Monday, February 28, 2011


I was still sore in my calves today; I did a very thorough warm-up. Today was a strange day. I had work obligations that messed with my eating and made me cancel my AM and PM workouts. I ended up doing my AM workout in the PM and not getting in my second workout. I was somewhat disappointed with this. I was supposed to lift in the AM and then do a PM interval session. I have another interval session on Wednesday that I'm very much looking forward to. Anyway my PM WOD looked like this:

Dead Hang Pull-ups Max Set: 19
DHPU w/ 53 lbs: 3 reps, then drop set of 5 unweighted
DHPU w/ 35 lbs: 4 reps, then drop set of 5 unweighted


8 x 2 @ 155 C&J (was supposed to be at 85% of 1 RPM, but I had to cut back significantly to work on form. My clean is almost perfect, my jerk is terrible)
3 x 3 Strict Press @ 135 (these felt much better than last week)


1 Muscle Up, 2 HSPU, 4 x 135 lb Bench Press
2, 4, 8

This part of the workout was intense. I got to the third round going straight through with no rest and then bonked on the bench press. The last two rounds took some time. The muscle-ups felt good; the HSPUs were the hardest part.

Rest 3 minutes then do:

100 push-ups with a 200m run every time you reach failure. After all the shoulder and chest work before these push-ups I had to do a lot of running. My sets were 30,18,17,15,20. I ended up running 800m. I felt good on the running, I'm excited to get out on the track on Wednesday and I'm a little upset I missed the track workout today. Overall a good day, I'm extremely excited for track workouts and for getting weightlifting shoes (ordered them online, expecting them by end of the week). I know all of lifts are going to go up with some legit shoes.

Meal 1 - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 - 1 Burger, 1 slice WW Bread (430 Cal, 22g F, 24g C, 46 g P)

Meal 3 - (pre-workout) Whey, 1 Banana, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (330 Cal, 9g F, 32g C, 30g P)

Meal 4 - (post-workout) Whey, 1 tbsp Olive Oil, 1.5 Cups WW Pasta, 1 cup FF milk, 1 Banana (675 Cal, 16.5g F, 97g C, 44g P)

Meal 5 - 6 oz Steak, 1 cup FF Milk (430 Cal, 18g F, 13g C, 54g P)

Daily Total (medium carb) 2045 Cal, 72g F, 180.5g C, 187g P

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Rest day. I wanted to get some active recovery this weekend. I decided to cut it out. I can't remember a time in my life my calves have been this sore. All the parts of my body that were sore yesterday are still store today. I'm hoping my body recovers after these two days off and I'm ready for tomorrow. I upped my calories significantly over the last few days in hope of recovering. Excited for this next week of training.

Meal 1 - Whey, Flax, 1 Banana (285 Cal, 8g F, 29g C, 26g p)

Meal 2 - 4 Eggs, 1 Slice Bacon, 1 Link Turkey Sausage, 1/3 cup Cheese, Mixed Veggies, 8 Strawberries (515 Cal, 36g F, 12g C, 45g P)

Meal 3 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Slices WW Bread (600 Cal, 20g F, 66g C, 60g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Burger, 2 Slices WW Bread, Mixed Vegetables, 2 cups Lettuce, 24 Almonds, Fiber Shake (700 Cal, 40g F, 54g C, 58g P)

Daily Total (rest/medium carb): 2100 Cal, 104g F, 161g C, 189g P

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Complete rest. I am sore in my shoulders/traps/triceps/hamstrings/quads/calves. If I ever deserved a day of rest today was the day. Yesterday's workout was extremely taxing.

Meal 1 - Whey, Flax, 1 Banana (285 Cal, 8g F, 29g C, 26g p)

Meal 2 - Whey, 1 Slice WW Bread, 12 Walnuts (360 Cal, 15g F, 27g C, 32g P)

Meal 3 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast (400 Cal, 12g F, 18g C, 46g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast, 24 Almonds, Mixed Vegetables, 1 cup Brown Rice (700 Cal, 22g F, 68g C, 57g P)

Meal 5 - 1 Chicken Breast (300 Cal, 8g F, 0g C, 39g P)

Daily Total (medium carb/rest): 1955 Cal, 65g F, 142g C, 200g P

Friday, February 25, 2011


I got about 8 hours of sleep; I felt good when I woke up. I was decently sore in my traps/shoulders and hamstrings and extremely sore in my triceps. I felt great once I got in the gym; eating up yesterday helped a ton. Anyway today's workout went like this:

10 Sets of 7 Static Pull-ups with varying grips each set; each set super-set with 7 squats. 60 seconds rest between sets.

