Thursday, February 27, 2020


Jumped into a crossfit class today, had a good time. Overall a very simple cardio workout, was a nice way to start the day after a tough week in court. 

10 Minutes at 70% warm-up pace:
:45 Double-Unders
10 Box Jump with step-down (20")
10 Air Squats
10 'Scorpions'

-Complete ... don't remember the rounds or reps 

For time, with a partner, one partner working at a time: 

400m Run (both partners)


Wall-Balls (20#)
Box Jump Overs (24") 
x3 Double-unders (150, 120, 90, 40, 30) 


400m Run (both partners)

-This took about 17 minutes, was a good sweat, I was surprised by how aerobically fit I felt on this. 


Complete Rest 


AM Workout (0530) 

Today was as solid workout ... got a massive upper body pump. Still traveling for work, but the hotel I'm in has the best hotel gym I've ever seen ... free weights, heavy DBs, tons of space. It had everything I needed to get in everything I wanted. Great way to start the day. 

Bench Press
3 sets x 3 reps (225# last week)
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, across at 230# (5# over last week) ... felt strong on this ... probably more there, but kept the rest intervals shorter (under 2:00) and hit this with no spotter

Tricep Extensions
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

-Complete, 2 x 15 reps with 90# ... cable extensions 

Close Grip Bench Press
2 sets x 6-12 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

-Complete, 2 x 8 reps with 175# 

Conventional Deadlift
3 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (375#)
Work up to heavy 3x3, minimum of 75% of your one rep max deadlift.

-Complete... did this with no belt and no chalk ... a bit different than in a CrossFit gym with chalk, but overall still got all these reps easily as the weight was light

Pendlay Rows
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

-Complete, 3 x 15 reps with 145# ... tougher than it looks on paper, these left me gassed 

Cable Flyes 
3 x 15 reps (35# each cable) 
EZ Bar Preach Curls 
3 x 10 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

-Complete ... massive pump 

Super-Man Cable Curls 
3 x 10 reps (30# each side) 


Single-Arm DB Overhead Carry 
3 sets x 25 reps
25 steps per set (each side)

-Complete, went 65#, 75#, 85# ... felt great 

Overhead Rope Cable Extensions
3 x 12-15 reps (90#)
Ab-wheel Roll outs 
3 x 8 reps

-Complete ... was totally smoked at this point, nice finisher 

PM Workout (1430) 

35 Minute Easy Run 

-Complete, conversational pace ... this wasn't planned at all, but just won a big jury trial today and I had a lot of energy to blow off and the weather in New Orleans was great. It was 65 and sunny with a breeze. Ran along the Mississippi and around Bourbon Street ... overall was nice to get in after a long weekend/week of court. 


This morning was a decent training session, nothing maximal, but lots of good training. Overall felt strong and enjoyed myself. Left the gym feeling good and not wrecked. Looking forward to the rest of the workouts this week.

Power Clean + Strict Press
1 set x 1+4 reps
1 power clean + 4 strict press. Up to daily max.

-95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 165#, 175# ... all these reps easily, probably more there, but called it at 175# ... back in January when I tested this after the previous cycle I hit 175# for 1 rep and missed 185# ... super stoked to be feeling stronger after a big of progressive overload 

Power Clean
3 sets x 3 reps @ 80% (255#)
80% of your one rep max clean. Bar should start at knee height.

-Complete, across at 255# ... all reps easy 

Standing Single Arm Dumbbell Press
4 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per arm. Aim to reach failure at the given rep range.
Landmine Oblique Twists
4 sets x 10 reps
10 reps per side. Quality reps, not too heavy.

-Complete, 4 x 12 with 55# DB ... this is the most I've used on this movement, across at 95# for the twists 

Dumbbell Side Raises or Cable Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
Goblet Squats (tempo)
2 sets x 8 reps w/ 2 second descent 

-Complete, 2 x 20# DB and 55# DB for the squats 

Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
Goblet Squats (tempo)
2 sets x 8 reps w/ 2 second descent 

-Complete, 2 x 15# DB and 55# DB for the squats 


This morning was a solid workout ... looked very simple on paper, but once I got through everything I felt spent. Nothing absolutely maximum effort, but lots of good training.

Power Clean + Push Press
1 set x 1+4 reps
1 power clean + 4 push press. Up to daily max.

