Sunday, March 31, 2013


Today, like yesterday, was a very disappointing day. Changed my strategy around, and actually performed 1 rep worse on 13.4. Considering my elbow injury I need to swallow my pride and understand that I haven't been able to train this movement enough this year (between August and January I literally wasn't training any overhead barbell movement from the rack position). 

Rested 20 minutes after another go at 13.4 and did the following: 

For time, with a 20# vest: 

330m run, 20 x Pull-ups
660m run, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups
990m run, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups, 75 x Sit-ups
1320m run, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups, 75 x Sit-ups, 100 x Squats
990m run, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups, 75 x Sit-ups
660m run, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups
330m run, 20 x Pull-ups

68:08. Last time I did this, about a year ago, it was with a 25# vest and and the running distances were a little different. This added in more running, but #5 less of weight. Ended up being a very solid workout. Was a good way to blow off some steam. I'm extremely frustrated with my performance on 13.4 and I need to focus more on what's important in life (law school/leading Marines) than Crossfit; a strange sport that 99% of people don't even know exists. I went as hard as I could, what else can you do? In the coming months/training year once I'm back 100% from this injury I'm going to hit this workout/energy system until I score 108+ reps. 

The weather is getting nicer, OCS is coming and I'm falling back in love with endurance training. Pumped for the coming months! 

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1/4 Cup Blue Berries, 10 Almonds

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Carbs)

Meal 3 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Almond Butter, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice

Meal 5 - 4 Eggs, 1/4 Cup Blueberries, 1 TBSP Almond Butter 

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Today was the 'Chicago's Fittest Lawyer 2013' competition. I got a disappointing second place. Came down to a mile run on a treadmill. I wish it would have been a course where I was actually racing people. I ran a 6:06. I didn't get first because some guy ran a 6:02. The people participating in this weren't going/starting the run at the same time, the events were on your own time, so there was no actual racing.Very disappointing and running (racing?) on treadmills sucks.

Max Air Squats 1 Minute: 69 reps
Max Push-ups (to a yoga block) 1 Minute: 60 reps
Max Sit-ups 1 Minute: 58 reps
Max 10 Foot Shuttle Run 1 Minute: 58 reps
Max Strict Pull-ups 1 Minute: 17 reps
1 Mile Run (on a treadmill) 6:06.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1 TBSP Almond Butter, 5 Strawberries

Meal 2 (PWO) - 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt, 1 Protein Bar, 1/2 Cup Blueberries and Strawberries

Meal 3 (cheat meal) - 3 Eggs, a bunch of ham/potatoes/cheese in a skillet, 3 pancakes with butter and maple syrup

Meal 4 - Protein Shake, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Almond Butter, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter, 30 Almonds

Meal 5 - 8 oz Steak, 2 Cups Veggies, 30 Almonds, 1 TBSP Almond Butter, 6 Strawberries

Meal 6 - 4 Eggs, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, 1 TBSP Almond Butter, 6 Strawberries

Meal 7 - 2 Eggs, 1 TBSP Almond Butter

Friday, March 29, 2013


Gave 13.4 a run through today. I scored 96 reps. After video review I know where I can make up a lot of time. This workout is a little trickier than I thought it would be, but I'm excited to give it another go with a retooled strategy. I'm wholly confident I've got a bit more in me for this workout.

3 T2B
3 CJ
6 T2B
6 CJ
9/9... etc

Score: Finished round of 15 + 6 CJ (96 total reps)

Rest 30 minutes then...

Easy 5 mile run; untimed. Today has been the best weather I've seen in Chicago since October. Great to run in the sun with my shirt off. I miss running so much, I really do love to run. Pumped for tomorrow and another run at 13.4 on Sunday!

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 2 - 4 Eggs, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Almond Butter, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 3 (PWO) - Protein Shake, Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Carbs)

Meal 4 -  Protein Shake, 3 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 30 Almonds

Meal 5 - 8 oz Steak, 4 Cups Veggies, 1 TBSP Olive Oil

Meal 6 - Protein Shake, 1 TBSP Almond Butter

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Further complete rest; 13.4 going down tomorrow.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 10 Almonds, 1/2 Peach

Meal 2 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, 30 Cashews

Meal 3 - Protein Bar (including 20g Carbs), 30 Cashews

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 5 - 2 Eggs, 30 Cashews, 1/2 Peach

Meal 6 - 6 oz Chicken, 10 Strawberries, 2 TBSP Almond Butter

Meal 7 - Protein Shake, 30 Cashews

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Complete rest.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g carbs), 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice

Meal 3 - 5 oz Chicken, 1 Peach, 30 Cashews, Fish Oil

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, 30 Cashews

Meal 5 - 6 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Pomegranate Seeds, 20 Almonds, 20 Macadamias

Meal 6 - Protein Shake, 30 Macadamias, 30 Raspberries

Meal 7 - 6 oz Chicken, 20 Macadamias, 20 Raspberries, 1 Banana

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


After 5 days on I feel beat up. I almost didn't train today, but I ended up getting in the gym and I'm glad I did. I was tired, training alone and generally sore as shit. I am also extremely stressed out about stuff entirely non-related to sport. It was good to get in the gym and blow off some steam, despite feeling the urge to lay down and take a nap; randomly added burpees to the warm-up in order to wake my self up.