1. Regular overhand grip
2. Regular underhand grip
3. Wide overhand grip
4. Ring pull-ups
5. Archer pull-up on bar (right side)
6. Archer pull-up on bar (left side)
7. Rope pull-ups
8. Narrow overhand grip
9. Mix grip (right over/left under)
10. Mix grip (right under/left over)

After the pull-ups/squats I felt ready to roll.

Overhead Squat 4 x 15 (95,115, 125, 125 lb)
Front Squat 3 x 12 (165 lb)
Back Squat 3 x 10 (225 lb)

All the next sets were done with the partner's set as rest.

3 Super-sets of:
Back Extension x 10
GHD Sit up x 10

3 Sets of:
26 lb KB Windmill Curl and Press x 10 (google it) -This was the first time I'd ever done these. I'm looking forward to doing these with more weight in future.

3 Sets of:
15 Seconds L-sit Hold

The last part of the workout was very challenging as well, it was:

4 Super-sets of:
225 lb Calf Raises on Smith Machine x 20
Static Plie Squat Hold on Toes

Then 1 Super-set of:
Jumping Calf Raises x 20
Plie Squat Calf Raises x 25

This was overall a great workout. Going into this workout I wanted to do some conditioning afterward. I ended up not doing the conditioning because this workout was so taxing on the legs. The weights were not extremely heavy, but the high volume and little rest between sets kept my heart rate up the entire time. It was a great workout. I felt great on the pull-ups. I was really happy with my effort on the overhead squats. My form was drastically improved and the weight was heavier than I've ever gone for 15 reps. The super-sets after the squats was great for finishing out the workout. Overall a great day. I'm starting track workouts on Monday. We'll see how they go.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 3 Slices WW Bread, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (750 Cal, 19g F, 75g C, 64g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Slices WW Bread, 12 Almonds, Fiber Shake (670 Cal, 20g F, 48g C, 58g P)

Meal 5 - 1 Salmon Burger, 2 Slices WW Bread, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion (460 Cal, 17g F, 55g C, 40g P)

Daily Total (high carb):2605 Cal, 81.5g F, 256.5g C, 219g P

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I got a little under 7 hours of sleep; I was still tired when I rolled out of bed. My shoulders, chest and hamstrings are still sore. I felt great once I warmed up and the workout started. This really surprised me considering my reduction in calories over the last few days. The workout was good; there were no percentages to go off of so it was a little challenging to gauge where the work weight should be. It took a little tinkering. I definitely could have gone heavier on some of the movements today, but it was still a great workout.

7 Rounds with 60 seconds rest between sets:
7 Dead-Hang Pull-ups
7 Squats

Power Snatch from Blocks 3 x 3 (115 lb)
Hang Clean from Blocks 3 x 3 (155 lb)
Pressing Snatch Balance 3 x 3 (65,65,85 lb)
Rack Jerk 3 x 1 (135 lb)
Clean Pull from Blocks 3 x 5 (185 lb)
Shrugs 3 x 12 (185 lb)

3 x Super-set:
Skulls Crushers x 12 (70 lb + EZ curl bar)
Dips x 12
Hollow-Rock x 12

Metcon: 'Christine' (variation). The RxD 'Christine' is 3 RFT of 500m Row, 12 Body Weight Dead-lifts and 21 24" Box Jumps. I couldn't remember the rep scheme in the gym and ended up doing:

3 RFT:
500m Row
10 BW Dead-lifts (185 lb)
20 Box Jumps 24"

I missed out on 2 dead-lifts and a box jump each round. It was still a challenging workout that got my heart rate up. I forgot to start the timer on my watch, but I still did it at 100% as if I were doing it for time.