-185#, 205#, 225#, 235# ... going to count this, but the lockout on the last rep was rather questionable... probably wouldn't count as a legit rep, but first 3 were good. 

Snatch + Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch
1 set x 1+1+1 reps
1 snatch from the floor + 1 hang snatch from below the knee + 1 hang snatch from above the knee. Up to daily max. 

-135#, 135#, 185#, 205# (failed above the knee hang snatch), 205# ... was pissed I missed the rep on the third set, went back and nailed it, felt strong, this was fun 

Back Squat
3 sets x 5 reps (used 315# last week) - went across at 325# 
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-3x5 at 325# ... felt very easy.

Glute Ham Raises
3 sets x 6-8 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range. Add weight if necessary.
3 sets x 'Durante Core'
10 hollow rocks
10 v-ups
10 tuck-ups
:10 hollow hold

-Complete ... solid core work

Single Leg RDL with KB's
3 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per leg. One kettlebell in each hand.

-Complete, across at 2 x 44# 

Dumbbell Single Leg Bench Step Ups
3 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per leg.

-Complete, across with 2 x 35# ... this was WAY tougher than I thought it would be ... was hoping to increase the load ,but just kept it here as I was smoked by this point 


Complete Rest 

Friday, February 21, 2020


Complete Rest


This morning was a very solid session, had a great time in the gym. Left with a solid pump, didn't feel too crushed from this training, felt strong and fit throughout. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. I'm on the the road for a while after today, which I'm not looking forward to, but I'll try to get everything in while I'm traveling and a doing some trials on the road. 

Snatch Balance
3 sets x 3 reps @ 80-90% (205-230#)
80% - 90% of your one rep max snatch.

-Complete, across at 205# ... haven't done these in a while, didn't push the loading, felt fast and comfortable with this weight

Bench Press
3 sets x 5 reps @ 75% (205#)
If 75% feels too easy, you can go higher.

-Complete, across at 205# ... this felt strong and solid 

Back Squat
3 sets x 4 reps (350# - used 340# last week)
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, across at 350# ... felt strong

3 Sets: 
Ring Push-ups at 2020 tempo x 8-12 reps 
Skater Squats
3 sets x 15 reps
15 Reps per leg 

-10 Ring Push-ups each set ... big pump 

3 Sets:
Single-Arm DB Muscle-Snatch 6-8/arm; rest 90sec x 3
Bird Dogsx 12 reps
12 reps per side.

-Used 75# x 8 each arm for the first set, then used a 95# for the last two sets, 6 reps each time ... this is the heaviest muscle-snatching I've ever done this a DB, fun stuff

3 Sets:
Static Over-the-Bar Pull-up Hold x :30
DB Tricep 'Rock-n-Rolls x 12-15 reps

-Complete, went 15,12,12 with 2 x 35# DB ... huge pump from this piece 


This morning was a great workout. Lots of good lifting, left the gym with a massive pump. 

Sumo or Conventional Deadlift
3 sets x 3 reps
Work up to heavy 3x3, not max.

-Triples went: 415#, 435#, 440# ... overall happy with this, definitely more there, very quality reps at these loads. 

Pull Ups or Rack Chins
3 sets x 8-12 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range. If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight. Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

-Across with a 35# weight ... 12, 10, 10 ... felt very strong

Lat Pulldowns (wide grip or narrow grip)
3 sets x 10-15 reps
If 10 reps is too easy, do up to 15 reps.

-Across at 110# for 3 x 15, wide grip 

Barbell Row
3 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
Dumbbell Side Raises
3 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

-Across at 165# for 3 x 10 and 2 x 20# DB for 3 x 15

Barbell Curls
4 sets x 6-12 reps
If 6 reps is too easy, do up to 12 reps.
Half Kneeling Single Arm KB or DB Shoulder Press
4 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per arm. Aim to reach failure at the given rep range.

-Complete, across at 45# for 4 x 15 curls, 50# DB for the kneeling presses ... went 12,12,10,8 for those... was completely smoked by the end of this 


Today was a good workout, overall the best I have had in a while. I've been training quite a few days in a row, but overall I felt good today, got everything I wanted to get in and wasn't pressed for time. Great way to start the day. 

1 set x 3 reps
Up to daily max.

