Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Today was the best training session I've had in months. This is the best I've felt and I enjoyed being in the gym. I haven't enjoyed being in the gym for a long time (before the 2015 Open). Today was a really fun day with my friends and I enjoyed the fight of the workout, enjoyed going outside my comfort zone and just pushing it. I was happy to be back to my normal self and enjoy the opportunity to train. The lower volume I've been doing is really helping me recover physically and mentally. I felt so great yesterday that I wanted to workout again in the afternoon ... but I didn't let myself train again, I just focused on eating clean and letting my body recover.  The whole less is more concept is really helping me get back to enjoying crossfit. My back is slightly tight, but not at all painful, which is great for me mentally.

Gymnastics Play Session
Take 15 minutes to mess around with efficiency with any 2-4 gymnastics movements of your choice. Please choose something that you need work with, or that you believe you could be more efficient with. Note what movements you selected and the rep scheme and sets performed.

-I chose to do:

4 Sets, not for time:
2 Strict Muscle-ups + 2 Kipping Muscle-ups
Rest as needed
Handstand walk practice (went about 10-15 feet each time here ... not great but getting much better)
Rest as needed

Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep
Loads per set (by %): 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95+, 95+

-Worked up to 295# (97%) ... got that lift, but didn't go a PR. I wasn't feeling particularly strong. Huge effort to hit 295#. But jerking felt okay. Working up to around 300# and getting those lifts consistently in EMOMs is good for me. Lots of progress on lift this year, still tons of ground to make though.

C. Three sets for times:
6 Ground to Overhead (185/135 lbs)
12 Box Jumps overs (24″/20″)
24 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
50 Double Unders
Rest 3 minutes

-2:24, 2:34, 2:46 ... G2O in single C+Js ... all other sets unbroken except on the final set of DU, which was 20/30 due to a trip up. This was some very solid training; it really scorched my lungs. That last set of KBS took everything I had to not put it down. Reps 14-24 were torture, this was great mental training to just not put the KB down, no matter what. Reminded me of 15.5. Anyway, today was the best training I've done in a long time. I really enjoyed being the gym and I'm looking forward to getting back to it on Friday. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


The snatching didn't feel great today ... but it was very heavy %s on the minute. Was tough, but my shoulders gave out quickly and I wasn't getting under the bar very quickly at all. The metcon was very good though ... have spent some time out of the gym this last week and I was really happy to be back in the gym doing what I love to do, just training with my best friends and pushing it hard. Today was a great morning. Also, one of my finals I was nervous about is over with, as of yesterday, and I got an A in the class. Big relief and I'm able to enjoy working out a lot more with that weight off my shoulders.

Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Power Snatch x 1 rep
Minutes 1-10: build from 70-85% (175-205#)
Minutes 11-20: stay between 85-90% (205-220#)

-Complete, missed one rep.
-3 sets @ 175#
-3 sets @ 185#
-3 sets @ 195#
-3 sets @ 205#
-4 sets @ 210#
-3 sets @ 215#
-1 set @ 220# (failed) ... probably should have had this, but the number itself kind of got in my head and the last few reps at 215# felt very heavy. Power snatching didn't feel great today, wish I could do some squat snatching, but will have to take what I can get right now.

3 Sets, not for time:
:60 couch stretch - right hip
:60 couch stretch - left hip
Sling Shot Overhead Squat (45#) x 10 reps
Reverse Hypers (160#) x 15 reps
Rest as needed between sets

-Complete. This was supposed to be heavy back squatting ... can't do that right now so just did some rehab movement for squatting while my training partners squatted.

Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets) for time:

Row 15/12 Calories
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

-Complete. All C2B Pull-ups unbroken, which was good. Rowing kind of fell-off toward the end, but tried to push it. HSPUs were 4 sets unbroken, then 4 sets of 3/3 with about :20-:30 rest between the sets of 3 reps. This was a tough workout that left me exhausted ... I had a great time doing this, made me really enjoy being in the gym. Looking forward to another session tomorrow morning. 