Overall today was a good day. It was not too taxing and despite having low carb days the last two days I felt good. I'm looking forward to eating today and hitting it hard tomorrow.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Slices WW Bread (570 Cal, 8g F, 48g C, 54g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast, 3 Slices WW Bread, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (750 Cal, 19g F, 75g C, 64g P)

Meal 5 -
1 Chicken Breast, 2 Slices WW Bread, 12 Almonds, Fiber Shake (670 Cal, 20g F, 48g C, 58g P)

Daily Total (high carb): 2615 Cal, 68.5g F, 249.5g C, 228g P

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I was debating whether to run today or not. I decided to just take complete rest. I have a lot of running coming up in my near future. My hamstrings were extremely sore and my chest/shoulders were decently sore. Anyway I took the day to take some complete rest. I've significantly reduced my caloric intake over the last two-days; tomorrow will be a replenish day.

Meal 1 - Whey, 1 Slice WW Bread, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, Flax (435 Cal, 15g F, 30g C, 34g P)

Meal 2 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread (430 Cal, 19g F, 24g C, 48g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 cups Lettuce (375 Cal, 8g F, 2g C, 40g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast (360 Cal, 8g F, 0g C, 39g P)

Daily Total (rest/low carb): 1600 Cal, 52g F, 56g C, 161g P

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I again did not sleep as much as I wanted to; I got a little less than 7 hours. I also woke up quite a few times during the night. I usually never do this, I don't know why I did. Anyway I was sore in my shoulders and hamstrings; but I ended up feeling decent during the workout. The workout today:

Clean and Jerk, 6 x 2 @ 80 % (165 for first three sets, dropped to 135 to work on form)
Press 3 x 3 @ 115
Bench Press 5 x 5 @ 155
One Arm Dumbbell Bench Press 3 x 12 @60 lb

This workout was discouraging to say the least. Typically I can press and bench press a lot more weight. My body/shoulders is/are overloaded with this programming. I got a huge pump from this stuff. I'm looking forward to much needed rest. One arm dumbell presses are a lot more challenging than I thought they would be. After the strength stuff I did:

3 Rounds with as little rest as possible:
30 GHD Sit-ups
30 GHD Extensions
10 Pistols (each leg)

For time: 1600m Row - I got 5:31. I was exhausted after the previous work. I'd be interested to see what I row fresh.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 6 oz Steak (450 Cal, 18g F, 18gC, 54g P)

Meal 4 -
1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread (430 Cal, 19g F, 26g C, 48g P)

Daily Total (low carb): 1605 Cal, 62.5g F, 122.5g C, 154g P

Monday, February 21, 2011


I slept a little less than 7 hours last night. I was tired when I woke up; I wish I could have gotten more sleep. Despite the lack of sleep, I felt great in the gym today. I modified the RxD Olympic lifting workout. I did the lifting portion of the WOD, but changed the metcon part. The metcons that are RxD by the Olympic lifting training are very short and explosive (who would have thought?) but I like to do traditional crossfit conditioning to maintain my metabolic conditioning. Anyway, here's how it played out:

Weighted Dead-Hang Pull ups: 7,7,6 @ 35 lb, 3, 3 @ 53 lb
Snatch 6 x 2 @ 80% (115 lb)
Romanian Dead Lift 3 x 3 (205 lb)
Power Snatch 4 x 2 @ 50% (65 lb) - these were purely for technique's sake. I had my coach watch the bar travel on these. I have a tendency to throw the bar out in front of me; I'm really working on straight bar travel.

The metcon was great. I hadn't done a metcon like this in 2 weeks, I was a little nervous. But I felt awesome and blew through it. My time was 19.50; I beat the next best time by about 8 minutes which was set by some Air Force Para-rescue candidate kid.

7 Rounds for Time:

15 x 70 lb KB Swing
15 x 95 lb Power Clean
15 x 24" Box Jump

After the WOD I worked on butterfly pull-ups for about 20 minutes; I'm actually significantly improving these. I want to get comfortable and confident with them. It would really help some of my WOD times. Overall a great day. I'm looking forward to the lifting tomorrow.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Slices WW Bread (570 Cal, 8g F, 48g C, 54g P)

Meal 4 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 6 oz Steak, 2 Slices WW Bread (710 Cal, 26g F, 66gC, 64g P)

Meal 5 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Slices WW Bread (570 Cal, 8g F, 48g C, 54g P)

Daily Total (high carb): 2575 Cal, 67.5g F, 240g C, 224g P

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Complete rest. Excited for tomorrow.

