Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Much needed complete rest.


Had an awesome session today. Everything felt great. HSPU and Muscle-ups felt the best they have in long time. 2 pood swings are feeling much better also.

EMOM Dead-Hang Pull-up Ladder
1 on first minute, 2 on the 2nd etc...
-9 Reps, barely got 9, failed 10th minute

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 Rounds:
3 Muscle-ups + 5 Ring-dips
15 KB Swings (2 pood)
50 Double-unders
1:1 rest

1:30, 1:30, 1:41, 2:00, 2:10
-I started missing a lot of double-unders on the last two sets, I was fatigued. Overall a solid workout.

Rest 10 minutes then...

7 x 7 - HSPU 1-4 sets @ 60 seconds rest, 5-7 @ 120 seconds rest
-These felt awesome. I'm stoked these are feeling so much better.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Today was a great day of training.

AM Workout (1200) 

~5 mile run. I don't know the distance or time. I just went on a run because it was nice out (60 degrees in January??!!). It was the middle of the day in the city. Once I got to the river/lake I got set into a pace, but about 1/3 of this run was basically sprinting and stopping at stoplights. Overall a solid run. I haven't been on a distance run in a very long time. I wanted to see how it felt, great to be outside and run on a nice day.

PM Workout (1900) 

On a 15:00 Clock:
Work up to a heavy Front Squat single
-325# - This felt really heavy. My PR is 350#, but there just wasn't anything more there today.

Rest 5 minutes then...

-100 Air Squat Buy-in
5 Push-Press (115#)
10 Burpees
15 Box Jumps

6+11. Solid metcon. This is definitely the kind of workout I need to be doing right now. Box jumps and burpees already feel better as I'm cutting a little weight. Overall a great day of training, excited to train tomorrow!

Monday, January 28, 2013


Today was the best day of training I've had in a while. I felt awesome. My rest and eating are in check better than they have been in months and I REALLY feel it. I remember feeling this great when I was training hard last year. It's great to be back in the game mentally, injury free and ready to throw down.

AM Workout (0800) 


On a 20:00 clock:
:30 easy
:30 at 100%
-Complete, didn't calculate calories or anything, just went for quality intensity. This was my first airdyne workout ever and it kicked my ass. Great stuff.

PM Workout (1500) 

I was tight in my posterior chain from Friday, but I went through a thorough warm-up and once I got rolling into the singles I started to feel solid. I was really happy to PR. I haven't been snatching much, but I've been working technique and I changed my grip to full out collar-to-collar and its helping a TON. Stoked to get 225# overhead soon!

Snatch - 1 RM
-Warmed up then...
Singles: 175, 185, 195, 202, 207, 210, 212# (7# PR), failed 214# three times and called it a day, almost had it.

Rest 5 minutes then...

Dead-hang Pull-ups Sets (11 sets total, 7 reps each set) @ 60 seconds rest:
Chin-over right hand
Chin-over left hand
Wide Grip
Narrow Grip
Mixed Grip
Mixed Grip Opposite last set

Rest 5 minutes then...

2 Rounds Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats)
330m Run

6 Rounds exactly. Solid workout, felt really good on the bodyweight stuff. Runs were a little slow, but I haven't been running much lately. Overall an amazing day of training. I'm stoked to workout tomorrow!

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Active rest. I got some yoga in this morning. It was great and really loosened up my hips and posterior chain. Excited to train this week!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I was tight when I woke up this morning. I got in the gym early and was feeling a little beat up, but once I got warm I felt really good.

30 Push-Jerk (95#)
30 Push-Jerk (135#)
30 Push-Jerk (185#)
30 Push-Jerk (225#)
-Athlete changes his/her own weight

84 reps. From August-December I had barely done any shoulder-to-overhead movement outside of competition. I'm ecstatic that I can once again do these movements. I can't wait to do more thrusters! (my favorite movement in all of crossfit). I was pleased with my score on this, I wanted to get to 225, but coming off this injury that just wasn't possible. 185# felt good though.

Rest 12 minutes then...

For time:
100 Double-unders
25 Wall-ball
75 Double-unders
25 Wall-ball
50 Double-under
25 Wall-ball

Rest 1 minute then...

2 Minute Max Calorie Row

6.14 + 48 cal.

All the wall-balls were unbroken. I missed 8 double-unders, 2 of which were early on in the set of 100; just dumb mistakes. The other 6 were in the later sets and were because of fatigue. Overall a very solid metcon. The rowing BURNED; went 30/18 on the minutes of calorie rows. I gassed out hard on the second minute. I feel great aerobically and strong. STOKED. Ready to rest tomorrow and hit some hard workouts this upcoming week!