Further complete rest.

Still slightly sick / extremely busy with law school finals stuff. Cut the workout out today and got some extra sleep.

Over the last 5 days I've only done one day of working out. This week has become an impromptu de-load given the illness. My body probably needed the rest anyway.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

4/25 and 4/26

4/25 - complete rest / hangover.

4/26 - further complete rest. Still getting over the illness I had this week ... drinking hard on Friday night definitely didn't help me get any better. Hoping to back to a normal schedule / health tomorrow.

Friday, April 24, 2015


I'm still sick as shit today... but doing a little better and forced myself into the gym. I wanted to get moving a little bit, but I felt terrible on pretty much everything. Not a great session... hoping to feel better soon.

Every 2 seconds, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps
(Pause for 2 full seconds in the receiving position before recovering – make notes and adjustments to your footwork and weight distribution)
Loads per set (by %): 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 85, 85

155#, 165#, 185#, 195#, 215#, 225#, 245#, 260# x 3 sets ... failed the first rep on the first set of 85% and I failed both the reps on the 20th set ... felt like shit today. I felt very weak and tight in my shoulders. 

For time:
Row 1000 Meters
20 GHD Sit-ups
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 GHD Sit-ups

When the clock hits 15:00, complete the following…

For time:
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
40 Walking Lunges with Kettlebells (32/24 kg)

-11:10. HSPU were complete shit ... 6/4/3/3/2/2/2/2/2/2/2 ... these have gotten significantly worse over the last few months/weeks. Felt very heavy and generally weak on these.

Bench Press
Super set of:
205# x 3 reps
185# x 5 reps
135# x max reps = 9 reps

Rest 5 minutes then...

Super set of:
195# x 5 reps
145# x 10 reps
95# x max reps = 9 reps

-This was very challenging, was fun to do something different on the bench and just go hard.

Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
Weighted Strict Stationary Dip (26#) x 5 reps


Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Further complete rest. Still very sick ... wanted to workout today, but that just wasn't going to happen. 


Complete rest.

I was planning on training at my normal time today, but woke up feeling very sick / congested / sore throat.

I decided to sleep in, got an extra 3 hours of sleep for a total of 11 hours. Hoping to push today's workout to tomorrow.

Also, not sure if it was the hang power cleans or the overhead squats or sitting in a desk all day at work yesterday ... but my left lower back is very tight today. This is extremely frustrating.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Today was the best I've felt in the gym in a while. Everything felt solid, both the lifting and the metcon. That metcon was extremely challenging and I really pushed it. Great physical and mental training. It was fun to just go hard and enjoy it. Overhead squatting was the first stuff below parallel I've done in a while, but it felt solid. Today was kind of a bastardization of the last two days of programming, but I got a very good workout out of this.

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Hang Power Clean + Push-Press + Split Jerk

-3 Sets @ 205#
-3 sets @ 215#
-2 sets @ 225#
-2 sets @ 230#

Every 3 minutes for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Overhead Squat x 3 reps
*Set 1 - 75% (185#) of 1 RM Snatch (245#)
*Set 2 - 85% (205#)
*Set 3 - 95% (230#)
*Set 4 - 105% (255#)

-Complete, no misses. This felt surprisingly really solid. I think the hip mobility stuff / general time off from squatting heavy that I've been doing has really been helping my squat position.

Every 3 minutes for 24 minutes (8 sets):
Row 15 calories
12 C2B Pull-ups
8 Burpee-box-jump-overs (24")

-1:34 to 2:59 were slowest / fastest. This was really hard training. The 2:59 was the 7th set, so started the 8th set on the 22nd minute instead of the 21st. Great stuff, really pushed the C2B pull-ups. 4 sets unbroken and then 4 sets 8/4. This was painful and tough mentally, but a very solid workout. Looking forward to getting back in the gym tomorrow.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Complete rest ... traveling ... not ideal, but I'll give my body some extra rest. Looking forward to getting back on a regular schedule over the coming weeks.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Today is the last day of my vacation. Had a decent workout today, not going to get to train tomorrow due to traveling. Have been trying to get in what I can of the programming I usually follow. But I'm not going to be able train tomorrow, so just put something together on the spot for today. This was a really fun workout for me, all stuff I like. I wanted to get some more running time in this weather. I enjoyed it while I could.

