Sunday, October 31, 2021


Today was a really good workout... life stress has been at 10/10 today to start off my week... not ideal ... but regardless, enjoyed the workout and had a really good time getting this in. Thankful for my time in the gym today. 


2-3 Rounds

1. Reverse Nordics x 10

*Use band assistance or substitute for a heel sit if any discomfort in the knee.

2. Shinbox Hip Extension + Switch x 5/side

*Move very slow from one side to the other. Try to move one leg as far as possible before following with the trail leg.

3. Duck Walk x 10m

*Move slow from one leg to the other. Substitute for a 1 minute squat hold with assistance if you are unable to achieve the bottom squat position comfortably.


*Intention: Prep the knees and grease the groove of the hips in preparation for squatting. Move through these like a giant super set.



3-4 Sets/arm

5 Split Stance Single Arm Clean From Floor

5 Single Arm KB Suitcase Split Squat

5 Split Stance Single Arm Russian Swing

rest 30sec between arms

-3 Sets ... 35#, 53#, 53# 


Cyclist Front Squat

33X1; 2,2,2,2,2; Every 2:00-2:30

Build your loads slightly upon last week.

-205#, 225#, 240#, 250#, 255# ... went up to 240# last week, felt good here, lots of intensity out of this 



Right Leg Hand Supported DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

Single Leg Toes to Bar R

Left Leg Hand Supported DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

Single Leg Toes to Bar L

*choose challenging loads for yourself on the RFESS. Keep in mind they should be loads that you can complete unbroken on all sets

-Complete ... used 50# DB ... took about 9 minutes 


3-4 Sets

1. 16 Russian KBS Heavy (used 72#) 

rest 20sec

2. 12 Ring Body Saw

rest 20sec

3. 16 Alternating Elevated Front Foot Jumping Lunge  8/leg 

rest 20sec

4. Ski 300/240m @ 85-90%

rest 2mins and back to 1

-Complete ... didn't get the total time, used 2x55# red bumper for the elevated front foot lunges ... fun workout, I appreciated the lower intensity day today 


1. Butterfly Stretch x 2 min

*Push down on the knees with your hands or load weight on each knee.

2. Middle Split x 2 min

*Hold onto stationary object in front of you for assistance.

3. Middle Split Fold with Knee Bends x 10-15

*Hold onto stationary object in front of you for assistance.

4. Bottom of Squat Hold x 2 min

*Hold onto stationary object in front of you for assistance.


Saturday, October 30, 2021


 10k Run 

-Took a little under an hour ... ran a very easy pace ... was active recovery in nature. Ran a race over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge from Annapolis to Kent Island, MD ... great way to start my Sunday. 

Friday, October 29, 2021


Today was a great workout, felt good overall and had a good time. 


Row or Run x 3 minutes


2-3 Rounds

1. Shinbox Goodmorning + Rear Hip ER x 5/side

*Try to maintain a straight spine position as you fold forward. Torso may rotate toward the back leg as it opens up.

2. Shoulder Extension Bridge x 5

*Start with legs straight, push through the floor, then use the legs to pull yourself forward. Only go as far as comfortable for the shoulders/elbows.

3. Russian Babymaker x 5

*Hold end stretch positions for 2-3 seconds each. Try to keep arms inside of knees.




8min AMRAP


Turkish Get Up R 35/26lbs*

Tukish Get Up L

*between rounds perform 8 Sprawls 

-Complete ... got into the rounds of 5


4 Sets

1. Deficit Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift; 3131; 5,5,4,4

rest 30sec

2. Deficit Strict HSPU; 31X1; 3-5reps

rest 2mins and back to 1

-Complete ... went 135# x 5, 165# x 5#, 185# 4, 195# x 4 on 1 red 55# bumper plate ... SDHSPU went 4x3 on two 45# bumpers 



Dual KB Sumo Deadlift 70/53lbs

Burpee Step Up 24/20"

- no rest directly into - 


Russian KBS 70/53lbs

KB Tall Plank Knees to Elbow (R + L = 1)



3 Sets

12-15 KB Preacher Curls

12-15 Hollow Body Single Arm KB Floor Press L

12-15 Supine KB Horn Tricep Extensions

12-15 Hollow Body Single Arm KB Floor Press R

*rest as needed between sets and movements

-Complete ... used 53# for the curls and tricep extensions ... 35# for the hollow body floor presses 


1. Supinated Passive Hang x 1 min

*Sink deeper into the stretch position with every exhale.