Friday, January 25, 2013


I felt awesome today. I've been eating "better" than I was over christmas break. It's crazy how fast I'm feeling it. I had a really great session, it was great to be in the gym with my buddies here in Chicago again, they are some great people.

Dead-lift: Build up to 405#, then AMRAP unbroken reps at 405#.

-8 Reps. My previous 5RM was 405#. I wanted 10 really bad, but I could feel my back rounding and I don't risk that. I probably could have done 10+ if I really had to. But seriously injuring myself now is not an option, this is the first time I've been 100% uninjured since August and the Open is 40 days out.

5 Sets: 3 Bench Press (185#) + 3 Dead-lifts (365#) @ 2 minutes rest

Rest 15 minutes then...

5 Rounds for time:
4 Power Clean (230#)
16 Burpees

19.45. This workout was tough. 230# got heavy. I felt strong and great aerobically. Great metcon.

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 x 25 GHD Sit-ups @ 60 seconds rest
-Complete + unbroken

Great day in the gym, pumped to train tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Much needed complete rest.


Had a great session this morning. I felt decently recovered, but my hamstrings have been taking a beating this week; I definitely felt them burn on the workout today.

-Easy 1 mile run to gym

7 x 7 Dead-hang Pull-ups @ 60 seconds rest

Rest 10 minutes then...

10 Rounds, for total time:
250m Row
10 KB Swings (2 pood)
Rest 1 minute

-23:23. Solid conditioning, burned my hamstrings and lungs.

Rest 10 minutes then...

6 Sets of HPSU, 3 Strict, 3 Kipping @ 120 seconds rest
-10, 8, 7, 10, 8, 8 (10 is a strict HSPU PR, happy these are improving!)

-Easy 1 mile run back home.

Great day in the gym. Excited to take some rest and hit things hard on Friday/Saturday.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Today was a great session. I was a little disappointed with my metcon. I PRed, but not by as many reps as I was hoping to.

-Easy 1 mile run to gym with gym bag.

Open 12.2
30 Snatch (75#)
30 Snatch (135#)
30 Snatch (165#)
30 Snatch (210#)

76 Reps. This is a 2 rep PR, I did this alone and could probably have pushed a little harder with a partner. On this workout I went slower on the 135# and faster on the 165#. Basically I'm stronger than last year, but my windage is not where it was a year ago. This is the time to up my metcon and let strength go on maintenance. I've PRed a lot of my lifts this year and overall feel stronger than I did a year ago, despite my elbow injury that I'm now 100% back from. I'm happy to be injury-free and ready to throw down this season.

Rest 20 minutes then...

3 x 1000m Row @ 4 minutes rest


Great effort, solid stuff. Rowing feels good. Excited to train tomorrow!

Monday, January 21, 2013


Today was a solid session. I gave 2 of the 3 OC Throwdown qualifying workouts a try.

Workout 1
15 Power Clean (95#)
30 Double-unders

7 Rds.

Rest 20 minutes then...

Workout 2
30 Squat Clean Thrusters (155#)
30 Bar-facing Burpees

26 reps.
-I wasn't happy with this score, I really wanted to make it to the burpees. If I could do this again I would do less singles and try to do more unbroken sets. I'll go do this again fresh and try to get 40+ reps.

Rest 20 minutes then...

EMOM 20:
-Odd: 2 Front Squats (275#)
-Even: 2 Bar Muscle-ups

-Complete, solid training. The front squats felt a little heavier than I thought they would. I haven't been doing enough bar muscle-ups and I'm confident they are going to be in the 2013 Open. We'll see. I'm going to hit them every week up until the Open. Overall a solid day of training. I'm excited to get back to Chicago and put in some hard work over the coming semester!

1/19 & 1/20

Complete rest. Last weekend of partying for a while! Back to school on Tuesday.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Today was an intense workout. I got together with an old friend and had a few different workouts written. He picked out this one and it ended up kicking my ass!

For time:

100 Shoulder-to-Overhead (125#)
-Rest 6 minutes
100 Overhead Squats (125#)

-I crushed the shoulder-to-overhead in 7.29. Then the overhead squats rocked me. Starting again at 13.29 I finished the OHS at 30.54.

-Total time 30.54-6:00 = 24.54. The overhead squats sucked hard after 100 push-jerks. This was a very solid workout that left me trashed. The last 50 OHS were a huge mental battle. Great day in the gym. It was really cool to workout with my old workout buddy.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


My body was still feeling the OC Throwdown WODs today, but overall had a solid session.