Front Squat:
-Warm up:
EMOM 3M: 4 Burpees, 4 Front Squats (135#)
straight into...
EMOM 3M: 3 Burpees, 3 Front Squats (185#)
225# x 5
-Working Sets:
260# (70%) x 3
280# (75%) x 2
300# (80%) x 1
315# (90%) x 1

Back Squat:
2 Sets of Max Reps @ 315#
-Scored 5 reps each set

Rest 10 minutes then...

8 Thrusters (115#)
8 C2B Pull-ups
8 Over-the-bar Burpees

4 Rds + 2 Thrusters

Rest 20 minutes then...

6 x 330m Running intervals @ 2:00 minutes rest
-Didn't time the intervals, just the rest. Had a little bit of jello legs going on, but got the work done and tried to keep the intensity as high as possible.

Solid training day, definitely in a fatigued state. Squatting felt terribly heavy and the metcon ruined me. Great stuff. Excited to rest and hit the Open workout either Thursday or Friday depending on how my body feels. For now; lots of rest and food.

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Peach, 1/4 Cup Dried Coconut, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 2 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, 30 Cashews

Meal 3 (PWO) - Protein Shake, Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Carbs), 40g Dried Banana

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1/2 Cup Veggies, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, 30 Cashews

Meal 5 - 6 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Veggies, 3 Cups Lettuce, 1/4 Cup Cranberries, 1/4 Cup Walnuts, 1/4 Cup Arugula, Dash of Salad Dressing, 30 Cashews, Fish Oil

Meal 6 - Protein Shake

Monday, March 25, 2013


Today was a great training session. I felt a little weak, but this is my 4th day training in a row and I didn't really eat enough total calories or carbs prior to training later in the day. Nonetheless, gave it my all and had a decent session.

3 Rounds @ 3:00 Rest:
15 Kipping HSPU
15 C2B Pull-ups
-last round was 10/10, met failure on 11th rep of the HSPU, shoulders are smoked from the DB Snatching yesterday

For time:
30 Hang Cleans (225#)

-12:06. This was brutal, my body is just toasted. I was doing these slower than all the times when I've done the 2012 Regionals Event 2. I was doing singles and just wasn't feeling strong. This was one of the few workouts I've felt like just calling it a day and throwing in the towel. I obviously didn't let that happen and finished it, but I was about 5 minutes slower than I wanted to finish. I will be working more Hang Cleans in the future. Haven't been doing these enough.

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:
10 Clean and Jerk (205#)
30 T2B
10 Clean and Jerk (185#)
20 T2B
10 Clean and Jerk (155#)
10 T2B
-Athletes use 1 bar and must change own weights.

-14.19. This was a very challenging metcon. Big effort on this, felt much better than the first workout though. Glad I got this done.

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 Rounds @ 2:00 Rest:
8 Weighted GHD Extensions (45#)
-Max Reps Ring Dips: 11,11,10

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1/2 Apple, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 2 - 10 oz Chicken, 3 Cups Veggies, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, Fish Oil

Meal 3 - Protein Shake, 1/2 Apple, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 4 (PWO) - Protein Shake, Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Carbs)

Meal 5 - 6 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Dried Coconut

Meal 6 - 6 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1 Cup Veggies, 3 Cups Lettuce, 1/4 Cup Arugula, 1/4 Cup Walnuts, 1/4 Cup Cranberries, Dash of Salad Dressing, 1/4 Cup Dried Coconut

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I was considering doing 13.3. again, but I gave it a rest. My chest was just too sore and even if I was fresh I don't think I could have gotten many more reps. It was nice to relax and just train. I programmed my own session and it was extremely fun and challenging.

10 RFT:
5 Dead-lift (155#) 
4 Hang-Power Clean (155#) 
3 Front Squat (155#) 
200m Run 

-14.40. A year ago I did this as a 13 minute AMRAP and got 8 + 5 DL, I was happy with my score on 10 rounds. Everything was unbroken and fast, this was good running work. 

Rest 10 minutes then...

KBS (2 pood)

-4.49. This was really rough on the grip after the above WOD, really liked this couplet though. 

Rest 20 minutes then... 

EMOM 10:
-6 Dumbbell Snatch (100#), alternating 

-I've been wanting to mess around with this movement/weight for a while. I haven't touched a 100# dumbbell since Regionals. I've improved my strength so much that I can touch-and-go theses with ease. I feel much stronger. It's great to be able to man-handle this weight like it's nothing when less than a year ago this was an extremely intimidating and challenging movement. Great session in the gym.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1/2 Cup Blueberries, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 1 Apple

Meal 3 (cheat meal) - 3 Eggs, a ton of bacon/sausage/potatoes/cheese in a huge skillet, 2 Pancakes, Maple Syrup, Butter

Meal 4 - 8 oz Chicken, 3 Cups Veggies, 2 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 5 - Protein Shake, 1/4 Cup Blue Berries, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil 

Saturday, March 23, 2013


I felt really good today, fun conditioning session.