-95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 175#, 195#, 210# ... overall felt good on this, 5# over last week's triple 

Clean and Jerk
1 set x 2 reps @ 80% (255#)
Heavy doubles. Push it if you feel good, if not stick to around 80%.

-Worked up in 10# jumps from 185# to 255# ... this was all power cleans + split jerk ... not overworking my T-spine with heavy front squats / cleans yet.

Back Squat
3 sets x 5 reps
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, across at 325# (10# over last week) for all sets 

Glute Ham Raises
2 sets x 12-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range. Add weight if necessary.

-Complete, ended up by 2 x 8 ... rough.

14 Minutes at a Continuous 80% effort pace: 
50 Double-Under
:20 Side Plank R
12 Reverse Singe-Arm KB Overhead Lunge (35/24#) - 6 each arm
:20 Side Plank L
20m Dual KB Rack Carry (2 x 70/53#) 

-Complete ... 5 rounds + 50 DU




Today was one of the worst workouts I've had in a while.  I am completely mentally defeated due to work/life stress. Forced this entire workout. The gym I usually go to at work was closed and I had to go to a standard bodybuilding gym that was completely packed with people. This added further to the stress of this workout; had to do most of this workout out of order as there were lines of people waiting for the various equipment. Wasn't there mentally or physically and just went through the motions. I've never felt like I've wanted to quit or that I need a break more in my life.

Front Squat + Jerks
1 set x 3+2 reps
3 front squats + 2 jerks. Up to daily max.

-115#, 155#, 195# ... just used this as a warm-up / technique work. Still nervous about injuring my t-spine with any front-rack stuff, it feels stiff and immobile. 

Clean Pull
3 sets x 5 reps @ 100%
100% of your one rep max clean.

-Complete, across at 100% (315#) ... my best 1 RM is 340# ... but just put 315# on there and got through this

Bench Press
3 sets x 3 reps
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, across at 225# ... same as last week, no spotter, went through this quickly 

Standing Single Arm KB Press
4 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per arm. Aim to reach failure at the given rep range.
4 sets of 'Durante Core'
10 Hollow Rocks
10 V-ups
10 Tuck-ups
:10 Hollow Hold

-Complete, across with a 53# KB ... core work was tough

Single Arm Cable Pulldowns
3 sets x 10-15 reps
If 10 reps is too easy, do up to 15 reps.

-Complete, across at 100# for 3 x 20 (10 each arm)

Dumbbell Row
3 sets x 12-15 reps
12-15 reps per side. Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
3 sets x 8-10 reps
Tricep Extensions
3 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

-Complete, 70# DB row for 3 x12, 3 x 8 strict TTB, Rope Push-downs with 50# for 3 x 15 


This morning was a good cardio session ... wasn't very crazy. Flowed through this at about an 80-85% effort. In retrospect I probably could have pushed myself harder, but I have a ton going on in my life/work right now that left me a bit distracted. Looking forward to wrapping up the case I will be doing in court all day today and getting in a full training session tomorrow. 

For time:
2 Mile Assault Bike
3000m Row
2 Mile Assault Bike

Rest 5 minutes then... 

1 Mile Assault Bike
1500m Row
1 Mile Assault Bike 

-22:15 ... split for the first 2 mile was exactly 5:00 ... tried to maintain a 1:50-1:55 500/m pace for the row
-~11:30 ... I can't remember the exact time for the second interval 




This morning was overall a decent workout ... fun to hit a tough CrossFit workout. Felt fit throughout and felt especially strong the back squats.

Power Clean + Push Press
1 set x 1+5 reps
1 power clean + 5 push press. Up to daily max.

-135#, 185#, 205#, 225# ... this was the same weight as the first week, failed 235# last week... went through this quickly, probably more there, but just didn't take the time to do it, comfortable set of 5 at 225# though. 

Snatch Pull
3 sets x 3 reps @ 110-125%
110-125% of your max snatch. 