Meal 1 - Whey, Flax, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (535 Cal, 22g F, 54g C, 41g P)

Meal 2 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, 8 Strawberries (510 Cal, 19g F, 34g C, 48g P)

Meal 3 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast (400 Cal, 12g F, 18g C, 46g P)

Meal 4 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (500 Cal, 20g F, 21g C, 50g P)

Daily Total (medium carbs/rest): 1945 Cal, 73g F, 127g C, 185g P

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I was sore in my upper back and shoulders today. I slept 7 1/2 hours and I felt decent once I warmed up. The workout today was pretty fun. It was as follows:

Power Clean and Push-Press

2 x 2 115 lb

2x 2 135 lb

3 x 2 x 2 155 lb

3 sets of:
3 Muscle Cleans - 95 lb

6 Press - 95 lb

12 GHD Sit-ups

3 sets of:
3 Drop Cleans - 65 lb
6 Jerk Balance - 95 lb
12 - Reverse hyper ext.

3 sets of:
8 - push-ups
8 - ring pullups
8 - skin the cats
8 - ab wheel roll outs


snatch pulls from blocks 3/3/3 - 115, 135, 135
clean pulls from blocks 1/1/1/ - 185, 205, 205

Cluster all pulls with 10 sec. rest between reps.

This was a good workout. I'm sorry the spacing is all messed up, I copied and pasted this from my gym's website. I'll type them myself in the future. Anyway, my upper back and shoulders were hugely pumped up after this workout. I was very tired by the end. I did much better on the skin the cats today (I just learned them this week). I'm one week into this 6 week phase and at the start of week 3 I'll be starting intense track workouts. I'm going to attempt to incorporate more metcon in next week to see how I can balance it out. This week was a great way to transition back into training after my active recovery week and I'm excited for Monday.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread (430 Cal, 19g F, 24g C, 48g P)

Meal 4 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast (400 Cal, 12g F, 18g C, 46g P)

Meal 5 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast (400 Cal, 12g F, 18g C, 46g P)

Meal 6 - 1 Chicken Breast (360 Cal, 8g F, 0g C, 39g P)

Daily Total (medium carb): 2315 Cal, 76.5g F, 138.5g C, 231g P

Friday, February 18, 2011


My calories and overall intake are low so far this week. I feel good considering the much reduced training volume. Anyway, with this focus on heavy lifting I'm going to introduce some more pre-workout carbs. I will typically only have carbs from fruit before AM workouts, trying a slice of bread to see how it makes me feel. On the lifting I felt great; on the conditioning I got a side ache. This is something that almost never happens to me, so on conditioning days I won't introduce grains pre-workout.

Today's workout was similar to Monday's. I've never done heavy squats in the same week twice; we'll see how it goes.

Snatch 3 @ 60% (80 lb), 3 @ 70% (95 lb), 2 x 3 @ 75% (105 lb), 2 x 3 @ 80% (115 lb)
Power clean and push jerk 3 x 3 @ 60% (135 lb), 3 x 3 @ 65% (155 lb)
Overhead squat 3 reps heavy (135 lb)
Back squat 3 reps heavy (275 lb)
Front squat 3 reps heavy (245 lb)

Plyo - super set

3 rounds 10 reps each / no rest

Pogo Jumps
Jump squat
Russian twists
Jump split
High knees

After the above workout I took about 5 minutes rest and did Tabata of:

1. Rowing
2. Sit-ups
3. Burpees
4. Jump Rope (singles, not double-unders)
5. Plank
6. Pull-ups
7. Mountain Climbers
8. Muscle-clean / Barbell-Curl (45 lb bar)