2. Banded Shoulder Extension x 1 min

*Keep your chest and head up, shoulder blades back and down.

3. Standing Forward Fold x 2 min

*Sink deeper into the stretch position with every exhale.

4. Front Split x 2 min/side

*Utilize band or hold onto object for assistance.

-D/N complete 

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Today was a great workout, probably the best I've felt in a while. T-spine had zero pain on the front-rack movements ... really had a good time doing this. Looking forward to working out tomorrow. 


Ski or Bike x 3 minutes


2-3 Rounds

1. Knee Over Toe Split Squat x 5/side

*Elevate the foot or use assistance to achieve the best position possible. Knee in line with toes, heel flat, upright torso.

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 5 reps

*Keep spine straight. 2-3 second lower, 5 sec hold in end position.

3. Squat Thoracic Rotations x 3/side

*Elevate the heels to achieve a more comfortable position if necessary. Sit deep during the entire movement.



Front Squat 10X1; 2 reps Every 45sec x 12 sets

*load with 61% of 1RM (if you don't know your 1RM specifically then the goal should be to load with something that doesn't slow you down and allows for FAST concentric/upward contractions)

**this will feel light and the point is to really develop great speed from the bottom of the squat

-215# across (10# over last week) ... best front squatting has felt in a while, felt fast and strong 


4 Sets

1 Clean Complex


2 Clean Pulls

3 Hang Cleans

rest 30sec

 Goblet Box Pistol Negatives; 31A1 x 3-5reps/leg

*A in a tempo stands for Assist. Push yourself back up with BOTH legs as the video demonstrates

rest 90sec 

-Went 185#, 205#, 215#, 225# ... 26# KB for 4x3/leg 


Foundation Skills

5min AMRAP x 2 

2 Burpee Strict C2B Pull-Ups

4 KB Snatch R 53/35# 

4 KB Snatch L

1 Wall-Walk

rest 2mins x 2

-Complete ... don't remember the rounds, but just flowed through at a consistent face pace, felt really fit 


5 sets:

10/8 Calorie Ski


5 KB Complexes 53/35lbs


1 Gorilla Row R

1 Gorilla Row L

1 Squat Clean Thruster)


10/8 Calorie Bike

rest walk 60-90sec between sets

-Complete ... each of these took about 2:00-2:10 ... fun conditioning, moved through each set with high intensity 


1. Passive Hang x 2 min

*Sink deeper into the stretch position with every exhale.

2. Prayer Stretch x 2 min

*Sink deeper into the stretch position with every exhale.

3. Frog Stretch x 2 min

*Gently move in and out of this position while trying to continue to slide your knees out.

4. Bottom of Squat Hold x 2 min

*Use assistance as necessary to achieve the best position possible.

-D/N complete, no time 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Today was a good workout, had a good time and enjoyed myself in the gym. Wasn't too taxing and the conditioning piece was fun. 


FBB Hinge Prep 1.0

Row or Run x 3 minutes


2-3 Rounds

1. Shinbox Thoracic Rotation x 5/side

*Reach as far as possible holding the end position for 2-3 seconds

2. Single Leg Glute Bridge Isometric x 30 sec/side

*Keep a neutral low back position (NO overarching)

3. Toes Elevated Dumbbell Jefferson Curl x 5

*Move one vertebrae at a time and then lengthen the posterior chain as much as possible.



Every 75sec x 6-8 Sets

1 Segment Snatch Grip Deadlift

1 Hang Power Snatch below the knee

1 Overhead Squat

1 Hang Snatch

-8 sets ... 105#, 115#, 125#, 135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175# 


3-4 Sets

1. Snatch Grip Rack Pulls x 5,5,5,5 reps; 11X1

rest 30sec

2. Hamstring March x 12 steps @ 30X1

rest 60-90sec and back to 1

*load the hamstring march with light-moderate weight DBs

*rack pull movement notes - place the barbell on j-hooks or guards at around knee height (either slightly below or above the knees). pull to full extension, like a snatch deadlift, but do not complete a high pull/extra pull at the top. the movement should be slow and controlled from start to finish. the loading on this should be moderate-heavy to heavy depending on your familiarity with the movement.

-205#, 225#, 235# for the rack pulls ... 2x35# DB for the marches 


For Time, with a partner, 1 partner working at a time: 

Bike 3200m 



DB Thruster 50/35lbs

Toes to Bar/K2E 

-13:30 ... split up the reps 1:1, was a good sweat, DB thrusters generally rocked me.


