huge milestone for me; I'm excited for my fitness in the future! I thought I'd never be capable of this workout. It boggled my mind for years, but here we are. I love crossfit. This is whats it's all about! Going beyond.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I had a great workout today. I've been partying a lot and taking it easy mentally. It has been good, but I'm excited for school to start and to get back in 100% hard work mode. Despite not putting a huge effort outside the gym (not resting enough; drinking often) I'm still making progress and putting in 100% in my training sessions. Today was great, I felt strong, but ran really slow. Overall great; looked like this:

5 Sets @ 60 Seconds rest:
8 Dead-hang Pull-ups
4 Kipping HPSU

Rest 5 minutes then...

EMOM 15 minutes: 1 x Power Snatch (180#)

Rest 10 minutes then....

On a 20 Minute Clock:
1 Mile Run
-Remaining time AMRAP 'Cindy'

7:00 mile + 10 rounds and 5 squats.

I felt strong on the HSPU which was awesome. I also felt really strong on the power snatch. Last November (8 months ago) in competition my 1 RM power snatch was 175#. To hit 180# 15 times in a row was awesome. The mile run was the slowest mile I've ever ran in my life, but it was 100 degrees out and I was taxed from the snatching. The 'Cindy' went well. This was the first WOD ever that I've done all butterfly pull-ups. After seeing Talayna Fortunato's 'Fran' at the games I decided I'm going to commit to doing butterfly pull-ups always. This messed my hands up a bit, but I'll get over it. Overall an awesome day. The Games were inspiring to watch, motivated as ever for this next year of training and competition.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7/14/12 - 7/17/12

Complete rest. Mental and physical. Needed de-loading. I haven't taken off 4 consecutive days from training in years.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I'm down in SoCal for the games. Worked out with my buddy and another great athlete at Crossfit Hollywood. Solid session. This trip/week is a de-load for me. I haven't backed off on the volume since right after regionals. Between not eating or sleeping enough and drinking a ton while training hard, my body needs it. Took the last 3 days off and had an awesome session today. The trainer at CFHW put something together on the spot. It was a lot of volume and had my biggest weaknesses in it (ring dips and HSPU). Overall solid session with great people; it looked like this: 

EMOM for 10 minutes: 2 Muscle-ups 

Rest 5 minutes then... 

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 - Ring Dips
3-6-9-12-15-18-21 - Toes-to-bar 

16.05. Ring dips were brutal after the muscle-ups. 

Rest 10 minutes then... 

AMRAP 15 minutes: 

5 Push-Jerk (175#)
7 Box Jumps (24")
9 C2B Pull-ups 

6 rds + 4 PJ

Rest 10 minutes then... 

AMRAP 12 minutes: 

10 Squat Clean (95#)

4 rds + 1 HSPU 

Brutal. All the HSPUs were singles for me. These were extremely difficult after the ring dips and push-jerks. This was a great session. I didn't feel very good, but I stepped up and went as hard as possible. I'm excited for school to start and get back to regular sleeping/eating/training habits/no alcohol. 


Complete rest. Traveling.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Further complete rest. Took a 2 hour nap yesterday and slept another 12 hours last night. Body needs rest; all these summer activities are catching up with my recovery. I'm completely fine letting my body rest when it needs it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Complete rest. Posterior chain hasn't been this sore in a long while.


I was able to program for myself again today. It ended up being awesome. To be completely transparent about today, I was a little hungover. I don't think I've actually worked out hungover in over a year; I'm usually much smarter about my decisions. But considering it's summer and my 'off-season' I'll let this slide. Despite the fact I was a little dehydrated, I had an awesome training session.

EMOM for 10 Minutes: 2 x Dead-lift @ 400# (unbroken sets each minute)

Rest 20 minutes then....

EMOM for 10 Minutes: 2 x Power Clean @ 225# + 6 KB Swings @ 72# (TnG cleans, unbroken sets each minute)

Rest 10 minutes then...

