Friday, December 31, 2021


Today was a decent workout ... last of the training cycle. Overall its been a fun 18 weeks, but with this workout my  functional bodybuilding trainer block is over and I am going to switch into an 11 week powerlifting block. Looking forward to the change and hopefully hitting some PRs at a lower body weight than last spring. 


2-3 sets 

1. Banded Face Pull x 12-15reps

*Keep the elbows high and wide and attempt to squeeze your shoulder blades together with each rep.

2. Cossack Squat x 5/side

*Drive strongly through the foot into the ground, and try to maintain a straight low back position during the entire movement. 

3. Squat Hip Rotations x 10-15reps

*Elevate the heels if necessary to make this position more comfortable. Option 1) move the knees in and out with your hands. Option 2) move the knees in and out without the hands. Option 3) Move the knees in and out with the hands and add some resistance from the legs. 

4. Full Squat Burpee x 10 reps

*Sit into the squat position on the way up and down. Wake the body up! 

*Intention: Open up the groin and hips in preparation for lower body training.



2-3 Sets

20 Double Leg Seated Calf Raise

20 Plank Psoas March

20 Double Leg Banded Hamstring Curl

REST AS NEEDED between exercises and sets

-Complete ... 2 sets ... 2x35# on the calf raises, 1 blue mini band for the psoas and 1 black band on the hamstring curls 


3-4 Sets

1. 1-1/4 Front Squat 3,3,3,3

rest 15sec

2. KB Rack Drop Lunge x 4-6/leg

rest 15sec

3. KB Rack Wall Sit 30-40sec

rest 90-120sec and back to 1

-205#, 235#, 255# ... 2x35# KB for the other movements 


2-3 Sets

30sec Side Plank R

30sec Side Plank L

30sec Adduction Bias Side Plank R

30sec Adduction Bias Side Plank L

50sec Ring Plank

*rest as needed between movements and sets

-Complete, 2 sets 


12min AMRAP


Back Squat 225/175 (from Rack)

Weighted DB Sit Ups 50/35lbs 

Single Arm DB Overhead Step Up 20/16" 50/35lbs

Candlestick Roll Up

-Finished in the middle of the round of 6 ... was good movement, but with the exercises in this workout there wasn't much intensity, just a flow that built up a little sweat. Nice way to end out the cycle. Looking forward to some strength sessions in the coming weeks!


1) Supine Hamstring Stretch x 1 min/side 

*Keep a slight arch in your low back during this stretch. 

2) Half Kneeling Anterior Line Stretch x 1 min/side

3) Front Split Progression: Start in the couch stretch position. Perform 10-15 rocks in and out of the front leg (as demonstrated). Walk out the front leg and then perform another 10-15 rocks. Use an object to hold onto (paralletes or yoga blocks). Then try to straighten the front leg (while holding onto the stationary objects), and stretch the the hamstrings without allowing your torso to rotate. Spend a total of 2 minutes per side on this drill. 

4) Front Splits x 2 min/side

-D/N Complete

Thursday, December 30, 2021


Today was a solid workout... got my booster shot yesterday and my left shoulder is really tender... definitely didn't feel great with all this upper body pressing, but got everything in and felt decent. 


2-3 sets 

1. Supinated Passive Hang x 30 sec

*Move hands out for more stretch through the lats. 

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 10reps with 2-3 sec hold each rep

*Tuck the ribcage to minimize movement through the low back. 

3. Bar Dip Stretch x 30 sec

*Sink the body as low as possible. You can GENTLY press in and out or shift side to side to make this stretch dynamic. 

4. Turkish Get Up x 3-5/side



Every 120 for 4 sets 

Bench Press x 1-2 reps

Rest 2-3 minutes and then build up to a heavy single 

-225# x 2, 235# x 2, 245# x 2, 260# x 1, 270# x 1, 280# x 1 (fail - needed a small spot through the middle) 


3-4 Sets

1. Seated Strict Press; 4,4,2,2

rest 30sec

2. Deficit Strict Handstand Push Up; 20X0 x 3-5reps

rest 90-120sec and back to 1

-145# x 4, 155# x 4, 170# x 2, 180# x 2 ... went 4x3 on the strict deficits 


10min AMRAP @ sustainable pace

250/200m Bike

6 Paralette Push Ups

8 Alt DB Power Snatch 50/35lbs

-Don't remember the rounds, but got a nice pump/sweat out of this 


2-3 Sets

1. Dumbbell Pull-Over; 10-12reps

rest 30sec

2. DB Curl to Press; 6-8 reps

rest 30sec

3. DB Side Plank Rotations; 6-8/arm

rest 60sec and back to 1

-3 sets ... used 50# for the pull-overs and curl and press ... 15# for the planks 


1) Cat Cow x 10 with 2-3 sec hold in each end position. 