1. Pike Stretch x 2 min

*Pull yourself deeper into the stretch with each exhale.

2. Elevated Pigeon x 1 min/side

*Keep your spine as straight as possible

3. Front Split x 2 min/side

*Utilize band or place objects underneath hands for assistance.

-D/N complete, no time 



 Much needed Complete Rest 

Monday, October 25, 2021


Taking the week off of running workouts to give my right achilles tendon a break... its been giving me has pain the last week or so. I was a little bummed not to run this week as the track sessions have been some of my favorite this training cycle. Anyway, got a good upper body workout in otherwise. 


Ski or Bike x 3 minutes


2-3 rounds

1. Banded Shoulder Extension x 10 reps

*Hold in the stretch position for 2-3 seconds, move the arms fast back to the hips, then 5 second return to the stretch position.

2. Prone Swimmers x 5

*Move VERY SLOW. Own every inch of this movement, allow the shoulders to rotate naturally.

3. Plank to Downdog x 10

*Press through the floor throughout the entire movement to keep the shoulder blades active.




2-3 Sets

5 Dual KB Turkish Sit Ups

5 Dual KB Z Press

*back to floor and release 1 KB

3 Turkish Get Up R (TGU)

3 Single Arm KB Press at top of last rep and then back to floor


3 Single Arm KB Press at top of last rep and then back to floor

-2 Sets, 35# KBs across 


Hot Start

3 Sets - Get things moving

10sec Ski HARD with damper at 10

rest 15sec

6 Burpee Broad Jumps

6 Burpees 

30sec Ski @ 85% effort

rest walk 90sec and restart your next set



3 Sets

1. 1-1/4 Close Grip Bench Press; 21X1; 4,4,4;

rest 30sec

2. Glute Bridge Single Arm DB Bench Press; 30X0; 3-5/arm

rest 30sec

3. Mixed KB Rack Overhead Carry; 40sec March/side 

rest 2mins and back to 1

-185# across on the bench press ... 75# DB for the db glutei bridge press and 2x53# KB for the marches 


10min AMRAP @ sustainable effort

6 Strict Pull Ups

6 No Push Up Burpee Box Jump

12/10 Cal Ski


rest 2-3mins

10min AMRAP @ sustainable effort

9 Hand Release Push Ups

9 Gorila Rows (2x53# KB)

12/10 Cal Bike

-Complete ... don't remember the reps/rounds, but got a big pump/sweat on. Fun workout. 


1. Passive Hang x 2 min

*Sink deeper into the stretch position with every exhale.

*Keep your feet on the a surface if you can not hang for the entire time.

2. Supinated Passive Hang x 1 min

*Keep your feet on the a surface if you can not hang for the entire time.

3. Seated Barbell Shoulder Extension x 2 min

*Keep your chest and head up, shoulder blades back and down.

4. Childs Pose with Lat Stretch x 1 min/side

-D/N complete 

Sunday, October 24, 2021


Today was a decent workout... lots of unilateral leg work ... I've had a ton of work/life stress that has made life generally difficult the last couple weeks. Hoping things will cool off at work and I can enjoy my fitness/time in the gym more. Got everything in and tried to get as much intensity as possible. 


Bike or Row x 3 minutes


2-3 Rounds

1. Half Kneeling Weight Shift x 5/side

*Knee in line with toes. Vertical torso, facing straight forward.

2. Low Cossack Transition x 5/side

*Move slow through the middle and hold end positions for 2-3 seconds. Use upper body assistance for improved positions.

3. Squat Hip Rotations x 10

*Keep foot flat on the ground as the knees move in and out. Hold end positions for 1-2 seconds.



3-4 Sets

3 Split Stance Single Arm KB RDL R

4 Split Stance KB Russian Swing R

5 Goblet Split Squat R

3 Split Stance Single Arm KB RDL L

4 Split Stance KB Russian Swing L

5 Goblet Split Squat L

rest 60sec between sets

-Complete ... 3 sets ... went 35#, 53#, 72# 


Cyclist Front Squat

33X1; 3,3,2,2,2; rest 2mins, really attempt to explode up from the dead stop pause

-165# x 3, 185# x 3, 205# x 2, 225# x 2, 240# x 2 


3-4 Sets

1. Barbell Front Rack Knee Over Toes Split Squat; 30X0; 4-6/leg

rest 20sec

2. DB Suitcase Split Stance Isometric x 20-30sec/side

rest 20sec

3. B Stance Banded Hip Thrust; 10/leg

rest 2 mins before starting 1 Again.

