Monday, January 19, 2015


Today was the first competition I've done since September. It was a male/female competition that I did with my girlfriend. I had a great time, I really liked 3 of the 4 workouts and really enjoyed the day. Also, the competition didn't really beat up my body much, so I was happy I was able to train hard the following day. My goal going into this competition was to make it to the finals (top 6 of 39 teams). We achieved this goal and I was really proud of us for our efforts today, with an overall finish of 4th place. Also, I handstand walked in a competition for the first time ever today ... not my favorite thing in the world, but was able to at least do it, even if very poorly. Anyway, the day went like this: 

Event 1 (0900) 

6 Rounds for Time (partners alternating movements):
10 T2B
10 Box-Jumps overs (24/20")

-11th place in this event ... had a few no reps between both of us on these HSPU ... but overall was happy with both of our efforts. This was a really dumb workout, the separation from first place to 20th was on a matter of seconds which came down to no-reps and just strictness regarding HSPUs and feet touching the walls at the top of reps ... lots of differences in strictness of the judging here. But 11th wasn't too bad.

Event 2 (1100) 

For time (can break up reps anyway):
50 Calorie Row
50 Thrusters (115/85#)
50 C2B Pull-ups
50 Snatches (115/85#)
15 Rope Climbs

-3rd place in this event. Was a very fun chipper, I felt fit on pretty much everything, was really happy with my effort and my partner's effort. The snatches were by far the toughest part, I was just gassed out hard. This was a great test of fitness and was just plain fun.

Event 3 (1330) 

5 Minute Clock:
Max Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk

-4th place in this event ... Opened up at 275#, then hit 295# fairly easily ... missed the hang clean on 305#. I wasn't able to secure a solid hook grip for the hang clean and it came out of my hands. This was a really frustrating / stupid mistake. I was happy with my effort though, 295# is a pretty solid number for the third event of the day. This is a PR for this complex. 295# was a tie (with one of my training partners) for the biggest male lift of the day.

Event 4 (1545) 

For time:
45' Overhead Walking Lunge (45/25# plate) - both partners
35 Dead-lifts (315#)*
20 Muscle-ups
50 Wall-balls (20#)
40 Overhead Squats (135#)
30 Burpees onto plate
45' Handstand Walk - both partners

-This workout was the final event, only the top 6 teams went into this event. We were sitting in 4th of 39 teams going into the final. We took 4th in this event for a finish at 4th place. We were supposed to alternate the reps every 5 for everything, but my partner was injured and couldn't deadlift. So mid-workout I talked to the judges and we took a DNF for the event, but I did the 30 dead-lifts (my judge miscounted and I did 35 deadlifts at 315# myself in about 2 minutes). Other than the dead-lifts, we did everything prescribed in the standards of the workout and finished it in 4th place. Obviously if my partner wasn't injured we could have placed better, but it is what it is. Overall I had an awesome day with some of my favorite people; what crossfit is all about! 

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