-1 Mile run to gym

On a 28:00 Clock, 2 Minute Intervals, with a partner:
5 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
-Remaining time Max Cal Row
(rest for partner's set)

30,30,27,27,27,27,28 Cals.

-1 Mile run home

Great session in gym, everything felt great. Lungs feel awesome.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 20 Cashews

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 1 Apple

Meal 3 - 8 oz Chicken, 4 Slices Bacon, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice, 1/2 Cup Veggies, 20 Cashews

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 1 Protein Bar (including 36g Carbs), 6 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 5 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 6 - Protein Shake, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Friday, March 22, 2013


I hit 13.3 today, I got the same exact score as last year. I was a little disappointed with this, but it's still a decent score. Might redo it on Sunday, not sure yet.

150 Wall-ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

-20 Muscle-ups (260) / 7:31

Rest 15 minutes then....

Bench Press
5,4,3,2,1,1,1 - 185, 185, 195, 205, 225, 240, 250#

3 Rounds @ 1 Minute Rest:
-Max Reps at 95# Bench Press while partner completes 15 Push-ups with hands on a medicine ball, then switch with partner
-Score 19 reps each round + 15 push-ups

Incline DB Flies (2 x 35# DB)
3 x 10

Flat Bench w/ KB (banded)
10, 5, 5 - 2 x 35#, 2 x 53# for 3 sets

Rest 15 minutes then...

For time:
Dead-lift (225#)
Strict Pull-ups
-330m Run after each round

21.49. Really tough workout. Was racing a guy who was doing the same workout with kipping pull-ups. Great training, really fun workout. Really reminded me how much I love running! I was able to catch him and out-kick him at the end. Overall a really solid and fun day of training.

Meal 1 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 - Protein Shake, 1/4 Cup Blueberries, 20 Cashews

Meal 3 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1 Apple, Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Protein)

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 5 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Protein Bar (including 36g Protein)

Meal 6 - 4 Eggs, 30 Cashews

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Further complete rest. I feel much more recovered than yesterday. Stoked for 13.3 tomorrow.

Meal 1 - 3 Eggs, 1/2 Cup Potatoes, 1/2 Cup Fruit, ~6 oz Chicken Chorizo, 1/2 Cup Cheese, 2 Cups Veggies

Meal 2 - Protein Bar (including 35g Carbs), 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 3 (cheat meal) -  6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, 2 of Grandma's Cookies

Meal 4 - (cheat meal) -  8 oz Steak, 2 Cups Veggies, 2 of Grandma's Cookies

Meal 5 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Much needed complete rest.

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 - 8 oz Steak, 3 Cups Mushrooms, 2 TBSP Olive Oil, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, 8 Strawberries, Fish Oil

Meal 3 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 4 - 8 oz Steak, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Cup Curry, 1/2 Cup Grape Fruit Juice, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 5 - 4 Eggs, 30 Almonds, 8 Strawberries, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 6 - Protein Shake, 20 Almonds, 6 Strawberries, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


3 Rounds @ 3:00 Rest
50 Double-unders
8 Muscle-ups (unbroken)
10 KB Push-Press (2 x 53#) (unbroken)
-This felt awesome, my previous PR for consecutive muscle-ups was 7, I hit 8 for all three sets!

On a 15:00 Clock, work up to a Heavy Single Power Clean
-Singles: 235, 255, 265, 270# - this felt heavy, my PR is 285, called it at 270# today.
-This was supposed to be max CJ, but my elbow was not feeling the heavy overhead.

Clean and Jerk:
:30 -max reps at 155#
:90 rest
:30 -max reps at 170#
:90 rest
:30 -max reps at 185#


Rest 5 minutes then...

10 C2B Pull-ups
20 Wall-ball

4 Rds + 15 WB

Rest 5 minutes then...

3 Rounds @ 3:00 minutes rest:
500m Row
20 T2B (unbroken)
-Didn't time the rounds, just the rest. T2B felt really good. I was fatigued on the row, felt really slow, hit 1:45 for each interval.

Overall a very solid day of training. Stoked about my PR on the muscle-ups. My gymnastics skills are really coming along!

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Carbs)

Meal 3 - Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Carbs)

Meal 4 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Veggies, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 5 - 5 oz Chicken, 3 Eggs, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1/2 Cup Veggies, 1 Peach, 40 Cashews

Meal 6 - Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Carbs)

Meal 7 - Protein Shake, 30 Cashews

Snack - 30 Cashews, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, 5 Strawberries

Monday, March 18, 2013


Today was a very humbling day. Skill work is coming along very well, but the metcon today crushed my body. I was exhausted from yesterday, but still gave it my all.

