Sunday, July 31, 2016


AM Workout (0600) 

This morning was a solid workout ... probably the best I've had on base so far. I was really happy to train and got after it this morning, despite being alone.

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
Push-Press + Push-Jerk + Split Jerk

-185#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 225#, 225#, 235#, 245#, 250#, 255# (failed push-press, got PJ + SJ) ... felt pretty solid. 

For time:
42-30-18 – Calorie Row
21-15-9 – Overhead Squat (155/105#)

Rest 10:00 then…

For time:
300m Run 
10 Toes-to-Bar
300m Run 
20 Toes-to-Bar
300m Run
30 Toes-to-Bar

Rest 5:00 then…

AMRAP 3 minutes:
1 Strict Press (95/65#)
3 Push-Press (95/65#)
5 Push-Jerk (95/65#)

-9:59 ... rough OHS. I was surprised I had to break them up.
-6 Rounds + 1 Strict Press ... this was the toughest thing I've done in a while! Rough on the shoulders.

3 Sets:
DB Row (75#) x 10 each arm
Rest as needed
Hollow Rock Hold x :30
Rest as needed


PM Workout (1300) 

Every 2 for 16 (8 sets):
200m Run

-Kept these pretty chill... each interval was between 33-40 ... my legs felt pretty thrashed generally. Good to get a little afternoon activity in though. Looking forward to training tomorrow! 


Active Recovery.

Super Easy 32 Minute Run ... lots of rolling hills and sunshine. Great thing to do on a Sunday afternoon. 

Saturday, July 30, 2016


This morning was a super solid session. I was pretty beat up in my shoulders/chest from yesterday and today's workout was a whole lot of pressing. I was sore and tight, but still got all the work in. Really fun conditioning workout.

Hill Sprints 

-I think we did about 6-8 intervals of varying distances. Basically the coach of class called out random distances for us to do each time up this giant hill and we would walk back down. I went about 85-90% effort on these, was definitely a solid warm-up. 

Speed Dead-lift 
5 x 5 
Rest as needed 

-Went 225# across the sets ... focused on position and speed on the lockout ... not too taxing. 

Find a 1 RM Push-Press 

Singles  = 225#, 245#, 265# (f), 255# ... shoulders are super tight/sore from yesterday ... felt rough from the get-go. Not a PR. 

10 RFT:
3 Power Clean (205#/145#) 
3 Shoulder-to-Overhead (205/145#)
6 Strict HSPU 

-23:11 ... rough workout, was shooting for under 20, but HSPU really got me. I consistently did the power cleans as singles, all S2O unbroken. HSPU were all over the place ... first set unbroken, then everything else was 4s, 3s, 2s, 1s ... just did what I could. Really tough going right to the wall after those S2O. 

3 Sets:
GHD Plank x :60 
Rest as needed
DB Lateral Raise x 10 reps (2 x 15# DB)
Rest as needed
Ring Rows x 8 
Rest as needed 

-Complete ... good cool-down. 

Thursday, July 28, 2016


AM Workout (0530) 

Was working out alone this morning and I wasn't feeling hard crossfit. Got together a bodybuilding workout and enjoyed myself. Kept the rest intervals short, all less than 2 minutes. Got a huge pump and just had fun in the gym.

Bench Press
Build up to a heavy single
Then 80% of that 3x3
Then 70% of that 4x4
Rest as needed

-235# for the single ... built up to this quickly ... much more there, but was working out alone so didn't really push it.
-80% (190#) = 3x3
-70% (175#) = 4x4 ... everything felt very solid, light numbers. 

Incline DB Bench Press
3 sets of 10 reps
Rest as needed

-60#, 70#, 70# ... less than 2 minute rest, haven't done this in a while, didn't feel great. 