Bench Press Pyramid with 5 Strict Pull-up chaser after each set - 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 @ 185#

Rest 10 minutes then...

6 Unbroken Rounds for Time:
4 KB Burpees (2 x 53#)
4 KB Push-Jerk (2 x 53#)
4 KB Front-Squats (2 x 53#)

6.45. Tough movement, KB work always gets me.

Rest 10 minutes then...

-Even: 5 Pull-ups + 5 Ring Dips
-Odd: 10 Push-ups

-Complete, much more there, but just wanted to get some body weight activity in and ease back into things.

Rest 5 minutes then...

SUPER EASY 2k Cool-Down Row

-9.20. Probably the slowest 2k I've ever rowed. Overall body is feeling good, excited to train tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Much needed complete rest. I remember getting into bed last night feeling annihilated. I probably haven't felt that destroyed since competing at regionals. It was a good feeling. Excited to train again tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This morning was awesome! It was so much fun! Setting up a full clean ladder was a solid warm-up. I'm lucky to have access to such a large/well-stocked gym. I was happy with my performance. I ALMOST got 305#, I just couldn't stand it up, after the three WODs yesterday my legs are smoked. The second workout today was also humbling, I was very taxed going into it. I didn't even get to the last set of snatches within the time cap. This WOD is going to be a new 'test' of my fitness that I'm going to do a few times a year.

Workouts 4 and 5 (0930)

Workout 4 - Clean Ladder

-Starts at 245#, goes up 10# every bar. :20 to lift, :10 to transition. Double-under tie-breaker in remaining time.

My score was 295.04. I almost had 305#, but I just didn't have it in my legs. This would have been my best event at the OC Throwdown if I was actually there competing.

Rest 20 minutes then...

Workout 5

For Time:
 30 Wall-ball
15 Snatch (135#)
30 Wall-ball
12 Snatch (155#)
30 Wall-ball
9 Snatch (185#)

11.27. This workout had an 11:00 minute time cap. I wanted to get to the 185# snatch, but just didn't have it. I finished the 135# set in 3:40 then the 155# set in 10:25. I got 12 wall-ball in the remaining time. Overall a very taxing WOD, especially when coupled with the other workouts yesterday and the clean ladder right before. This was a really fun morning, great stuff!

Workout 6 (1630)

This workout smoked me. I was on a solid pace up until the HSPU and burpee-bar-muscle-ups. My shoulders generally struggled with getting over the bar after all this volume, had to take some big breaks. Overall a very solid workout, very mentally challenging. My body was pretty smoked when I started this workout. Also, being a dumbass I accidentally loaded the thruster bar with 125# instead of 110#. Not cool, that was a heavy thruster!

For time:
25 Dead-lifts (315#)
30 Thrusters (125#) **this was supposed to be (110#)
30 Over-the-box Jumps (24")
30 KBS (2 pood)
30 Calorie Row
10 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
50m Overhead Walking Lunge
50m Run
100 Double-unders
200m Run

I came in just over 29 minutes. My thrusters were heavier than rxed by 15#, but I don't think that changed my time a ton, maybe 1-2 minutes. I got to the bar muscle-ups at 20 minutes, I lost a ton of time there. My HSPUs were also broken up heavily, but I'm proud of myself for how much these have improved. This has been an eye-opening two days. These workouts were no joke and I loved giving them a go. Very solid two days and I'm excited to rest. Also after this chipper I went straight to the store and got a big bag of ice and created my own ice bath in my bathtub. I've never done that before, if that helps explain how taxing these workouts were. GREAT STUFF!!!!

-After doing this WOD I realized there was 20:00 cut-off. New goal: complete this in under 20.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Inspired by the OC Throwdown this last weekend, I wanted to give the WODs a try. I couldn't run 7k; I don't have a course and it's similar to arctic tundra outside right now. I subbed a row, I was nervous about this, I knew it was going to hurt. The second WOD murdered me, really humbling.

Workout 1 (0930) 

For time:
7k Row

26.21. I came over 5k at 18.51. I kept a 1:55 the entire time, then opened up 100% on the last 750m. Solid effort, I was really proud of this time.