2 Rounds at 3:00 rest:
2 Deficit HSPU (2 45# + 1 25# bumper to 1 ab mat)
2 Deficit HSPU (2 45# bumper to 1 ab mat)
2 HSPU (1 45# bumper to 1 ab mat)
15 Butterfly Pull-up
:30 L-sit hold accumulated (went 10 on/10off for a minute)

2 Rounds at 3:00 rest:
7 Strict HSPU
14 C2B Pull-up
:30 L-sit hold accumulated (went 10 on/10off for a minute)

Back Squat
135 x 10 x 2 (2 second pause in bottom)
225 x 6 x 2
Working Sets:
EMOM 10 minute: 1 Rep @ 315# (80%)


5 x 5 @ 275# (70%) at 3:00 minutes rest

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 Rounds for time:
5 Bar Muscle-ups
7 Snatch (155#)
9 Overhead Squats (155#)

16.04. This workout kicked my ass. Even the first set of bar muscle-ups took me a minute, I'm spent from yesterday. I went unbroken on the first set of OHS and this screwed my time for the second round, I failed my first MU because my shoulders were so fatigued. After that failed rep I just sent the game plan out the window and went through the workout. This was a very humbling and extremely challenging workout. Great programming! This was a great training session, excited to get after it tomorrow!

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1 Peach, 10 Almonds

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water

Meal 3 (cheat meal) - 3 Eggs, tons of bacon/sausage/potatoes/cheese, 2 pancakes with butter and maple syrup

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, Paleo Protein Bar (including 34g Carbs)

Meal 5  - 6 oz Chicken, 4 Cups Diced Veggies, 2 TBSP Olive Oil, 1/2 Cup Curry, 30 Cashews, Fish Oil

Meal 6 - Protein Shake, 20 Cashews

Snack - 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Today was kind of a dumb day, but such is life.

Workout 1 (1030) 

5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
10 Dead-lift (115#)
15 Box Jumps (24")

10 rounds + 13 reps (313)

-I did all the bar movements unbroken, my box jumps were just kind of slow. I only missed 1 rep on the  box jumps this time. I improved my score, but I really wanted 11 rounds. My legs/calves were surprisingly still shot from hitting this workout Thursday.

Workout 2 (1:30) 

5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
10 Dead-lift (115#)
15 Box Jumps (24")

10 rounds + 4 reps (309)

-Everyone in my gym was doing this workout with step-ups and improving their score. I decided to give it a shot. I felt much less fatigued afterward doing step-ups. I probably would have gotten my goal of 11 rounds had I just done step-ups the first time this morning. I still got all the bar stuff unbroken, my rounds around 8 and 9 just suffered a bit. Overall a kind of stupid decision, but I was hungry to improve. Interested to see where I land, hopefully still within the top 60! Stoked to train tomorrow!

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water

Meal 3 - Paleo Protein Bar (Including 34g Carbs)

Meal 4  (PWO) - Paleo Protein Bar (Including 34g Carbs)

Meal 5 - 10 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 6 - 4 Eggs, 1 Cup Pomegranate Seeds, 40 Cashews

Meal 7 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 3 Cups Lettuce, 1/2 Cup Veggies, 1/4 Cup Cranberries, 1/4 Cup Arugula, 1/4 Cup Walnuts, 1/4 Cup Salad Dressing, 40 Cashews

Meal 8- Protein Shake, 1 Peach, 40 Cashews

Meal 9 - 5 oz Chicken, 1 Peach, 40 Cashews

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Complete rest. I have extreme DOMS in my calves; not excited about having to perform tomorrow.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 - 8 oz Steak, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 20 Cashews

Meal 3 - 5 Eggs, 5 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Veggies, 1 Cup Blue Berries, 2 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 4 - 8 oz Steak, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Apple, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, 30 Almonds

Meal 5 - Protein Shake, 1/2 Apple, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, 20 Almonds

Friday, March 15, 2013


Today was a great workout. Did a chest workout. It was the most painful thing I've put on my chest in a long time. Great stuff. My ability to press is my biggest athletic deficiency, going to be hitting it every Friday from now on.

-Easy 1 Mile run to gym

Flat Bench
135# x 10 x 2

Working Sets:
185# x 3 x 3  (3 second pause at bottom, release grip from barbell)
-Rest is partner's set  + 60 seconds

3 Sets: 12 Push-ups onto KB - narrow, medium, wide grip
-Rest is partner's set

175# x 5 x 3
-Rest is partner's set  + 60 seconds

1 Set: 12 Push-ups with feet on bench

DB Incline Bench:
50# x 10
70# x 9
70# x 6
-Rest is partner's set  + 60 seconds

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 Rounds:
500m Row
12 C2B Pull-ups
24 HR Push-ups
2 Minutes Rest

-Didn't time the workout, just the rest intervals. Went hard, C2B pull-ups are feeling decent. HR push-ups were tough after all the bench pressing. Fun day in the gym, some of those bench sets were crazy hard. Excited to rest and hit 13.2 on Sunday morning. I'm going to crush it!

