Friday, January 19, 2018


AM Workout (0530) 

Open Workout 15.5
Row (calories)
Thrusters (95/65#)

-7:22, unbroken ... this is a 2 second PR from 2015... but having said that, I am still very happy and proud of this time. Firstly, I have overcome a serious injury since then and I went through about a year's worth of Marine Corps training where I had no control over my diet, sleep or workouts. It is good to know that I am at least back to what I was capable of in 2015. Secondly, in 2015 when I went 7:24, I was dead afterward for about 30 minutes, today, I felt very recovered in a matter of minutes. I think I overpaced this workout a bit. The set of 27 went at about a 1400-1500 pace ... all the other sets were around an 1100 pace. I think I could have pushed this quite a bit more, as I wasn't very gassed at any point during this. I think if I did this again, I could easily go sub 7:00, if not closer to 6:30 in time. This is one of the only workouts that I have been legitimately scared to re-test. I was nervous prior to starting this because of how exceptionally painful I remember this workout being. I think that fear led me into overpacing and not pushing outside my comfort zone. Having said all that I would really be interested to re-test this yet again in the near future. I should have pushed the sets of 15/9 MUCH more. I think I will all-out sprint starting halfway through the set of 15 calories next time I re-test



PM Workout (1100) 

Had a client cancel on me at work, so I snuck off into the gym for some extra volume. Got in some solid conditioning and then just added in some bodybuilding accessory for fun. Haven't been doing this lately as my training has been geared toward the Open.

70 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35#)
60 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
50 Calorie Row
40 Strict HSPU

-23 Strict HSPU ... felt good here, nothing too crazy, but the HSPU were tough.

EMOM 10:
Min 1 = :40 Plank
Min 2 = 15 Hollow-Rocks

-Complete ... burner on the core.

3 Sets of:
DB Skull Crushers x 15
DB Tate Press x 15
DB Press x 15
Rest 2 minutes

-2 x 15# DB across ... rough on the triceps.

3 Sets of:
Cable Curl x 15 reps
Rest :60


3 Sets of:
Close-Grip Cable Push-Down x 10 reps
Close-Grip Cable Curl x 10 reps


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