Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Today was a solid workout... I was still a bit sore in my chest from Monday... but thankful there was very little benching today, got in everything, enjoyed myself, very fun training. 

Back Squat
3 sets x 5 reps @ 75% (305#) 
75% of your one rep max back squat.

Bench Press
3 sets x 2 reps @ 90% (245#) 
90% of your one rep max bench press.

Back Squat
2-3 sets x 10 reps
Lighter working sets. Lower the weight to a number that will have you reaching near failure at 10 reps.

-Complete, 2 x 10 at 245#
Sumo Deadlift
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-Complete, 2 x 10 at 225# 
Weighted Lunges
3 sets x 6-10 reps
Can be with dumbbells, kettlebells or a barbell on your front or back rack. 6-10 steps each leg.

-Complete, 3 x 6 (each leg) Front Rack BB Lunge with 135# 
Leg Press or Narrow Stance Back Squat
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Narrow stance back squats with parallel feet and raised heels. You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-Complete, 2 x 15 narrow stance back squat with raised heels to 1 35# bumper with 135# 
Banded Hamstring Curls
2 sets x 6-10 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range.

-Complete, 2 x 10 with 1 purple band 
Glute Ham Raises
2 sets x 12-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range. Add weight if necessary.

-Complete, partner GHR on the floor, 2 x 12 


3 Rounds

20 Sec Hollow Hold Flutter Kick

20 Sec Side Plank R

20 sec Hollow Hold Scissor Kick

20 Sec Side Plank Left

*40 Sec Rest between Rounds



3 sets for quality:

10 Alt Bird Dogs per Side

:30 Sec Front Tall Plank with Weight on Back -- add a

Plate to your back. AHAP!

*rest as needed between rounds

-Complete, used 35# plate 

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