Workout 2 (1030) 

For time:
10 Muscle-ups
4 Rds:
12 C2B Pull-ups
8 Box Jumps (30")
10 Muscle-ups

11.16. The athletes this weekend probably got a lot longer rest than 30 minutes. I didn't eat or anything, just rolled out my hamstrings and started warming up my muscle-ups. This probably adversely affected my time AND my chest is still toasted from the workout I did Friday. I didn't taper or rest or anything for these WODs. So this definitely wasn't a game-day performance. But still, almost everyone at the OC Throwdown beat my time on this WOD. I was on a solid pace until I got to the last set of muscle-ups; got to the rings at exactly 7 minutes and I wanted around 9 minutes total. I actually failed my first muscle-up attempt and this really messed with me mentally. I can't remember the last time I failed a muscle-up, this is a really smart workout for crushing me so badly. I did the last set all as singles and it took me a little over 4 minutes to do only 10 muscle-ups. This is pretty eye opening. I'm the only person in control of my fitness and I need to take crossfit as seriously as I used to in the past. I want to crush this workout in under 7 minutes in the near future!

Workout 3 (1730) 

This workout was also very humbling. I had a large transition which cost me probably about a minute overall, but whatever this is just training. On a very positive note, I had zero elbow pain. Looks like I'm finally able to handle real loads with zero pain! I was on a very good pace until the rope climbs. I don't climb ropes enough. I got to the last couplet at 15.00, didn't finish until 22.21. I was taking huge breaks and had a huge scare on the 4th ascent, almost lost my grip toward the top.Overall a great workout, loved the programming. I got the front squats unbroken, push-jerks were one unbroken set, then 4/4 with very little rest. CJ were all singles, but felt really strong on the bar. GREAT STUFF!!!

For time:

3 Rounds:
8 Shoulder-to-Overhead (190#)
14 Pistols

3 Rounds:
8 Front Squats (190#)
16 GHD Sit-ups

3 Rounds:
4 Clean and Jerk (190#)
2 Rope Climbs (20")

22.21. Great day, humbling and motivating.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013


I felt a lot better today than I did yesterday. Had a solid session.

Bench Press -12 Sets of 5, Pyramid: 165#, 175#, 185#, 195# x 3, 185# x 2, 175# x 2, 165# x 2
-Felt strong, great stuff, failed a few reps on some of the final sets.

Rest 10 minutes then...

EMOM 10 Minutes: 10 Thrusters (95#)
-Really lactic, all sets unbroken and complete, really solid training.

Rest 20 minutes then...

For time: 
-150 FT shuttle run after each set.

-Complete in 6.06. Solid training. Great day in the gym, excited for some fun training tomorrow!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I got talked into doing some day drinking yesterday. I was slightly hungover today, not ideal for training. I was a little upset at myself for drinking yesterday, but I guess that happens sometimes being 23 years old and on Holiday Break. I definitely felt it during the workout today, but overall had a solid session.

For time:
10 Dead-lifts (315#)
20 C2B Pull-ups
40 Wall-balls
8 Dead-lifts (315#)
16 C2B Pull-ups
32 Wall-balls
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
12 C2B Pull-ups
24 Wall-balls
2 Dead-lifts (315#)
4 C2B Pull-ups
8 Wall-balls

15.54. Rough WOD. I had to breakup stuff a lot more than I thought I would, especially the pull-ups. Haven't been doing enough C2B. The hangover didn't help at all. I'd be interested to do this WOD more fresh/hydrated. New goal of banging out this workout in under 10 minutes. Slightly disappointed in myself, but trying not to beat myself up over this.

Rest 10 minutes then...

Super Easy 2k Recovery Row
-8.29. Followed by 10 minutes of stretching/foam rolling/mobility.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Complete rest; considered training, but my body is too smoked. My traps and shoulders are extremely sore. Excited to rest and get some quality intensity in tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Workout 1 (1030) 

I felt great this morning and got a solid session in.

EMOM Dead-hang Pull-up Ladder (1 on first minute, 2 on second etc... )
-Failed on 9th minute

Rest 5 minutes then...

100-80-60-40 Double-unders
50-40-30-20 KB Swings (53#)

11.04. Great on the lungs and grip. Solid metcon.

**I'm a dumbass and forgot to do the last set of 20/10. For some reason I thought it ended with the set of 20 swings. Forgot to check the WOD one last time before I started and didn't have it in front of me. When I did this last year with the set of 20/10 my time was 13.18. Having said that, I'm confident I would have PRed the workout if I did the last set. I also remember this being more difficult, especially on my grip, the last time I did this. Next time I'm doing this with a 2 pood.

Workout 2 (1600)

I had a solid afternoon session. I was a little tired getting started, but once I got warm everything felt decent.

3 Sets, rest is partner's set:
8 Pistols (alternating)
5 Muscle-ups (unbroken)
10 Toe-to-bar
-Complete, muscle-ups feel great.