2 RFT:
30 Hang Power Snatch (75#)
30 Push-Press (75#)
800m Run

14.39. The last metcon took a little longer than I thought it would, I was trashed from the EMOM lifting. I tried the 400# dead-lift double EMOM/10m back in January and failed halfway through. I was happy I got it today and that I felt really strong. This was my 1 rep max about 14 months ago. Pretty stoked to be able to pull this 20 times in 10 minutes. The power cleans and swings went well; high intensity stuff. Overall an extremely productive and challenging session. This is what it's all about.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


This morning was a long partner workout. It was really fun to workout with a group of people I didn't know and help motivate each other.

 2 Times Through:

400m Run
5 Prowler Push (50m + 275#)
400m Rum
5 Tire Flips (500#)
400m Run
25 KB Swings (72#)
400m Run
25 HR Push-ups
400m Run
25 Squats


Not a typical workout I would do, but it was overall an interesting and fun session. There was more rest than I would take in a workout because of the shared reps of the partner work. For each exercise after the run I would finish the movement first and then wait for my two partners to do their reps. All sets unbroken at 100% speed; this was basically a ton of running. Overall a fun way to spend my Saturday morning.

-About ten hours after this AM workout I danced my face off for a ~2 hours. Definitely the hardest dancing I've done in a long time. Fun stuff! 

Friday, July 6, 2012


I had an awesome session today. I wrote all the programming myself today; I haven't done that in about a month. It ended up being awesome.

8 Rounds:
5 Bench Press (175#)
5 Over-head Squats (175#)
-rounds 1 - 4 @ 60 seconds rest
-rounds 5 - 7 @ 120 seconds rest
-180 seconds rest before the last set

I failed the 5th overhead squat on both sets 7 and 8. My shoulders just gave out. This was an extremely taxing couplet. I felt really strong on the bench. Great stuff.

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:
Burpees (onto 45# bumper plate)
Weighted Sit-up (45# plate)
Weighted Russian Twist (45# plate)

4.39. Complete burner on the lungs and core. Felt great.

-About 8 hours after my AM session I played ultimate frisbee and fleet for about 2 hours. It was great to run around in the sun with some great people. Great way to enjoy my fitness. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


My body was fried today. Between the hiking this weekend and the insanity that was yesterday's training session I was feeling it. I had to go lighter on the lifting, I was not feeling going for a PR. The metcon went well, I put it together there on the spot. It ended up being extremely challenging and awesome.

Back Squat - 5 x 5 @ 75% (300#) @ 2 minutes rest.

Rest 5 minutes then...

5 Rounds, each for time @ 2 minutes rest

20 Double-unders
10 Power Cleans (185#)
10 Burpees-over-the-bar

1:29, 1:28, 2:15, 1:57, 2:07. I gassed out hard on the third round during the power cleans. I came back for the last two rounds and tried to go absolutely 100% on each set. This was extremely lactic, felt it in my legs hard on the burpees. Great training. I only missed 1 double-under. Excited for some much needed rest and the 4th of July!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Today was awesome. This was the hardest workout I've done in a while.

Push-Press - 5,5,5,5,5 - 185, 195, 205, 210, 215 (f) - 4 reps 

-210# for 5 is definitely a new PR. Almost had 215, but failed on the final lockout.

Rest 10 minutes then...

Mainsite from 6/24/12

8 Rounds for time:
600m Run
11 Weighted Pull-ups (53# KB)
11 Lunges (2 x 53# KB)
11 Thrusters (2 x 53# KB)

1 Hour 2 minutes and 36 seconds.

Pure pain. Tore both my hands. This felt like doing 'Murph' for the first time. Somewhere around 40 minutes I was just like wow, what the hell am I doing? I had no idea this was being programmed for the day. It was cool to just go in have a coach throw this at me. Solid day. Insane effort. Great session.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

6/30 & 7/1

Active rest. I went on an overnight back packing trip this weekend. It was 5 miles in; 5 miles out. ~80# pack. It got pretty heavy, pretty taxing recovery. It was great to be out in nature, unreal how beautiful Idaho is. I was exhausted on Saturday, but felt much better on Sunday. Excited to workout tomorrow!