6 Snatch (185#)
12 Kettlebell Shoulder-to-Overhead (2 x 53#)
12 Burpees-over-the-bar
6 Clean and Jerk (185#)
800m Run

-3 rounds + 6 snatch.

3 Sets, not for time:
Weighted Plank Hold (45#) x :45 seconds
Rest as needed
Glute Ham Raise with arms in 'Y' position (2 x 2.5#) x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Hollow Hold x :45 seconds
Rest as needed


Friday, April 17, 2015


Still on vacation, looked at the usual programming I follow, but didn't want to aggravate my hip/back at all. Just put together some movements that don't hurt my body. I got a really good workout out of this. This was the most fun I've had in the gym in a while. Was just great to go hard and feel fit. 

Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Bench Press x 3-5 reps

-I started at 185# and I worked up to the final set of 3 at 220#. Nothing maximal. Didn't really warm-up at all, but wanted to sneak in some reps on the bench. 

Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
-400m run after each set

-23:50. This was a great workout. S2O unbroken, had to break up some of the sets of T2B. Got a very good workout out of this. It was amazing to be outside and running with my shirt off and just enjoying my fitness. The weather down here in Florida is amazing. Haven't run this much in a workout in months! Chicago blows. But anyway, this workout left me feeling refreshed and happy, was a great way to spend the afternoon with my girlfriend. I went hard, but nothing in this was taxing to the point of exhaustion. 


Today was a chiller session. It was supposed to be a complete rest day, but I'm traveling with my girlfriend and we decided to workout with her family. I'm glad we did, it was a really fun day in the sun. I didn't go 100% on anything, just got some movement in, probably went about 80% effort. Looked like this:

With a partner: 
'Cindy' (with strict pull-ups)
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-up
15 Squats 

-Partners alternating working on 'Cindy' while the other partner runs 400 meters. 

-I think we finished 21-ish rounds? Not sure, but had fun and got some sun. Was great to run. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Yesterday was my 26th birthday ... had a bunch of delicious and unhealthy food and a few drinks last night. Nothing outrageous... but was a little foggy from the beers. Once I started sweating and feel warm I was fine though, just slow to get moving. Body is definitely feeling the volume of last two days... need some rest soon.

Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Push-Press + Split Jerk
(Pause in the split jerk receiving position for 3-4 seconds before recovering)
Build over the  course of the 8 sets.

-185#, 205#, 225# x 6 sets. Didn't push the loading here, but felt really good on everything.

Every Minute, on the Minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 - Strict HSPU x 5 reps
Minute 2 - Stationary Lunges with Kettlebells (2 x 32 KG) x 10 reps
Minute 3 - Alternating Single-arm Dumbbell Snatches (70#) x 10 reps

-Complete. Finished the last set just over the cap at 30:11 ... was on pace until the 10th set though. This was a decent workout ... training alone and slightly hungover I didn't exactly want to do this ... but once I got moving for a few minutes I felt very solid. Really good training, especially the second half of this. I think 8 of the 10 sets of HSPU were unbroken. Somewhere towards the end one was 3/2 and another was 4/1.

3 Sets, not for time:
GHD Sit-ups x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Reverse Hypers (140#) x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Sling Shot Air Squats x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete, added this in, want to continue to feel out the back / get blood in there / continue to strengthen the area.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


This morning was a very good training session. The snatching felt really good. The best it has in a while. And part B EMOM was brutal! Really great training and tough mentally. It is really amazing how far along my muscle-ups have come over the years. That was all I was thinking about as this workout got really tough. The air dyne part was kind of stupid... the air dynes I had access to all have broken computers, so I couldn't do a calorie count, just went for effort. Anyway, got a great workout out of this, fun day in the gym with my girlfriend. 