3 Sets:
Weighted Dips (20#) x 8 reps
Rest as needed


3 Super-Sets:
Rope Tricep Push-Downs (can't remember the weight?) x 20
Close-Grip Barbell Curl (75#) x 12
Rest as needed


3 Super-Sets:
French Press (70#) x 8
Single-Arm Preach DB Curl (30#) x 16 (8 each arm)
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
Overhead Tricep Extension (15# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed


3 Super-Sets:
Rope Face Pulls x 12 reps
Push-ups x 12 reps
Rest as needed


PM Workout (1100) 

2 x 1600m TT
Rest 5:00 

-Tried to get this in a little earlier because running in the heat blows... it was upside of 80 degrees when I ran these though. I was pretty tired and hungry when I got out the door to do this, I didn't want to run... completely forced myself ... but it was okay once I got on the track and started moving... anyway, outcome was this:

-Mile 1 = 5:35 (23 seconds improvement from 5:58 on 4/23/16)

-In April my splits were = 85, 3:00, 4:20, 5:58Today = 80, 2:40, 4:20, 5:35 ... so I'm not entirely sure what happened today, I just hauled ass on that last lap. I felt much more fit than I remember feeling in April. 

-Mile 2 = 6:45 (really dragged ass... put everything I had into that first one)


Complete Rest ... fairly sore in my shoulders ... definitely needed the rest today.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


On a 25:00 Clock…

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat + Overhead Squat

Straight into…

Every 3 for 15 (5 sets):
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat

-185#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 225#
-225#, 235#, 245#, 255#, 265# (PR) ... this is a 5# PR ... probably more there. I was lifting on an uneven surface, which is far from ideal. 

For time:
Power Snatch (145#/105#)  
Overhead Squat (145#/105#)
Strict Ring Dip 

-22:50 ... this was supposed to be done with muscle-ups, but the only rings I had access to were very low to the ground. This really pissed me off initially, but once I got moving I still got a great workout and challenge out of this. I was working out alone, no music and with the uneven surface I was chasing my bar all over the fucking gym as it rolled away every time I'd drop it. Not ideal and I could definitely go faster if I didn't have all these adverse conditions. But in retrospect I should just be happy I get a gym to workout at and that I can workout pain free.

3 Rounds, for quality unbroken sets:
10 Strict Pull-ups
Rest as needed 
10 Glute Ham Raises
Rest as needed



AM Workout (1100) 

Rough workout this morning... worked out alone in a super-hot outdoor gym (about 85 degrees) with no music. It was tough to go hard given I was alone and the intense heat.

Work up to 1 RM Box Squat

Followed by 3 sets of:
Tempo Back Squats x 3 reps @ (4 down, 2 in bottom, 1 up)

-Box Squat Single = 385# ... no where near a PR, went on the lighter side.
-Tempo = 3x3 @ 225# ... light/easy, no back pain which is good though.

For time:
1000m Row
25 Thrusters (95/65#)
25 Toes-to-Bar
100 Double-Unders
25 Thrusters (95/65#)
25 Toes-to-Bar

-12:00 ... hot...alone ...  awful ... no chalk, so T2B took longer than I expected.

3 Sets:
Side Plank x :60 – right / left
Rest as needed


PM Workout (1730) 

Felt like this morning wasn't a very good session... looked at the local gym WOD and figured I'd give it a go. Ended up being a solid conditioning session.

Tempo Dead-lifts - 4 sets of 4 @ 6111 (6 second descent)

-225# Across ... didn't go super heavy, felt a good stretch in my hamstrings though.

4 RFT:
25 Russian KBS (2 pood)
25 Toes-to-Bar
*EMOM: 5 Burpees

-10:40 ... fun / short WOD, felt much better this afternoon than I did this morning. Glad I got this in and got some good intensity. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016


AM Workout (0530) 

Back to programming for myself and to training alone ... working out alone kind of blows, but got the work in today. 

Every 3 for 18 (6 sets):
Power Clean and Split-Jerk x 1 rep

Followed by…

1 set:
Strict Press x Max Reps @ 75% (135#) 

-Clean and Jerk = 225#, 245#, 265#, 275#, 285# (failed jerk), 285# ... felt pretty good today. I was lifting in front of a mirror, it kind of threw me off, especially on my jerks. I should have easily had the 5th jerk, but just kind of fucked it up because I was watching myself in the mirror.