Overall today was a great workout. I got a huge trap pump, something that I can't remember having ever before. My shoulders were really fried from the snatches/jerks/OH squats. The triple of OH squats at 135 I did felt great, my form is really improving. I'm excited to set PR's in both the snatch and OH squat. The plyo work and tabata conditioning afterward got my heart rate up a lot; it was manageable with the lifting. Today was a good day, I'm eating a lot today in preparation for tomorrow's workout. I also ended up taking a nap today for about an hour and half.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey, 1/2 cup Pineapple, 1 slice WW Bread, Flax (Total: 280 Cal, 13.5g F, 34.5g C, 20g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1 cup Pineapple (Total: 595 Cal, 19g F, 75g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, 8 Strawberries (510 Cal, 19g F, 34g C, 48g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, 1/2 cup Pineapple (530 Cal, 19g F, 41g C, 48g P)

Meal 5 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, 1/2 cup Pineapple (530 Cal, 19g F, 41g C, 48g P)

Meal 6 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, Fiber Shake (450 Cal, 19g F, 24g C, 48g P)

Daily Total (high carb): 2895 Cal, 108.5g F, 250g C, 251g P


Snatch from Tuesday's WOD

Complete Rest; a little sore in my traps and hamstrings.

Meal 1 - Whey Protein, 1/2 cup Pineapple, Flax (Total: 240 Cal, 8g F, 10g C, 27g P)

Meal 2 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, 8 Strawberries (510 Cal, 19g F, 34g C, 48g P)

Meal 3 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 6 oz Steak (450 Cal, 18g F, 18gC, 54g P)

Meal 4 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast, 1/2 cup Pineapple (450 Cal, 12g F, 28g C, 46g P)

Meal 5 - Whey (140 Cal, 2g F, 1g C, 27g P)

Daily Total: Rest/Medium Carb: 1790 Cal, 59g F, 91g C, 202g P

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I slept 7 hours; felt decent in the morning. My hamstrings were tight from yesterday so I did a thorough warm-up. The workout today was long; I added to it by doing a little pull-up work before hand. After my warm-up I then proceeded to do: 20-15-10 of DH pull-ups and wall-balls with a 200m run between each set to get the soreness out of my legs. Then the real workout began as RxD:

Power snatch + hang snatch 2 x 2 @ 50% (65 lb), 2 x 2 @ 60% (80 lb), 2 x 2 @ 65% (85 lb) of 1RM snatch

3 sets of:

3 - muscle snatch @ 60% (45 lb - never performed a muscle-snatch before, technique work)
12 - reverse leg swings

3 sets of:

3 -Heaving snatch balance @ 60% (95 lb)
6 - Psuedo pushups (google it)
12 - Reverse hyper ext.

3 sets of:

8 - ring pullups
8 - ring dips
8 - skin the cats (I had never done these, I was really nervous as to whether I could actually perform them, ended up being much easier than I thought)


snatch pulls from blocks, 6 @ 85% (95 lb), 6 @ 95% (115 lb), 6 @ 105% (135 lb)
clean pulls from blocks 4 @ 85% (135 lb), 4 @ 95% (175 lb), 4 @ 105% (195 lb)

This workout took a while. It was great and very taxing on my shoulders. It was really fun and a very nice change to train in a different way. Olympic lifting is something I really need to work on and its great to work on my technique. It feels strange to only to 2 days of training and then taking a day off. But I've got a lot of training coming up starting in two weeks, once I start doing track workouts. So I basically need to realize that I need to rest to improve and be smart about my training.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Cups Broccoli, 10 Strawberries (500 Cal, 12g F, 28g C, 46g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast (360 Cal, 8g F, 0g C, 39g P)

Daily Total (medium/low carb): 1585 Cal, 45.5g F, 106.5g C, 137g P*

*This is way below my typical intake level, even for a rest day. I had some unexpected work responsibilities that made me skip a few meals. I was extremely upset about this, but sometimes these things happen.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I felt decent after the week of active recovery. I did feel a little nervous because of all the weird food I ate over the last week, but I felt alright once the workout started. Today I'm starting a new 6 week phase focused on the Olympic lifts and Overhead Squats. I want to PR in all of these over the next six weeks; using this programming I'm sure I will. I'm also going to be doing two running intervals sessions a week and fast WODs after most of my lifting. After these six weeks I'm going to transition into RxD seal-fit workouts. Today's workout was as follows:

Power snatch - 3 x 3 @ 60% (80 lb), 3 x 3 @65% (90 lb) (of 1 RM snatch)
Clean & jerk - 3 @ 60% (125 lb), 3 @ 70%, 2 x 3 @75% (145 lb), 2 x 3 @ 80% (155 lb)
Overhead squat - 1/1/1 (135,145 (missed), 145)
Front squat - 1/1/1 (245, 255, 255)
Back squat - 1/1/1 (275, 285, 295)

5 minute rest then: Plyo work (explosive)

Super set 1:
Pogo jump 3 x 10
box jump 3 x 10
Med ball twist 3 x 10

Super set 2:
Split jump 2 x 4
Scissor jump 2 x 4
High knees 3 x 10

The weights were on the light side today. It felt good to get back into the gym and do some dynamic moves. I'm going to ease back into training and not do too much too soon and get burnt out. My overhead squat is terrible; essentially embarrassing. This is what I want to improve most. The plyo work at the end got my heart rate up and was a nice way to to end the session. Overall a good day; I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (660 Cal, 18g F, 52g C, 60g P)

Meal 4 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 6 oz Steak (450 Cal, 18g F, 18gC, 54g P)

Meal 5 - Whey Protein, Flax, Fiber (150 Cal, 6.5g F, 1g C, 24g P)

Daily Total (Medium Carb): 1985 Cal, 68g F, 149.5g C, 190g P

Saturday, February 12, 2011

2/13 & 2/14/2011

Complete rest


I felt alright when I woke up; I was still decently sore in my quads/calves from the lunges and my upper body from trap-bar dead lifts. I got out the door in the early morning and the weather was perfect; I've really lucked out this week. Aside from the weather everything else was crappy. I felt really slow on the run, especially at the hills. I did a slow 17:30 jog to a pull-up bar. I did 18-9-6-3 of ultra-wide grip dead hang pull-ups with 60 seconds rest between each set. I was going to do something different, but I didn't feel great and I figured to take it easy, as this is supposed to be an easy week. I did a slow 13 minute jog after the pull-ups. I've got 2 days of much needed rest and I'll start hitting the lifting/metcons next week. This week has been great for me mentally and physically; I'm looking forward to the coming training.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


AM - The weather was again perfect today. I got out the door a little later, around 10:45 am. I did an easy 26:30 run to a pull-up bar. I then proceeded to do 10 sets of 5 dead-hang pull-ups, with a different grip each set; I ran out of ideas for grips on set 8 and finished the last few sets with a regular width overhand grip. Each set of 5 DHPUs was followed immediately by 5 kipping pull-ups. So it was essentially 100 pull-ups, 50 DH/50 Kipping over 10 sets with 60 seconds rest between sets. I got a little pump from this. I wanted to get in some kipping pull-ups because I hadn't really been doing many lately. I had originally planned to do this workout with 10 push-ups after each set, but I did 10 push-ups after my first set and my chest was slightly in pain. I've still got some DOMS from the workouts I did 6-7 days ago. I'm starting to think more that it's an injury than DOMS because I'm typically never sore this long, so I'm not going to play around with it and give it another few days to rest. After the pull-ups I got an easy 16:30 cool-down run in.

PM - I got in the gym about 5 1/2 hours after my AM run. I wanted to get in a lower body workout, but no 100% efforts trying to PR or anything, just get some activity/throw some weight around / play around with movements I don't usually do. What I proceeded to do was:

Back Squat 10,8,6,4,2 - 135, 225, 245, 265, 285
Trap-bar Dead-lift 10,8,4,2 - 135, 225, 315, 345
Front Racked Barbell Lunges - 3 x 10 @ 135
Smith Machine Calf Raises - 5 x 30 @ 225

Aside from the back squats I never do any of these movements. It was a nice change. I didn't go heavy on the squats for a lot of reasons, mainly because I don't want to tax my body too much this 'off' week. 285 for a double felt extremely easy, which it should have considering the last time I did back squats I did 310 for a triple. Anyway the trap-bar dead lifts were awesome and gave me a huge pump, I wish my gym had a trap-bar to use. The lunges were great, I haven't done them in a while. The calf raises gave my calves a huge pump, I'd like to start reincorporating these into my training, I used to do them all the time. Anyway, it was a great session and I wasn't impossibly sore the next day; which is exactly what I was going for.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I got out the door in the early morning, it was a beautiful and clear day, absolutely perfect running weather. I did a short 15 minute tempo run to a pull-up bar. I then did sets of dead-hang pull-ups. With 60 seconds rest between each set I did: 1,2,3...11. I got to the 12th set and reached failure. I did a short 10 minute cool-down run back home. Nice and easy day; felt good on both the run and the pull-ups. I'm looking forward to this PFT.