2) Cobra Stretch x 10 with 5-10 sec hold. 

3) Bridge Pose x 2 min 

*To regress this movement, place a towel around the front of the ankles and hold each end of the towel with the hands. 

4) Pike Stretch x 2 min 

5) Standing Forward Fold x 1 minute

-D/N Complete

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


Today was an okay workout... felt a bit tired and unmotivated to hit the gym, but got everything in and felt decent once I started moving. 


2-3 sets 

1. Shinbox Switch x 5/side 

*Try to minimize  movement through the low back. Move the first leg as far as possible before moving the trail leg.  

2. Assisted Low Switch Cossack x 5/side

*Stay low and try to keep both feet planted on the ground to maximize the stretch through the adductors (groin). 

3. Patrick Step x 10-15/side 

*This movement should be painfree. Drive the knee forward as far as possible on the stance leg. 

4. Knee Over Toe Split Squat x 6-8/side  

*Use hand support if necessary. Aim to get your knee as far forward over the toe as comfortable while simultaneously stretching through the front of the trail leg.

*Intention: Open up the front of the hips and legs in preparation for single leg knee flexion.



Assault Bike 12mins @ continuous steady pace

Every 90sec get off the bike and perform

Odd Sets - 10 Alternating Goblet Curtsy Drop Lunge (2-4" Step)

Even Sets - 12 V Ups

-Complete, 35# for the goblet squats 


Back Squat; 21X1; 1.1.1 rest 10sec

rest 2-3mins x 5 sets 

1.1.1 = cluster set; 3 reps per set with 10sec rest between reps where the bar is put on the rack

275#, 295#, 315#, 325#, 335# 


3-4 Sets

1. Back Rack Cossack Squat; 20X0; 2-4/leg; 

rest 30sec

2. Neutral Grip Strict Pull Up; 21X1; 2-4/reps

rest 30sec

3. Alternating Dumbbell Z Press; 30X1; 2-4/arm

rest 60-90sec and back to 1

-3 Sets ... went 45#, 65#, 85# on the cossack squats, 25# across on the pull-ups and 50#s across on the DBZP


12mins Continuous GRIND

15sec Chin Over Bar Hang

15sec Tuck L Hang

5 Dual KB Clean from Floor 53/35lbs

40m Dual KB Rack Carry

12 Alternating Cobra Drop Lunges 

-Complete, don't remember the reps/rounds, but got a big pump from this 


1) Shinbox ER Stretch x 1 min/side 

*Keep arch in low back as you lean forward over the front leg. 

2) Shinbox IR Stretch x 1 min/side 

*Rotate as far as possible toward the trail leg while keeping a straight spine position. Option to keep hands behind you using yoga blocks OR grab onto the trail leg hip and ankle. 

3) Shinbox Switch x 5/side 

4) Shinbox Overhead Reach x 5/side with 5 sec hold.

-D/N Complete

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Today was an okay workout ... felt pretty tired this morning and not really interested in working out, but got everything in. 


2-3 sets 

1. Shinbox Switch x 6-8/side

*Try to minimize  movement through the low back. Move the first leg as far as possible before moving the trail leg.  

2. Dumbbell Jefferson Curl x 5

*Move one vertebrae at a time before fully hinging at the hip, reverse out of the movement the same way you went into the movement. 

3. Elephant Step x 10-15/side 

*Straighten the knee and stretch through the hamstrings as much as possible. 

4. Leg Swings x 10/side 

* Get those legs ready for some explosive movements to come in training. 

*Intention: Prep the hamstrings and posterior chain in preparation for hinging.