-Complete, across at 115% = 295# 

Back Squat
3 sets x 6 reps (last week = 300#, use 310#) 
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, across at 310# ... felt very easy 

30 RFT:
5 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
1 Power Clean (225/155#)

-22:24 ... this is a :37 PR over the last time I hit this workout in October of 2016. Everything was unbroken, at a fairly consistent pace. Enjoyed getting this in, was really fun. Given all the lifting beforehand, I'll still take the :37 PR. My splits at rounds were:

5 - 2:50
10 - 6:50
15 - can't remember 
20 - 14:45 
25 - 18:50
30 - 22:24 ... really fell off pace there in the second half ... was gunning for under 20 minutes, but it just didn't happen. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Active Recovery ... 30:47 total running time, went out and back for about 15 minutes ... easy conversational pace, ran along the Riverwalk in Tampa and it was about 60 and sunny, great running weather. Looking forward to training tomorrow.


This morning was a solid workout, found a gym while traveling that had lifting platforms and all the other equipment I needed, which was nice. 

Back Squat
3 sets x 4 reps (340# = 10# over last week's 330#) 
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, across at 340# ... no belt 

Power Clean 
3 sets x 3 reps @ 80%  - 80% of one rep max power clean (250#)
Bar set up for knee height.

-Complete, across at 250#

Jerk1 set x 3 reps
Work up to a 3 rep max. From the blocks or rack.

-Out of a rack, went 135#, 185#, 225#, 245# ... got all these reps fairly easily, but was using a powerlifting bar with no spin, not ideal. Looking forward to jerking 300#+ again soon 

Dumbbell Side Raises
3 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
Narrow Stance Goblet Squat 
3 sets x 10-15 reps
Narrow stance back squats with parallel feet and raised heels. You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-Complete, across at 2 x 15# for the raises, 70# for the squats on a 25# bumper plate 

Glute Ham Raises
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing. Add weight if necessary.
Landmine Oblique Twists
3 sets x 10 reps - 10 reps per side.

-Only got 8 GHR each set ... oblique twists across with 95# 

Cable Curls
3 sets x 6-12 reps
If 6 reps is too easy, do up to 12 reps.
Cable Chest Flyes 
3 sets x  8-15 reps

-Complete ... don't remember the weights or reps 

Tricep Extensions
3 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.
Wide-Grip Cable Rows
 3 sets x 8-15 reps 

-Complete ... don't remember the weights or reps 

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Further Complete Rest 


Complete Rest / court all day


One the road for a case, but jumped into a gym in the morning and thankfully was able to get in everything I wanted to do. Overall had a good workout, despite not having weightlifting shoes/sleeves/belt/wraps etc. I just had my nanos on and went through this. Overall enjoyed myself, was a nice way to start my day. The weights definitely felt heavy, but three days on in a row is rough. Got through everything and I am looking forward to some much needed rest. 

Warm-up - KB Complex
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Squats
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
*Build quickly to a max on each arm

-Complete, went 2 sets with 35# KB, 2 sets with 53# KB and one set with 72# KB ... this was a good warm-up. 

Snatch + Hang Snatch + Touch and Go Snatch
1 set x 1+1+1 reps
1 snatch from the floor + 1 hang snatch from above the knee + 1 touch and go snatch, up to daily max. 

-All sets unbroken as a complex, went 95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 175#, 185#, 195# 

2 Power Cleans + 2 Jerks
1 set x 2+2 reps
2 Power Clean + 2 jerks. Up to daily max.

-Didn't go unbroken on these ... was dropping between each clean, but went 135#, 175#, 205#, 225#, 240# ... had a real piece of shit bar that was rusted and didn't spin whatsoever ... didn't notice as badly on the snatching, but it made the clean and jerking rough. 

Conventional Deadlift
2 sets x 5 reps
Work up to a heavy 5 reps for 2 sets. No straps.

-225# x 5, 315# x 5, 365# x 5; working sets: 415# x 5 reps for 2 sets ... this felt relatively easy, did these belt-less, probably much more there, but this was a good transition back into 'heavy'-ish pulling. 

3-4 sets, at a sustainable effort: 
Strict Toes to Bar x 8 reps 
Single Arm Farmer Carry - Right x 30 steps 
Single Arm Farmer Carry - Left x 30 steps 
Strict Toes to Bar x 8 reps 
Turkish Get-up, light weight, slow and controlled - Right x 3 reps 
Turkish Get-up, light weight, slow and controlled - Left x 3 reps

-3 Rounds, went 100# for each Farmer Carry and used a 35# KB for the get-ups ... all the strict T2B were the hardest part ... overall got a fun sweat out of this. 

