Sunday, September 21, 2014


Today was overall a fun day, despite being somewhat disappointing. The first workout of the day just didn't go our way... We received an extreme amount of no-reps on burpees... sometimes for chest not touching the deck and others for apparently not opening the hips enough on the top of a plate... it was a ridiculous judge who wasn't allowing what other judges clearly were... but that is just how it goes sometimes. Other than that, I was really happy with our effort overall and the intensity we brought. One of my teammates (of a 3 person all male team) was a little too light/weak to handle some of the heavy barbell stuff. This left two of us doing all the heavy stuff and this just made it impossible for us to really perform as well as other teams. Having said all that, I was proud of my dudes, they are my training partners and haven't competed much. It was a good time overall.

The workouts were extremely complicated... not what you would traditionally see, they were cool. Will try to explain them as best I can...

Event 1 (0930) 


2 Rounds:

20 Burpees

Each member completes:
400m Run
1.0 Mile Airdyne
400m Row


20 Thrusters (95#)
15 Thrusters (115#)
10 Thrusters (155#)
5 Thrusters (185#)
Max Thrusters (205#)

-4 reps into 205#. This was disappointing. My training partner got 1 rep, then I got a triple and the clock stopped. We did probably 55-60 burpees because of the no reps... this completely fucked us for the workout. We had only a few seconds at 205#... I wish I could have had 60 seconds, could have potentially won the workout... whatever, shit happens. Was definitely upset after the clock stopped, but we got over it and tried our best in the next two events.

Workout 2 (1000-1230) 

This was basically 8 floater WODs that had to be completed in 2 and a half hours. They were not 'WODs' per-se, just small tests of fitness.

1. Max shuttle hopes in :60
2. Slack Line Walk
3. Max Height Wall-ball
4. Max Distance KB Throw (35#)
5. Max farmer's carry in :60
6. Max Overhead Hold (185#)
7. Max Dead-lift Hold (315#)
8. Max legless airdyne cals in :60

-I don't remember exactly the scores we did... but I think we moved up like 2 places on the leaderboard because of this stupid shit?

Workout 3 (1700) 

150 Wall-balls
-Every 50 wall-balls complete 5 rounds: 3 T2B, 2 Pull-up, 1 Bar MU
300 Double-unders
-Every 50 DU complete 5 burpees to  9'6" target
60 Dead-lifts (225#)
60 OHS (135#)
-Must alternate between dead-lifts and OHS every 20 reps (using same barbell)

**2000m one-arm row must be completed by the 20:00 mark.

We got 4 dead-lifts shy of 1 round. The top scores were right around 75 WB... Wanted to do better, but it just didn't happen. We were solid until we got to the barbell movements. There were only two of us that could actually do OHS... it was tough. I ended up doing 42 of the 60 OHS... one guy doing the bulk of the work like that just wasn't fast enough. Having said that, that was the hardest I've gone in a workout in an extremely long time. That shit just fucking hurt, it was good to mentally go there.

We didn't see exactly where we finished... there was a final workout where they took the top 7 of 23 teams. I think we were right around 11-12 place overall. Solid effort my guys, I was happy with my effort. Sometimes that is the draw-back of being on a team, you can't control the entirety of what the team is going to do or what they are capable of. But I was proud of my guys, they have gotten a lot better since I started working with them and I hope today will continue to motivate them to improve. Fun to compete every once in a while... but can't wait to get back to the grind of training on Monday!

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