Hot Start

EMOM x 12mins

1st - Alternating KB Clean to Rotational Press x 8-10reps

2nd - Bike 10sec Easy + 10sec Moderate + 10sec Hard

3rd - 3 Burpee Broad Jumps (go for max distance) 



Snatch Deadlift 31X1 x 1rep + Snatch Pull (no tempo) x 2reps; 

rest 2mins x 4 sets

-185#, 205#, 225#, 235# 


1 Low Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch; rest 2mins x 4 Sets

-155#, 175#, 185#, 195# 


4 Rounds, with a partner, one partner working at a time: 

30 American Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs

20 Burpees

30 Cal Ski 

30 Anchored PVC Sit-Ups

30 Cal Bike 



1) Frog Stretch x 1-2 minutes. 

*Continually rock backwards into this position, continue to widen the knees if possible. 

2) Middle Split x 2 minutes

*Use stationary object to hold onto in front of you. If more comfortable you can lean forward from your hip onto the object in front of you. Similar to the demonstration, except he is holding onto the ground. 

3) Middle Split Knee Bends x 10-15

*This may require you to bring the feet in a little closer to a more reasonable middle split position. With the knee bends, try to take tension on and off in the hamstrings. 

4) Bottom of Squat Hold x 2 minute

*Hold onto stationary object for improved position.

-D/N Complete 


 Today was a solid workout ... Took an extra rest day yesterday as we had some family in town and spent the time with them ... extra rest was nice and my body glycogen stores were definitely full today from all the extra Christmas food/drinks. Felt good in the gym, looking forward to training tomorrow. 

Cardio of Choice x 3-5 minutes 

2-3 sets 

1. Scapular Push Ups x 6-8reps 

*Keep elbows straight. Initiate the movement by retracing the shoulder blades. 

2. Bar Dip Stretch x 30 sec 

*Sink the body as low as possible. You can GENTLY press in and out or shift side to side to make this stretch dynamic. 

3. Beast to Alternating Leg Through x 8/side 

*Stay smooth on your transitions from side to side 

4. Single Arm Turkish Sit Up x 5/side 

*Reach up toward the ceiling and allow the shoulder to rotate naturally.

*Intention: Prep the scapula and thoracic spine in preparation for upper body pressing and pulling.


A) Coach's Notes

3 Sets for Quality 

10 Landmine Tall Kneeling Single Arm Press R 

10 Landmine Tall Kneeling Oblique Twist R 

10 Landmine Tall Kneeling Windmill R 

rest 30sec 

10 Landmine Tall Kneeling Single Arm Press L 

10 Landmine Tall Kneeling Oblique Twist L 

10 Landmine Tall Kneeling Windmill L 

rest 30sec and back to the right

-Complete, 45# across 

B) Bench Press SuperSet

3 Sets 

1. Close Grip Bench - 20X1; 3,2,1 

rest 15sec 

Dumbbell Bench Press - 10X0; 10,8,6 

rest 90-120sec

*close grip = hands just inside shoulder width

-215# x 3, 235# x 2, 250# x 1 ... 75# DBs across ... 250# for a tempo close grip is good for me, was happy about this. 

C) Strength Effort Conditioning - Full Body

4 Rounds @ Strength Effort 

10 Dumbbell Chainsaw Row R 

10 Dumbbell Chainsaw Row L 

10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press R 

10 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press L 

10 Dumbbell Front Rack Step Ups 24/20" R 

10 Dumbbell Front Rack Step Ups 24/20" L 

*This week has higher reps so choose a moderate dumbbell that you feel confident to complete reps in each round unbroken

-75# for the rows ... 50#s for the presses and step-ups 

D) Muscle Endurance Intervals - Push and Pull

3-4 Sets 

6 Deficit Strict HSPU

rest 10sec 

9 Hand Release Push Ups 

rest 10sec 

12 Strict Pull-ups

rest 10sec 

Ski 250/200m 

rest walk 2-3mins

-4 Sets ... all sets unbroken, but didn't time the intervals, just the rest ... good conditioning, got a massive pump from this 


1. Passive Hang x 1 minute 

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch.

2. Supianted Passive Hang x 1 minute 

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch.

3. Seated Shoulder Extension with Barbell OR Seated Shoulder Extension on Floor x 2 minutes 

*Find a comfortable positions for the shoulders. Keep your shoulders down and back during the stretch.