-Easy 1 Mile run home

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 - 4 Eggs, 4 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Veggies, 1 Cup Blueberry, 30 Cashews

Meal 3 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 5 - 8 oz Steak, 3 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 40 Cashews

Meal 6 - Protein Shake, 2 TBSP Coconut Oil, 20 Cashews

Snack - 20 Cashews

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I gave 13.2 a run through today. I have a little bit of a weird feeling about my run through. This is the first time EVER in my life that after the workout ended I felt like I hadn't gone hard enough. It's the worst feeling ever! I was just trying to pace the workout too much and didn't open up enough toward the end. I also missed between 20-30 box jumps. THIS IS HUGE. I would have had 11 rounds and extra reps had I not missed these reps. My legs are fatigued and I just wasn't emphasizing my hips opening on top of the box. This was stupid and I got a little caught up in the moment and my failures kind of built on each other. I was proud of myself for having fast transitions and never dropping the bar. In retrospect I also paced the dead-lifts a little too much. I should have gone faster on them. My back was 'pumped' and extremely tight was simply warming up, definitely from that triple at 425# two days ago. I just went too slow. I've got my splits written out and a new game plan. I'll get 11+ rounds on my second run through, I know the fitness is there, just got to stick to my plan.

5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115#)
10 Dead-lifts (115#)
15 Box Jumps (24")

9 rounds + 22 box reps = 292.

Rest 10 minutes then...

8 Sets @ 60 seconds rest:
7 Dead-hang Pull-ups (alternating under/over grip each set)

Rest 5 minutes then...

6 Sets @ 3:00 minutes rest:
330m Run

-Didn't time the intervals, just the rest in between. Went for quality movement and intensity. I felt pretty good on my feet. I'm excited to hit 13.2 again on Sunday. New game plan and I know how this workout feels, I'm know I can crush it and place well on this WOD.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1/2 Apple, 9 Almonds

Meal 2 - 8 oz Chicken, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 10 Almonds, 20 Cashews

Snack - 30 Cashews

Meal 4 - 4 Eggs, 4 Cups Lettuce, 1/4 Cup Cranberries, 1/4 Cup Walnuts, 1/4 Cup Arugula, 1/4 Cup Salad Dressing, 20 Cashews

Meal 5 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Apple

Meal 6 - 5 Eggs, 4 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Almond Milk

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Complete rest. Body is smoked.

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 15 Almonds, 15 Cashews

Meal 3 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, Fish Oil

Meal 5 - Protein Shake, 1 Cup Almond Milk (unflavored), 20 Cashews

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 10 Almonds, 20 Cashews

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I was sore throughout my body today, but once I got warm I felt decent on everything.

-Easy 1 Mile run to gym

3 Rounds @ 3:00 minutes rest:
5 Deficit HSPU (2 45# bumber plates on each side to 1 abmat)
50 Double-unders
-I've never been able to deficit HSPU, randomly able to hit unbroken sets of 5. Stoked that these are finally getting better!

135 x 10 x 2
225 x 10 x 1
315 x 5 x 1
Working Sets:
65% x 5 (325#)
75% x 4 (375#)
85% x 3 (425#)
-These felt like money. I love lifting heavy.

Rest 5 minutes then...

3 Rounds for time:
10 Dead-lifts (275#)

Rest 3 minutes then...

3 Rounds for time:
20 KB Swings (2 pood)
20 Ring Dips

12.08 on the first metcon, didn't get the time on the second one because the clock stopped at 20 minutes. I went as hard as possible, but the ring dips were brutal after the HSPU. I was on a solid pace for the HSPUs until the last round. I got to the last set of 20 at 6:30; almost half my time on this WOD was the last set of 20 HSPUs. Had to go doubles and then singles for last six reps. Lots of staring at the wall. But I was happy that I did deficit HSPUs for the first time ever today, and paced the first 40 correctly. 10/5/5 and 5/5/4/3/3 with very short breaks on the first two sets.

Overall a solid session. Excited to see 13.2.

-Easy 1.5 Mile run back home.

Meal 1 - 7 oz Chicken, 15 Almonds, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 1/4 Cup Blue Berries

Meal 2 - 5 oz Chicken, 2 Eggs, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 3 - Protein Shake, 1/4 Cup Blue Berries, 15 Almonds, 15 Cashews

Meal 4 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, Arugula, 1/4 Cup Cranberries, 1/4 Cup Walnuts, 4 Cups Lettuce, Dash of Salad Dressing, 20 Almonds, 20 Cashews, Fish Oil

Meal 5 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Cup White Grapefruit Juice

Meal 6 - 3 oz Chicken, 3 Eggs, 1 Banana, 1/4 Cup Blueberries, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, Vitamin

Snack - 20 Cashews, 10 Almonds

Monday, March 11, 2013


I felt really good on the metcon, but felt a little tired on the lifting. C2B pull-ups are feeling more solid. My T2B feel better than they ever have, I don't even know why, I haven't been training them that often. Overall a solid session. I was a little discouraged today, my elbow hurt a little bit while jerking. This is the first time it has hurt since January. I think my effort at 13.1 just put a little bit of exaggerated stress on it. I'm really hoping it goes away, icing it as I write this.