Monday, April 13, 2015


I trained alone today, it was a pretty decent workout. Nothing crazy, but definitely stuff I need to work on. I did a tiny bit of the regional program I'm following and just added in a strict gymnastics workout. I'm attempting to avoid any squatting/barbell stuff that hurts my injury. I left the gym today feeling like I could do a lot more work ... but I will save it for tomorrow and let my body rest more, need to be smart about this going forward.

Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Split-Jerk x 1 rep
Minutes 1-3 – 60% (185#) 
Minutes 4-6 – 70% (215#) 
Minutes 7-9 – 80% (245#) 
Minutes 10-12 – 85% (260#) 
Minutes 13-15 – 95% (290#) - failed all these reps. 

-Everything felt very solid until the big jump to 95% ... I fucked this up ... it was supposed to be 90% (275#) ... for some reason wrote down 95% ... anyway, I couldn't hit the singles at 95% on the minute... but I don't feel bad about missing those reps now that I realized I wrote that down wrong.

3 Rounds for time:
10 Strict HSPU
15 Strict Ring Dips
20 Strict Push-ups
45 Strict Pull-ups

-34:35. This was basically 30 minutes of pull-ups, but strict stuff is definitely what I need to work on. I was switching from overhand to underhand a lot, but no mixed grip. The strict pushing stuff felt a lot better than the pull-ups, this was just a TON of strict pull-ups for me. Was a nice change of pace, wasn't too taxing metabolically, didn't elevate my HR a ton, quality movement though and definitely what I need to work on.

3 Rounds:
GHD Extensions x 15 reps
Hollow Rocks x 15 reps
Rest as needed


Sunday, April 12, 2015


Further complete rest. Not stressing about missing yesterday's workout. A bunch of movements in there that would aggravate my back. Just took some extra rest and reduced my calories a bit.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Complete rest.

Considered training today, but body is a little beat up and given how my body has been feeling over the last six months / I'm not training for anything competitive right now, I decided to take the rest my body is craving.

Friday, April 10, 2015


Today was a great training session. My body felt very solid on everything. That ART and needling yesterday really loosened up my back. Didn't go below parallel on the lifting at all, modified the snatches to power snatches. I was happy I improved my time on the metcon and I was able to do all the HSPU unbroken.

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch (70%-85%) (170#-210#)

-3 Sets @ 185#, 3 sets @ 195#, 2 sets @ 205#, 2 sets @ 210# ... these felt very good.

30 RFT:
5 Wall-balls (20#)
1 Power Clean (225#)

-33:02. (compare time to December 2012 - ~39:30). I was happy to improve my time. I wanted to get under 30 minutes. Finished the round of 16 at 14 minutes, but then fell off pace in the last 10-ish sets, taking bigger rest before each set of HSPU. I remember the last time I did this I had to switch to singles for the HSPU, got all the sets unbroken today. So progress there is good... still generally suck at them, but not as much. Did this workout by myself, it was very fun. This sucked a lot less than I remember it sucking, which is probably a good thing.

3 Sets:
GHD Hip Extension with Y Hold x 8 reps @ 2012
Rest as needed
DB Seated Shoulder Press, Unsupported (2 x 50#) x 6 reps
Rest as needed
Strict Supinated C2B Pull-ups x 8 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... DB Shoulder press was terrible after 90 HSPU.

3 Sets:
Cheat DB Hammer Curls (2 x 50#) x 12 reps
Fat Bar Skull Crushers (75#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete, got a huge pump, was a great finisher.


Complete rest.