4. Prayer Stretch x 2 min or 1 min/side 

*Perform on the bench as demonstrated, or put one elbow against the wall and lean into it.

-D/N Complete

Friday, December 24, 2021


Today was a different/fun workout ... got in the first couple parts of the program I'm doing and then we added in a '12 Days of Christmas' workout. Overall fun conditioning, not too taxing. I've historically done some extreme versions of these workouts, but this one was one of the easier versions. Fun stuff regardless, happy to get this in. 


2-3 sets 

1. Dynamic Adductor Stretch x 10/side  

*Do NOT allow the low back to round as you sink back into the stretch position. 

2. Assisted Low Switch Cossack Squat x 5/side 

*Stay low and try to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground to maximize the stretch through the adductors (groin). 

3. Patrick Step x 10-15/leg

*This movement should be painfree. Drive the knee forward as far as possible without letting the heel come up. 

4. Side Lying Thoracic Rotations x 10/side

*Keep your hips and knees at 90 degree angles

*Intention: Open up the groins and hips. Activate the quads and glutes in preparation for squatting.  



2-3 Sets

10 Slant Board Single Leg Calf Raise Right

10 Slant Board Single Leg Calf Raise Left

10 Standing Banded Psoas March Right

10 Standing Banded  Psoas March Left

10 Banded Hamstring Curls Right

10 Banded Hamstring Curls Left

REST AS NEEDED between exercises and sets



3-4 Sets

1. 1-1/4 Overhead Squat x 3,3,3,3

rest 15sec

2. Goblet Pistol Squat; 4-6/leg

rest 15sec

3. Split Stance Isometric w/ Pulse x 20-30sec/leg

rest 90-120sec and back to 1

-3 Sets ... went 125#, 155#, 175# on the OHS... 35# across on the pistols ... :30 each side on the iso holds. 


'12 Days of Christmas (in the basement gym)' 

1 - 250m Bike Erg 

2 - KB Windmills (35/26#)

3 - 3 Strict Pull-ups 

4 - DB Push-Press (2x50/35#) 

5 - Burpees

6 - Jumping Lunges

7 - Push-ups

8 - KB Swings (72/53#)

9 - Knees-to-Elbows

10 - DB Deadlifts (2x50/35#)

11 - Box Jumps (24/20")

12 - Pistols (each leg - 24 total) 

-29:15 ... unbroken on all the movements except a couple rounds of the K2E ... overall fun aerobic movement, didn't feel much accumulation of fatigue until the last rounds (about 24+ minutes) ... fun way to start the day. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021


This morning was a solid workout... benching up to some heavier doubles was fun. Overall got a nice pump from this workout and felt good overall. 


2-3 sets 

1. Supinated Passive Hang x 30 sec

*Move hands out for more stretch through the lats. 

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 10reps with 2-3 sec hold 

*Tuck the ribcage to minimize movement through the low back. 

3. Yoga Pushup x 6-8reps

*Press into the floor to stay active through the shoulder blades. 

4. Split Stance Pressing Windmill x 5/side 

*Reach up toward the ceiling and allow the shoulder to rotate naturally.

*Intention: Prep the scapula and thoracic spine in preparation for upper body pressing and pulling.



Every 120 x 8 sets (build weight each set)

2 Bench Press 

10 DB Shrugs 

-225#, 225#, 235#, 235#, 245#, 245#, 255# (fail - needed a spot on rep 2), 255# ... 100# across on the DBs ... happy to come back and get 255# after missing it on the first set 


3-4 Sets

1. Seated Touch and Go Strict Press; 6,6,4,4

rest 30sec

2. Strict Handstand Push-up; 21X1; 3-5reps

rest 90-120sec and back to 1

-4 sets ... went 135# x 6, 145# x 6, 155# x 4, 160# x 4 ... 4x3 across on the HSPU 


3-4 Sets

3 Strict C2B Pull-ups Pull Ups

6 Toes to Bar / K2E

9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105lbs

Bike 800/640 @ 75-80-85-90% (increase effort each round)

rest walk 90-120sec

-4 Sets ... didn't time the intervals, just the rest, but got all of these unbroken with some good intensity 


2-3 Sets

1. Hollow Body KB Pull-Over; 8-10reps

rest 30sec

2. Heel Sit Single-Arm KB Press; 6-8/arm

rest 30sec

3. Single Arm KB High Pull; 8-10/arm

rest 60sec and back to 1

-2 Sets ... 53# across for 3x8 on all movements 


1) Cat Cow x 10reps with 2-3 sec hold in each end position. 