Back Squat - 5 x 5 @ 75% (300#)
-This felt much heavier than usual. Probably lost a little strength from the flu I had, will get these back quick though.

5 Touch-and-Go Reps @ 135#
5 Touch-and-Go Reps @ 155#
5 Singles, every 10 seconds @ 155#
5 Singles, every 10 seconds @ 165#
 -These felt REALLY good, would have kept going if I had more time 

Rest 10 minutes...

3 Power Snatch (115#)
30 Double-unders

8 rd + 3 HSPU. Had to pace the HSPUs a lot, but overall happy with my effort on this. HSPUs felt decent considering the snatching prior. Overall a solid effort, great day in the gym.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Today was the best I've felt in a while. I'm falling back in love with crossfit.

3 Sets of Max Reps Dead-hang Pull-ups @ 60 seconds rest:
18, 9, 7

3 Rounds, for Quality:
5 Skin-the-Cats
5 GHD Sit-ups
5 GHD Extensions

-Complete, skin-the-cats are fun!

3 Sets: 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean: 225, 245, 265#

Hang Clean - Singles: 275#, failed 295 twice then hit 285# for a huge PR

Rest 5 minutes then...

'Grace' (30 CJ for time)
-2.12. This is an 11 second PR, I haven't done this WOD in 11 months. I was nervous about this considering I haven't been putting much weight overhead with my injury. Glad to be back in business and hitting this hard. Sub-2 soon!

Rest 3 minutes then...

Burpee Med-ball Clean
Box Jumps (24")

Unbroken in 5.18. Solid burner, went all out and felt solid.

 Rest 3 minutes then...

For Total Time:
500m Row, 2:00 Plank
400m Row, 1:45 Plank
300m Row, 1:30 Plank
200m Row, 1:15 Plank
100m Row, 1:00 Plank

-Complete in 14.35 with no rest, solid stuff. I paced the row a lot, kept it around 1:49. Great day in the gym. I loved training today, it was a lot of fun and I felt great. Not being in school and just relaxing and having fun in the gym is SO GOOD for mentally. Stoked to workout tomorrow!

1/5 and 1/6

Complete rest.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Today was a really fun day in the gym. It's been awesome to be back home and hanging with my old weightlifting buddies. They are such great dudes.

Warm-up: 4 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats)

Press 1-1-1-1 - Went 155, 165, 165, 165# (failed 175#, 10#s off my PR, after yesterday it was just not happening)

Push-Press 1-1-1-1 - 205# for all reps. This is on the light side, this summer prior to injury I hit 210# as a 5RM. On the bright side, I had zero elbow pain.

5 x 5 - Strict Pull-ups + Strict Ring Dips @ 60 seconds rest
-Fast and complete, solid movement

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 RFT:
10 Toe-to-bar
10 Power Snatch (75#)
10 Wall-ball

-7.19. Marcus Hendren's time was 6:33, was gunning for it, but my body is just beat up and I didn't have it in me. I was happy with my time though and I was happy with my effort. Great day in the gym. Being back with my old buddies is reinvigorating my love for crossfit.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Today was a pretty cool session. I was really happy that I PRed a lift. I haven't PRed a lift in a while, let alone after the awful flu I had. So considering my sickness, I'll take it. I still feel like there is a little more there on my power clean.

Power Clean - Singles - 245, 265, 285# (10# PR)
-This felt easy. Jumped up to 305# and missed it, then made two attempts at 300# and also missed them. I'm confident I'll get a 300# power clean soon.

Rest 10 minutes then...

30 RFT:
5 Wall-ball
1 Power Clean (225#)

39.30. This is 8 seconds slower than when I did this mid-November. I didn't want to do this WOD again this soon, but it was on the board so I went for it. It was a cool place to go mentally, I haven't really pushed it since getting sick and this was a great way to do just that. 90 HSPUs in a WOD is a mental battle for me. Glad I finished this workout and I wasn't much slower than before I got sick. Looking forward to some more training tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Today was a simple, but solid session. My legs are ridiculously sore.

8 Sets, rest is partner's set:
5 Bench Press (165#)
10 (5R/5L) DB Row (100#)

-Complete, solid training, not maximal, more there.

Rest 10 minutes then....

3 RFT:
500m Row
21 HR Push-ups
24 (12R/12L) KB Snatches (53#)

Unbroken in 13.01. Solid training, went about 90% on this, snatches felt solid. Excited to get back into training hardcore in the next two weeks.


Bringing in the new years hungover... "complete rest."