Got some ART and some serious dry needling on my lower left back/hip/glute.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


This morning was a very tough training session. I had fun just pushing it and making it hurt on parts C and D. Body was tight today, especially my shoulders, but once I warmed up I felt good on everything.

Take 5-10 minutes to build to a 5-RM Overhead Weighted Pistol on Each Leg

-"Weighted" ... just did about 20 reps over the course of 6-ish minutes with the PVC pipe. Tried to use the 45# bar and couldn't stand it up, really lacking in the hip / ankle mobility for this. Something to work on I guess.

Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps

Immediately followed by…

Six sets of:
Jerk with Pause x 2 reps (Dip and hold for 2 seconds at the bottom of the dip, then drive.)
Rest as needed
Use jerk blocks if possible.

-Tall jerks - 135# across

-Pause Jerks: 185#, 225#, 235#, 245#, 255#, 265# ... felt pretty good here.

Complete rounds of 12, 9 and 6 reps for time of:
185/125 lb Ground to Overhead

Rest exactly 2 minutes, and then…

For time:
40 Front-Racked Stationary Lunges (185/125 lbs)

-10:40 ... singles for G2O, mu were 6/3/3, 6/3, 4/2 ... big push at the end.
-5:57 ... biggest set was 8 reps ... this was horrible, just a grind.

3 Sets:
Reverse Hypers (140#) x 12 reps
Rest as needed
DB Bench Press (palms facing head) (2 x 50# DB) x 20 reps
Rest as needed


Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Today was a little frustrating because the light %s on snatches felt heavier than they should have. But I should take this more positively given the simple fact I am able to snatch below parallel without pain. Hip/back are holding up okay, didn't back squat heavy given the heavier front squatting yesterday, but felt everything out and it wasn't painful or tight at all. The metcon was great, I was able to push it hard and my lungs felt good for the first time in weeks. That week off last week really helped my body recover.


Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Snatch with 3-Second Pause in Receiving Position x 1 rep @ 75% (185#) 
(feeling positions, making each lift technically perfect)

followed by…

Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:

Snatch + Overhead Squat @ 80% (195#) 

-Complete, no missed reps, felt heavier than I remember these numbers feeling. 


Four sets of:
Snatch Pull x 2 reps @ 100% (245#) 
Rest as needed



Four sets of:
Sling-shot Back Squat x 10 reps @ 135# 

-Just rehabbing the movement, focusing on good movement. First back squatting in about 6 weeks. 

Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for times:
Row 500 Meters
5 Burpees Over the Erg

1. 1:55
2. 1:54
3. 1:53
4. 1:55
5. 1:56
6. 1:57
7. 1:56
8. 1:54

-This was really good conditioning, my lungs and legs felt very good. It was a big battle to keep the 500s below 1:39, big effort, great stuff. I tried to get as intense on the erg as I was during 15.5, but finding that level of intensity/effort is tough. Overall this was a great session in the gym.

Monday, April 6, 2015


Today was the best training session I've had since before the Open. It was great to just have the pressure off and enjoy myself with two of my best friends in the gym. Also, I was mostly just happy because I could squat, clean and dead-lift with no pain. This recurrent injury has been extremely frustrating. I didn't push any of the loading hard, but I was really just happy to move pain-free.

Eight sets of:
Dead-Stop Front Squat x 1 rep
Rest as needed

Build over the course of the eight sets to today’s heavy single. Take the barbell off of safety racks from the bottom of your front squat/clean receiving position.

-225#, 255#, 255#, 275#, 275#, 295#, 305#, 315#.
-Didn't push the weight at all here. This is the first "heavy" squatting I've done in a while. Never done this movement before, but I really liked this exercise.

Six sets of:
Power Clean + High-Hang Power Clean + Jerk
Rest as needed

Keep the barbell in your hands once it leaves the ground. Build over the course of the six sets to today’s heaviest complex.

-185#, 205#, 225#, 235#, 245#, 255# ... Didn't push the loading much here, everything felt very solid, no pain.