Death by Dead-hang Pull-ups:
9 rounds, faith 7th rep of 10th minute

3 Rounds @ 3 Minutes Rest:
5 Muscle-ups (unbroken)
10 KB Push-Press (2 x 44,53,62# - increase weight each set - unbroken)
12 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups (unbroken)

Clean and Jerk - Heavy Single
-Worked up to 225#, felt really easy, but didn't keep going because of elbow pain. Frustrating. I'm not going to mess with it at all.

EMOM 10 Minutes:
2 Squat Cleans (245#) - this is 78% of my 1 RM, didn't go off percentage, just went off feel (considered going up if it felt too easy after 5 minutes) and this was tough.

Back Squat
Warm Up:
10 x 135, 185, 225#
Working Sets:
3,3,3 @ 275, 325, 325#

Rest 5 minutes then..

20 Wall-ball
10 Toe-to-bar

6 rds + 5 T2b. Felt solid. Had to break up the last two sets of wall ball 13/7 and 10/10.

Meal 1 - 5 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 15 Almonds

Meal 2 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, Fish Oil

Meal 3 - Protein Shake, 12 Almonds, 1 Peach

Meal 4 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Apple

Meal 5 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Bacon Strips, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Peach, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 30 Cashews

Meal 6 - 6 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies, 15 Cashews, 15 Almonds

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Days like to today remind me why I love Crossfit so much. I love improving myself. I love giving absolute and focused effort to improve myself. I created a game-plan, stuck to it and crushed my prior time. Sitting with 173 reps feels a lot better than 159.

On Wednesday I did the workout about 10 minutes after it was announced. I didn't talk to anyone or create any strategy. I just wanted to see how it felt. I sprinted out of the gate and died on the set of 135#. Today I paced everything and put out a consistent performance. I did 6 reps in the last 30 seconds, there was more there! Watching the video I have of this, I think I could realistically get 190 reps. I should have gone faster between my singles at 165#. If I would have started going harder with about 2 minutes left a score of 180-190 would have been realistic.

I'm happy with my performance. I was excited to step up and execute my plan and improve myself. On to next week...


(AM Workout - 1045) 
-13.1 - 173 reps.

(PM Workout - 2100) 
-About 4 miles of running, just under 30 minutes. There was a bunch of ice around Chicago this evening, slowed me down a bit. If I didn't have military training coming up this summer I would not be out here running. It was a nice run overall though, distance running is great.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1 Banana, 10 Almonds, 10 Cashews

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water

Meal 3 (Cheat Meal) - 3 Eggs, a ton of bacon/sausage/potatoes/cheese in a huge skillet, 2 Pancakes, Maple Syrup, Butter

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Slices Bacon, 2 1/2 Cups Veggies, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Peach

Meal 5 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 1/2 Cup White Grape Juice, 1 Cup Pomegranate Seeds

Meal 6 - 7.5 oz Chicken, 15 Almonds, 15 Cashews

Snack - 20 Cashews

Random thoughts on the Open:

 There is this big uproar about people doing Open workouts multiple times and that at the Regionals/Games you won’t have that opportunity.  If HQ wanted the Open workouts to be done once they would give a 24-hour submission window; they don’t do that. It is in almost everyone’s interest to do these workouts multiple times. The Open and Regionals are two different games with separate rules and goals. With the heightened level of competition each year and the implementation of tiebreakers within Open workouts, it is worth doing each Open workout twice regardless of who you are. The field of athletes is getting to a level that almost no one is a “shoe-in” for Regionals. Just using an Open workout as another training workout is a dose of overconfidence in most situations. The game is changing; people from all walks of life and athletic backgrounds are becoming involved in this sport. To assert you are going to make it just because you have in the past or because ‘you’re just that great’ doesn’t apply to 99.9 percent of people (including some former Games level athletes). 

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Further complete rest. I haven't taken two days off in a row in a long time. I feel my body needs it.

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Slices Bacon, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice, 2 1/2 Cups Veggies, 30 Cashews

Meal 3 - 5 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Veggies, 1 Cup Blueberries, 10 Almonds, 20 Cashews, Fish Oil

Meal 4 - 3 Eggs, 1/4 Cup Blue Berries, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, 10 Almonds, 20 Cashews

Meal 5 - Protein Shake, 30 Cashews

Friday, March 8, 2013


Complete Rest.