-Strict Press = 9 reps at 135# ... pretty big effort, felt tough. 

25 Calorie Row
16 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
6 Strict HSPU (4/2” deficit)

-3 Rounds ... used 2 x 35# bumper plates for the HSPU. I don't think I've ever actually done strict deficit HSPU in a workout before. Tough challenge for me, not too taxing metabolically though. 

3 Sets:
Plank x :60
Rest 2:00 


3 Giant Sets: 
4 x Strict Supinated Pull-ups (8 second descent)
10 x Standing KB Curls (2 x 35# for two sets, dropped to 24# for last set) 
6 x Strict Tempo Dips (3 seconds down, 2 seconds up)
20 x Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions (12.5# for two sets, 17.5# for last set) 
Rest as needed

-Complete ... really solid pump.

15 Minute ROMWOD


PM Workout (1200) 

5 x 400m
:60 Rest

-78,78,77, 82, 78 ... really hot at Camp Pendleton... legs still store from all the wall-balls on Friday. Overall kind of a rough session... didn't feel particularly great.

10 Minute Handstand Walk Practice

-Was consistently getting about 10 yards each attempt. Was doing this on a turf field on a very hot day, was tough on my hands with the heat. 


Complete Rest

Saturday, July 23, 2016


On vacation with my fiance this weekend, so we just made up a workout that sounded mutually appealing and got after it. We were in Del Mar and went into a gym for 'open gym' hours. Got a good sweat on and did some stretching afterwards, was a good way to sweat out the alcohol from last night.

7 Burpee Pull-ups
10 KBS (70/53#)
200m Run

-Don't remember the rounds at all, just went at a consistent pace. Everything felt fine, running in the heat was a little tough, definitely began to slow down on the run during the second half of this.

15 Minute ROMWOD


Friday, July 22, 2016


I wasn't planning on doing a class WOD today, but I was awake so I decided to go ahead and give it a go. It ended up being a pretty decent workout.

Clean Grip Dead-lift - Heavy Double

-Worked up to 385# ... haven't been deadlifting much at all, felt fine. Went double-overhand, but did not hookgrip. Glad I could deadlift pain free.

EMOM Until Failure
Min 1 - 20 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
Min 2 - 1 Rope Climb (15')*
*Every 6th minute add a rope climb (i.e. at 6 do 2 RCs each odd minute, at 12 do 3 RC, at 18 do 4 RC etc.)

-I got through minute 24, failed minute 25. The 25th minute was my first set at 5 rope climbs within the minute. I got through 4 and failed the last one. Tough workout overall, solid way to push myself, wall balls felt great.


Complete Rest

Body is feeling good... felt like training, but just let myself rest. This low volume week is really treating my body well.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


AM Workout (0530) 

Another morning class workout... wasn't really a fan of the programming today... metcon was stupid ... but tried to get as much intensity out of this as I could.

Behind the Neck Split Jerk - 5 sets of 3 reps
Rest as needed

-205#, 225#, 245#, 260#, 270# (PR?) ... I don't think I've ever tested a 3 RM behind the neck jerk, but this is technically a PR.

For time:
Row 500m

Rest 5:00

For time:
30 Power Cleans (115#)

Rest 5:00

For time:
Row 500m

-1:28.8 (not a PR)
-About 60 seconds? didn't really catch the clock, went unbroken though
-1:37.8 ... rough

PM Workout (1130) 

Had some time to get some extra work in, threw something together. Got some lifting in, wanted to hit a conditioning workout, but didn't have the time.

Strict Press - 4 sets of 5 reps
Rest as needed

-95#, 115#, 135#, 155# ... last set was a big effort, didn't feel great.

Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes (10 sets):
3 x Hang Power Cleans + 1 x Power Jerk

-185# x 2
-205# x 2
-225# x 2
-235# x 2
-245# x 1
-255# x 1 ... last set was tough, I was pretty tossed by the end of this, primarily from the fact that I was doing this outdoors and it was really hot at Camp Pendleton today.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


AM Workout (0530) 

Class workout... didn't really fit in my routine right now... but went at it anyway. Kind of fucking stupid, but this gym doesn't post their workouts the night before. Really pissed me off, but once I got rolling on the conditioning I felt very fit.

