Sunday, August 17, 2014


Today was an amazing experience; it made me remember why I love crossfit and why I originally got into this sport. I went to a competition at Crossfit Osnabruck in Germany. It was a well run competition with some legit athletes. It was a one-day competition, three events.

My goal going into the competition was to win at least one event (it was announced there was going to be a strength ladder, goal was to win that) and to get on the podium. 

Going into event three I was in 4th place... I needed to win the last event to hop into 3rd. I went out there and won. It was fucking legit. 

I achieved both my goals and really fought for my spot on the podium. I had to do some shit way outside my comfort zone and push myself mentally to places I usually wouldn't. This is why I love crossfit and have continued to do it for years, simply to push myself on a very personal level. Sometimes I forget about that when people hate on cross fit or I see stupid shit within the crossfit community. But I keep coming back to this stuff, it is just a very personal experience and journey that I love... Anyway, the day looked like this: 

Event 1 (1100) 

Dead-lift (225#)

-6:37 (PR by about 2 minutes). When they announced this event I was fucking pissed. I knew there was going to a girl WOD today... but this was the worst one that could possibly come up for me. I went as hard as I could and PRed though... a lot better than at the 2012 regional and I got time capped at 9 minutes during the set of 15 HSPUs. Progress is progress I guess... still wish I was sub 3 on this, someday! I'm glad I was able to go out there and push through this... once it was over I started to have fun again. 

Event 2 (1330) 

8 Minutes to establish: 1 RM Hang Snatch +  Snatch 

-I opened at 176#, then 198#, then 209#, then 220#. I power snatched both reps. My old 1 RM power snatch was 220#... so hitting it from the hang and then the ground was huge for me. I really fucking wanted to win this event. It took everything I had and 100% focus. This is the most I've felt like an athlete in a long time... battling for first place. It was fucking great. This was the most fun I've had doing crossfit in probably years. Such a great experience and I was happy to take an event win. 

Event 3 (1800) 

For time (12 minute cap): 
50 Box Jumps (24")
40 Double-unders
30 KBS (53#) 
20 Cleans (145#) 
10 C2B Pull-ups
20 Cleans (145#)
30 KBS (53#) 
40 Double-unders 
50 Box Jumps (24") 

-11:54. I was the only athlete to finish within the time cap. Next two guys got like 20 and 1 box jumps respectively. Lots of guys stuck in the final set of DU. I was really proud of myself for winning this event, I had to in order to get on the podium. I pushed it on the cleans so hard... very rarely can I push myself that hard. Workout was unbroken up to the cleans, then all singles. C2B unbroken. Second set of swings was 7/5/7/5/6. My grip was just fucked. I lost time here... but got the second set of DU unbroken and then got the last set of box jumps done with 6 seconds before the cap. This was just straight up crossfit... it fucking hurt. I pushed myself really hard, tried to go places I usually would not mentally. Great stuff. 

Took 3rd overall. Great day with great people from my gym in Germany. Really lucky to have this experience. 

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