Monday, April 30, 2018


Came off the plane from a very long travel day (Sacramento, Phoenix, DC) and went straight to the gym ... didn't feel great, but once I started going I felt okay... not ideal, but got it in. Excited for cleans and squats tomorrow.

Bench Press - 1 RM, then 80% of that 3x5 and 70% 2x10

-Worked up to 245# ... probably more there, but did this quickly with little warm-up and no spotter. Hit the sets of 5 with 195# and sets of 10 with 175#.

Narrow-Grip Weighted Dips
5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
Rest as needed

-53# for sets of 5
-63# for sets of 3 ... used a different dip station that was extremely narrow... ripped up my triceps a lot.

10 Sets of:
Incline DB Bench Press (try to go 5-10# heavier than week 1)
Rest :60
Strict Weighted Supinated Grip Pull-ups (25#) x 5
Rest :60

-Complete with 6 sets at 2 x 60# and then dropped it down to 55#s for the last 4 sets ... was only getting 8-9 reps on the last 5 sets for the pressing ... pull-ups felt pretty solid. Rest interval was aggressive and made this very challenging, fun stuff.

3 Super-Sets of:
Standing EZ Bar French Press (50#) x 10 reps
DB Skull Crushers (2 x 15#) x 15 reps
Rest :60

-Complete ... this also wrecked my triceps... excruciating.

3 Super-Sets of:
EZ Bar Skull Crushers (50#) x 10 Reps
EZ Bar Close Grip Bench Press (50#) x 10 reps
Rest :60

-Complete ... rough after all the above work.

100 Rope Push-Downs*
*Start at a weight you can hit for 20-25 reps, then once you go to failure, drop the weight down by one increment, complete reps until failure and repeat until you have achieved 100 rope push-downs

-Complete ... started at 50# and dropped down to 40/30/20/10# to finish it out. Always a good finisher

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