2) Cobra Stretch x 10reps with 5-10 sec hold. 

3) Bridge Pose x 2 min 

*To regress this movement, place a towel around the front of the ankles and hold each end of the towel with the hands. 

4) Pike Stretch x 2 min 

5) Standing Forward Fold x 1 minute

-D/N Complete 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


AM Workout (0630)

Had a solid workout this morning, squatting was fun and the conditioning was nice, nice too taxing. 


2-3 sets 

1. Worlds Greatest Stretch x 5/side 

*Aim to keep the back leg straight sinking into the front hip as you lower the elbow to the floor. Rotate primarily through the upper/mid back as you reach toward the ceiling. 

2. Goblet Heel Sit or Reverse Nordic x 10reps

*This movement should be painfree. Drive the tops of your feet and your shins into the floor as you lower and to initiate the return. 

3. Knee Over Toe Split Squat x 6-8/side  

*Use hand support if necessary. Aim to get your knee as far forward over the toe as comfortable while simultaneously stretching through the front of the trail leg. 

4. Jump Squat x 5reps

*Control into the squat position and explode out of the squat position.

*Intention: Open up the front of the hips and legs in preparation for squatting.



Bike 12mins @ continuous steady pace

At minutes 3,6,9, and 12 get off the bike and perform

3 Box Pistols/leg or Tall Box Step Ups/leg

15sec Hanging Tucks



Back Squat; 31X1; 2.2 rest 15sec; 

rest 2-3mins x 5 Sets

*2.2 = cluster sets - perform 2 reps, re-rack the bar for the specified number of seconds, then complete 2 more reps to finish out the set (4 reps per set) - Build weight with each cluster

-275#, 295#, 315#, 325#, 325# 


3-4 Sets

1. Back Rack Knee over Toe Split Squat; 30X1; 2-4/leg; 

rest 30sec

2. Three-Point Dumbbell Row; 21X1; 2-4/arm

rest 30sec

3. Single Arm DB Z Press; 30X1; 2-4/arm

rest 60-90sec and back to 1

-3 Sets ... went 45#, 75#, 95# on the split squats, 75# for the rows, 50# for the presses ... 3x4 on all movements 


For Time 

Ski 500m



Weighted Hollow Rock (hold 25/15# lb in hands)

Jumping Goblet Squats (53/35#)

Ski 500m 



Russian Twist 20/14lbs (R+L = 1)


Ski 500m



1) Couch Stretch x 1 min/side 

*Keep your butt against the heel for a more quad dominant stretch OR shift your hips forward for more of a hip flexor dominant stretch, 

2) Cobra Stretch x 10reps with 5-10 sec hold. 

3) Reclining Hero Pose x 2 min 

*Use an object to place under the upper back to regress this position. 

4) Bottom of Squat Hold x 2 min

*Hold onto stationary object for assistance OR lean against a wall to sit in the bottom of the squat comfortably.

-D/N Complete 

PM Workout (TBD)

25 Minute Easy Run 

-Complete ... unknown distance, but got this in to feel out my achilles. Have been strengthening it and resting from running for a couple weeks... zero pain today, which was the goal. Hopefully will be getting back into running and doing well on my PFT this spring. 


 Complete Rest 

Monday, December 20, 2021


 AM Workout (0630)

Had a solid workout this morning ... conditioning piece was really fun and 'crossfity.' Overall felt decent, looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. 


2-3 Rounds 

1. Shinbox Thoracic Rotation x 5/side with 5-sec hold

*Reach as far as possible, maximizing rotation through the thoracic spine and stretching the front leg glutes. 

2. Banded Hamstring Curl x 20-30 

*Try to minimize movement from the hip. Initiate the movement with control. 

3. Toes Elevated Dumbbell Jefferson Curl x 3-5 reps

*Try to move one vertebra at a time before hinging at the hip. 