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/4 Cup Diced Veggies, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, Fish Oil

Meal 2 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/4 Cup Diced Veggies, 1/2 Cup Brown Rice, 15 Almonds, 15 Cashews

Meal 3 - 6 oz Chicken, 15 Almonds, 40 Cashews, 1 Cup Blueberries

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 2 Cups Veggies, 6 Strawberries, 2 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 5 - 4 Eggs, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Shorter session today. After yesterday I was surprised to be most sore in my lats and tight in my hamstrings, but that was it. I actually feel more recovered in my posterior chain/hips/shoulders/traps than I did going into the workout yesterday.

3 Sets @ 3:00 minutes rest
12 Strict Pull-ups
12 Kipping HSPU

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 Rounds for time:
15 Pull-ups
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead (95#)
25 HR Push-ups
-Rest 2 minutes

8.00 - 4.00 rest = 4.00 total time. Everything unbroken, HR push-ups were a little slow on the last set.

Rest 5 minutes then...

6 x 500m Row @ 3:00 rest

1:35. 1:40. 1:43. 1:44. 1:42. 1:40.
-Kept it around 90% intensity, went for consistency.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 9 Almonds, 1/4 Cup Blueberries, Fish Oil

Meal 2 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 3 - 8 oz Steak, 2 Cups Mushrooms, 30 Cashews

Meal 4 - Protein Shake, 10 Almonds, 10 Cashews

Meal 5 - 2 Eggs, 2 oz Chicken, 30 Cashews, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, 5 Strawberries

Meal 6 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water

Meal 7 - 10 oz Steak, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Mushrooms, 1/2 Cup Diced Onions, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil, Vitamin

Snack - 30 Cashews

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


The environment in the gym tonight was awesome! A bunch of people got together and we had a good crowd for this workout. My body was pretty smoked from the ME back squats and heavy snatching on Monday. I definitely didn’t feel 100% and I was happy with my performance considering how fatigued I am. I didn’t really have a plan and in retrospect I went out way too hard. I gassed myself on the set of 30 burpees just going 100% fast. I should have gone significantly slower. I was extremely fatigued for the set of 135# snatches and it just took too long. The bulk of this workout felt like 135# snatches. The set of 20 burpees was slow, but methodical. I got to the 165# with 2 minutes left and scored 9 reps. These reps felt solid and I know I can get more reps if I pace this correctly; my score was 159 reps.

I just wanted to have fun with this, get caught up in the moment and see how it felt to my body. I have a game plan and a new goal of 170 reps.

This is a smart workout and very taxing, it’s great stuff. 

40 Burpees
30 Snatch (75#)
30 Burpees
30 Snatch (135#)
20 Burpees
30 Snatch(165#)
10 Burpees
30 Snatch (210#)

-159 reps (9 snatches at 165#)

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 18 Almonds, 3 Cups Veggies, Fish Oil

Meal 2 - Protein Shake, 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 3 - 8 oz Steak, 15 Almonds, 2 Cups Mushrooms, 1/2 Cup Blue Berries

Meal 4 - Protein Shake, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 5 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Cup Blue Berries

Meal 6 - 8 oz Chicken, 2 Eggs, 1 Peach, 1/2 Cup White Grape Fruit Juice, 1/4 Cup Sweet Potatoes, 1/4 Cup Quinoa, 1 Cup Lettuce

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Shorter session today; going to hit the first Open workout tomorrow night when it's announced.

6 Intervals:
1:00 @ 100%
2:00 @ 50%

-Didn't calculate anything, just went for quality intensity. I love the pain that overcomes my legs about 40 seconds into these intervals, it is unrivaled in its intensity. Stoked for tomorrow.

Meal 1 - 7.5 oz Chicken, 21 Almonds, 1 Peach

Meal 2 - Protein Shake, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Almond Butter

Meal 3 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 1/2 Cup Diced Veggies

Meal 4 (PWO) - 7.5 oz Chicken, 1/2 Cup White Grape Juice, 1/4 Cup Blueberries

Meal 5 - 4 Eggs, 2 Slices Bacon, 2 Cups Diced Veggies, 2 Cups Lettuce, 1/4 Cup Cranberries, dash of salad dressing, Fish Oil

Snack - 1 TBSP Coconut Oil

Meal 6 - 5 oz Chicken, 5 Strawberries

Monday, March 4, 2013


My shoulders were not feeling 100% today, still a little fatigued. But my squats felt the best they have since I had the flu a while back. I'm finally getting used to squatting heavy again. Also my butterfly pull-ups/lungs feel legit. Excited for the Open!

3 Rounds, rest is partner's set:
12 Dead-hang Pull-ups
12 Overhead Squats (45#)
12 GHD Sit-ups

4 Sets:
Hang Snatch + Snatch
155#, 175#, 175#, 185# (fail - got the hang snatch, missed the snatch)

4 Sets:
Snatch Singles
185#, 190#, 195#(f), 200# (f) - shoulders just not feeling that

Rest 5 minutes then...

5 Snatch (115#)
20 Double-unders

Rest 6 minutes then...

9 Pull-ups
12 HR Push-ups
15 Box Jumps (24")

3 Rounds + 8 HSPU - HSPUs felt rough today.
5 Rounds + 2 HR Push-ups - Everything unbroken and at 100% - feeling solid.

Rest 10 minutes then...