-Complete, 3 sets ... went 45#, 65#, 80# on the barbell movement, 2x35# DB for the iso holds and 1 black band for the hip thrusts 


For Time @ 85%

Bike 25/20 Calorie Buy-In



KB Snatch R 

KB Single Arm Overhead Reverse Lunge R

KB Snatch L

KB Single Arm Overhead Reverse Lunge L

Russian Twist (R + L = 1 rep)


Bike 25/20 Calorie Cash Out

*Time Cap - 15min Cap

Rx Loads - 35/26lbs

-Complete ... 11:40 


1. Pancake Stretch x 1 min right leg, 1 min left leg, 1 min center

*Pull yourself deeper into the stretch with each exhale.

2. Middle Split x 1 min

*Hold onto stationary object in front of you for assistance.

3. Middle Split Hinge x 10

*Hold onto stationary object in front of you for assistance.

*Slow lowering, hold in bottom position for 5 seconds.

4. Squat Hold x 2 min

*Hold onto stationary object in front of you for assistance.


Friday, October 22, 2021


Today was a solid workout... despite training 6 days in a row, I felt surprisingly good today. Had a fun time in the gym and really enjoyed the conditioning pieces today. 


Row x 3 minutes

2-3 Rounds

1. Shinbox Thoracic Rotation x 5/side

*Reach as far as possible holding the end position for 2-3 seconds 

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 10

*Keep spine straight. 2-3 second lower, 5 sec hold in end position.

3. Russian Babymaker x 5

*Hold end stretch positions for 2-3 seconds each. Try to keep arms inside of knees.

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain, grease the groove of the shoulder joint. Move through these like a giant superset.



4 Rounds Not for Time

4 HSPU Negatives

2 Turkish Get Ups R

2 Turkish Get Ups L

20m Filly Carry R

20m Filly Carry L

-Complete, 53# KBs for all mvoements


For Time @ Strength Effort



Weighted Dips or Bodyweight Dips

rest 3mins x 2-3 sets

Every Set has 15 reps of each movement. After you complete your first complete set of 15 reps each, you may increase your weights on the deadlift and the dips for the next set. 

*use a moderate load on the deadlift and slightly advance your weight each set as described above. If deadlifts really tax you, be mindful of your working weights so you can still attack the next workout.

-3 Sets ... went 275# / 35#  ... 315# / 35# ... 345# / 50# ... times went 2:03 / 2:11 / 3:15 


15min AMRAP

2 Power Clean 185/135lbs

3 Burpee Box Jump 30/24"

4 Strict HSPU 

5 DB Weighted Sit Ups 

-Complete ... 7 rds 


3 Sets

10 DB Hammer Curls 

10 DB Skull Crushers 

Rest :60 

-Complete ... used 50#s for the curls and 35#s for the skull crushers 


1. Passive Hang x 2 min 

2. Shoulder Extension Stretch on Floor x 1 min

*Keep your chest and head up, shoulder blades back and down. 

3. Pike Stretch x 2 min 

4. Front Split x 2 min per forward leg 

*Use band or stationary objects for assistance. 

*Intention: lengthen posterior chain and anterior shoulder musculature, improve front split position. Sink deeper into each stretch position with every exhale.

-D/N Complete, no time 

Thursday, October 21, 2021


Today was a solid workout, I was a bit tired when I woke up, but once I got moving through this I felt good. Happy to do some cleaning without pain in my T-spine and I felt good on the conditioning. 


FBB Squat + Pull Prep 2.0

Bike x 3 minutes

2-3 Rounds

1. Half Kneeling Weight Shift x 8/side

*Knee in line toes. Vertical torso facing straight forward.

2. Shoulder Extension Bridge x 5 reps

*Keep spine straight. 2-3 second lower, 5 sec hold in end position.

3. Squat Hip Rotations x 10

*Elevate the heels to achieve a more comfortable position if necessary. Sit deep during the entire movement.

*Intention: Open up shoulder extension in preparation for deep pulling positions and prepare specific squat positions. Move through these like a giant superset.