Seven rounds for time of:
5 Ground to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
7 Bar-Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
9 Ring Dips (from Muscle-Up station)

-16:10. Single C+Js for the ground to overhead, burpees were at a consistent pace, 5 unbroken sets of ring dips (which, 45 unbroken is very good for me) and last two sets were 6/3 and 5/4. I lost a ton of time here on the last two sets of dips, but I gave it everything I had. This was very good training and ring dips are something I've always struggled with. I've made a lot of progress on them over the years.

Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Minute 1 – 225/135 lb Banded Deadlift x 12 reps
(stand on a band looped around your barbell and complete the 12 reps as quickly as possible)
Minute 2 – GHD Hip Extensions x 15 reps 
Minute 3 – Toes to Bar x 15 reps

-Complete. Was smoked from part C, but got through this. I liked the banded DL a lot, could really feel the tension at the top in my glutes/hamstrings, was a nice change.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Active recovery; 40 minutes aerobic run. 

This morning was pretty great. Got out the door with my girlfriend at about 7 am and went for a 40 minute run along Lake Michigan. Went 20 out and back, was a chill/conversational pace. Really great way to start my day.

I'm looking forward to training hard tomorrow (within reason given my hip/back) and seeing how my body feels after this de-load week.


Today wasn't a real "training" day per-se. My buddy is who way into body-building wanted to get a workout in, so I tagged along with him at a traditional gym. It was a fun workout, was a good time with a good dude. We did a pressing / shoulder / triceps workout. Wasn't extremely intense, just went for the pump and didn't tax my body like a hard training session would. This was a fun/different way to train and just enjoy working out. I wouldn't train like this every day, but it was a nice change given my general burn-out toward competitive crossfit.

The workout was basically: 

-Seated Strict Press - heavy 5,4,3,2,2 

-Close Grip Bench Press - heavy 5 x 5 and some drop sets 

-Various Dumbbell shoulder presses and tricep exercises, probably about 8 different exercises total 

-Finished off with some shrugs/strict pull-ups/and cable tricep work. 


Complete rest.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Today was fun/different. I was training alone and I put everything together for this session. I wanted to get some different stuff in and re-test part C from a while ago. 

Three rounds for time of (at about ~80% effort):
Row 500 meters
Single arm hang, right arm, 15 seconds
Turkish Get-up, left arm, 5 reps (53# KB) 
Single arm hang, left arm, 15 seconds
Turkish Get-up, right arm, 5 reps (53# KB) 
30 second L-sit hold

-Complete, took about 20 minutes, didn't get the exact time, just went through everything. This was a random main-site workout from a while back, looked like a fun warm-up. 


Every 3 minute for 15 minutes (5 sets): 
Push-Press + Push-Jerk + Split-Jerk
Build over the course of 5 sets

-205#, 205#, 225#, 245#, 255# (10# PR for this complex) ... didn't realize this was a PR until after looking at my numbers, but it went up okay, the push-jerk on the last set looked a little sketchy, but push-press/split-jerk were solid. 

‘Linda’ (scaled back)
Compare time to 9/8/13 (35:02) 
For time:10,9,8…1
Dead-lift (275#)
Bench Press (165#)
Squat Clean (135#) 

-25:30. This took longer than I thought it would, mostly because my chest/triceps are so sore from Tuesday, had to break up the bench-press. But dead-lifting and cleans felt okay. I wanted to feel out my hip/glute/back and it didn't hurt at all. The last time I did this was on 9/8/13 ... about a month after I finished Marine Corps OCS and I don't remember exactly why I chose these weights for this workout, but for whatever reason I did. I'm glad I was able to finish almost 10 minutes faster than back then. I definitely don't feel 100% right now, and to know the work I've put in since then has improved my fitness a bit is a good feeling. 


Complete rest. Body is surprisingly very sore from yesterday. My legs/triceps were still sore from Saturday yesterday ... now they continue to be sore as well as my lats/biceps/forearms.