I got out the door in the mid-morning. I had planned out a route in my head that incorporated a couple different runs I used to do. I figured it would take 45-50 minutes, it ended up taking 57:25. It was a solid run with some gradual hills, but nothing super intense. I kept the pace easy and ate a lot after; it was a good relaxing day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This week is an 'easy' / de-load week. I'm taking things easy and going through the motions while remaining relatively active. The workouts aren't extremely structured and I'm attempting to mentally relax and not let my fitness dictate the entirety of my life for at least this week.

AM - 15 minute tempo run (ran at about 85% of 5k pace). Then 10 sets of 7 dead-hang pull-ups with 60 seconds rest in between each set. Then a 20 minute normal paced run/cool-down.

PM - About 7 hours after the morning run I got into a standard style gym. I initially wanted to do an upper body pushing workout / arm workout. I essentially did, but my chest was still sore from last week and it was too painful to even do light weight with my chest. So the workout I ended up doing looked like this:

5 x 5 Hang Power Clean and Press @ 135
3 x 5 60 lb Dumbbell Seated Press with 10 x 25 lb DB press chaser
3 x 10 OH Dumbbell Extension @ 60 lb
3 x 10 Barbell Curl / Close Grip Bench Press Super-set @ 95 lb
10,8,6,5 - Dumbbell Curls - Last set 60 lb dumbbells
3 x 20 Sit-ups on decline bench w/ 45 lb plate

This workout was a nice change. I attempted to keep the intensity as high as possible despite the fact I was training alone. I never do any of these movements in my regular training aside from the HPC and Press so it was fun to fool around with bodybuilding style arm training. I was definitely sore in my arms the next day.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I slept almost 10 hours which was great. I was extremely sore, even more so than yesterday, in my chest. I was excited for the workout today, it was a good one. The WOD was 'Severin.'

50 Strict Pull-ups (dead-hang/no kip)
100 Push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom
Run 5K

My time was 34.10 without a 20lb vest. I got 22 dead-hang pull-ups on the first set. I was pleased with this. I am extremely sore in my arms/chest and if I can get 22 when not recovered I should score 25+ on the PFT when fresh. The push-ups were extremely painful on my chest. My 5k time on this run was not fast (22 minutes). The pull/push takes a lot out of you before the run, plus I'm not recovered and I just felt like crap. My running needs to improve. I'll be running a lot this next week as it's de-load week. My PFT is coming up in 3-4 weeks.After the workout I did a max set of Marine Corps style sit-ups in 2 minutes. I got 135, 35 more than a perfect score.

The workout RxD is with a 20 lb vest. My training partner did it with a 20 lb vest and boots/long pants. His time was 1 minute behind the winner of the Crossfit games last year; this is extremely impressive considering he was in boots.

Overall a great workout. I was planning on working out tomorrow, but because I felt so exhausted today I'm going to take two days off. My diet is going off-line for a week. I'm going out of town and it will be too difficult to account for the macro-nutrient breakdown. Having said this my diet so far has been on key and I've really improved my leanness in the mirror.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I slept in today; I got 10 hours of much needed rest. Today is a complete rest day and I definitely feel the need for rest. I'm less congested than I have been all week which I was excited about.