Speed Front Squat

Front Squat 10X1; 3 reps Every Minute for 8mins

*load with 58% of 1RM (if you don't know specifically your 1RM, just increase slightly from last week)

*Your SPEED up from the bottom is most critical so don't overload this

-Didn't do a true 58%, but used 205# (10# over last week) 


3 Sets:

1 Clean Complex

Complex as follows:

1 Hang Power Clean

1 Power Clean

1 Hang Clean below the knee

rest 30sec

 Heel Elevated Box Pistol Negative; 41A1 x 3-5reps/leg (more control this week!)

rest 90sec and back to 1

-Complete ... cleans went 175#, 205#, 225# 


3mins AMRAP x 3 

2 Strict C2B Pull-Ups

4 V Ups

6 Alternating KB Snatch From Floor 53/35lbs

rest 1min x 3

-3 rds + 6 reps each set 


Part 1

2 Sets

8 Thrusters 95/65lbs

8 Bar Facing Burpees

Ski 200m @ 80%

Ski 200m @ 90%

rest walk 2mins

Part 2

2 Sets

12 Jumping Goblet Squats (53/35#)

12 Box Jump Over 24/20"

Bike 500m @ 80%

Bike 500m @ 90%

rest walk 2mins

-Complete, these were all between 2:00 - 2:45 ... fun conditioning, felt good. 


1. Supinated Passive Hang x 2 min

2. Childs Pose Lat Stretch x 1 min/side

3. Half Kneeling Anterior Line Stretch x 2 min/side

4. Squat Hold x 2 min

*Use assistance as necessary to achieve the best position possible. 

*Intention: lengthen lats and anterior hip, improve squat positions. Sink deeper into each stretch position with every exhale.

-D/N Complete, no time 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 AM Workout (0700)


6 sets: (sprint 100m, no rest, 200m very fast run). Rest 2min between sets. Workout Details: This is a very high intensity workout. Get in a thorough warm-up that must include dynamic warm-up drills as well as stride outs to prepare the muscles for the speed they are going to experience in this workout. Adding some acceleration drills into your warm-up will also help the muscles be 100% ready and rock and roll. Example: 5 sets: (5sec acceleration, 5sec hold, 5sec decelerate), with full recovery between sets

6 Sets of: 

Sprint 100 Meter

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:39

Rest for 00:02:00

-Complete ... went 40,40,37,36,36,33 ... right achilles tendon still a bit achy... but eased into these and overall got a good workout ... was fun to open up the pace on the last few. Great way to start the day. 

PM Workout (1000)

Second session today was some fun/lighter snatching and some higher intensity crossfit conditioning... the intervals were pretty difficult for me... left me smashed. Really fun workout though, got a lot of intensity out of this. 


Row x 3 minutes 

2-3 Rounds 

1. Shinbox Hip Extension + Switch x 5/side 

*Sit down slowly to the ground to feel the glute lengthen. 

2. Single Leg Hip Thrust March x 5/side

*Keep a neutral low back position (NO overarching)

3. Elephant Walk Step x 5 

*Straighten the knee as much as comfortably possible. 

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain in preparation for full range hinging pattern. Move through these like a giant superset.



Touch and Go Practice - We are cycling our barbell work here without pauses between reps.

Every 60sec x 10 sets 

Mins 1-5 - 2 Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch

Mins 6-10 - 1 Hang Power Snatch + 2 Power Snatch

-135#, 135#, 155#, 155#, 165#, 175# x 5 sets ... was intending to go from 175#, but that 60 second interval went by quickly and 175# was feeling heavy enough 


3-4 Sets

1. Deficit Clean Pulls x 3 reps; 31X1

rest 30sec

2. Banded Hamstring Curl; 31X1; 4-6reps

rest 60-90sec and back to 1

-Complete, pulls went 225#, 275#, 275# on a 55# bumper ... curls with 1 green band 


On a running clock...

Every 5mins x 4 Sets

20/14 Cal Bike

12 Bar Facing Burpees

10 Hang Power Clean 135/95

8 Front Rack Walking Lunges

*rest the remainder of the 5 minutes before starting again

When the clock reaches 22mins begin this final timed piece:

For Time @ High Effort

30 American Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs

Bike 1k/800m

25 American Kettlebell Swings 53/35lbs

Bike 1k/800m

20 American Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs

-Intervals went:





6:40 ... all sets unbroken ... bike and burpees got slower each interval. Really good training. 


1. Standing Forward Fold x 2 min 

2. Shinbox Hip ER Stretch x 1 min/side 

*Keep your spine as straight as possible

3. Front Split x 2 min/side 

*Utilize band or hold onto object for assistance. 

*Intention: lengthen posterior chain and improve front split position. Pull yourself deeper into each stretch with every exhale.

-D/N complete, no time