Back Squat:
275# x 5
295# x 3
325# x 2
345# x 1
345# x 1
Max Unbroken Reps at 300# = 14 reps. This is a PR. I felt really strong. My back squat is starting to feel "good" again. I love lifting weights, this was a pretty fun day in the gym.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 9 Almonds

Meal 2 - 5 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Almond Butter

Meal 3 - Protein Shake, 9 Almonds, 1/2 Apple

Meal 4 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Apple

Meal 5 - 5 oz Chicken, 2 Slices Bacon, 3/4 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Peach

Meal 6 - 7.5 oz Chicken, 2 Cups Lettuce, Arugula, 6 Tomatoes, Dash of Salad Dressing, 1 Cup Pomegranate Seeds, 2 TBSP Almond Butter

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Complete rest.

Meal 1 - 6 oz Chicken, 15 Almonds, Fish Oil

Meal 2 - 6 oz Chicken, 15 Almonds, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 3 - 8 oz Steak, 2 Cups Veggies, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 4 - 4 Eggs, 15 Almonds, 1/2 cup Blueberries, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 5 - 10 oz Chicken, 2 Cups Veggies, 1/2 cup Blueberries

Meal 6 - Protein Bar (including 30g Carbohydrate) 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 7 - 4 Eggs, 4 Slices Bacon, 1 Apple

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Felt a little tired when I got in the gym, but once I got warm I felt good. Training alone blows, I was not excited when I started doing this shit, glad I got the work done though.

-1 Mile easy run to gym

2 Rounds of unbroken sets, NFT:
4 Bar Muscle-ups
12 Burpees
12 Toes-to-bar


On a 30:00 minute clock:

For time:
20 Thrusters (95#)
5 Muscle-ups
15 Thrusters (95#)
4 Muscle-ups
10 Thrusters (95#)
3 Muscle-ups
5 Thrusters (95#0
2 Muscle-ups


At 10:00...

3 RFT:
10 Hang Power Snatch (95#)
20 C2B Pull-ups


At 20:00...

3 RFT:
10 Push-Press (95#)
20 Lunges (95#) - back racked


Rest 20 minutes then...

-1 Mile run back home, started off really easy and eased into a moderate pace. I was surprised how great my legs felt.

I looked up my times compared to the top Invictus guys. My C2B pull-ups suck. And those lunges rocked me. I never do lunges, I should do those more often. Kind of a rough day of training. I haven't felt 100% the last few days.

Meal 1 - Protein Shake, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 2 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Cup Grape Fruit Juice

Meal 3 - 8 oz Steak, 2 Cups Veggies, 2 Bananas, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Snack - 75 Cashews

Meal 4 - 10 oz Chicken, 2 Slices Bacon, 1 Cup Veggies, 1 Cup Brown Rice

Meal 5 - 2 Protein Bars (including 30g Carbs each), 4 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 6 - 10 oz Chicken, 2 Slices Bacon, 1 Cup Veggies, 1 Cup Brown Rice, 1/4 Cup Blueberries

Friday, March 1, 2013


Well it's March 1st. This month is my fifth year of Crossfit. I've come a long way; it's gone by really fast. Excited to continue this journey. Anyway, today was a lower volume session. I think this was a good thing, this has been a tough week and tomorrow is going to be tough.

Front Squat
135 x 10 x 2
225 x 6 x 1
245 x 5 x 2
Working Sets:
Singles: 275, 275, 315, 315#
1 Single @ 275#

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:
5 Cleans (245#)
20 Burpees-over-bar
10 Cleans (195#)
15 Burpees-over-bar
15 Cleans (145#)
10 Burpees-over-bar
20 Cleans (95#)
5 Burpees-over-bar

8.28. Power cleaned every rep, only did singles for the 245#, no rest between reps. Solid metcon, tough on the hips and lungs. Shorter session, but quality intensity. Excited to train tomorrow!

Meal 1 - 4 Eggs, 3 Slices Bacon, 1 Apple, Fish Oil

Meal 2 - Protein Bar (including 16g carbohydrate), 2 TBSP Almond Butter

Meal 3 (PWO) - Protein Shake, 16 oz Coconut Water, 1/2 Apple

Meal 4 - 6 oz Chicken, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, Vitamin

Meal 5 - 10 oz Steak, 3 Cups Veggies, 30 Cashews

Meal 6 - 6 oz Chicken, 3 Eggs, 1 Banana, 4 TBSP Peanut Butter, 2 Cups Lettuce, 1/4 Cup Mixed Cranberries and Walnuts, Dash of Salad Dressing, 30 Cashews

Meal 7 - 3 oz Chicken, 8 Strawberries, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter

Meal 8 - 3 Eggs, 1 Banana, 2 TBSP Peanut Butter, 30 Cashews

-Appetite was out of control today, I just went with it and ate a ton in hopes of recovering.