Friday, December 15, 2017


Today was a really great workout... I have had one hell of a week at work. The fucking CFT getting delayed really fucked up my workouts... that aside, I have had a lot of stress / very little free time ... we had some mandatory training this week on top of all the regular work I have and I have a trial on Monday ... it has ended up being one shitty week. I was happy to get into the gym today and at least I felt very good on everything, despite not training all week.

“Muscle-Up Volume Testing”
For max reps:
90 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
30 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Note reps achieved for each set.

-18 (unbroken - PR) ... 5/3 ... 5/1 ... went for a max set, have never done 18 unbroken before, I think my previous PR was 16 from September 2014. Overall extremely happy with this.... looking to hit 20 reps soon. 

On a 20:00 clock:
Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Snatch x 2 reps @75% (185#) (not TnG)

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Work up to a 1 RM for the day

-Doubles @ 75% felt great, no misses
-Singles = 210#, 220#, 230#, 235#, 240# ... all of these felt very good. Happy to hit these higher %s on the two minute

On a running clock:

Every 5 for 25 (5 sets for times) of:
500m Row
15 Strict HSPU
20 Ring Dips

Then at 40:00 begin...

For time:
50 KBS (53/35#)
30 Toes-to-Bar
15 DB Thrusters (50/30#)

-Result of C =
-15 Ring Dips (capped)
-10 Ring Dips (capped)
-0 Ring Dips (capped) ... I was hoping to at least get all the reps ... this is a really tough workout for me, but I was happy to get all 75 SHSPU, but I was getting time capped out on the last few 5 minute intervals. Overall great training for upper body pressing, was totally fried at the end of this.

-Result of D =
-4:13 ... unbroken KBS ... T2B were 7/7/7/5/4 ... unbroken thrusters. This was a really shitty sprint, but a fun finisher to the day. 

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