40 Minute Warm-up
Rowing/Mobility/PVC/Barbell Stuff (up to 135#)

5 RFT:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65#)

-11:55 ... last time I did this was in 2012 ... I PRed today by about 10 seconds... but who knows because every gym's 400m is different. Regardless I felt very fit throughout this workout.

PM Workout (1200) 

Every 2 for 16 Minutes (8 sets):
300m Run

-Each interval was about :50-:60 seconds ... about 1:1 rest. Tough workout in the sun at the Main Side track at Camp Pendleton. Really nice facility right next to my shop, will definitely be utilizing it more over the next few months.

Sunday, July 17, 2016


AM Workout (0530) 

Hit the class workout at the local gym. It ended up being a pretty decent workout. 

Close Grip Bench Press - 5x5 

-165#, 175#, 185#, 195# (f - 4 reps), 195# (f - 4 reps) ... couldn't lock out those last two. Didn't feel particularly strong, but was rushed going at the classes' pace.

15 Rounds for Time:
1 Dead-lift (315#)
2 Strict HSPU
3 Strict C2B Pull-ups
4 Russian KBS (2 pood)

-13:24 ... this ended up being a pretty solid conditioning workout. It wasn't very metabolically taxing, but was good to move through at a consistent pace. First heavy-ish dead-lifting I've done in a while, felt okay though. 

PM Workout (1200) 

Muscle Snatch - 3 sets of 2 reps
Rest as needed

-135#, 155#, 175# (f - only 1 rep) ... didn't really warm-up, felt like ass. 

High Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance + Snatch-Grip Push-Press x 3 sets
Rest as needed

-175#, 185#, 195# 

Every 3 for 15 (5 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep 

-185#, 195#, 205#, 215#, 225# ... didn't feel great, but got these in. 

Snatch Pull - 3 x 3
Rest as needed

-225# Across 

3 RFT:
500m Row
15 Knees-to-Elbows
15 KB Snatch Right (53/35#)
15 KB Snatch Left (53/35#)

-13:26 ... tough workout on the hands... those snatches really tore up my calluses. Overall a good finisher to the day though. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016


AM Workout (1000) 

Went to the same gym as yesterday, but went to the Saturday 'competitor' workout session. They follow the Invictus program, so I just hit that them with. 

Take 15-20 minutes to build to approximately 90% (285#) of your 1-RM Clean & Jerk

-Complete ... everything felt solid ... power clean and split jerk each rep. 

Against a 6-minute running clock, perform the following…
1 Clean & Jerk (225/155 lbs)
Unbroken Muscle-Ups
1 Clean & Jerk (255/170 lbs)
Unbroken Muscle-Ups
1 Clean & Jerk (275/185 lbs)
Unbroken Muscle-Ups
1 Clean & Jerk (295/195 lbs)
Unbroken Muscle-Ups
1 Clean & Jerk (315/205 lbs)
Unbroken Muscle-Ups
Time Cap: 6 Minutes

Scoring – Each muscle-up performed is worth 10 points. Once an athlete comes off the rings, they must move to the barbell and complete the Clean & Jerk before returning to the rings. The athlete’s final score will be the heaviest clean & jerk they successfully lifted (one point per pound), plus 10 points for each muscle-up completed. For example:

ATHLETE A – 255 lbs + 32 Muscle-Ups = 575
ATHLETE B – 295 lbs + 28 Muscle-Ups = 575

-My score was 515 ... 275# + 24 Muscle-ups ... was sharing rings and I probably could have done a little better on this (more muscle-ups) had I not been sharing rings with someone, but overall got a lot of intensity out of this. 

One set of:
400 meter Farmers Carry (32/24 kg)

-Didn't time this, but this was tough and worth doing. 