Meal 1 - Whey Protein, 1/2 Apple, 12 Almonds (Total: 255 Cal, 8g F, 18g C, 27g P)

Meal 2 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast (400 Cal, 12g F, 18g C, 46g P)

Meal 3 - 6 oz Steak, 1/2 cup Sauerkraut (375 Cal, 18g F, 4g C, 46g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Cup Mixed Veggies, 1 Chicken Breast (350 Cal, 12g F, 9g C, 46g P)

Meal 5 - 1 Chicken Breast, Fiber Shake (320 Cal, 10g F, 12g C, 39g P)

Daily Total (rest/very low carb): 1700 Cal, 60g F, 61g C, 204g P

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I felt good when I woke up. I got up a little earlier than usual, I slept 7 1/2 hours. I weighed myself today also. I always weigh myself in the morning on an empty stomach. I weighed in at 188 today. A brief history of my weight:

7/2010 - 186.5 - I was significantly weaker and doing a lot more aerobic stuff at this time.
11/2010 - 190.4 - Since the July weigh in I've set a PR in ever major lift.
2/2/2011 - 188 - I look leaner than I ever have and I'm stronger than I've ever been. I'm happy with where my weight is now. I'd like to lose another 2-3 lbs by March 1st.

The workout today was:


225 lb Dead Lifts
70 lb Russian KB Swing (arms parallel to ground, not overhead/American style swing)

Rest 5-10 minutes then:

185 lb Bench Press 5 x 5 with 1,2,3,4,5 185 lb Power Clean Chaser - Rest is partner's set.

I felt decent on the first workout. I didn't get all the dead lifts through like I wanted to. It was good conditioning though. The second part of the workout was actually significantly more difficult than the first part. I did not feel well on the bench or the power cleans. I can usually power clean 185 like it's nothing, but I just didn't have much energy toward the end of the session today. I'm going to rest this afternoon and all day tomorrow. Friday and Saturday are both extremely challenging WODs. I took a video of the WOD, but it ended up being too large to add to the blog. I will use a lower video quality setting in the future for longer WODs so the videos are of adequate size.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Burger, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1 cup Mixed Veggies (520 Cal, 26g F, 48g C, 52g P)

Meal 4 - 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast (400 Cal, 12g F, 18g C, 46g P)

Meal 5 - 1 Burger, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1 cup Milk, 1 Banana, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter (840 Cal, 34g F, 90g C, 66g P)

Daily Total (high/medium carbs): 2485 Cal, 97.5g F, 234.5g C, 216g P

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I was really congested this morning. I had to blow my nose a couple times while in the gym. The workout today was not taxing at all, which I lucked out with considering my sickness. It was as follows:

30 x 45 lb bar Jump Squats
25 x Ring Push-ups
20 x Ankles to Bar

25 x 45 lb bar Jump Squats
20 x Ring Push-ups
15 x Ankles to Bar

20 x 45 lb bar Jump Squats
15 x Ring Push-ups
10 x Ankles to bar

My time was 7.11. The best time in the gym was 6.56 set by the guy I train with. He had a much better rhythm for the ankles to bar. I still don't have these 100% down. The repetitions aren't too much work, I just don't have the perfect rhythm for them. This was a fast conditioning workout, a nice change. Afterward there was a core circuit:

With a continuous running clock, 4 rounds:

:30 Hollow Rock Hold
:30 L Plank
:30 R Plank
:30 Plank
:30 Reverse Plank
:30 Rest

This was a solid core workout, I noticed I wasn't stressing as much as I used to on planks. My core is stronger than it's ever been, coupled with the weight loss these were not easy, but much easier than they used to be. I would like to do this circuit with :45 or even :60 intervals in the future.

PM - 7 hours after my AM workout I did 8 x 200m hill repeats. It was the exact same workout as last Friday. Short warm-up with 8 repeats with the jog down and 60 seconds at the bottom as rest then a short cool-down. This is great conditioning; I was really surprised by how good I felt. It was extremely cold and I was by myself. I'm happy I got out the door and got this done.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 -(post-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana, 1 Slice WW Bread (Total: 375 Cal, 11g F, 40g C, 31g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, 12 Almonds (510 Cal, 26g F, 27g C, 48g P)

Meal 4 - (pre-workout) 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, 1/2 Apple, 8 Walnuts (555 Cal, 26g F, 39g C, 48g P)

Meal 5 - (post-workout) 2 Slices WW Bread, 1 Burger, Mixed Veggies, 1 Banana (670 Cal, 26g F, 74g C, 54g P)

Meal 6 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 tbsp Peanut Butter (500 Cal, 20g F, 8g C, 56g P)

Daily Total (high carb/two-a-day) 2790 Cal, 115.5g F, 202.5g C, 246g P