4. Good Morning Jumps x 5 

*Stretch the glutes and hamstrings and then explosively transition into the jump.  

Intention: Prep the hamstrings and posterior chain in preparation for hinging. 



Hot Start

EMOM x 12mins

1st - 6-8 DB Single Leg RDL/side

2nd - Ski 10sec Easy + 10sec Moderate + 10sec Hard

3rd - 3 Single Leg Box Jump/side

-Complete, 35# DB, box jumps to 20" 


Snatch Deadlift 31X1 x 2reps + Snatch Pull x 3reps; rest 2mins x 4 Sets

-175#, 205#, 225#, 235# 


1 Hang Power Snatch Below Knee + 2 Power Snatch

rest 2mins x 4 Sets

-155#, 175#, 185#, 185# 


5 Rounds with, with a partner, 1 partner working at a time: 

20 Hang Power Cleans 135lbs/95lbs

12 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

20 Toes to Bar /K2E

Bike Erg 30 Calories

-19:18 ... fun workout ... kept the work a 1:1 on everything except the bike ... I was hitting 16-18 cals a round ... fun to do a partner workout, tried to push the intensity given the built in rest, fun stuff. 


1) Cat Cow x 10reps with 2-3 sec hold in each position. 

2) Childs Pose Reach Through x 5/side with 5-10 sec hold. 

3) Sidelying Thoracic Rotation with Reach x 5/side with a 10-sec hold. 

4) Seated Pike Stretch x 2 min 

5) Pancake Stretch x 1 min over L Leg, 1 min over R leg, 1 min over Center.


PM Workout (1730)


:30 Bike Erg

:30 Rest

-Complete ... kept this at a moderate pace and got a nice sweat... enjoyed some extra cardio, but I've really missed running. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021


Today was a solid workout ... still felt good on everything today... got a nice pump from this and had fun. 


2-3 Rounds 

1. Scapular Pull Ups x 6-8reps

*Keep elbows straight. Initiate the movement by retracing the shoulder blades.

2. Shoulder Extension Bridge x 6-8reps

*Keep your shoulder blades down and back (chest up) during this entire movement. 

3. Yoga Pushup x 6-8reps

*Press into the floor to stay active through the shoulder blades. 

4. Kettlebell Windmill x 5/side 

*Reach up toward the ceiling and allow the shoulder to rotate naturally. 

*Intention: Prep the scapula and thoracic spine in preparation for upper body pressing and pulling.  



3 Sets for Quality

12 Landmine Strict Press R

12 Landmine Snatch High Pull R

12 Landmine Meadow Row R

rest 30sec

12 Landmine Strict Press L

12 Landmine Snatch High Pull L

12 Landmine Meadow Row L

rest 30sec and back to the right 

*keep loading light-moderate, prep for the work to come

-Complete, across at 60# 


3 Sets

1. Close Grip Bench - 20X1; 4,3,3

rest 15sec

2. Dumbbell Bench Press - 10X0; 12,10,8

rest 90-120sec and back to 1

-205# x 4, 215# x 3, 225# x 3 ... used 2x75#DB across 


4-5 Sets

1. Weighted Strict Pull Up; 1.1 (rest 15sec between singles)

rest 45sec

2. Weighted Strict Dip; 1.1.1 (rest 15sec between singles)

rest 90sec

*1.1 is a cluster set; one rep, rest for 15 seconds, 1 rep = one set

-5 Sets ... across with a 53# KB


For Quality


Narrow Grip Tricep Push Up @ 20X0

Supinated Strict Pull Up



Suitcase Reverse Lunge 50/35lbs

DB Gorilla Rows (R+L = 1)

-Complete, this took about 14 minutes ... toughest part were the tricep push-ups... tempo rocked me. 


1. Passive Hang x 1 minute 

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch. 

2. Supinated Passive Hang x 1 minute

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch. 

3. Seated Shoulder Extension with Barbell OR Seated Shoulder Extension on Floor x 2 minutes

*Find a comfortable positions for the shoulders. Keep your shoulders down and back during the stretch. 

4. Prayer Stretch x 2 min or 1 min/side

*Perform on the bench as demonstrated, or put one elbow against the wall and lean into it.

-D/N Complete