Three sets of:
Dumbbell Skull Crushers (2 x 35# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Rows (135#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed


20 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete ... felt great.

PM Workout (1900) 

Basically got out the door out of boredom/stress relief ... I was really enjoying the structured running program I was on (I got through 10 of 12 weeks of the program). With this whole new job/relocation thing I wasn't able to finish it out. Still getting in some running... but haven't had a firm enough schedule to really commit to another program... anyway, got out the door and just added this in. On a very positive note, a 70 degree evening in San Diego is just about absolute perfect weather.

Every 5 for 30 minutes (6 sets):
400m Run (steep incline) / walk/jog back to bottom of hill

-Each of these took about 79-85 seconds. I think my route was a little short... but the incline more than made up for it. Tough on the lungs and legs, but overall felt pretty good.


Dropped into a local gym... workout wasn't posted on their website... more snatching yet again. I'm pretty sure this is the most I've snatched in any given week in quite a while. At least today the numbers were very light. Really simple class WOD... nothing too taxing.

Every 2 for 12 (6 sets):
1 Snatch-Grip Dead-lift + 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 OHS @ 70% (165#)

-Complete ... light numbers.

For time:
Squat Snatch (115#)
Strict Ring Row
*200m Run after each set

-10:50 ... really simple, don't typically do ring-rows for time, but it was the board and I didn't want to rock the boat. The variance was probably a good thing.

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Complete Rest ... spent the day checking into my unit at Camp Pendleton ... not much time to workout. Figuring everything at my new job out, will definitely hit the gym tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Today was a pretty cool day... dropped into Crossfit Invictus in downtown San Diego... wasn't the most social environment, but definitely good coaching and a competitive environment. Got a solid workout of today and felt generally beat up after the conditioning.

Take 20 Minutes to Build up to:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat

Followed by 3 Sets of:
Snatch x 2 Reps @ 90% of today (220#)

Followed by 3 Sets of:
Snatch x 1 Rep @ 90% of today (220#)

-Built up to 245# for the power snatch + OHS ... 245# is a 5# PR power snatch and is my squat snatch PR as well. Missed a shot at 250# today... will get it soon though. Missed a couple reps at 220# ... but these were super rushed, overall felt solid.

On a running clock:

AMRAP 6 Minutes
Squat Snatch (185#)

rest 4 minutes until 10:00, then...

For time:
Clean (225#)

-21 Squat Snatches


Complete Rest / 14.5 hour drive from San Diego to Boise ... definitely tightened up my back.

Monday, July 11, 2016


This morning was some really solid training. I felt great. Last training session back home before heading down to the San Diego area. Put something together with this guy I've been training with while home. Felt really great on weightlifting stuff and on the bodyweight stuff. Overall a super solid session, feeling fit. 

AM Workout (0700) 

EMOM 12:
4 Minutes of: Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Snatch Balance
4 Minutes: Hang Power Snatch 
4 Minutes: Power Snatch

-Complex = 135#, 135#, 165#, 165#,
-Hang Power Snatch= 195#, 205#, 215#, 225#
-Power Snatch = 225#, 230#, 235#, 240# (PR) ... felt really easy, wanted to throw a little more weight on there, but due to time constraints saved the next PR for another day. 

On a running clock:

10 RFT:
10 Cal Row
5 Muscle-ups

at 20:00…

10 RFT:
10 Cal Row
5 Strict HSPU  

at 40:00…

10 RFT:
10 Cal Row
1 Legless Rope Climb

-11:17 ... training partner beat me by about a minute on the first one / 30 seconds on the second one / and I beat him by about a minute on the last one. Very solid training. Unbroken on everything. 

3 Sets, not for time:
Weighted Strict Pull-ups (53#, 63#, 63#) x 5
Rest as needed
DB Bench Press (60#s, 75#s, 75#s x 10)
Rest as needed
Side Planks x :60 (each side)
Rest as needed


PM (1300) 

37 Minute Trail Run ... unknown distance ... lots of rolling hills and sun. Great way to spend my last afternoon in Boise.